
Below are some key points from the presentation of Sonia Simone, Brian Clark, and Darren Rowse at Blog World Expo.

以下是Sonia Simone,Brian Clark和Darren Rowse在Blog World Expo上的演讲中的一些重点。

1) Free is not a business model. Your free content is only an attractor. Once you attract people and have attention for the things that you write, people should begin to like you. This is your opportunity to take charge and sell something that is related to the free content on your blog, this should be your business model.

1)免费不是一种商业模式。 您的免费内容仅是吸引者。 一旦吸引了人们并且对您所写的东西产生了关注,人们就应该开始喜欢您。 这是您负责销售与博客上免费内容相关的东西的机会,这应该是您的业务模式。

Once you begin to monetize your site, realize that each outside ad you place on your website is selling your audience to someone else (maybe even your competitor). When you sell, be sure to sell directly to your audience through products affiliated with your blog and brand, do not sell your audience to a third party ad network. One way to begin to sell on your website is with premium content. The more information you give away for free, the more people will be willing to pay to get the full picture (premium content) or the same free information in a different format. If you give your audience 90% of your content for free, they will pay for that remaining 10% to complete the picture. Remember the bikini concept of information, the more you show, the more people will be willing to pay to see the rest.

一旦您开始通过网站获利,请意识到您在网站上投放的每个外部广告都在将受众群体出售给其他人(甚至是您的竞争对手)。 当您进行销售时,请确保通过与您的博客和品牌相关的产品直接向受众群体进行销售,请勿将受众群体销售给第三方广告网络。 开始在您的网站上销售的一种方法是使用优质内容。 您免费提供的信息越多,就会有更多的人愿意支付以获得完整图片(高级内容)或不同格式的相同免费信息。 如果您免费为观众提供90%的内容,他们将为剩下的10%付费以完成图片。 记住比基尼信息的概念,您展示的越多,就会有更多的人愿意花钱看剩下的东西。

2) The Push-Button Internet Cash Machine is on the Fritz. In your life online, you will hopefully have a few times when you can make money quickly, but these times are few and far between. To truly sell something and be profitable you need to be real and you need to be someone that people can trust. Do not sell just to make money. Take the time and energy to create something worthwhile that has real value to your audience.

2)按钮式自动提款机位于Fritz上。 在网上生活中,希望您有几次可以快速赚钱的时间,但这些时间并不多。 要真正卖出某种东西并获利,您就必须是真实的,并且需要成为人们可以信赖的人。 不要卖只是为了赚钱。 花时间和精力来制作对您的受众真正有价值的有价值的东西。

3) You are not Scalable. The “baby” phase of your blog is fleeting. In the beginning, it is easy to reply to every email or see every comment, but the bigger your audience gets the harder it is. You cannot be engaged with your audience 24/7 without having alien DNA. So engage your audience, but set boundaries so that you can engage without giving them every piece of yourself.

3)你不是可扩展的。 您博客的“婴儿”阶段正在转瞬即逝。 刚开始时,回复每封电子邮件或查看每条评论都很容易,但是听众越大,难度就越大。 没有外星人DNA,您就无法与观众24/7互动。 因此,请与观众互动,但要设定界限,以便您可以参与其中而不会花费自己的全部精力。

4) No One Actually wants that much Authenticity. The idea of being authentic is popular right now, but realize that your readers do not need to know everything about you and your life. Part of being a success online is creating boundaries between your online and offline world. You should avoid lying about who you really are, but you should strive to be the best version of yourself that you can be online. Your blog isn’t really about you, it is about your audience.

4)实际上没有人想要那么多的真实性。 真实的想法现在很流行,但要意识到读者并不需要了解有关您和您生活的所有知识。 在线成功的一部分是在在线和离线世界之间建立界限。 您应该避免对自己的真实身份撒谎,但是您应该努力成为在线上最好的自己。 您的博客不是真的与您有关,而是与您的受众有关。

5) Social Media Hates Selling (And yet, you have to sell). By creating a profile on any social media website, you are selling yourself to your audience. But your audience on social media will not respond well to shilling on your profiles. You need to foster good relationships with people on and offline so that they build your reputation in social media for you.

5)社交媒体讨厌销售(但是,您必须出售)。 通过在任何社交媒体网站上创建个人资料,您就可以将自己推销给受众。 但是,社交媒体上的受众群体对您个人资料的先令React不佳。 您需要与线上和线下的人建立良好的关系,以便他们在社交媒体上为您建立声誉。

The truth in selling is that “people hate to be sold, but they love to buy.” You should gather regular attention through your blog and through social media, and then gently lead your audience towards a sale. One suggestion, is to develop your product and then develop free content related to your product. Release the free content first, and your audience will want the product that you have developed. You need to give your audience the chance to buy without pitching them. People hate being pitched, but they love to be given an offer. How do you know what your audience wants? Observe your audience religiously. You can use polls or surveys, but perhaps the most telling is reading the comments that users leave on your site. Is there a specific post or idea that people are gravitating to? Are they asking you for a product that you can develop? It is better to make a product that you know your audience already wants instead of forcing them to sit through a pitch for an irrelevant one.

