
Starting a blog for the first time can be a nerve-wrecking experience. There’s a lot of excitement, but at the same time there’s a fear of unknown. You want to do everything the RIGHT way and avoid all major pitfalls, so your blog can be successful. In our 12+ years of blogging, we have made countless mistakes and learnt from them. Over the last decade, our blogs have received well over a billion pageviews. In today’s article, we will share the “expert tips” that we wish we knew before starting our first blog.

第一次创建博客可能会令人不安。 有很多激动,但同时又有一种未知的恐惧。 您想以正确的方式做所有事情,避免所有重大的陷阱,因此您的博客可以成功。 在我们12多年的博客撰写过程中,我们犯了无数错误并从中汲取了教训。 在过去的十年中,我们的博客获得了超过十亿的浏览量。 在今天的文章中,我们将分享在开始第一个博客之前我们希望知道的“专家技巧”。

Expert tips for starting a blog

Pro Tip: We have a step by step guide on how to start a blog (the RIGHT WAY) from setting it up, to optimizing it, securing it, and then making money from it. This guide has been used by hundreds of thousands of visitors, and it’s 100% free.

专家提示:我们有逐步指南, 介绍如何开始建立博客(正确的方式) ,如何优化博客 ,保护博客安全以及从中赚钱。 该指南已被成千上万的访客使用,并且100%免费。

Having that said, here are the lessons that WPBeginner founder, Syed Balkhi, has over the last 12+ years of blogging.

话虽如此,这是WPBeginner创始人Syed Balkhi在过去12多年的博客撰写中的经验教训。

1.选择合适的平台 (1. Choose The Right Platform)

Choose the right platform for your blog

A lot of folks start with popular free blogging platforms like Blogger, Medium, or WordPress.com, but these blogging platforms are limited. You don’t want to waste your time there if you’re serious about blogging.

很多人从流行的免费博客平台开始,例如Blogger,Medium或WordPress.com,但是这些博客平台是有限的。 如果您真的想写博客,则不想在这里浪费时间。

First, you’ll have to follow the terms and conditions of these platforms, and they have the right to shut down your blog without any notice. Also there’s no guarantee that you will be able to export your content should they shut off your blog.

首先,您必须遵守这些平台的条款和条件,它们有权关闭您的博客,恕不另行通知。 同样,也不能保证如果他们关闭博客,您将能够导出您的内容。

You can only use the features available on their platform which are limited. Most free platforms also restrict you from making money blogging.

您只能使用其平台上有限的可用功能。 大多数免费平台也限制您通过博客赚钱

WordPress.org, on the other hand, gives you complete freedom and control of your blog.

另一方面, WordPress.org为您提供了完全的自由和对博客的控制。

You can add features, make money, or do whatever you like. All of our blogs now use WordPress including WPBeginner. WordPress powers over 31% of all websites on the internet.

您可以添加功能,赚钱或做任何您喜欢的事情。 现在我们所有的博客都使用WordPress,包括WPBeginner。 WordPress为Internet上所有网站的31%以上提供动力。

If you are thinking how WordPress.org compares to other free blogging platforms, then we have done the research for you:


2.查找完美域名 (2. Find The Perfect Domain name)

Choosing a domain name

Choosing the right domain name is very important. I have a wildly successful blog called List25.com which has over 2.3 million YouTube subscribers and over 500 million video views. But in hindsight, I wish I didn’t add a number in the domain because it has restricted us to only 25 items in a list.

选择正确的域名非常重要。 我有一个非常成功的博客,名为List25.com ,拥有超过230万的YouTube用户和超过5亿的视频观看次数。 但是事后看来,我希望我不要在域中添加数字,因为它限制了我们列表中的25个项目。

Here are some quick tips on choosing the best domain name for your website.


  • .com domain extension.com域扩展名
  • Choose a domain name that is easy to pronounce, spell, and as short as possible.

  • Use your keywords and brand name in the domain name. For example, stargardeninghouston.com is more search engine friendly, than stargardeningcompany.com

    在域名中使用关键字和品牌名称。 例如,与stargardeningcompany.com相比,stargardeninghouston.com对搜索引擎更友好

See our list of the best domain name registrars to pick your domain name. We also have a step by step guide on how to register a domain name for free.

