
Recently some of our readers asked us if it’s possible to put a WooCommerce store in maintenance mode without affecting other parts of a website?


The good news is that it’s not only possible, but it’s also very easy to do.


In this article, we’ll show you how to enable maintenance mode for WooCommerce. You will have the option to restrict maintenance mode only to your store pages, or you can enable it for the entire website.

在本文中,我们将向您展示如何为WooCommerce启用维护模式。 您可以选择仅将维护模式限制为您的商店页面,或者可以对整个网站启用它。

How to enable maintenance mode for WooCommerce
为什么和何时需要为WooCommerce启用维护模式 (Why and When You Need to Enable Maintenance Mode for WooCommerce)

There are couple of key reasons why you might want to put your WooCommerce store (but not your whole site) into maintenance mode or coming soon mode:


  • Your store is still under construction and you haven’t launched it yet. This is a great time to use a “coming soon” page to build excitement while you work on your store behind the scenes.

    您的商店仍在建设中,尚未启动。 这是在幕后工作时使用“即将推出”页面来激发兴奋的绝佳时机。
  • Something’s gone wrong with your store. If there’s a problem, being able to quickly put the store into maintenance mode will give you the time you need to fix things (without any Google penalties).

    您的商店出了点问题。 如果有问题,能够快速将商店设为维护模式将使您有时间修复问题(无需支付任何Google罚款)。
  • online store section to an existing website, but want to test it properly before opening it for the general public.在线商店部分,但是想要在对公众开放之前对其进行正确的测试。

Putting your WooCommerce store under maintenance mode helps you improve overall user experience and avoid any misplaced orders as you work on your site.


That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily enable WooCommerce maintenance mode without affecting rest of your website.


Tip: If you do want to hide your entire WordPress site from visitors, check out our article that explains how to put your WordPress site in maintenance mode.


影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


If you’d prefer written instructions, just keep reading.


为WooCommerce启用维护模式 (Enabling Maintenance Mode for WooCommerce)

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the SeedProd plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活SeedProd插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, you’ll need to enter your license key by going to Settings » Coming Soon Pro and clicking on the ‘License’ tab:


Entering your license key on the SeedProd Coming Soon Pro settings page

Now you’re ready to put your WooCommerce store under maintenance mode.


创建维护模式或即将推出页面 (Creating Your Maintenance Mode or Coming Soon Page)

To start designing your page, you need to visit Settings » Coming Soon Pro page and click on the ‘Edit Coming Soon/Maintenance Page’ button.


Click the button Edit Coming Soon/Maintenance Page

On the next page, you’ll see many different templates to choose from. Each of them can be easily customized to match your needs.

在下一页上,您将看到许多不同的模板可供选择。 它们每个都可以轻松定制以满足您的需求。

Furthermore, you can switch to a different theme at any time without losing the changes you’ve made to the text and other fields on your maintenance page.


Viewing the available maintenance page themes

Once you’ve chosen a theme, your page will be automatically created for you, with the header ‘Coming Soon’. We’re using the ‘Party Confetti Celebration’ theme here.

选择主题后,页面将自动为您创建,标题为“即将推出”。 我们在这里使用“ Party Confetti Celebration”主题。

The Party Confetti theme, with colorful confetti in the background

To change the text on the page, click the ‘Content’ tab on the left, and you will see the option to edit the text.


You can also change the order of the different areas of the page by simply moving them up and down under the ‘Sections Order’.


If you want to add extra sections to your maintenance page, you can do that too. Simply close the ‘Content’ tab by clicking on it, and then open the tab for the new section that you want.

如果要在维护页面中添加其他部分,也可以这样做。 只需单击“内容”选项卡即可,然后打开所需的新部分的选项卡。

Here, we’re adding a countdown timer to the page. This can be a great way to build excitement when your store is about to launch.