出售的真相是“人们讨厌出售,但他们喜欢购买”。 您应该通过博客和社交媒体定期关注,然后轻轻地引导观众进行销售。 一种建议是先开发产品,然后开发与产品相关的免费内容。 首先发布免费内容,您的听众会想要您开发的产品。 您需要给观众提供购买机会,而又不会推销他们。 人们讨厌被别人推销,但他们喜欢被别人提议。 您怎么知道听众想要什么? 认真观察观众。 您可以使用民意测验或调查,但最有说服力的是阅读用户在您网站上留下的评论。 是否有人们喜欢的特定职位或想法? 他们是在问您要开发的产品吗? 最好制作一个您知道听众已经想要的产品,而不是强迫他们为不相关的产品而坐。

6) A Blog is not a Business. Publishing a blog does not make you a business owner. Bringing a blog into the world of business takes time and careful cultivation. You should begin thinking about the possibilities of your blog long before you execute, and examine your audience. A transient audience (for example on a product review blog) is going to be less receptive to paid products then a loyal audience that reads you blog every morning. Use analytics to learn about your audience and create the perfect environment for your product’s release. Keep in mind that while your goal for your product may not change, the road you take to it’s release and success will change over time.

6)博客不是企业。 发布博客并不能使您成为企业主。 将博客带入商业世界需要时间和精心的培养。 您应该在执行博客之前就开始考虑博客的可能性,并检查读者。 短暂的受众群体(例如,在产品评论博客上)对付费产品的接受程度要低于每天早上读您博客的忠诚受众群体。 使用分析功能了解您的受众,并为产品的发布创造理想的环境。 请记住,尽管您的产品目标可能不会改变,但您发布产品和成功的道路会随着时间而改变。

7) No One is Reading Your Blog. When no one (or no one but your mother) is reading your blog, ask yourself the following questions. How much time have I been blogging? Does anyone care about what I am blogging about? Is my content fresh? If you find that your blog is too new, give it time to grow and develop. If your blog is on a topic that no one cares about, take the time to find another niche or settle for a small, but passionate audience. If your content is stale, take the time to add pep and flair to your posts to keep interest in what you need to say. And above all else, be useful. People come to website look to be either informed or entertained. The world does not need another Parez Hilton, but they do need more information. Be useful and the readers will come.

7)没有人正在阅读您的博客。 当没有人(或者除了您母亲之外,没有人)在阅读您的博客时,请问自己以下问题。 我写博客多少时间了? 有人在乎我写的博客吗? 我的内容新鲜吗? 如果您发现博客太新了,请给它一些时间来发展和发展。 如果您的博客主题是没人关心的话题,请花一些时间寻找另一个利基市场或为一小群但热情的读者解决。 如果您的内容陈旧,请花一些时间在帖子中添加点子和风格,以使您对需要说的话保持兴趣。 最重要的是,要有用。 人们来网站看起来是被告知或被娱乐。 这个世界不需要另一个Parez Hilton,但是他们确实需要更多信息。 有用,读者会来的。

On a final note, remember that your blog is your message to the world. Each time you hit publish, you are sending out a message, make sure that you have something important to say.

最后,请记住,您的博客是您向全世界传达的信息。 每次点击发布时,您都会发送一条消息,请确保您有重要的事情要说。

赞助商 (Sponsors)


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BuySellAds是买卖您网站上的广告位的巨大市场。 超过750个成功的博客作者使用它们来推动在线广告销售。 WPBeginner还使用BSA来维护我们的广告。 这也是广告客户的好地方。 超过1000个高质量的广告客户使用BSA定位适合其品牌的受众。 如果您有兴趣,请立即申请进入他们的市场。


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Aviva Web Directory

Aviva Web Directory

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Aviva Web Directory是万维网上最负盛名的Web目录之一。 自2005年以来它一直在网络上,并且其中列出了数千个网站。 杰夫很友善,可以成为我们的日常赞助商之一。 如果您使用优惠券“ wpbeginner”,他还将在任何挂牌价上提供$ 25的折扣。 将您的网站列在他们的SEO权益中。

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StudioPress以前被称为著名的Revolution Themes,它一直追求卓越并制作高质量的主题。 它是最受欢迎的主题提供程序之一。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/events/7-harsh-realities-of-blogging-for-bucks/





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