
Do you want to start an eCommerce business using WooCommerce? Need a WooCommerce tutorial that’s easy to follow for non-techy users? If so, you’re in the right place.

您是否要使用WooCommerce开展电子商务业务? 需要非技术用户容易理解的WooCommerce教程吗? 如果是这样,那么您来对地方了。

WooCommerce is the world’s most popular eCommerce platform. It is super-flexible, cost-effective, and easy to manage even for beginners.

WooCommerce是世界上最受欢迎的电子商务平台。 即使对于初学者来说,它也非常灵活,具有成本效益并且易于管理。

However, many beginners feel a bit intimidated by the idea of setting up WooCommerce themselves. Most users struggle to find out how to get started with WooCommerce and what’s the proper way to setup WooCommerce.

但是,许多初学者对自己建立WooCommerce的想法感到有些害怕。 大多数用户都在努力寻找如何开始使用WooCommerce以及设置WooCommerce的正确方法是什么。

In this ultimate WooCommerce tutorial, we will guide you through how to set up WooCommerce with step by step instructions. We will also share WooCommerce resources like best WooCommerce themes, WooCommerce SEO tips, and other useful resources to help you grow your store.

在此最终的WooCommerce教程中,我们将指导您逐步设置WooCommerce。 我们还将分享WooCommerce资源,例如最佳WooCommerce主题,WooCommerce SEO技巧以及其他有用的资源,以帮助您扩大商店。

Step by step WooCommerce guide for beginners
WooCommerce教程(概述) (WooCommerce Tutorial (Overview))

Here is an overview of all the topics we’ll cover in this ultimate WooCommerce guide.


Ready? Let’s get started.

准备? 让我们开始吧。

什么是WooCommerce? (What is WooCommerce?)

WooCommerce is a free eCommerce software that makes it easy for selling products and services online. Over the years, it has become the most popular eCommerce platform in the world used by millions of small and large businesses (online stores).

WooCommerce是一款免费的电子商务软件,可轻松在线销售产品和服务。 多年来,它已成为全球数百万大小企业(在线商店)使用的最受欢迎的电子商务平台

WooCommerce is developed as an extension of WordPress which is the most popular website builder on the market. This allows users to build an eCommerce website from scratch or add shopping cart functionality to an existing website.

WooCommerce是作为WordPress的扩展而开发的,它是市场上最受欢迎的网站构建器 。 这允许用户从头开始构建电子商务网站或将购物车功能添加到现有网站。

As an open-source software, WooCommerce is free to download and use. However, while the WooCommerce software is free, you still need a domain name and web hosting service to setup a website, which costs money. We will talk more about WooCommerce pricing later in this article.

作为开源软件,WooCommerce可免费下载和使用。 但是,尽管WooCommerce软件是免费的,但您仍然需要域名和网络托管服务来设置网站,这需要花钱。 我们将在本文后面详细讨论WooCommerce定价。

WooCommerce评论+利弊比较 (WooCommerce Review + Pros and Cons Comparison)

WooCommerce has become the most popular eCommerce software in the world because it’s easy to use for beginners, and it comes with extremely powerful features.


Since WooCommerce is open source, not only is it 100% free, you also get complete freedom and control over your eCommerce website.

由于WooCommerce是开源的 ,因此不仅100%免费,而且您还可以完全自由地控制自己的电子商务网站。

Unlike other proprietary eCommerce platforms, WooCommerce pricing does not include licensing fees. This means you can use it to create as many online stores and eCommerce websites as you like.

与其他专有电子商务平台不同,WooCommerce的定价不包括许可费用。 这意味着您可以使用它来创建任意数量的在线商店和电子商务网站。

WooCommerce is plugin built on top of WordPress, which means you get to benefit from all the powerful features of WordPress as well. See our complete WordPress review to learn more about WordPress.

WooCommerce是基于WordPress构建的插件,这意味着您也将从WordPress的所有强大功能中受益。 请参阅我们完整的WordPress评论,以了解有关WordPress的更多信息。

There are thousands of beautiful WooCommerce designs and templates that you can choose from to start your online store. Each of them comes with easy to use customization options and many of them are available for free.

