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翻译 数据库拆分字符串函数_PHP | 不使用库函数将逗号分隔的字符串拆分为数组

数据库拆分字符串函数Given a string with comma delimited, we have to split it into an array. 给定一个以逗号分隔的字符串,我们必须将其拆分为一个数组。 Example: 例: Input: "Google,Bing,Yahoo!,DuckDuckGo" Output: arra...

2020-08-04 15:33:06 873

翻译 java向数组中增加新元素_用Java中的新元素替换List的给定索引处的元素

java向数组中增加新元素Given a list of the integers and we have to replace it an element from specified index with a new element in java. 给定一个整数列表,我们必须用Java中的新元素将其替换为指定索引中的一个元素。 To replace an element in the l...

2020-08-04 13:03:28 900

翻译 php 随机两位小数数_使用8086微处理器找出两个8位N数数组

php 随机两位小数数Problem statement: 问题陈述: Write a program in 8086 microprocessor to find out the sum of two arrays of 8-bit n numbers, where size “n” is stored at offset 500 and the numbers of first array...

2020-08-04 11:31:57 803

翻译 c语言位运算符的使用_C语言程序使用位运算符检查给定数字是否为回文

c语言位运算符的使用Problem statement: Write a C program to check whether a number (binary representation) is palindrome or not using bitwise operators. Maximum input is 255.. 问题陈述:编写一个C程序以使用按位运算符检查数字(二进制​​表示形...

2020-08-04 11:22:28 478

翻译 16位的数字高字节和低字节_显示掩盖较低和较高的16位数字半字节| 8086微处理器...

16位的数字高字节和低字节Problem: To show masking of lower and higher nibbles of 16bit number using 8086 Microprocessor. 问题:使用8086微处理器显示对16位数字的较高半字节和较低半字节的屏蔽。 Assumption: 假设: Number is stored at memory locati...

2020-08-04 10:03:29 908

翻译 Python | 基于参数和返回值的功能分类

There are following types of the functions based on their parameters and return values: 根据函数的参数和返回值,有以下几种类型的函数: Function with no argument and no return value 没有参数也没有返回值的函数 Function with no argument...

2020-08-04 08:39:12 200

翻译 给定一个由n个数字组成的数组,请检查是否存在重复项

This is a searching problem which can be solved using brute force approach. But here we are going to see use of hash table to solve such searching problems at lower time complexity. 这是一个搜索问题,可以使用蛮力方法...

2020-08-04 07:40:36 2834

翻译 c语言1+2+3+4+5_C程序来计算系列1+(1 + 2)+(1 + 2 + 3)+(1 + 2 + 3 + 4)+ ... +(1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n)...

c语言1+2+3+4+5The series is: 1+(1+2) +(1+2+3) +(1+2+3+4) + ... +(1+2+3+...+n), we have to find out the sum up to N terms. 该序列是: 1+(1 + 2)+(1 + 2 + 3)+(1 + 2 + 3 + 4)+ ... +(1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n) ,我们有找出N...

2020-08-04 07:01:21 1270

翻译 fedora操作系统优缺点_不同类型的操作系统的优缺点

fedora操作系统优缺点There are following types of Operating systems: 有以下几种操作系统: Batch Operating System 批处理操作系统 Time-Sharing Operating System 分时操作系统 Distributed Operating System 分布式操作系统 Network Operating Sy...

2020-08-04 05:38:41 1295

翻译 如何使用JavaScript访问对象的键中有空格的对象?

Sometimes your JavaScript object may contain a key having spaces between them. As a key can also be a string and a string may contain spaces, it is very much possible that you encounter this problem. ...

2020-08-04 04:48:16 1018

翻译 foss测试_社区概念-与FOSS社区合作时应遵循的准则

foss测试A steady arrangement of strategies and rules is expected to administer FOSS inside an association. These strategies and rules must be deliberately created to protect that all issues that may inf...

2020-08-04 02:21:00 351

翻译 Python | 使用__del __()和__init __()实现析构函数和构造函数的示例

To implement a constructor, we use __init()__ and to implement a destructor, we use __del()__ in python. 为了实现构造函数,我们使用__init()__ ;为了实现析构函数,我们使用python中的__del()__ 。 Program: 程序: class Employee: ...

2020-08-04 02:00:46 321

翻译 错误:使用printf()打印Hello world时未声明'Hello'/ Text

While printing "Hello world", if this error 'Hello' undeclared occurred that means Hello is supplied to the compiler as a variable not as a text/string. 在打印“ Hello world”时 ,如果发生未声明的错误“ Hello” ,则意味着He...