请参阅我们的最佳域名注册商列表以选择您的域名。 我们还提供了有关如何免费注册域名的逐步指南。

3.选择正确的主机非常重要 (3. Choosing The Right Hosting is Very Important)

WordPress hosting

Choosing the right web hosting is by far one of the most important decisions when starting a blog because this is where your website files are stored.


Many beginners like the idea of getting free hosting, but choosing a free website hosting is always a bad idea, and it will end up costing you more money and time in the end.

许多初学者喜欢获得免费托管的想法,但是选择免费的网站托管始终是一个坏主意 ,最终最终将花费您更多的金钱和时间。

In the early days, one of my first websites was hosted on a free host which was going fine until one day they shut down without notice. My entire website was gone with no way to restore it. I lost months of hard work.

在早期,我的第一个网站是在免费主机上托管的,该主机一直运行良好,直到有一天它们关闭而没有通知。 我的整个网站都消失了,无法恢复。 我失去了几个月的努力。

This is why it’s important to choose a reputable hosting company. Here are a few things you need to consider:

这就是为什么选择信誉良好的托管公司很重要的原因。 您需要考虑以下几件事:

  • shared hosting, 共享托管managed hosting, 托管托管VPS, and more. You need to pick a plan that suits your needs and budget.VPS等。 您需要选择适合您的需求和预算的计划。
  • Compare reviews of different hosting companies.

  • Support is important for beginners, and you want make sure that there are plenty of options to get help when you need it.


For those who’re just getting started, we recommend using Bluehost because they’re an official WordPress recommended hosting provider. They’re also offering our readers a free domain name + 65% discount on hosting.

对于刚刚起步的人,我们建议使用Bluehost,因为它们是WordPress推荐的官方托管服务提供商。 他们还向我们的读者提供免费域名+托管65%的折扣。

Our second choice for hosting is SiteGround. They’re also officially recommended by WordPress, and they’re known for great support.

我们托管的第二个选择是SiteGround 。 WordPress也正式推荐了它们,并且以强大的支持而著称。

For more on this topic, see our guide on how to choose the best WordPress hosting.


4.始终保持定期备份 (4. Always Keep Regular Backups)

Set up backups

Often users don’t think about backups until it’s too late. In the early days, I chose a cheap web hosting provider that wasn’t very well-known, and they had hardware failure. I lost my entire website because I didn’t have a backup.

通常,用户为时已晚,才考虑备份。 在早期,我选择了一家不太知名的廉价Web托管提供商,并且他们出现了硬件故障。 由于没有备份,我失去了整个网站。

Many hosting companies offer limited backups. However, these backups are not guaranteed, and a hardware failure can cause you to lose data as well as the backup.

许多托管公司提供有限的备份。 但是,不能保证这些备份,并且硬件故障可能会导致您以及备份丢失数据。

Backups are your first line of defense against brute force attacks, hacking, and data theft. They are the first step to improve your WordPress security and keeping your website safe.

备份是抵御暴力攻击 ,黑客入侵和数据盗窃的第一道防线。 它们是提高WordPress安全性和保持网站安全的第一步。

There are plenty of reliable WordPress backup plugins that allow you to schedule automatic backups and store them in remote locations like Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, and more.

有许多可靠的WordPress备份插件 ,可让您安排自动备份并将其存储在Google Drive,Dropbox,Amazon S3等远程位置。

Need to setup WordPress backups now? Here is a step by step tutorial on how to backup your WordPress site using UpdraftPlus.

需要立即设置WordPress备份吗? 这是有关如何使用UpdraftPlus备份WordPress网站的分步教程。

5.从第一天开始设置Google Analytics(分析) (5. Setup Google Analytics from Day 1)

Google Analytics

You can’t grow your site if you don’t know how people find and use your website. Like many beginners, I too relied on “guess-work” and “winging-it” to get the job done until I learned the importance of website analytics.

如果您不知道人们如何找到并使用您的网站,那么您就无法发展自己的网站。 像许多初学者一样,在我了解网站分析的重要性之前,我也完全依靠“猜测”和“尝试”来完成工作。

Google Analytics is the best analytics software in the world used by millions of websites. It allows you to see your most popular content, where your visitors are coming from, and more.

Google Analytics(分析)是全球数以百万计的网站使用的最好的分析软件。 它使您可以查看最受欢迎的内容,访问者来自何处等等。

It also helps you track user engagement across your website, which helps you improve your business using real numbers instead of guesswork. If you are running an online store, then you can use it to track customers and boost your conversions.