您可以选择数千种精美的WooCommerce设计和模板来启动您的在线商店。 它们每个都带有易于使用的自定义选项,其中许多都是免费提供的。

One of the main reasons why business owners love WooCommerce is it’s flexibility. You can add additional features to WooCommerce by using various WooCommerce plugins (also known as add-ons). There are literally thousands of WooCommerce specific plugins that you can use to extend its functionality to add features like booking, subscriptions, shipping platform integrations, sales tax collection, etc.

企业主之所以喜欢WooCommerce的主要原因之一就是灵活性。 您可以使用各种WooCommerce插件(也称为附加组件)向WooCommerce添加其他功能。 字面上有成千上万个WooCommerce特定插件,您可以使用它们扩展其功能,以添加诸如预订,订阅,运输平台集成,营业税征收等功能。

Apart from addons made specifically for WooCommerce, you can also use thousands of WordPress plugins on your website to add features like contact forms, call now buttons, galleries, data backup, security firewall, etc.


Another advantage of using WooCommerce is that it puts no restrictions on how you run your business.


You can add unlimited products, make unlimited sales, import and export product data, add unlimited product images, videos, categories, and more.


Accepting payments online is a major hurdle for many users. For those users, the most important benefit of using WooCommerce is that it integrates seamlessly with dozens of payment services and gateways.

在线接受付款是许多用户的主要障碍。 对于那些用户,使用WooCommerce的最重要的好处是它与数十种支付服务和网关无缝集成。

By default, it supports PayPal and Stripe out of the box. You can use dozens of other payment gateways through add-ons. There are even integrations available for some lesser-known and regional payment gateways.

默认情况下,它开箱即用地支持PayPal和Stripe。 您可以通过加载项使用许多其他的支付网关。 甚至还有一些鲜为人知的区域性付款网关集成。

Want to see how WooCommerce compares against other popular eCommerce platforms? See the following comparisons to check out how it stacks up against the competition.

是否想了解WooCommerce与其他流行电子商务平台的比较? 请参阅以下比较,以了解它如何与竞争对手竞争。

That being said, now let’s take a look at what do you need to make a WooCommerce powered online store.


您需要建立WooCommerce商店什么? (What Do You Need to Make a WooCommerce Store?)

You will need the following three items to make a WooCommerce website from scratch.


  • WordPress hosting account. This is where all your website files will be stored.WordPress托管帐户。 这是您所有网站文件的存储位置。
  • domain name. This is your website’s address on the internet e.g. wpbeginner.com域名 。 这是您网站在Internet上的地址,例如wpbeginner.com
  • SSL Certificate to securely accept online paymentsSSL证书可安全地接受在线支付

The above items are not free and cost money. Often beginners ask, if WooCommerce is free, then why do I need to pay for these things.

以上物品不是免费的,要花钱。 初学者经常问,如果WooCommerce是免费的,那么为什么我需要为这些东西付费。

Well, you need to pay for these three things to build any type of website (not just WooCommerce).


The overall cost of your online store (WooCommerce pricing) will depend on which services you choose to purchase for your website. You can easily control the costs by only purchasing what you actually need.

在线商店的总成本(WooCommerce定价)将取决于您选择为网站购买的服务。 您只需购买实际需要的产品,即可轻松控制成本。

Remember, you can add other things later as your business starts making money.


Normally, web hosting would cost you $7.99 / month for a starter site, domain name $14.99 per year, and an SSL certificate around $69.99 per year.


Now, this is a significant investment and every penny counts when you are starting a new business.


Luckily, Bluehost, an official WooCommerce and WordPress recommended hosting provider, has agreed to offer WPBeginner readers an exclusive discount on web hosting with free domain name and SSL. Basically, you’ll be able to start for $2.75 per month.

幸运的是,WooCommerce和WordPress官方推荐的托管服务提供商Bluehost已同意为WPBeginner读者提供具有免费域名和SSL的网络托管的独家折扣。 基本上,您每月只需支付2.75美元即可开始。

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←


Bluehost is one of the biggest hosting companies in the world. They host millions of websites on the internet along many of our own.

Bluehost是世界上最大的托管公司之一。 他们在我们自己的许多网站上托管着数百万个网站。

Now that we have covered the basic WooCommerce requirements, let’s see how to set up WooCommerce with step by step instructions.