在这里,我们向页面添加了倒数计时器。 当商店即将开业时,这可能是激发兴奋的好方法。

Adding a countdown to your maintenance page

Tip: If you want to launch your store automatically when the countdown finishes, then just turn on ‘Auto Launch’ in the countdown timer settings.


The page you create can act as a type of landing page, allowing you to start building an email list straight away.


When you’re happy with how your maintenance page looks, make sure you click ‘Save’ at the top of the page.


打开WooCommerce商店的维护或即将推出的模式 (Turn on Maintenance or Coming Soon Mode for Your WooCommerce Store)

Now that you have created your custom coming soon or maintenance mode page, let’s go ahead and enable it.


In your WordPress dashboard, go to Settings » Coming Soon Pro.


Under ‘Status’ you can choose either ‘Enable Coming Soon Mode’ or ‘Enable Maintenance Mode’.


Although these terms often get used interchangeably, they each have a different meaning and purpose here.


Coming Soon Mode


If you haven’t yet launched your online shop, you should normally pick ‘Enable Coming Soon Mode’. This mode lets your page start getting indexed by Google, without potential customers being able to view any of the pages.

如果您尚未开设网上商店,则通常应选择“启用即将推出的模式”。 此模式使您的页面开始被Google编入索引,而潜在客户则无法查看任何页面。

Coming Soon Mode is for sites that are under construction.


Maintenance Mode


If your store is genuinely down for maintenance, you should normally pick ‘Maintenance Mode’. For instance, if you installed a new plugin that’s caused problems, you might need to take your site down while you fix things.

如果您的商店确实需要维修,通常应选择“维护模式”。 例如,如果您安装了引起问题的新插件,则在修复问题时可能需要关闭网站。

Maintenance Mode tells search engines that your site is temporarily down, using the special header code 503.


Once you’ve chosen the appropriate option, you need to ensure that just your store is being put into coming soon or maintenance mode, not your entire site.


To do this, scroll down to ‘Advanced Settings’ and click ‘Include URLs’.


Enter the URLs you want to include in coming soon / maintenance mode

In the text box, you need to enter the URLs for your WooCommerce store. You’ll want to include all the default WooCommerce pages. (Don’t forget to replace example.com with your own domain name.)

在文本框中,您需要输入WooCommerce商店的URL。 您将要包括所有默认的WooCommerce页面。 (不要忘记用您自己的域名替换example.com 。)


https://example.com/shop https://example.com/cart https://example.com/checkout https://example.com/my-account

If your store has products, then you’ll need to also add these URLs:



https://example.com/product/* https://example.com/product-category/* https://example.com/product-tag/*

The asterisk at the end of each of those URLs is a wildcard character. That means that the SeedProd will include all URLs that match the pattern before the asterisk.

每个URL末尾的星号是通配符。 这意味着SeedProd将包括所有与星号之前的模式匹配的URL。

Once you’ve done this, click the ‘Save All Changes’ button.


检查商店是否处于维护模式 (Checking Your Store is In Maintenance Mode)

Once you’re done, we recommend opening up a guest or incognito browser window where you’re not logged in, and head to your WooCommerce store. You should see the coming soon or maintenance mode page, and not your online store.

完成后,建议您打开未登录的访客或隐身浏览器窗口,然后前往WooCommerce商店。 您应该看到“即将推出”或“维护模式”页面,而不是在线商店。

Don’t forget to check a page that’s not part of your store, too, to make sure you didn’t accidentally put your whole site into maintenance mode.


Now you can login and work on your WordPress store without worrying about others potentially seeing a broken area on your site while it’s under construction or maintenance.


We hope this article helped you learn how to enable maintenance mode for WooCommerce. You may also want to take a look at our list of the the best WooCommerce plugins, and our complete step-by-step WooCommerce SEO guide for beginners.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何为WooCommerce启用维护模式。 您可能还需要查看我们的最佳WooCommerce插件列表,以及针对初学者的完整的逐步WooCommerce SEO指南

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-enable-maintenance-mode-for-woocommerce/





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