

Recently, one of our readers asked us how they could create a popup with Yes/No buttons?


Perhaps you’ve seen these used in an email list optin, or another special offer on a big website. These multi-step Yes / No campaigns can be very effective in improving your conversion rate.

也许您已经在电子邮件列表选择中看到了这些内容,或者在大型网站上看到了另一个特别优惠。 这些多步骤的是/否广告系列可以非常有效地提高您的转化率。

In this article, we will show you how to create a Yes/No optin for your WordPress site.


Creating a yes/no optin for your WordPress site
什么是是/否选择,为什么要使用? (What Is a Yes/No Optin and Why Use One?)

A Yes/No optin is a popup form that has 2 options, either buttons or links. You can click the ‘Yes’ to opt-in, or click ‘No’ to refuse the offer.

Yes / No optin是一个弹出式表单,具有2个选项(按钮或链接)。 您可以单击“是”以选择加入,或单击“否”以拒绝该报价。

Sometimes these are called 2-step optins or multi-step optins, as they involve the user taking 2 steps instead of 1.


Here’s an example of a Yes/No optin from Advanced Coupons:

这是Advanced Coupons中“是/否”选择的示例:

An example of a Yes/No optin from Advanced Coupons

Note: The options don’t necessarily need to have ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ labels.


It might seem strange to get users to go through an extra step before they can join your email newsletter or take some other action.


However, Yes/No popups can be highly effective. This is because they use a special psychological tactic called the Zeigarnik Effect.

但是,“是/否”弹出窗口可能非常有效。 这是因为他们使用一种称为Zeigarnik效应的特殊心理策略。

The Zeigarnik Effect is the principle that when someone starts a process, they’re likely to finish it. In this case, that means that someone who clicks Yes is likely to go ahead and put in their email address.

Zeigarnik效应是一个原则,即当某人开始一个过程时,他们很可能会完成该过程。 在这种情况下,这意味着单击“是”的某人可能会继续输入自己的电子邮件地址。

Plus, a Yes/No optin gives your visitors a choice. That feeling of freedom is powerful. It makes it more likely that your visitors will make the positive choice to opt-in to your list.

另外,是/否选择可以为您的访客提供选择。 这种自由的感觉很强大。 这样,您的访问者更有可能做出积极的选择加入您的列表。

Even better, you can use the ‘No’ option effectively, too. For instance, you could create an optin like this one from WP Mail SMTP. It appears if a user looks like they’re about to leave the WP Mail SMTP site’s pricing page:

更好的是,您也可以有效地使用“否”选项。 例如,您可以从WP Mail SMTP创建类似这样的选择。 如果用户看起来像他们即将离开WP Mail SMTP网站的定价页面,则会显示该消息:

A Yes/No optin from WP Mail SMTP

If the user clicks the ‘Get WP Mail SMTP Now’, then they stay on the pricing page. If they click ‘I have a few questions first’, then they’re directed to the Contact page. Here, they can easily contact your sales or support team, which may ultimately lead to successful conversion.

如果用户单击“立即获取WP邮件SMTP”,则他们将停留在定价页面上。 如果他们单击“我首先有几个问题”,那么他们将被定向到“联系”页面。 在这里,他们可以轻松地与您的销售或支持团队联系,最终可能会成功实现转换。

为您的网站创建是/否弹出窗口 (Creating a Yes/No Popup for Your Website)

We’ll be using OptinMonster to create a Yes/No optin popup.

我们将使用OptinMonster创建一个Yes / No optin弹出窗口。

OptinMonster is the best lead generation software that helps you convert website visitors into customers and subscribers. It allows you to create beautiful popups, countdown timers, slide-in forms, and more to nudge users in the right direction”

OptinMonster是最好的销售线索生成软件,可帮助您将网站访问者转换为客户和订户。 它使您可以创建漂亮的弹出窗口,倒数计时器,幻灯片形式,以及更多功能,以向正确的方向推动用户”

The OptinMonster Yes/No popup live on our demo website

Setting Up OptinMonster and Creating a New Campaign


First, sign up on the OptinMonster website. You will need the Pro plan or higher in order to create Yes/No optins.

首先,在OptinMonster网站上注册 。 您将需要专业版或更高版本的计划才能创建“是/否”选择项。

Then, you need to install and activate the OptinMonster WordPress plugin. This lets you connect your WordPress site with your OptinMonster account.