步骤1. WooCommerce入门 (Step 1. Getting Started with WooCommerce)

First, you need to visit the Bluehost website and click on the Get started now button.

首先,您需要访问Bluehost网站 ,然后单击立即开始按钮。

Get started with Bluehost

Next, you will be asked to select a plan for your hosting account. Basic and Plus plans are popular among many users, and remember you can always upgrade to get more resources later when you need it.

接下来,将要求您为您的托管帐户选择一个计划。 Basic和Plus计划在许多用户中很流行,请记住,您以后可以随时升级以获取更多资源。

Select a hosting plan

Click to select a plan and continue.


After that, you will be asked to register a new domain name or use an existing domain name that you already own.


Select a domain name

Here are some quick tips on choosing the perfect domain name for your WooCommerce store.


  • Use keywords in your domain name. For example, if you want to sell gardening supplies then use it in your domain name as keyword.

    在您的域名中使用关键字。 例如,如果您要出售园艺用品,则可以在域名中将其用作关键字。
  • Use your brand name in your domain name

  • Stick to .com extension

  • Do not use numbers or hyphens in your domain name. This makes them hard to pronounce and spell

    请勿在域名中使用数字或连字符。 这使他们很难发音和拼写

For more tips, see our guide on how to choose the perfect domain name for your business. You can even use a domain name generator to help.

有关更多提示,请参阅我们的指南, 了解如何为您的企业选择理想的域名 。 您甚至可以使用域名生成器来提供帮助。

It is important to spend time on choosing the right domain name for your business, but don’t overthink it otherwise you will never get beyond this step.


Once you have chosen a domain name, click on the next button to continue.


Now, you will be asked to provide account information and finalize the plan details. Under package information section, we recommend choosing 36 months plan because that’s the best value.

现在,将要求您提供帐户信息并最终确定计划详细信息。 在“包装信息”部分,我们建议选择36个月的计划,因为这是最好的价值。

Select plan duration

Below that you will see optional extras. We recommend unchecking all of them as they will increase your costs. You can always add them later from your hosting dashboard when needed.

在其下,您将看到可选的附加功能。 我们建议取消选中所有选项,因为它们会增加您的费用。 您以后可以随时在需要时从托管仪表板添加它们。

Uncheck package extras

After that, fill your credit card information and click on the submit button to complete the purchase.


Once you have made the payment, Bluehost will send you an email with details to login to your web hosting dashboard. The dashboard is where you’ll manage your website.

付款后, Bluehost将向您发送一封包含详细信息的电子邮件,以登录到您的虚拟主机仪表板。 仪表板是您管理网站的地方。

步骤2.设置WooCommerce和WordPress (Step 2. Setting up WooCommerce and WordPress)

Most web hosting companies also offer 1-click WordPress installation. If you are using any other hosting company, then see our step by step guide on how to install WordPress.

大多数网络托管公司还提供一键式WordPress安装。 如果您使用的是其他托管公司,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress的分步指南。

Bluehost will automatically install WordPress for you when you sign up for a hosting account. You can simply login to your hosting dashboard and click on the ‘Log in to WordPress’ button.

当您注册托管帐户时,Bluehost会自动为您安装WordPress。 您只需登录到托管仪表板,然后单击“登录WordPress”按钮即可。

Log in to WordPress

You can always use this shortcut as your WooCommerce login without entering a password.


You will now see the WordPress dashboard.


WordPress dashboard

Now before we install WooCommerce, let’s first set up basic WordPress settings.


Go to Settings page in the WordPress admin area and change your website’s title and optionally provide a tagline (description).


Title and description

Bluehost will automatically install SSL certificate for your domain name. Make sure that your website URL is showing https and not http.

Bluehost将自动为您的域名安装SSL证书。 确保您的网站URL显示的是https,而不是http。

If it is showing http, then you need to see our tutorial on how to enable free SSL in WordPress.


Next, you need to review the website admin email address. This email address is where you will receive WooCommerce notifications and password reset requests so make sure that it is correct.

接下来,您需要查看网站管理员电子邮件地址。 该电子邮件地址是您将收到WooCommerce通知和密码重置请求的位置,因此请确保它是正确的。

After that, scroll down a little and select the timezone settings for your website.


