我一无所有(Blog World 2010)

This is a summery of the presentation by Patrick O’Keefe, Wayne Sutton, D.A. Wallach, and Asher Roth at the 2010 Blog World Expo.

这是Patrick O'Keefe,Wayne Sutton,DA Wallach和Asher Roth在2010 Blog World Expo上的演讲的总结。

When you gain a following, regardless of what industry you’re in it is easy to forgot about the people that visit your site. How can you do this? Well first off, remember that your fans are people too. They don’t stop as numbers on your follower counter, but persist into the real world and they need to be a priority. But how do you make your fans a priority and keep your life in balance?

当您获得关注时,无论您身在哪个行业,都很容易忘记访问您网站的人。 你该怎么做? 首先,请记住,您的粉丝也是人。 它们不会像您的关注者柜台上的数字一样停下来,而是会持续存在于现实世界中,因此需要优先考虑。 但是,如何使粉丝成为优先对象并保持生活平衡呢?

It is essential to strike a balance in your life. Fans are awesome and can do many things for your, but if you give everything about yourself away, you can lose yourself. So keep the things that are important to you to yourself. The things you share with your fans though should be open and allow them control. Your fans have the power to spread your influence, if you let them work through you. Let them provide feedback and make them feel like they are a part of a larger community of like-minded people. Doing so will not only make your fans feel appreciated, but it will give you an idea of what your fans really want from you and can provide an awesome sounding board for ideas and at the same time give yourself an air of approachability, something that your fans will desperately want.

平衡生活至关重要。 粉丝很棒,可以为您做很多事情,但是如果您放弃自己的一切,就会迷失自己。 因此,将对您来说很重要的事情留给自己。 您与粉丝分享的内容应该公开并允许他们控制。 如果您让粉丝们通过您的努力,您的粉丝将有能力传播您的影响力。 让他们提供反馈,让他们感到自己是更大的志同道合的人社区的一部分。 这样做不仅会使您的粉丝感到赞赏,而且会让您了解粉丝的真正需求,并且可以为您的想法提供一个令人敬畏的共鸣板,同时使自己显得平易近人,球迷会拼命想要。

So how do you know how much to share? Reflect on your image. There are some people who’s image is based on approachability and being an “everyman.” If that is you, then feel free to tweet and Facebook your fans all you want. If your image is more mysterious (more Ozzie Osborne than Jack Johnson) find an alternative persona that can do more of your interactions online. Maintain your image by controlling what you share and what you keep to yourself, but at the same time, never forget that you are a person, and never let your audience forget that you are a person. Be a fan of someone else, and treat your fans the way you want that person to treat you.

那么,您如何知道分享多少? 反映在您的图像上。 有些人的形象建立在平易近人的基础上,并成为“每个人”。 如果是您,请随时在Twitter上发布所有想要的信息,并在Facebook上显示您的粉丝。 如果您的形象更加神秘(比杰克·约翰逊(Ombie Osborne Osie Osborne Osie Osborne)多于杰克·约翰逊(Jack Johnson)),那么可以找到一种替代角色来进行更多在线互动。 通过控制分享的内容和自己的保持自己的形象,但同时,永远不要忘记自己是一个人,永远不要让听众忘记自己是一个人。 成为其他人的粉丝,并以您希望该人对待您的方式对待您的粉丝。

While you need to be accessible to your audience, you also need to take the time to remember that you are not talking to just your friends. The moment you hit publish or upload, your content is viewable by the world, so be aware of what you say and do because it will be recorded somewhere. So stay away from politics (unless you are a political figure) and keep your content in line, separate your business and party personas online and remember that how you say things matters.

当您需要让观众可以访问时,您还需要花些时间记住自己并不仅仅是在和朋友聊天。 点击发布或上传的那一刻,您的内容就可以被全世界看到,因此请注意您所说的内容和所做的事情,因为这些内容会记录在某个地方。 因此,请远离政治(除非您是政治人物),并保持内容一致,在线上将企业和政党人物分开,并记住您所说的话很重要。

No matter how you approach your online presence, be careful not to get too wrapped up. Realize that social media is not your life and that no matter what you do, there will always be haters. Be open to feedback and realize that not everyone who has a negative opinion is trying to attack you. Some people just like to be negative because they can be known as a negative person. Even more people are simply trying to provide criticism and doing it badly, so keep your mind open and appreciate that your fans are being honest with you, after all, it is very hard to make progress when you are surrounded by yes men, celebrate the criticism.

不管您如何处理在线业务,请注意不要太忙。 意识到社交媒体不是您的生活,并且无论您做什么,总会有仇恨的人。 对反馈持开放态度,并意识到并非每个持消极意见的人都试图攻击您。 有些人喜欢被否定,因为他们可以被称为否定人。 甚至更多的人只是在试图提出批评和做坏事,所以请保持开放的态度,并欣赏您的粉丝对您诚实,毕竟,当您被同仁包围时,很难取得进步,庆祝批评。

The take home message is to appreciate your fans. Don’t freak out about trademark when a fan tries to celebrate your work. Use them for good. Reward them for their thoughts and learn to love the spontaneity that comes with having a following. Don’t use your fans to attack others and don’t mislead them. Appreciate them for all they can do.

带回家的消息是要感谢您的粉丝。 当粉丝尝试庆祝您的作品时,请不要为商标着迷。 善用它们。 奖励他们的想法,并学会热爱拥有追随者所带来的自发性。 不要用粉丝来攻击别人,也不要误导他们。 感谢他们所做的一切。

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翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/events/im-nothing-without-my-fans-blog-world-2010/





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