2020-08-04 00:17:58 1395

翻译 css word-wrap_CSS中分词“ break-all”和“ break-word”的值之间的差异

css word-wrapDefinition: 定义: What is the most fundamental element that comes to mind when you are considering to develop a web page? Words! If that was your answer, then pat yourself because you are...

2020-08-04 00:07:32 714

翻译 java 大小写转换函数_不使用Java中的任何库函数将大写转换为小写

java 大小写转换函数Given a string and we have to convert it from uppercase to lowercase. 给定一个字符串,我们必须将其从大写转换为小写。 Examples: 例子: Input: IncludeHelp.com Output: includehelp.com Inp...

2020-08-03 23:56:51 1551

翻译 divi模板下载_Java Math类静态double IEEEremainder(double divi,double divisor)的示例

divi模板下载 数学类静态double IEEEremainder(double divi,double divisor) (Math Class static double IEEEremainder(double divi , double divisor))This method is available in java.lang package. 此方法在java.lang包中可用。 ...

2020-08-03 21:25:09 147

翻译 _.uniq_在Ruby中使用Array.compact和Array.uniq方法从Array中移除元素

_.uniq Ruby Array.compact和Array.uniq方法 (Ruby Array.compact and Array.uniq Methods)In the last article, we have gone through two different methods of deleting elements from the Array. We have seen the...

2020-08-03 20:44:23 337

翻译 在C ++中使用getter和setter函数创建具有X和Y轴的类Point

We have two declare a point class with two Axis X and Y and we have to create/design its getter and setter functions. 我们有两个声明带有两个Axis X和Y的点类,并且我们必须创建/设计其getter和setter函数。 As we know that a class has ...

2020-08-03 19:15:34 421

翻译 python字典按键值排序_在Python中按键或值按升序和降序对字典排序

python字典按键值排序Problem Statement: Write a Python program to sort (ascending and descending) a dictionary by key or value. 问题陈述:编写一个Python程序,以按键或值对字典进行排序(升序和降序)。 Example: 例: Input: dictiona...

2020-08-03 18:27:56 9056

翻译 ldo regula_使用C中的Regula Falsi方法找到复多项式方程的根

ldo regula Regula Falsi方法 (Regula Falsi method)About the method: 关于方法: We often hear many children and even many adults complaining about the difficulty level that they face while solving complex p...

2020-08-03 18:17:59 912

翻译 十六进制数制到二进制,八进制和十进制数制的转换

Prerequisite: Number systems 先决条件: 数字系统 1)将十六进制数制转换为二进制数制 (1) Conversion of Hexadecimal Number System to Binary Number System)To convert hexadecimal numbers into binary numbers, we can use the rel...

2020-08-03 17:26:42 3653

翻译 java中为按钮添加图片_我们可以在Java接口中为成员定义私有和受保护的修饰符吗?...

java中为按钮添加图片No, it is not possible to define private and protected modifiers for the members in interfaces in Java. 不可以,无法为Java接口中的成员定义私有修饰符和受保护的修饰符。 As we know that, the members defined in interfac...

2020-08-03 16:48:12 160

翻译 Python程序输入一个字符串并查找总数的大写和小写字母

Given a string str1 and we have to count the total numbers of uppercase and lowercase letters. 给定字符串str1 ,我们必须计算大写和小写字母的总数。 Example: 例: Input: "Hello World!" Output: Uppercase ...

2020-08-03 14:18:07 9775

翻译 Python | 如何强制除法运算为浮点数? 除数一直舍入为0?

Until the python version 2, the division of two integers was always being rounded down to 0. 在python版本2之前, 两个整数的除法总是四舍五入为0 。 Consider the below example, being executed in python version 2.7, 考虑下面的示...

2020-08-03 14:08:05 503

翻译 c# 浮点数十六进制字符串_从C#中包含十六进制值的字符串数组中打印整数值...

c# 浮点数十六进制字符串 将十六进制字符串数组转换为整数 (Converting array of hexadecimal strings to integers)Let suppose you have some of the strings (i.e. array of strings) containing hexadecimal values like "AA", "ABCD", "f...

2020-08-03 11:50:40 616

翻译 express 项目生成器_用于项目的Express模板生成器(2)| 应用程序结构研究

express 项目生成器Hello! In express template generator for your projects (1), we looked at express generator and how we can start an express application with stressing to build a brand new structure of all...