它还可以帮助您跟踪整个网站上的用户参与度 ,从而可以使用实数而不是猜测来改善您的业务。 如果您经营的是在线商店 ,则可以使用它来跟踪客户并提高转化率。

For quick setup, follow our step by step guide on how to install Google Analytics in WordPress.

要进行快速设置,请按照我们的分步指南了解如何在WordPress中安装Google Analytics(分析)

6.设置专业品牌的电子邮件地址 (6. Setup a Professional Branded Email Address)

Branded email address

If you’re serious about your blog, then it’s important to have a professional branded email address. This goes a long way in negotiating deals with an advertiser because they think you’re a legit operation.

如果您对博客很认真,那么拥有一个专业的品牌电子邮件地址很重要。 在与广告客户进行交易谈判时,这有很长的路要走,因为他们认为您是合法的业务。

Here is how to easily get a professional branded email address for free.


Plus it also helps with email deliverability when sending email newsletters. Which brings me to tip #7.

另外,它在发送电子邮件新闻通讯时还有助于提高电子邮件的可传递性。 这使我想到了技巧7。

7.立即开始构建电子邮件列表 (7. Start Building an Email List Right Away)

Start building an email list

Over 70% of people abandoning your website never return. You need a way to keep in touch with them. This is why you need to start building an email list.

超过70%的放弃您的网站的人永远不会回来。 您需要一种与他们保持联系的方法。 这就是为什么您需要开始构建电子邮件列表的原因。

Now you may think, why not just build a following on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more?


While you should absolutely work on building a following on social media, you do not own these platforms. They can limit your reach to your own followers and can even block your account at any time.

尽管您绝对应该在社交媒体上建立追随者,但您并不拥有这些平台。 他们可以将您的关注范围限制在您自己的关注者身上,甚至可以随时屏蔽您的帐户。

On the other hand, email is still the most effective online marketing tool. You own your email list, and you can reach your audience without any limitation.

另一方面,电子邮件仍然是最有效的在线营销工具。 您拥有自己的电子邮件列表,并且可以不受任何限制地吸引您的受众。

For more on this topic, see our article on why you should start building your email list right away.


Not building an email list from day 1 is still my #1 regret, and this is a common regret shared by many blogging experts.


8.为每个用例设置唯一的联系表 (8. Setup Unique Contact Forms for Each Use Case)

Set up multiple unique contact forms

In the beginning, I had my email address publicly displayed on the blog. This led to tons of spam coming my way. Contact forms are very important and that’s why you will find a contact page on almost every website you visit.

一开始,我在博客上公开显示了我的电子邮件地址。 这导致大量垃圾邮件来了。 联系表格非常重要,这就是为什么您会在几乎每个访问的网站上找到联系页面的原因。

It’s also important to have different forms for each use case, so you can easily filter the emails and be more efficient.


There are plenty of WordPress contact form plugins in the market. However, most WordPress contact form plugins are designed for developers. This is why I launched WPForms, with the goal of making it the most beginner friendly contact form plugin for WordPress.

市场上有很多WordPress联系人表单插件 。 但是,大多数WordPress联系人表单插件都是为开发人员设计的。 这就是为什么我启动WPForms的原因 ,目的是使其成为WordPress的最适合初学者的联系表单插件。

It has more than a million active installs with 2300+ five star reviews. There is also a free version called WPForms lite that you can try.

它拥有超过一百万次主动安装,并获得2300+条五星级评论。 您还可以尝试使用一个名为WPForms lite的免费版本。

For step by step instructions, see this article on how to easily create a contact form in WordPress.


9.注意图片版权和许可 (9. Pay Attention to Image Copyrights and Licenses)

image copyrights

Often beginners just copy and paste images from the internet. This adds liability as your site grows. Don’t just use images from Google because you might have to pay thousands later in image copyright infringement fees. The copyright owner can also report the page displaying their work and ask Google to remove it from search results.

通常,初学者只是从Internet复制并粘贴图像。 随着站点的增长,这增加了责任。 不要只使用Google提供的图像,因为您可能需要在以后支付数千美元的图像版权侵权费用。 版权所有者还可以举报显示其作品的页面,并要求Google从搜索结果中将其删除。

Considering these costs, it’s worth paying for a Shutterstock license to get high-quality vector images to use on your website.


However, if you are just starting out and don’t want to pay for licenses, then you can find several websites offering cc0 images. These images are royalty-free, and you can use them on your website.