Now, you can review all the settings once again and click on the Save changes button to save them.


Once done, you’re now ready to install WooCommerce.


步骤3.如何正确安装和设置WooCommerce (Step 3. How to Properly Install and Setup WooCommerce)

WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin, so the installation process is similar to any other WordPress plugin. You can follow our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

WooCommerce是WordPress插件,因此安装过程与任何其他WordPress插件相似。 您可以按照分步指南了解如何安装WordPress插件

Simply visit Plugins » Add New page in your WordPress admin and search for WooCommerce. WordPress will now show plugin search results. You need to click on the ‘Install now’ button next to WooCommerce.

只需访问您的WordPress管理员中的插件»添加新页面,然后搜索WooCommerce。 WordPress现在将显示插件搜索结果。 您需要单击WooCommerce旁边的“立即安装”按钮。

Install WooCommerce

WordPress will now grab the plugin files and install WooCommerce for you. Once finished, you need to click on the ‘Activate’ button to start using it.

WordPress现在将获取插件文件并为您安装WooCommerce。 完成后,您需要单击“激活”按钮以开始使用它。

Activate WooCommerce

After activation, WooCommerce will launch the WooCommerce setup wizard.


First, you will need to select your store location, currency, and what type of products you want to sell.


WooCommerce set up wizard

After that, click on the let’s go button to continue.


In the next step, you will be asked to choose a payment method. By default, WooCommerce supports PayPal and Stripe payment gateways.

在下一步中,系统会要求您选择一种付款方式。 默认情况下,WooCommerce支持PayPal和Stripe付款网关。

Select a payment method

You can click the toggle to enable these payment methods and provide your email address to set them up.


Alternately, you can turn them both off and set them later by visiting the WooCommerce » Settings page and switching to the Payments tab.


Next, you will be asked to set up shipping. You can select free shipping or add flat shipping cost for different zones.

接下来,将要求您设置运输。 您可以选择免费送货或为不同区域增加固定送货费用。

Set up shipping costs

Click on the continue button to move along.


Now you will be asked to install recommended services for WooCommerce. We recommend you to uncheck all of them and install them later when you actually need them.

现在,将要求您为WooCommerce安装推荐的服务。 我们建议您取消所有选择,并在以后实际需要它们时安装它们。

WooCommerce recommended extras

Next, you will be asked to install the JetPack plugin. You can simply scroll down to the bottom and select Skip this step. There are better and more powerful alternatives that we will discuss later.

接下来,将要求您安装JetPack插件 。 您可以简单地向下滚动到底部,然后选择“跳过此步骤”。 有更好,更强大的替代方法,我们将在后面讨论。

Skip Jetpack

WooCommerce setup wizard will now save all your settings, and your store is now ready to start selling.


步骤4.在WooCommerce中添加产品 (Step 4. Adding Products in WooCommerce)

WooCommerce makes it really easy to add products to your store.


Simply go to Products » Add New page to add your first product.


Adding a new product to your WooCommerce store

First, you need to provide a title for your product and then a detailed description.


After that, click on the ‘Add new product category’ link in the right column. You can create a new category for the product you are adding.

之后,点击右列中的“添加新产品类别”链接。 您可以为要添加的产品创建新类别。

Add new product category

Categories allow your customers to easily browse products on your website.


After that, you need to scroll down a little to the ‘Product Data’ box. This is where you will select the product type, add product pricing, shipping, and other information.

之后,您需要向下滚动到“产品数据”框。 在这里,您可以选择产品类型,添加产品价格,运输和其他信息。

Adding product data

Next, you will see a product short description box. This description will be used on different product pages on your website. You need to add a catchy and informative short description that helps you get more clicks.

接下来,您将看到产品简短说明框。 此说明将在您网站上的不同产品页面上使用。 您需要添加醒目的且内容丰富的简短说明,以帮助您获得更多点击。

Add a short description for your product

Nothing makes a product page more useful than product images. WooCommerce makes it super simple to add product images and even product image galleries to go along with each product.

没有什么比产品图片更有用的产品页面了。 WooCommerce使添加产品图像甚至产品图像库与每个产品一起变得非常简单。

First, you need to add the main product image. This will be the main product image that’s used on the shop pages across your store.

