

Are you looking for useful WordPress widgets for your website?


Widgets allow you to add content, features, and other elements to your WordPress sidebar and other widget-ready areas.


WordPress comes with a handful of built-in widgets that you can use right away. WordPress plugins and themes can also add their own WordPress widgets as well.

WordPress随附了一些内置小部件,您可以立即使用。 WordPress插件和主题也可以添加自己的WordPress小部件。

In this article, we will share some of the most useful WordPress widgets for your site. These widgets will help you effectively use your website’s digital real estate to improve user experience and grow your business.

在本文中,我们将为您的站点共享一些最有用的WordPress小部件。 这些小部件将帮助您有效地使用网站的数字房地产,以改善用户体验并发展业务。

Most useful WordPress widgets for your website
1. WP通话按钮 (1. WP Call Button)

WP Call Button

As mobile internet traffic grows, most users find it convenient to just call a business for more information. WP Call Button allows you to easily add a click to call now button to your WordPress site.

随着移动互联网流量的增长,大多数用户发现致电公司以获取更多信息非常方便。 WP呼叫按钮可让您轻松地将单击立即致电按钮添加到WordPress网站。

You can use it to add a sticky button thats scrolls with the user or use the widget to display the call button in a sidebar.


It works with any landline or mobile phone number, but we recommend using a professional business phone service to make sure that you never miss a call.

它可以与任何固定电话或移动电话号码配合使用,但是我们建议您使用专业的商务电话服务 ,以确保您不会错过任何电话。

For step by step instructions, see our article on how to easily add a click-to-call button in WordPress.


2. WPForms (2. WPForms)


WPForms is the best WordPress contact form plugin on the market. It allows you to quickly create a contact form and add it anywhere on your website.

WPForms是市场上最好的WordPress联系人表单插件 。 它使您可以快速创建联系表并将其添加到网站上的任何位置。

It comes with a drag and drop form builder, ready-to-use form templates, Gutenberg block, and sidebar widget. It is a premium plugin with a free version available as WPForms Lite.

它带有拖放表单生成器,即用型表单模板,Gutenberg块和侧栏小部件。 它是一个高级插件,带有WPForms Lite的免费版本。

For details, see our guide on how to create a contact form in WordPress with step by step instructions.


3. RafflePress (3. RafflePress)


RafflePress is the best WordPress giveaway / contest plugin. It allows you to create viral giveaways and contests to instantly get a lot of traffic, new customers, and subscribers.

RafflePress是最好的WordPress赠品/竞赛插件 。 它使您可以创建病毒式赠品和竞赛,以立即获得大量流量,新客户和订户。

It allows you to run a giveaway and add it to a post, page, or sidebar widget. You can also create a standalone landing page for your giveaway and promote it across your social profiles.

它允许您运行赠品并将其添加到帖子,页面或侧边栏小部件中。 您还可以为赠品创建一个独立的登录页面,并在您的社交资料中进行推广。

RafflePress is a paid plugin with a free version called RafflePress Lite.

RafflePress是一个付费插件,带有一个称为RafflePress Lite的免费版本。

To learn more, see our guide on how to run a giveaway in WordPress with detailed instructions.


4.最近发布的带有缩略图的小部件 (4. Recent Posts Widget with Thumbnails)

Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails

By default, WordPress comes with a recent posts widget, which displays a plain list of your recent posts. Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails allows you to display recent posts with thumbnails.

默认情况下,WordPress带有“最近发布”窗口小部件,该窗口小部件显示您最近发布的列表。 带缩略图的“最近帖子”小部件可让您显示带有缩略图的最近帖子。

It uses the featured image or the first image in a post as thumbnail. You can also adjust the height and width of the image from the widget’s settings screen.

它使用精选图片或帖子中的第一张图片作为缩略图。 您还可以从小部件的设置屏幕调整图像的高度和宽度。

5. Astra小部件 (5. Astra Widgets)

Astra Widgets

Astra Widgets is widget pack created by the folks behind the popular Astra Theme. It allows you to easily add your business location, social profile links, and an icon list to your WordPress sidebar.

Astra Widgets是由流行的Astra Theme背后的人们创建的部件包。 它使您可以轻松地将您的营业地点,社交资料链接和图标列表添加到WordPress侧边栏。

It works with any WordPress theme and is compatible with all popular page builder plugins as well.


6.简单的社交图标 (6. Simple Social Icons)

Simple Social Icons

It is a really simple widget to add social icons to your sidebars. All the configuration options are in the widget’s settings. You can choose which social networks to link to and add your profile URLs.

这是一个非常简单的小部件,可将社交图标添加到侧边栏。 所有配置选项都在小部件的设置中。 您可以选择要链接到的社交网络并添加您的个人资料URL。

You can also modify the icon by choosing the background and icon font color. For details, see our tutorial on how to add social media icons in your WordPress sidebar.