但是,如果您只是刚开始并且不想支付许可证费用,那么可以找到几个提供cc0图像的网站 。 这些图像是免版税的,您可以在您的网站上使用它们。

Another way to add images to your website is by creating your own. However, most beginners are not graphic designers. Luckily, there are online tools like Canva which enable you to create professional images to use on your blog.

向您的网站添加图像的另一种方法是创建自己的图像。 但是,大多数初学者不是平面设计师。 幸运的是,有像Canva这样的在线工具,使您可以创建专业图像以在博客上使用。

10.现场SEO优化对于增长很重要 (10. Onsite SEO Optimization is Important for Growth)

On-Site SEO

If you’re serious about growing your blog and making it successful, then you need to pay attention to on-page SEO from the beginning.


SEO short for search engine optimization helps you get more visitors to your website from search engines. SEO strategies are divided in two categories, off-site and on-site SEO.

SEO是搜索引擎优化的缩写,可以帮助您从搜索引擎吸引更多访问您网站的访客。 SEO策略分为两类,非现场SEO和现场SEO。

Onsite SEO helps you optimize your blog by making small adjustments in various areas. Now this may sound a bit technical, and it is, but there are plenty of tools that can help you with this.

现场SEO可以通过在各个方面进行小的调整来帮助您优化博客。 现在,这听起来似乎有点技术性,但是有很多工具可以帮助您。

First, I would recommend you to install Yoast SEO on your website. It is the complete WordPress SEO plugin suite, and it will help you with onsite optimization of your blog.

首先,我建议您在网站上安装Yoast SEO 。 这是完整的WordPress SEO插件套件,它将帮助您对博客进行现场优化。

It also allows you to easily create and submit sitemaps to search engines. This enables your website to get listed in Google and start appearing in search results.

它还使您可以轻松创建站点地图并将其提交给搜索引擎。 这使您的网站能够在Google中列出并开始出现在搜索结果中。

Next, you need to make internal linking a habit. Internal links are the links you create inside your content to your own blog posts, pages, and different areas of your website. Internal links help you increase your pageviews as well as guide search engines to understand the context and relationship between your content.

接下来,您需要养成内部链接的习惯。 内部链接是您在内容内部创建的,指向自己的博客文章,页面以及网站不同区域的链接。 内部链接可帮助您增加综合浏览量,并引导搜索引擎了解内容之间的上下文和关系。

For more SEO tips, see our ultimate WordPress SEO guide for beginners with step by step WordPress SEO setup.

有关更多SEO技巧,请参阅逐步的WordPress SEO设置指南,为初学者提供终极WordPress SEO指南

11.关键字研究非常重要 (11. Keyword Research is VERY Important)

Keyword research

Often people write great posts, but they aren’t discoverable because they didn’t think about using the right keywords. Most beginners follow their best guesses to come up with ideas for blog posts. You don’t need to do that when there are tools that can help you find out what your users are looking for. You can use these keywords for your blog posts and increase your traffic.

人们通常会撰写出色的帖子,但由于他们没有考虑使用正确的关键字而无法被发现。 大多数初学者会根据自己的最佳猜测来提出博客文章的想法。 当有工具可以帮助您了解用户的需求时,您无需这样做。 您可以在博客文章中使用这些关键字,并增加访问量。

You can use a free tool like AnswerThePublic to find the questions your users are searching for. You can then answer those questions in your blog posts to get more search traffic.

您可以使用诸如AnswerThePublic之类的免费工具来查找用户正在搜索的问题。 然后,您可以在博客文章中回答这些问题,以获取更多搜索流量。

Want to know which keywords are bringing traffic to your competitors? Use SEMRush to steal your competitors’ keywords. It also shows you paid keywords where your competitors are running paid advertising campaigns.

是否想知道哪些关键字为您的竞争对手带来了流量? 使用SEMRush窃取竞争对手的关键字。 它还会向您显示您的竞争对手在哪里运行付费广告活动的付费关键字。

For more tools and ideas, see our guide on how to how to do keyword research for your WordPress blog.


12.醒目的头条对于社交和SEO很重要 (12. Catchy Headlines are important for Social and SEO)

Catchy headlines

People judge the book by its cover and blog posts by its headline. If you want to get a lot of shares, then you need to write catchy headlines.