首先,您需要添加主要产品图片。 这将是整个商店的商店页面上使用的主要产品图片。

Product images and gallery

Below that you can add multiple images to create a product image gallery.


Now review all the product information that you have added so far. If everything looks alright, then you are ready to make this product live on your store.

现在,查看您到目前为止添加的所有产品信息。 如果一切正常,那么您就可以在商店中使用此产品了。

Click on the Publish button at the top right box on the screen to publish your product.


Publish your product

You can now repeat the process to add more products to your website.


步骤5.选择一个WooCommerce模板和主题 (Step 5. Choosing a WooCommerce Template & Theme)

There are thousands of online stores competing to sell similar products. Choosing a professional design for your store makes a big difference in how customers see your brand.

成千上万的在线商店竞争出售类似产品。 为商店选择专业的设计对客户如何看待您的品牌有很大的不同。

There are thousands of WooCommerce templates and themes available on the market. While you can use WooCommerce with any WordPress theme, we recommend choosing a WooCommerce-ready theme.

市场上有成千上万的WooCommerce模板和主题。 虽然您可以将WooCommerce与任何WordPress主题一起使用,但建议您选择支持WooCommerce的主题。

These themes are made specifically for WooCommerce websites, and they will help you make more sales on your website.


Since there are thousands of paid and free WooCommerce themes on the market, this abundance of choices can make it difficult for beginners to choose the perfect design.


To make this easier, we have hand-picked the best WooCommerce ready themes that you can use. All of these are mobile-friendly and highly optimized for SEO and performance.

为了使这一过程变得更容易,我们精心挑选了可以使用的最佳WooCommerce主题。 所有这些都是移动友好的,并针对SEO和性能进行了高度优化。

  • Astra – One of the top WooCommerce ready WordPress themes on the market. Astra comes with full WooCommerce support, built-in templates for product and shop pages, and dozens of 1-click ready-made websites. Astra –市场上WooCommerce准备就绪的WordPress主题之一。 Astra拥有全面的WooCommerce支持,用于产品和商店页面的内置模板以及数十个一键式现成的网站。
  • Ocean WP – One of the most easily customizable theme for WooCommerce users. Ocean WP – WooCommerce用户最容易自定义的主题之一。
  • Shoppe – A modern and highly customizable WooCommerce theme. It comes with its own page builder allowing you to easily create landing pages for your products and campaigns. 专柜 –一种现代且高度可定制的WooCommerce主题。 它带有自己的页面构建器,使您可以轻松地为产品和广告系列创建登录页面。
  • Outfitter Pro – A modern, hip, and clean WooCommerce theme made specifically for clothing brands and stores.Outfitter Pro –一种现代,时尚,干净的WooCommerce主题,专门针对服装品牌和商店。

Looking for more options? See our expert pick of the best WooCommerce themes for some excellent choices.

寻找更多选择? 有关一些出色的选择,请参见我们精选的WooCommerce最佳主题

WooCommerce themes

What to look for in a WooCommerce theme?


Looking at all these professionally made WooCommerce themes, you may be wondering how to choose the right theme for your business?


Following are just some basic tips that you can use as a guideline.


  • Strive for simplicity in design. A simple and clean design helps customers focus on what’s important and improves conversions

    力求简化设计。 简单干净的设计可帮助客户专注于重要内容并提高转化率
  • Test your selected theme on mobile. Most users access the internet from mobile devices so make sure that the theme you are choosing looks great on smaller screens.

    在移动设备上测试您选择的主题。 大多数用户通过移动设备访问互联网,因此请确保您选择的主题在较小的屏幕上看起来不错。
  • commercial theme shops. Themes from unreliable sources may have hidden malware which could ruin your business. 商业主题商店下载主题。 来自不可靠来源的主题可能隐藏了恶意软件,可能会破坏您的业务。
  • Check reviews and ratings to avoid any red flags


For more tips, see our guide on how to select the perfect WordPress theme for your project.


Once you have chosen a WooCommerce theme, see our guide on how to install a WordPress theme to set it up.