您还可以通过选择背景和图标字体颜色来修改图标。 有关详细信息,请参阅有关如何在WordPress边栏中添加社交媒体图标的教程。

This plugin is built by StudioPress, the popular company behind the Genesis Theme Framework (now a subsidiary of WP Engine).

这个插件是由StudioPress构建的,该工作室是Genesis Theme Framework(现在是WP Engine的子公司)背后的知名公司。

7. Google Maps Widget (7. Google Maps Widget)

Google Maps Widget

An easier way to add a map to your site’s sidebar is by using Google Maps Widget. This simple widget allows you to display a Google map in a widget. When a user clicks on the map, a larger map opens in a lightbox popup.

将地图添加到网站的侧边栏中的一种更简便的方法是使用Google Maps Widget。 这个简单的小部件可让您在小部件中显示Google地图。 用户单击地图时,较大的地图会在灯箱弹出窗口中打开。

This is one of the best WordPress widgets for businesses that want to display their address and location on their site. Check out our guide on how to add Google Maps in WordPress for more information.

对于想要在其网站上显示其地址和位置的企业,这是最好的WordPress小部件之一。 查阅我们的指南,了解如何在WordPress中添加Google Maps以获得更多信息。

8.社会计数加 (8. Social Count Plus)

Social Count Plus

You may have seen that some popular websites show their social followers count in the sidebar. This adds to the credibility of your website by adding social proof.

您可能已经看到一些受欢迎的网站在侧边栏中显示了其社交关注者人数。 通过添加社交证明,可以增加您网站的信誉。

Social Count Plus widget allows you to easily display your social media follower count in the sidebar. See our guide on how to display social media followers count in WordPress.

Social Count Plus小部件可让您轻松在侧边栏中显示您的社交媒体关注者人数。 请参阅我们的指南,了解如何显示 WordPress中的社交媒体关注者数量

This widget only displays your follower count and not the number of times an article is shared on your website.


If you want to display share counts for individual posts, then we recommend using Shared Counts, which is one of the best social media plugins for WordPress. It will allow you to easily add social sharing buttons to your posts and pages with share count for each social media website.

如果您想显示单个帖子的共享计数,那么我们建议使用Shared Counts ,这是WordPress最好的社交媒体插件之一。 它可以让您轻松地将社交共享按钮添加到帖子和页面中,并具有每个社交媒体网站的共享计数。

9.压缩档案 (9. Compact Archives)

Compact Archives

The default monthly archives widget shows your blog archives in a long list of months. This can take up a lot of space. Compact Archives solves this problem by grouping your monthly archives into years and displaying them in a compact form.

默认的每月存档窗口小部件会在很长的几个月内显示您的博客存档。 这会占用很多空间。 Compact Archives通过将每月的归档文件分成若干年并以紧凑的形式显示来解决此问题。

It also comes with a Gutenberg block that you can add to in your posts and pages. It also includes a widget that you can use in your blog’s sidebar.

它还带有一个Gutenberg块 ,您可以将其添加到您的帖子和页面中。 它还包括可在博客的侧边栏中使用的小部件。

For more information check out our tutorial on how to create compact archives in WordPress.


10. OptinMonster (10. OptinMonster)


OptinMonster is the best WordPress lead generation software on the market. It allows you to easily convert website visitors into subscribers and customers.

OptinMonster是市场上最好的WordPress潜在客户生成软件。 它使您可以轻松地将网站访问者转换为订阅者和客户。

It helps you grow your email list by adding sign up forms in sidebar widgets, lightbox popup, floating bars, and more.

通过在侧边栏小部件, lightbox弹出窗口 ,浮动栏等中添加注册表单,它可以帮助您增加电子邮件列表

OptinMonster is the best WordPress widget for eCommerce sites and businesses who want to boost their conversions.


11. AdSanity (11. AdSanity)


AdSanity is the best ad management plugin for WordPress. It allows you to easily display ads anywhere on your website and comes with a widget to automatically display ads in your blog’s sidebar.

AdSanityWordPress最好的广告管理插件 。 它使您可以轻松地在网站上的任何地方展示广告,并带有一个小部件,可以在博客的侧边栏中自动显示广告。

If you are planning to support your website with Google AdSense, banner ads, or affiliate marketing, then AdSanity helps you maximize your ad space and generate more revenue.

如果您打算通过Google AdSense ,横幅广告或会员营销来支持您的网站,那么AdSanity可以帮助您最大化广告空间并产生更多收入。

12.推荐函 (12. Testimonials Rotator)

Testimonial Rotator

An easy way to add social proof to your website is by adding customer testimonials to your website. Testimonials Rotator allows you to easily add customer testimonials to your website.