人们通过封面和标题来评判这本书。 如果您想获得很多份额,那么您需要写醒目的标题。

Google even uses CTR (click-through rate) as a ranking factor, so you need to have catchy headlines to get more people to click on them.


How do you analyze your blog post headlines? Luckily there are several tools that will help you improve your headlines. Here is a list of tools that’ll help you create better headlines.

您如何分析博客文章的标题? 幸运的是,有几种工具可以帮助您改善标题。 以下是一系列工具,可帮助您创建更好的标题

13.重新使用内容是专家博客的秘密武器 (13. Repurposing Content is a Secret Weapon for Expert Bloggers)

Repurpose content

You don’t always have to come up with new blog post ideas. Expert bloggers repurpose their content into videos, images, collection articles, etc.

您不必总是想出新的博客文章创意 。 专业博客作者将其内容重新调整为视频,图像,收藏文章等。

Following are some examples of articles we have compiled with repurposed content from our existing articles.


You can also repurpose articles as downloadable ebooks, audio files, or YouTube videos. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to see how we reuse content from our articles to create highly engaging video tutorials. Which brings me to my next tip #14.

您还可以将文章重新用作可下载的电子书 ,音频文件或YouTube视频。 订阅我们的YouTube频道 ,了解我们如何重用文章中的内容来创建引人入胜的视频教程。 这带给我下一个提示#14。

14.视频是提高参与度并从人群中脱颖而出的好方法 (14. Videos are a Great Way to Boost Engagement and Stand Out from the Crowd)

Video content

Videos are the most engaging form of content on the internet. Users are actively looking for video content, which is why YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world.

视频是互联网上最吸引人的内容形式。 用户正在积极寻找视频内容,这就是YouTube是世界第二大搜索引擎的原因。

Using videos on your blog allows you to keep users on your site and help them discover more content.


Over the years, I have learned that you should never upload videos to WordPress. Instead, I recommend using video hosting services like YouTube.

多年以来,我了解到您永远不应将视频上传到WordPress 。 相反,我建议使用YouTube等视频托管服务。

We have our own WPBeginner Videos section to help new users get started with WordPress. WPBeginner’s YouTube channel has more than 100,000 subscribers and 10 Million views.

我们有自己的WPBeginner视频部分,以帮助新用户开始使用WordPress。 WPBeginner的YouTube频道拥有超过100,000个订阅者,拥有1000万观看次数。

15.您可以重新共享旧帖子以增加流量 (15. You can Re-share Old Posts to Boost Traffic)

Re-share old posts

Your blog posts are displayed in a reverse chronological order (newer posts appear first). This means your older posts are buried down and are not easily discoverable.

您的博客文章按时间倒序显示(新文章首先出现)。 这意味着您的旧帖子被掩埋了,不容易被发现。

One way to fix this is by sharing your older articles on social media. Often beginners think that it’s not ok to recycle old content. It’s completely fine and expert bloggers do it all the time.

解决此问题的一种方法是在社交媒体上分享您的较旧文章。 通常,初学者认为回收旧内容是不可行的。 完全没问题,专业博客作者一直都在这样做。

To do this, you need to use the Revive Old Posts plugin, which allows you to automatically share old posts on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. For instructions, see our guide on how to automatically share your old WordPress posts.

为此,您需要使用Revive Old Posts插件,该插件可让您在Twitter,Facebook和LinkedIn上自动共享旧帖子。 有关说明,请参阅有关如何自动共享您的旧WordPress帖子的指南

Need more tricks? See these tested and proven methods to promote old posts in WordPress.

需要更多技巧吗? 查看这些经过测试和验证的方法来推广WordPress中的旧帖子

16.多样化您的收入来源 (16. Diversify Your Income Stream)

Blog income

The easiest way for new blogs to start making money is by displaying ads using Google AdSense. While Google AdSense is great, you need to diversify your income stream. We have seen bloggers losing all their income when AdSense blocked their accounts for a policy violation.

新博客开始赚钱的最简单方法是使用Google AdSense展示广告 。 虽然Google AdSense很棒,但是您需要使收入来源多样化。 我们发现,当AdSense因违反政策而屏蔽其帐户时,博客作者会损失全部收入。

There are plenty of ways to make money online from your blog. You can supplement your blogging income with affiliate marketing, selling online courses, offering membership plans, and more.

有很多方法可以从您的博客在线赚钱 。 您可以通过会员营销销售在线课程 ,提供会员计划等来补充博客收入。

Another way to boost your ad revenues is to monitor who’s advertising on your site. You can then go to them directly to eliminate the middle-man.