然后,您需要安装并激活OptinMonster WordPress插件 。 这使您可以将WordPress网站与OptinMonster帐户连接。

Upon activation, you will see the OptinMonster welcome screen. You need to click the ‘Connect Your Account’ button and follow the onscreen prompts. Then, your WordPress site will be connected to your OptinMonster account.

激活后,您将看到OptinMonster欢迎屏幕。 您需要单击“连接您的帐户”按钮,然后按照屏幕上的提示进行操作。 然后,您的WordPress网站将连接到您的OptinMonster帐户。

Click the button to connect your OptinMonster account to your WordPress site

Now, go to the OptinMonster » Campaigns page in your WordPress admin. Simply click the ‘Create New Campaign’ button at the top to make a new campaign.

现在,转到WordPress管理员中的OptinMonster»广告系列页面。 只需点击顶部的“创建新广告系列”按钮即可制作新的广告系列。

Click the button to create a new campaign in OptinMonster

You will be taken straight into the OptinMonster app. We’re going to use a Popup for our optin. You can pick a different Campaign Type if you want.

您将直接进入OptinMonster应用程序。 我们将在弹出菜单中使用弹出窗口。 您可以根据需要选择其他广告系列类型。

Select the campaign type for your optin: we recommend using the Popup campaign type

Next, select the template you want to use for your campaign. We’re going to use the Split template:

接下来,选择要用于广告系列的模板。 我们将使用Split模板:

Selecting the Split template to use for the Yes/No optin

You’ll be asked to give your campaign a name and choose which site you want to show it on.


Name your campaign then click the button to start building

Once you are ready, go ahead and click on the ‘Start Building’ button.


Your chosen template will now open up in the OptinMonster campaign editor.


The Split campaign template in the OptinMonster campaign editor

Editing Your Yes/No Optin in OptinMonster


First, you need to create a Yes/No campaign. Simply click on the Yes/No tab near the top of your screen then click the ‘Enable Yes/No for This Campaign’ button:

首先,您需要创建一个是/否活动。 只需点击屏幕顶部附近的“是/否”标签,然后点击“为此广告系列启用是/否”按钮:

Click the button to enable the Yes/No campaign feature

This is a new part of your campaign. It will have a main button with a ‘No Thanks’ option below it:

这是您广告系列的新内容。 它的主按钮下面带有“不,谢谢”选项:

The Yes/No view will open up, with a yes button and a no thank you link

Note: Some templates will not have a built-in Yes/No view. With these, you will instead get a blank canvas to create your Yes/No view.

注意:某些模板将没有内置的“是/否”视图。 有了这些,您将获得一块空白画布来创建“是/否”视图。

Go ahead and edit the Yes/No view as much as you want. Simply click on the part of the template you want to change. We are going to edit the header text:

继续并根据需要编辑“是/否”视图。 只需单击您要更改的模板部分。 我们将编辑标题文本:

Editing the header text for the Yes/No view of your OptinMonster campaign

It’s easy to edit the image. Just click on it and then upload the image you want to use:

编辑图像很容易。 只需单击它,然后上传要使用的图像:

Editing the image in the Yes/No view of your OptinMonster campaign

You may also want to change the Yes and No buttons. Simply click on them to edit the buttons. It’s easy to change their text, color, and more.

您可能还想更改是和否按钮。 只需单击它们即可编辑按钮。 更改其文字,颜色等很容易。

Just make your changes in the left-hand pane and the preview of your optin will automatically update.


Editing the Yes/No buttons

By default, clicking the ‘Yes’ button will take the user to the optin view of the campaign. Clicking the ‘No’ button will simply close the campaign.

默认情况下,单击“是”按钮将使用户进入广告系列的选择视图。 点击“否”按钮将仅关闭广告系列。

You can change these actions if you want by selecting the button then clicking the ‘Button Click Action’ dropdown. We’re going to set our ‘No’ button to redirect to a URL:

如果需要,可以通过选择按钮,然后单击“按钮单击操作”下拉菜单来更改这些操作。 我们将设置“否”按钮以重定向到URL:

Setting the No button to redirect the user to a different page on the website

You now need to edit the optin view of your campaign. This is the view that your users will see upon clicking on the ‘Yes’ button.

现在,您需要编辑广告系列的选择视图。 这是您的用户单击“是”按钮后将看到的视图。

Simply click on the Optin tab at the top of the screen to edit the optin view:


Click the Optin tab to edit the optin view of your campaign

Then, edit the text, image, and anything else you want to change as before.