步骤5.安装WooCommerce扩展和附加组件 (Step 5. Installing WooCommerce Extensions and Add-ons)

The real power of WooCommerce comes from powerful extensions and add-ons. These add-ons work exactly like a WordPress plugin, and you can install them like you would install any other WordPress plugin.

WooCommerce的真正力量来自强大的扩展和附加组件。 这些加载项的工作方式与WordPress插件完全相同,您可以像安装其他任何WordPress插件一样安装它们。

There are thousands of plugins available for both WooCommerce and WordPress. You can use them to create contact forms, make landing pages, add pricing tables, gift cards, and more.

WooCommerce和WordPress有成千上万的插件可用。 您可以使用它们来创建联系表单, 制作登录页面 ,添加价格表,礼品卡等。

Here are our top picks for must-have WooCommerce plugins for any eCommerce store.


  • WPForms – Allows you to easily create WPForms –使您可以轻松创建contact forms, customer surveys, customer login forms, and more. 联系表单 ,客户调查,客户登录表单等。
  • MonsterInsights – Allows you to install Google Analytics and track your top products, categories, and landing pages. See where your customers are coming from and what they do on your website. MonsterInsights –允许您安装Google Analytics(分析)并跟踪您的热门产品,类别和登录页面。 在您的网站上查看客户来自何处以及他们做了什么。
  • TrustPulse – Allows you to utilize the power of social proof and TrustPulse –使您能够利用社交证明和fomo to instantly win customer trust and generate more salesfomo的功能立即赢得客户的信任并产生更多的销售
  • BeaverBuilder – It is the best drag and drop BeaverBuilder –这是WooCommerce最好的拖放page builder plugin for WooCommerce. It allows you to easily create beautiful landing pages to promote products, marketing campaigns, sale events, and more. 页面构建器插件 。 它使您可以轻松创建漂亮的登录页面,以推广产品,市场营销活动,销售活动等。
  • RafflePress – Helps you run RafflePress –帮助您开展viral giveaway campaigns to promote your WooCommerce store. 病毒式赠品活动,以推广WooCommerce商店。

For a more comprehensive list, see our expert pick of the best WooCommerce plugins that we recommend.


第6步。增加WooCommerce商店的资源 (Step 6. Resources to Grow WooCommerce Store)

Now that your WooCommerce store is up and running, it is time to start promoting your WooCommerce store and grow your business.


Here are some resources that will help you learn WooCommerce and grow your online store like an experienced pro.


1. Start an Email List


More than 90% of people visiting your WooCommerce store will leave without making a purchase. Losing these users is like losing money.

超过90%的人访问您的WooCommerce商店都会离开而无需购买。 失去这些用户就像赔钱。

This is why building an email list is extremely important for online store owners.


Email list allows you to give customers a chance to stay in touch with you without buying anything. This opens a direct line of communication between you and the customers, so you can then try and convince them to make a purchase.

电子邮件列表使您可以让客户有机会与您保持联系,而无需购买任何东西。 这将在您和客户之间建立直接的沟通渠道,因此您可以尝试说服他们进行购买。

See our guide on how to properly start an email newsletter for your WooCommerce store for details and step by step instructions.


The good part is that WooCommerce integrates with all major email marketing services in the world including Constant Contact, SendinBlue, Drip, and thousands more.

好的部分是WooCommerce与世界上所有主要的电子邮件营销服务集成在一起,包括Constant ContactSendinBlueDrip等数千种。

2. Generate More Leads


Each user who subscribes to your email list is a potential lead / customer. This is why its best practice to offer website visitors multiple options to join your email list. This practice is called lead generation.

订阅您的电子邮件列表的每个用户都是潜在的潜在客户/客户。 这就是为什么最佳做法是为网站访问者提供多种选择来加入您的电子邮件列表的原因。 这种做法称为潜在客户产生。

Most store owners make the mistake of only adding a basic email signup form to their store which hurts your overall conversion.


This is where OptinMonster can help. It is the best lead generation software in the world that allows you to easily convert abandoning website visitors into email subscribers and then paying customers.

这是OptinMonster可以提供帮助的地方。 它是世界上最好的销售线索生成软件,使您可以轻松地将放弃网站访问者转换为电子邮件订阅者,然后向客户付款。

For details, take a look at these tips on how to convert WooCommerce visitors into customers.