增加广告收入的另一种方法是监视谁在您的网站上投放广告。 然后,您可以直接去他们那里消除中间人。

17.一致性是关键 (17. Consistency is Key)

Consistency is the key

You don’t have to post every day. But you have to be consistent in your schedule. At WPBeginner we post once a day, 5 days a week. Some popular blogs publish several new posts each day.

您不必每天发帖。 但是您必须在日程安排上保持一致。 在WPBeginner,我们每周5天每天发布一次。 一些流行的博客每天发布几篇新文章。

Choose how frequently you will publish and then stick to that frequency. If you are just starting out, then you can start with 3 posts per week and then gradually increase your pace.

选择发布的频率,然后坚持该频率。 如果您只是刚起步,则可以每周从3个帖子开始,然后逐渐提高自己的步伐。

If you’re not disciplined, then it’s easy to slip and this is how most blogs die. You need to keep yourself motivated and don’t get distracted from your goals.

如果您没有纪律,那很容易滑倒,这就是大多数博客的死因。 您需要保持动力,不要偏离目标。

18.简化存储博客帖子想法的流程 (18. Streamline a Flow for Storing Your Blog Post Ideas)

Editorial Calendar

There are plenty of online tools that you can use to store your blog ideas. As a professional blogger, you will often come up with blog post ideas during conversations and everyday chores. It is important to jot them down before you forget.

您可以使用许多在线工具来存储博客想法。 作为专业博客作者,您经常会在对话和日常琐事中提出博客帖子的想法。 在忘记之前记下它们很重要。

You can use tools like Asana, EditFlow, or Evernote to store new ideas, plan content strategy, and manage your editorial calendar.

您可以使用Asana, EditFlow或Evernote之类的工具来存储新想法,计划内容策略以及管理编辑日历

This is extremely important because there will be days when you are out of ideas to write about. Having an idea bank will help you stay consistent with your publication schedule.

这是非常重要的,因为有时会有很多想法要写。 拥有一个创意库将帮助您与发布时间表保持一致。

19.设置一个地方来管理所有密码 (19. Setup a Place to Manage All Your Passwords)

Managing passwords

Passwords are the gatekeeper to your WordPress website as well as your online accounts. They are also the most common target of hacking attempts.

密码是您的WordPress网站以及您的在线帐户的看门人。 它们也是黑客尝试的最常见目标。

This is why it is recommended to use strong and unique passwords for all your accounts. I am often asked by beginners how to remember all those strong and unique passwords?

这就是为什么建议对所有帐户使用强而独特的密码的原因。 初学者经常问我如何记住所有那些强壮而独特的密码?

Well, you don’t need to. There are excellent password managers like LastPass and 1Password, which securely store all your passwords, auto-fill them for you, and can generate strong passwords to use.

好吧,你不需要。 有出色的密码管理器,例如LastPass和1Password,可以安全地存储您的所有密码,自动为您填充密码,并可以生成强大的密码来使用。

To learn more see our article on the best way to manage passwords for WordPress users.


Whatever you do, just make sure that you DO NOT use the same password everywhere!


20.用您的Gravatar连接多封电子邮件 (20. Connect Multiple Emails with Your Gravatar)

Using Gravatar

Gravatars are the profile images used by WordPress. It is super easy to start using Gravatar, but what most users don’t know is that you can connect multiple email address to your gravatar.

Gravatars是WordPress使用的个人资料图片。 开始使用Gravatar非常容易,但是大多数用户不知道您可以将多个电子邮件地址连接到Gravatar。

This allows you to use the same brand image for your comments while using different email addresses.


Leaving comments on other blogs is a great way to bring attention to your new blog and get more traffic.


To learn more, see our article on Gravatar and why you should start using it.


21.评论其他博客和网络以增加您的品牌 (21. Comment on Other Blogs and Networks to Grow Your Brand)


Blogs are an inherently social platform, allowing people to comment and engage with content. To grow your brand, you need to utilize this feature by participating on other blogs in your niche.

博客是一个固有的社交平台,允许人们发表评论并与内容互动。 为了发展品牌,您需要通过参与利基市场中的其他博客来利用此功能。

When we first started, we commented on all relevant blogs. It’s important that you take part in relevant blogs and Facebook groups to grow your brand. This grass-roots effort is essential for your blog’s growth.