2020-08-03 11:40:59 222

翻译 stl list 删除元素_删除所有出现的元素,并从列表中删除一些特定的元素。 C ++ STL...

stl list 删除元素 list.remove()和list.remove_if()函数 (list.remove() and list.remove_if() functions)remove() function is used to remove all occurrences of a given element from the list and function remove_i...

2020-08-03 10:59:14 677

翻译 Java File类boolean setReadable(boolean read_file,boolean owner_read)方法,带有示例

File Class boolean setReadable(boolean read_file,boolean owner_read) (File Class boolean setReadable(boolean read_file , boolean owner_read))This method is available in package java.io.File.setReada...

2020-08-03 09:26:52 394

翻译 数组重复次数最多的元素递归_在不使用递归的情况下计算链接列表中元素的出现次数...

数组重复次数最多的元素递归Solution: 解: Input: 输入: A singly linked list whose address of the first node is stored in a pointer, say head and key is the data of which we have to count the number of occurrences....

2020-08-03 08:14:45 208

翻译 mcq 队列_MCQ | 软件程序分析工具和组件分类| 免费和开源软件

mcq 队列Q1. Which of the following analysis methods come under Static Analysis Tools? Q1。 静态分析工具包含以下哪些分析方法? Code Walkthrough 代码演练 Code Inspection 代码检查 None of the Above 以上都不是 Both a. & b. 两者都 &b。 ...

2020-08-03 05:54:48 208

翻译 给定数组A []和数字X,请检查A []中是否有对X | 使用两个指针算法,O(1)空间复杂度| 套装2...

Prerequisite: 先决条件: Hashing data structure 散列数据结构 Given an array A[] and number X, check for pair in A[] with sum X | using hashing O(n) time complexity | Set 1 给定数组A []和数字X,请检查A []中是否有对X | 使用哈希O(n)...

2020-08-03 04:05:51 131

翻译 量词逻辑量词里面的v表示?_知识表示能力问答中的人工智能量词(MCQ)

量词逻辑量词里面的v表示?1) How many types of quantifiers are there that are used to represent knowledge?3 types2 typesUser can define as many quantifiers he wantsNone of the aboveAnswer & Explanation ...

2020-08-03 03:56:04 820

翻译 Java线程类public void setUncaughtExceptionHandler(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler excep_handler)方法,带示例...

线程类公共无效setUncaughtExceptionHandler(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler excep_handler) (Thread Class public void setUncaughtExceptionHandler(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler excep_handler))This method is ...

2020-08-03 02:45:34 291

翻译 ruby循环_Ruby循环

ruby循环 Ruby循环 (Ruby Loops)Loops are comprised of sequentially group instructions which are executed repeatedly until a certain condition is met. Loops provide great help in making the programmer's ta...

2020-08-03 02:26:01 310

翻译 html-iframe_HTML iframe

html-iframe iframe (Iframes)In HTML, iframes are used to display a webpage inside another webpage. 在HTML中, iframe用于在另一个网页内显示一个网页。 Syntax: 句法: <iframe src="URL"></iframe>The <ifr...

2020-08-03 00:17:06 294

翻译 什么是Brouter?

代理:网络设备 (Brouter: A network device)Brouter is a network device, which operates as a combination of both bridge and router. In this single device, a user will get a function of both bridge and router...

2020-08-02 22:34:33 717

翻译 java awt_Java AWT标签

java awtLabel class is used to create labels that are generally limited to single-line messages (names, short notes, etc.). It is used to identify components. In GUI we need labels to identify the use...

2020-08-02 19:33:46 291

翻译 ruby 三目运算符_Ruby运算符

ruby 三目运算符 Ruby运算符 (Ruby operators)Operators are the symbols which assist compiler or interpreter to carry out certain mathematical, logical and relational tasks and produce the results. Operators ar...

2020-08-02 19:13:30 526

翻译 Scala懒惰瓦尔

Scala | 懒惰的瓦尔 (Scala | lazy val)Scala programming language allows the user to initialize a variable as a lazy val. A lazy variable is used when we need to save memory overheads while object creation...

2020-08-02 18:44:55 118

翻译 sql判断数据库类型数据_SQL数据类型

sql判断数据库类型数据 SQL | 资料类型 (SQL | Data Types)Just like other programming languages, facilities of defining data of various types are available in SQL also. SQL supports the following data types for the ...

2020-08-02 18:35:43 2496



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