3. Track WooCommerce Users


Ecommerce stores need marketing data to make informed decisions. This data includes where your visitors are coming from, which products are popular, which products are not doing so well, and more.

电子商务商店需要营销数据来做出明智的决策。 该数据包括您的访客来自哪里,哪些产品受欢迎,哪些产品表现不佳等等。

These insights help you make data-driven decisions and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly.


MonsterInsights helps you easily make sense of all this data using Google Analytics. It comes with the enhanced eCommerce tracking which helps you unlock a treasure trove of helpful data with just a few clicks.

MonsterInsights可帮助您使用Google Analytics(分析)轻松理解所有这些数据。 它带有增强的电子商务跟踪,可帮助您单击几下即可解锁有用数据的宝库。

For instructions, see our guide on how to track WooCommerce customers in Google Analytics.

有关说明,请参阅有关如何在Google Analytics(分析)中跟踪WooCommerce客户的指南。

4. Learn WooCommerce SEO

4.学习WooCommerce SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization helps you get more visitors from search engines to your WooCommerce store.


WooCommerce itself is very SEO friendly out of the box, but there is so much more you can do.


Since most beginners find WooCommerce SEO a bit intimidating and technical, we have prepared a complete step by step WooCommerce SEO guide to help you properly utilize SEO without any expert help.

由于大多数初学者都对WooCommerce SEO感到有些恐吓和技术性,因此我们逐步准备了完整的WooCommerce SEO指南,以帮助您在没有任何专家帮助的情况下正确使用SEO。

5. Recover Abandoned Cart Sales


Once a customer adds a product to their cart, there is 60-80% chance that they will leave it without completing the purchase. That’s an average from all eCommerce websites, so it could be even higher.

一旦客户将产品添加到购物车中,他们有60-80%的机会会在没有完成购买的情况下离开产品。 这是所有电子商务网站的平均值,因此甚至可能更高。

Many eCommerce site owners don’t pay attention to this metric from the beginning and that’s pretty much leaving money on the table.


We have compiled a cheatsheet to easily recover WooCommerce abandoned cart sales. This will give you a good head start and will help improve your overall sales.

我们编制了一份备忘单,可以轻松恢复WooCommerce放弃的购物车销售 。 这将为您提供良好的开端,并有助于改善整体销售。

Hopefully, these resources will help you improve your WooCommerce store and grow your business.


WooCommerce常见问题 (WooCommerce Frequently Asked Questions)

WooCommerce is an incredibly powerful platform, and often business owners have many WooCommerce questions before getting started.


Having helped thousands of beginners start with WooCommerce, we have heard a lot of them. Here are some of the most frequently asked WoooCommerce questions from our users.

在帮助成千上万的初学者开始使用WooCommerce以来,我们已经听到了很多。 以下是一些用户最常问到的WoooCommerce问题。

1. Where can I see a live WooCommerce demo?


WooCommerce is used by millions of websites. Chances are that you have already visited many WooCommerce powered websites without even noticing it.

WooCommerce被数百万个网站使用。 您可能已经访问了许多WooCommerce支持的网站,甚至没有注意到它。

It is not just used by small businesses, WooCommerce is actually used by some of the world’s top brands as well.


Here are some of our favorite examples of WooCommerce demo in action.


1. Coffee Bros


Coffee Bros

A clean and simple WooComemrce powered store selling classic and premium coffee blends.


2. Ripley’s Believe it or Not



Ripley’s Believe it or Not uses WooCommerce for their online bookstore.


3. Gilmour



Popular gardening equipment brand Gilmour uses WooCommerce to sell products online. Their website is a balanced combination of functionality and simple design.

受欢迎的园艺设备品牌Gilmour使用WooCommerce在线销售产品。 他们的网站是功能和简单设计的平衡组合。

4. Flwr

4. wr


Flwr is a small floral design studio based in New Zealand. Their website features a simple and elegant design with a beautiful background and a highly customized shop page.