The finished optin view for the Yes/No campaign

Finally, you need to change the ‘Success’ view of the campaign. This is the screen users will see after entering their email address.

最后,您需要更改广告系列的“成功”视图。 这是用户输入电子邮件地址后将看到的屏幕。

First, click the Success tab at the top of the screen. Then, go ahead and click on the things you want to edit.

首先,单击屏幕顶部的“成功”选项卡。 然后,继续并单击要编辑的内容。

Here’s the finished success view for our optin:


The finished success view for the Yes/No campaign

Once you’ve finished creating your optin, make sure you click the ‘Save’ button at the top of the screen.


Make sure you click the Save button to save your changes to the campaign

Connecting Your Optin to Your Email List


If you’re using your optin to gather email addresses, you need to connect it with your email marketing service.


To do this, click on the Integrations tab then click the ‘Add New Integration’ button:


Click to add a new integration in OptinMonster

Next, select your email provider from the dropdown list. OptinMonster will then give you instructions for connecting your account to that email provider.

接下来,从下拉列表中选择您的电子邮件提供商。 然后,OptinMonster将为您提供有关将您的帐户连接到该电子邮件提供商的说明。

Select your email provider from the dropdown list

Once you’ve connected your account, go ahead and click the Display Rules tab for your campaign.


Setting the Display Rules for Your Yes/No Campaign


By default, your optin will appear after the user has been on any page for 5 seconds. For our optin, we’re going to give them a little longer to check out our site and products first.

默认情况下,用户进入任何页面5秒钟后,您的optin就会显示。 对于我们的选择,我们将给他们更长的时间,以便他们首先查看我们的网站和产品。

To change the display rule, simply click the ‘Edit’ button on the right:


The default display rules for your campaign in OptinMonster

Now, go ahead and change the rule. We’re going to set the time on page to at least 15 seconds:

现在,继续并更改规则。 我们将页面上的时间设置为至少15秒:

Edit the display rule for your OptinMonster campaign

On this page, you can also select from lots of different rules. For instance, you might want to only display your Yes/No optin on a specific page, such as your pricing page.

在此页面上,您还可以从许多不同的规则中进行选择。 例如,您可能只想在特定页面(例如定价页面)上显示“是/否”选择。

Make sure you leave the ‘Then…’ option to ‘show the campaign view: Yes/No’ for your optin.


When you have set your display rules, click the ‘Save’ button at the top of the screen.


Putting Your Yes/No Optin Live on Your Site


Now, it’s time to make your optin live on your site.


First, you need to click the Publish tab at the top of the screen. Then, set the Status slide to the ‘Live’ instead of the ‘Paused’ setting:

首先,您需要单击屏幕顶部的“发布”选项卡。 然后,将状态幻灯片设置为“实时”,而不是“暂停”设置:

Changing the status of your campaign under the Publish tab

Your Yes/No optin will not be live on your site straight away. You need to put it live in WordPress too.

您的是/否选择不会立即在您的网站上发布。 您还需要将其放在WordPress中。

In your WordPress admin, go to OptinMonster » Campaigns then click the ‘Refresh Campaigns’ button:


Click the Refresh Campaigns button to see your new campaign listed in your WordPress admin

Now, you should see your campaign listed here. Go ahead and click the ‘Edit Output Settings’ link:

现在,您应该在此处看到您的广告系列。 继续并单击“编辑输出设置”链接:

Click the Edit Output Settings button for your Yes/No campaign

Here, you need to make sure the ‘Enable campaign on site?’ box is checked, then click the ‘Save Settings’ button:

在这里,您需要确保“在网站上启用广告系列?” 框已选中,然后单击“保存设置”按钮:

Checking that the Yes/No campaign is enabled on the website

Your campaign will now be live on your website. Here is how ours looks on our demo site:

您的广告系列现在将在您的网站上直播。 这是我们在演示站点上的外观:

The OptinMonster Yes/No popup live on our demo website

We hope this article helped you learn how to create a Yes/No optin for your WordPress site. You might also like our article on the best WordPress survey plugins to boost your user engagement, and best WordPress page builder plugins to create custom landing pages.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何为WordPress网站创建“是/否”选择。 您可能还喜欢我们的文章,即关于最佳WordPress调查插件以提高用户参与度的文章,以及关于最佳WordPress页面构建器插件以创建自定义登陆页面的文章。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-create-a-yes-no-optin-for-your-wordpress-site/


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