向您的网站添加社交证明的一种简单方法是向您的网站添加客户推荐。 推荐旋转器可让您轻松地将客户推荐添加到您的网站。

It is one of the best testimonial plugins for WordPress and comes with a nifty widget that allows you to display rotating testimonials in a sidebar. This takes less space and allows you to cleverly use sidebars to boost social trust.

它是WordPress最好的推荐插件之一,并带有一个漂亮的小部件,可让您在边栏中显示旋转的推荐。 这占用的空间更少,并允许您巧妙地使用侧边栏以增强社会信任度。

For detailed instructions, see our article on how to add rotating testimonials in WordPress.


13.特色页面小部件 (13. Feature a Page Widget)

Feature a Page Widget

This neat plugin allows you to add a page as a featured page in your WordPress sidebar. You can choose to display a page title, featured image, and excerpt. See this article on how to feature a page in WordPress to learn more.

这个简洁的插件可让您在WordPress边栏中将页面添加为特色页面。 您可以选择显示页面标题,特色图像和摘录。 有关如何在WordPress中显示页面的功能,请参阅本文,以了解更多信息。

14.简易目录 (14. Easy Table of Contents)

Easy Table of Contents

Easy Table of Contents plugin allows you to easily add a table of contents to your articles. It comes in handy if you often publish long-form articles. Adding a table of contents helps users quickly jump to different sections.

简易目录插件可让您轻松将目录添加到文章中。 如果您经常发布长篇文章,它会派上用场。 添加目录有助于用户快速跳转到不同的部分。

The plugin can automatically insert a table of contents to longer articles or you can manually add it. Additionally, it also comes with a widget to display the table in the sidebar.

该插件可以自动将目录插入较长的文章中,或者您可以手动添加它。 此外,它还带有一个小部件,可在侧栏中显示表格。

For details, see our article on how to easily add table of contents in WordPress.


15.小部件上下文 (15. Widget Context)

Widget Context

Widget Context plugin allows you to show and hide widgets based on context. For example, you can hide a widget if a user is viewing a specific page.

Widget Context插件允许您根据上下文显示和隐藏Widget。 例如,如果用户正在查看特定页面,则可以隐藏小部件。

This comes in handy if you don’t want to display a widget on certain pages or only want to display it on specific sections. For details, see our article on how to show / hide widgets in WordPress.

如果您不想在某些页面上显示小部件,或者只想在特定部分上显示小部件,这将很方便。 有关详细信息,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中显示/隐藏窗口小部件的文章。

16. WordPress的Q2W3固定小部件 (16. Q2W3 Fixed Widget for WordPress)

Q2W3 Fixed Widget for WordPress

The sidebar widgets usually disappear as a user scroll down your website. Q2W3 Fixed Widget for WordPress allows you to change any widget into a fixed widget that stays on the screen as users scroll down.

侧栏小部件通常在用户向下滚动您的网站时消失。 适用于WordPress的Q2W3固定小部件允许您将任何小部件更改为固定的小部件,当用户向下滚动时,该小部件将保留在屏幕上。

This comes in handy if you want to display a special offer, important content, or a newsletter sign up form. For details, see our guide on how to create a sticky floating widget in WordPress.

如果您要显示特价,重要内容或新闻简报注册表单,这将很方便。 有关详细信息,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中创建粘性浮动窗口小部件的指南。

17. WordPress热门帖子 (17. WordPress Popular Posts)

WordPress Popular Posts

WordPress Popular Posts is the best popular posts plugin for WordPress. As the name suggests, it allows you to display your most popular posts in WordPress.

WordPress Popular Posts是WordPress最受欢迎的帖子插件 。 顾名思义,它可以让您在WordPress中显示最受欢迎的帖子。

The plugin comes with a widget that you can add to a sidebar. You can also use the shortcode or a template tag to display popular posts anywhere on your site.

该插件带有一个小部件,您可以将其添加到侧栏。 您还可以使用简码或模板标签在网站上的任何地方显示热门帖子。

18. WP-PostRatings (18. WP-PostRatings)


WP-PostRatings plugin allows you to easily add a post rating system to your WordPress website. Your users can then rate articles on your site and provide you with instant feedback.

WP-PostRatings插件可让您轻松地将评级系统添加到WordPress网站。 然后,您的用户可以对您网站上的文章进行评分,并为您提供即时反馈。

The plugin also comes with a widget, which you can use to display your top-rated content in your blog’s sidebar.


19.主题我的登录 (19. Theme My Login)

Theme My Login

Theme My Login is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to create a custom login page for your website visitors. It is highly useful if you allow user registration on your website or run a multi-author WordPress blog.