刚开始时,我们在所有相关博客上发表了评论。 重要的是,您要参与相关的博客和Facebook小组来发展自己的品牌。 这种基层的努力对于博客的增长至关重要。

It helps you get the word out about your blog, get noticed by influencers in your niche, and make new connections on the way.


22.关于页面和从这里开始页面非常重要 (22. About Page and Start Here Pages Are Very Important)

Start here page

You need a place to share your story as well as give new users a place to start. This is why you need to add an about page to your blog. It allows your users to learn more about you, your story, and build a personal connection with your brand.

您需要一个共享故事的地方,并为新用户提供一个起点。 这就是为什么您需要在博客中添加一个关于页面的原因。 它使您的用户可以了解有关您的更多信息,您的故事,并与您的品牌建立个人联系。

You should also add a Start Here page to walk your new users through your most important content. This walking tour helps you quickly get new subscribers for your blog and establish your brand as an authority.

您还应该添加一个“ 从这里开始”页面,以引导新用户浏览最重要的内容。 这次徒步旅行可帮助您快速为博客吸引新订户,并建立您的品牌授权机构。

Need more ideas? See our list of most important pages for your WordPress blog.

需要更多想法吗? 请参阅我们的WordPress博客最重要页面列表。

23.社交媒体很重要,但要始终记住它是租地 (23. Social Media is Important But Always Remember It’s Rented Land)

Use social media strategically

Remember MySpace or Orkut? We have seen social networks come and go. While social networks can be a great source to drive traffic to your blog, you should always focus more on items that you control (i.e. your blog, newsletter, push notifications).

还记得MySpace或Orkut吗? 我们已经看到社交网络来来往往。 尽管社交网络是增加博客流量的重要来源,但您应始终将更多的精力放在您控制的项目上(例如,博客,新闻稿,推送通知)。

There are plenty of clever ways you can use social media to grow your email list


24.开始建立品牌认可度 (24. Start Building Brand Recognition)

WPBeginner branded laptop

In 2011, I lost 40% traffic when I redesigned WPBeginner simply because we switched color scheme which confused users. Consistency in your brands color scheme and website is crucial for building brand recognition.

在2011年,重新设计WPBeginner时,我损失了40%的流量,这仅仅是因为我们切换了会混淆用户的配色方案。 品牌色彩方案和网站的一致性对于建立品牌知名度至关重要。

There are thousands of free and paid WordPress themes which makes it tempting for beginners to switch their website’s design and colors. You need to pick a design and stick with it so that your users can become familiar with your brand’s color and design,

有成千上万个免费和收费的WordPress主题,这使初学者很容易切换其网站的设计和颜色。 您需要选择一种设计并坚持下去,以便您的用户熟悉您品牌的颜色和设计,

You should use your brand’s colors and logo on your merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, stickers, etc. You should also stay consistent across your social media profiles.


25.尽可能利用社会证明 (25. Leverage Social Proof When You Can)

Leverage social proof

Social Proof is a marketing tactic which eases customer’s mind by showing them that other customers already trust the brand, product, or website they are viewing.


As humans, we prefer to learn from other people’s experiences and decisions. Marketers use this social phenomenon by adding social proof to their marketing campaigns and websites.

作为人类,我们更喜欢从他人的经验和决定中学习。 营销人员通过向其营销活动和网站添加社交证据来利用这种社交现象。

You need to use this to help establish trust and grow your blog / business. You can add social proof by sharing your total subscriber count, adding website logos where you are featured, displaying your growth indicators, number of downloads, and more.

您需要使用它来建立信任并发展您的博客/业务。 您可以通过共享订户总数,添加具有特色的网站徽标,显示增长指标,下载次数等来添加社交证明。

26.网站速度非常重要 (26. Website Speed is Very Important)

Website speed

Nobody likes slow websites. Search engines like Google give an SEO advantage to faster websites. As a blogger, you need to optimize your website for speed and faster page loads.

没有人喜欢缓慢的网站。 像Google这样的搜索引擎为更快的网站提供了SEO优势。 作为博客,您需要优化网站以提高速度和页面加载速度。

The key to faster websites is choosing the right WordPress hosting. A bad host can slow down your website and no matter what you do on your end, you will never be able to improve performance.

加快网站速度的关键是选择正确的WordPress托管 。 错误的主机可能会减慢您的网站速度,无论您最终做什么,都将永远无法提高性能。

Next, you need to start using a WordPress caching plugin. There are excellent free plugins like WP Super Cache which help you serve cached version of your website with just a few clicks.

