sdlc 瀑布式 生命周期_管理信息系统中的系统开发生命周期(SDLC)

sdlc 瀑布式 生命周期

系统开发生命周期(SDLC) (Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC))

SDLC stands for "Systems Development Life Cycle". SDLC refers to some steps/phases. As its name implies, if an expert develops a system through SDLC phases then the life of a developed system will be long.

SDLC代表“系统开发生命周期”SDLC是指某些步骤/阶段。 顾名思义,如果专家通过SDLC阶段开发系统,则开发系统的寿命将很长。

It's a common phenomenon that any organization who wants to create a new system like machine, tool, logical or physical system, they create the system in such a way so that it will have its long life. To create a new system with its long life, an expert member (system analyst) follows some phases, these phases are known as SDLC phases.

这是一个普遍现象,任何想要创建新系统(例如机器,工具,逻辑或物理系统)的组织都以这种方式创建系统,以使其使用寿命长。 为了创建一个使用寿命长的新系统,专家成员(系统分析师)将遵循某些阶段,这些阶段被称为SDLC阶段

The SDLC phases are as follows


  1. Problem identification


  2. Requirement analysis


  3. System design


  4. Implementation


  5. Testing


  6. Deployment


  7. Maintenance


Following figure shows the phases architecture of system development life cycle –



The detailed description of the SDLC phases is as follows –


1)问题识别 (1) Problem identification)

This is the first and initial phase of SDLC. In this phase, the analyst, identify the actual problem for which they want a solution or create a system. The main concern of this phase is to recognize the real problem, if the problem is significant then the solution will be useful otherwise the solution will not be fruitful or it will be useless. If the experts work on the unrealistic problem then the solution is a waste of time, efforts, costs, etc. So, the problem must be realistic. To identify the problem, the analyst pays more attention to it.

这是SDLC的第一个也是初始阶段 。 在此阶段,分析师将确定他们想要解决的实际问题或创建系统。 此阶段的主要关注点是识别实际问题,如果问题很严重,则该解决方案将很有用,否则该解决方案将不会有成果或无用。 如果专家研究不切实际的问题,那么解决方案就是浪费时间,精力,成本等。因此,问题必须是切合实际的。 为了找出问题,分析人员会更加注意它。

2)需求分析 (2) Requirement analysis)

After getting the problem identification, the next step is to work on requirement analysis. In requirement gathering, the analyst thinks about the solution to a problem. The requirement analysis is a detailed analysis which includes the answer to different questions like –

确定问题后,下一步就是进行需求分析。 在需求收集中,分析人员考虑问题的解决方案。 需求分析是一项详尽的分析,其中包括对不同问题的答案,例如–

  • What is the problem?


  • What is the solution?


  • Is solution feasible?


  • How much time required solving the problem?


  • How it will be resolved?


  • How many resources will be required?


  • Do we have sufficient resources to solve the problem?


  • What kind of environment required by solution?


These are the few key questions for which an analyst finds real solutions. It shows the proper planning to get all solutions in our hands before solving the actual problem. Without proper planning or without knowing the actual problem to work upon its solution or implement a system always fails.

这些是分析师找到真正解决方案的几个关键问题。 它显示了解决实际问题之前将所有解决方案掌握在我们手中的适当计划。 如果没有适当的计划或不知道要解决其解决方案或实施系统的实际问题,总是会失败。

3)系统设计 (3) System design)

System design is a blueprint of the solution. It is similar to before making a car the designers make a sketch of the car and then connect all parts of the car according to its predefined design.

系统设计是解决方案的蓝图。 这类似于在制造汽车之前,设计师先对汽车进行草图绘制,然后根据其预定义的设计连接汽车的所有零件。

The process follows the steps i.e. first creates logical design and gets design confirmation by top management or decision-makers of the company. During the designing process, if any changes required, analysts redesign it. The changes are easily done because the logical design reflects on papers. So, it is good to make the required changes on papers rather than the physical system. Changes in the physical system always make losses to the company in terms of wastage of time, resources, money, etc. So, logical design is the most important concept of designing. Once they confirm the logical design then the analyst looks after on its physical design.

该过程遵循以下步骤,即首先创建逻辑设计,并由公司的高层管理人员或决策者进行设计确认。 在设计过程中,如果需要任何更改,分析师将对其进行重新设计。 由于逻辑设计反映在纸上,因此更改很容易完成。 因此,最好在纸张上而不是物理系统上进行所需的更改。 物理系统的变化总是在浪费时间,资源,金钱等方面给公司造成损失。因此,逻辑设计是最重要的设计概念。 一旦他们确定了逻辑设计,分析人员便会进行物理设计。

Physical designing shows the proper connection of different components of the system according to its logical system.


4)实施 (4) Implementation)

The implementation shows the final integration of the system. Implementation describes how the product will get converted it into its final form. There are different components associated with the system and during the implementation process, all parts of the system are linked with one another according to a proper plan so that they can work properly and fulfill the objective of the system.

该实现显示了系统的最终集成。 实现描述了如何将产品转换为最终形式。 系统具有不同的组件,并且在实施过程中,系统的所有部分均根据适当的计划相互链接,以便它们可以正常工作并实现系统的目标。

5)测试 (5) Testing)

Testing is a process to validate the objective of the system through various steps. It is a mechanism that makes sure that the system is working properly or not. After the implementation of the system, it is tested on different aspects. Different inputs are given and test the output accuracy. The system is also tested on different parameters like accuracy rate, system feasibility, system performance, load balancing, etc.

测试是通过各种步骤验证系统目标的过程。 它是一种确保系统正常运行或不正常运行的机制。 系统实施后,将在不同方面进行测试。 给出了不同的输入并测试了输出精度。 还对系统进行了不同参数的测试,例如准确率,系统可行性,系统性能,负载平衡等。

The testing phase is one of the most important phases of SDLC. Once, experts are 100% sure about the system’s smooth-running process, performance, accuracy, etc then only they forward it on the next phase.

测试阶段是SDLC最重要的阶段之一。 专家一旦对系统的平稳运行过程,性能,准确性等有100%的把握,则只有在下一阶段将其转发。

6)部署 (6) Deployment)

After successful testing of the developed system, it is deployed to the concern candidate or company for which it has designed. Deployment is a process to deploy the new one designed system at clients/customers end.

成功测试开发的系统后,将其部署到为其设计的关注对象或公司。 部署是在客户端/客户端部署新设计的系统的过程。

7)保养 (7) Maintenance)

Maintenance is the last and one of the most important phases of SDLC. Maintenance of the system gives long life to the new system. After the successful deployment of the system at clients end, it is compulsory to maintain it from time to time. As, if any system maintains properly then the life cycle of the system increases and the organization can utilize the system for a long time which will be profitable to the companies.

维护是SDLC的最后一个也是最重要的阶段之一。 系统的维护使新系统的使用寿命更长。 在客户端成功部署系统后,必须不时维护它。 这样,如果任何系统维护得当,那么系统的生命周期就会增加,并且组织可以长时间使用该系统,这将对公司有利。


sdlc 瀑布式 生命周期





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