Flwr是一家位于新西兰的小型花艺设计工作室。 他们的网站以简洁优雅的设计为背景,并具有美丽的背景和高度定制的商店页面。

2. What Kind of Products I can sell with WooCommerce?


You can sell any kind of products with WooCommerce. Whether they are physical goods (products that require shipping), digital downloads (ebooks, software, digital art), or even subscriptions.

您可以使用WooCommerce出售任何种类的产品。 无论是实物商品(需要运输的产品),数字下载(电子书,软件,数字艺术),还是订阅。

WooCommerce has extensions that allow you to use it as a booking platform, auction site, multi vendor marketplace, dropshippping, and so much more.

WooCommerce具有扩展功能,可让您将其用作预订平台,拍卖网站, 多供应商市场dropshippping等。

3. What are some WooCommerce alternatives?

3. WooCommerce有哪些替代方案?

WooCommerce is flexible and easy to use, but it may not always be the right solution. Depending on your needs, you may find some other solutions more suitable. See our list of best WooCommerce alternatives for more examples.

WooCommerce灵活且易于使用,但可能并不总是正确的解决方案。 根据您的需求,您可能会发现其他一些更合适的解决方案。 有关更多示例,请参见我们的最佳WooCommerce替代产品列表。

4. Can I use WooCommerce for Dropshipping?


Yes, you can. In fact, WooCommerce is the #1 choice to make a dropshipping website. There are several excellent WooCommerce dropshipping plugins that allow you to easily handle orders, manage vendors, and automate the whole process.

是的你可以。 实际上,WooCommerce是制作直销网站的第一选择。 有几个出色的WooCommerce代销插件 ,可让您轻松处理订单,管理供应商并自动化整个过程。

For step by step instructions, see our complete dropshipping guide for beginners.


5. Can I add a blog in WooCommerce?


Yes, you can. Your WooCommerce store runs on top of WordPress which is already the best blogging platform in the world. All you need to do is create a separate blog section and start writing posts.

是的你可以。 您的WooCommerce商店运行在WordPress之上,而WordPress已经是世界上最好的博客平台 。 您需要做的就是创建一个单独的博客部分并开始撰写帖子。

6. Can I change my WooCommerce store name?


You can change your store name by visiting Settings » General page in WordPress admin area. Simply change the title to whatever you want to call your store.

您可以通过访问WordPress管理区域中的“设置”»“常规”页面来更改商店名称。 只需将标题更改为您想给商店打电话的名称即可。

However, if you want to change the domain name of your WooCommerce store, then that’s a slightly different process. See our tutorial on how to move WordPress to a new domain name without losing SEO.

但是,如果您想更改WooCommerce商店的域名,则过程稍有不同。 请参阅我们的教程,了解如何在不丢失SEO的情况下将WordPress移至新域名

7. Where is my WooCommerce login information?


You don’t have a separate WooCommerce login for admin area because WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin. To login to your WordPress dashboard, simply use the WordPress login link.

您没有管理员区域的单独WooCommerce登录名,因为WooCommerce是WordPress插件。 要登录WordPress仪表板,只需使用WordPress登录链接

However your customers will have a WooCommerce login, so they can login to their account area to keep track of orders. You can see our step by step guide on how to create custom login forms for WordPress.

但是,您的客户将拥有WooCommerce登录名,因此他们可以登录其帐户区域来跟踪订单。 您可以查看有关如何为WordPress创建自定义登录表单的分步指南。

8. How can I get WooCommerce support?


Since WooCommerce is a free software, there is limited WooCommerce support available through WordPress community forums as well as the official WooCommerce website.


Majority of WooCommerce support is provided by your WooCommerce hosting provider or the individual WooCommerce theme and extension developers.


For custom WooCommerce development and customization work, you can hire a WordPress developer from a trusted directory like Codeable.

对于自定义的WooCommerce开发和自定义工作,您可以从可信任的目录(如Codeable) 雇用WordPress开发人员

That’s all, we hope this WooCommerce tutorial helped you learn how to set up WooCommerce and make an eCommerce store. You may also want to see our guides on creating a free business email address and the best business phone service.

仅此而已,我们希望本WooCommerce教程能帮助您学习如何设置WooCommerce并建立电子商务商店。 您可能还需要查看有关创建免费公司电子邮件地址最佳公司电话服务的指南

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/woocommerce-tutorial-ultimate-guide/





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