Theme My Login是一个功能强大的WordPress插件,可让您为网站访问者创建自定义登录页面。 如果您允许用户在您的网站上注册或运行多作者WordPress博客,这将非常有用。

The plugin also comes with a sidebar login widget, which you can use to make it easier for users to log in to their accounts. For details, see our guide on how to create front-end / sidebar login form in WordPress.

该插件还附带了一个侧边栏登录小部件,您可以使用该小部件使用户更轻松地登录其帐户。 有关详细信息,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中创建前端/边栏登录表单的指南

20.先进的AJAX产品过滤器 (20. Advanced AJAX Product Filters)

Advanced AJAX Product Filters

Advanced AJAX Product Filters allows you to display an instant product filter for your WooCommerce store. You can allow your users to filter products by price, rating, or attributes by simply adding a filter widget to your sidebar.

高级AJAX产品过滤器可让您显示WooCommerce商店的即时产品过滤器。 您可以通过向侧边栏添加过滤器小部件来允许用户按价格,等级或属性过滤产品。

21. Google语言翻译器 (21. Google Language Translator)

Google Language Translator

Google Language Translator plugin allows you to easily add a language switcher widget to your WordPress site. It uses Google Translate to translate content on your website in any language.

Google Language Translator插件可让您轻松地将语言切换器小部件添加到WordPress网站。 它使用Google翻译以任何语言翻译您网站上的内容。

Alternative: TranslatePress allows you to combine Google translate with manual translations to improve the overall quality of your translated content.

备选方案: TranslatePress允许您将Google翻译与手动翻译结合使用,以提高翻译内容的整体质量。

22.小部件导入和导出 (22. Widget Importer & Exporter)

Widget Importer & Exporter

Now that you have set up your widgets and configured its settings, you may want to move them to another website. This is where Widget Importer & Exporter plugin comes in handy.

现在,您已经设置了小部件并配置了其设置,您可能希望将其移动到另一个网站。 这是Widget Importer&Exporter插件派上用场的地方。

It allows you to download all your widgets as JSON file, which you can then import on any other WordPress site. If you are using the same theme and plugins, then all your widgets will be imported exactly as they were.

它允许您将所有小部件下载为JSON文件,然后可以将其导入任何其他WordPress网站。 如果您使用相同的主题和插件,那么所有小部件都将原样导入。

If you are using a different theme that does not have the same widget areas as the old theme, then those widgets will be imported as inactive widgets. You can then drag and drop them to any widget area you like.

如果您使用的主题与旧主题没有相同的窗口小部件区域,则这些窗口小部件将作为非活动窗口小部件导入。 然后,您可以将它们拖放到所需的任何窗口小部件区域。

23.活动日历 (23. The Events Calendar)

The Events Calendar

The Events Calendar is one of the best WordPress calendar plugins on the market. It allows you to easily manage event listings on a WordPress website.

活动日历是市场上最好的WordPress日历插件之一 。 它使您可以轻松管理WordPress网站上的事件列表。

You can add new events with full details, display an events calendar in a WordPress post or page, or display upcoming events in a sidebar widget.


24.另一个相关文章插件(YARPP) (24. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP))

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP)

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) is the best WordPress related posts plugin on the market. It allows you to easily display related content for each article on your website.

另一个相关帖子插件(YARPP)是市场上最好的WordPress相关帖子插件 。 它使您可以轻松显示网站上每篇文章的相关内容。

It uses an advanced algorithm to match content which allows it to show more contextually related posts than other plugins. It also comes with a widget that you can use to display related posts in a sidebar.

它使用一种先进的算法来匹配内容,从而可以显示比其他插件更多的上下文相关帖子。 它还带有一个小部件,可用于在侧边栏中显示相关帖子。

25.边栏中的帖子 (25. Posts in Sidebar)

Posts in Sidebar

Posts in Sidebar is a really simple but highly useful plugin. It allows you to show specific posts in a sidebar widget.

补充工具栏中的帖子是一个非常简单但非常有用的插件。 它允许您在侧边栏小部件中显示特定帖子。

You can select which posts you want to show, display them with title, excerpt, and a thumbnail, or plain lists. You can also use it with the Widget Context plugin to show different posts on different areas of your website.

您可以选择要显示的帖子,并显示它们的标题,摘录,缩略图或普通列表。 您也可以将其与Widget Context插件一起使用,以在网站的不同区域显示不同的帖子。

We hope this article helped you find some useful WordPress widgets for your website. You may also want to see our guide on the best WordPress plugins and the best Gutenberg block plugins for your website.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到一些有用的WordPress窗口小部件。 您可能还想查看有关您网站的最佳WordPress插件最佳Gutenberg块插件的指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/25-most-useful-wordpress-widgets-for-your-site/






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