接下来,您需要开始使用WordPress缓存插件 。 有一些出色的免费插件,例如WP Super Cache,可帮助您单击几下即可提供网站的缓存版本。

You can also combine that with DNS based firewalls like Sucuri or Cloudflare. These firewalls block bad traffic which reduces your server load. They also serve static content through their CDN servers which gives you a significant speed boost.

您还可以将其与基于DNS的防火墙(例如Sucuri或Cloudflare)结合使用。 这些防火墙可以阻止不良流量,从而减少服务器负载。 他们还通过其CDN服务器提供静态内容,从而显着提高了速度。

For complete step by step instructions see our ultimate WordPress speed and performance guide for beginners.


27.内容升级和退出弹出窗口很神奇 (27. Content Upgrades and Exit Popups are Magic)

Using popups and content upgrades

Content upgrades and exit popups work like magic. When you are first starting out, you might think that these things don’t work, but they do and that’s why you see them everywhere.

内容升级和退出弹出窗口就像魔术一样工作。 当您刚开始时,您可能会认为这些东西不起作用,但它们确实起作用,这就是为什么您到处都看到它们的原因。

I used exit-intent popups on WPBeginner and increased our subscribers by 600%. Later, I ran a similar experiment with content upgrades on my personal website and got a 27% conversion rate on a single page.

我在WPBeginner上使用了退出意图弹出窗口,并将订阅者增加了600% 。 后来,我在个人网站上进行了类似的内容升级实验,并在单个页面上获得了27%的转化率。

Content Upgrade stats

For details see our article on how to add content upgrades in WordPress.


28.忽略仇恨者和拒绝分心 (28. Ignore Haters and Turn-off Distractions)

Ignore the haters

As your blog starts growing, you will get a ton of positive feedback and encouragement from your users. However, you will also get some haters who will criticize you and try to bring you down.

随着博客的发展,您将获得用户的大量积极反馈和鼓励。 但是,您还会得到一些讨厌的人,他们会批评您并试图使您失望。

You need to ignore these haters and not waste your energy or time on them. To make sure you are not distracted, turn on comment moderation and disable new comment notifications.

您需要忽略这些仇恨者,不要浪费您的精力或时间。 为确保您不会分心,请打开评论审核并禁用新评论通知

29.不要追求完美 (29. Don’t Obsess Over Perfection)

Editing to perfection

When writing a blog, I recommend not obsession over perfection. It’s completely ok to make mistakes as long as you fix them.

撰写博客时,我建议不要对完美感到痴迷。 只要纠正错误,就完全可以。

Some folks might get upset over grammar or spelling mistake, but you can fix it and move on. Remember, it’s human to make mistakes.

有些人可能会因语法或拼写错误而感到沮丧,但您可以解决它并继续前进。 记住,犯错误是人类的。

You can use tools like Grammarly to help catch some errors.


My advice for new bloggers is just write and develop your own voice / style. Often blogs with more personalized writing do better than those that are written like research papers.

我对新博客的建议是编写和发展自己的声音/风格。 通常,具有更多个性化写作的博客要比像研究论文这样写的博客做得更好。

30.始终使用最好的工具前进 (30. Always Use the Best Tools to Get Ahead)

Choose the best tools

All experts have their toolkit that helps them stay ahead. These online tools are made specifically for bloggers and website owners. They will help you be more efficient, so you can make your blog successful.

所有专家都有其工具包,可帮助他们保持领先地位。 这些在线工具是专门为博客作者和网站所有者设计的。 它们将帮助您提高效率,从而使博客成功。

Following are just some of the tools that I have found very helpful in my journey.


Need even more tools? Check out our pick of the 40 useful tools to manage and grow your WordPress blog.

需要更多工具吗? 查看我们精选的40种有用工具来管理和发展WordPress博客

Hopefully you found these blogging advice helpful, and I wish it helps you avoid some of the mistakes that I made when starting a blog. You may also want to see these actionable tips to drive traffic to your new WordPress site.

希望您发现这些博客建议对您有所帮助,并希望它可以帮助您避免在创建博客时犯的一些错误。 您可能还希望看到这些可行的技巧,以将流量吸引到新的WordPress网站

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/expert-tips-that-i-wish-i-knew-before-starting-a-blog/

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