

Here are some key points from the October 14th Keynote – Stand Up, Stand Out, Stand Together by Scott Stratten at Blog World Expo 2010.

以下是10月14日主题演讲中的一些要点–站起来,脱颖而出,站在一起,Scott Stratten在Blog World Expo 2010上发表。

Content: First things first, “People Spread AWESOME.” You need to make sure that everything you do is awesome. RSS should not be the only way to subscribe. Your subscription options should depend on what your audience wants. Just because you like it, that doesn’t mean that everyone else likes it. Mobile versions of your content are critical. Don’t base your articles on KEYWORDS… (SEO) … SEO will come when you have AWESOME. Best SEO is to write great content. People don’t link to posts and say that was ok content, but it’s keyword rich!

内容:首先,“人们传播了不起的东西”。 您需要确保所做的一切都很棒。 RSS不应是唯一的订阅方式。 您的订阅选项应取决于受众群体的需求。 仅仅因为您喜欢它,并不意味着其他所有人都喜欢它。 内容的移动版本至关重要。 不要将您的文章基于关键字...(SEO)…当您拥有AWESOME时,SEO就会出现。 最好的SEO是写很棒的内容。 人们没有链接到帖子,说内容不错,但是关键字丰富!

People: Marketing is not a task. It is not a department. It is every interaction you have. People spread emotions … that’s a fact, but how they spread it has changed. Relationships equal business. People will only to business with people they know, they like, and they trust. There are no short cuts to making these relationships. Social Media will not shortcut these relationships, they still take time.

人员:营销不是任务。 它不是部门。 这是您的每一次互动。 人们散布着情感……这是事实,但是他们散布情感的方式已经改变。 人际关系平等。 人们只会与认识,喜欢并且信任的人开展业务。 建立这些关系没有捷径。 社交媒体不会缩短这些关系,它们仍然需要时间。

Blogging: Associating your blog with frequency is messed up. Write when you have something passionate to say. If you can blog awesome daily, then blog awesome daily. If you can only blog awesome once a week, then blog once a week. It should be so awesome that subscribers read it right away instead of posting it in the read later column. Don’t worry about what is next… fix what is going on now!

博客:将您的博客与频率相关联变得混乱。 当你有热情的话要写。 如果您每天都能写很棒的博客,那么每天都会写很棒的博客。 如果您每周只能写一次很棒的博客,那么每周一次就可以博客了。 它应该很棒,以至于订户立即阅读它,而不是将其发布在“稍后阅读”列中。 不用担心接下来会发生什么……现在修复正在发生的事情!

Social Media: Success in social media does not exist. Social media only accelerates things. If your product sucks, social media will make it suck faster. If your product is good, then social media makes it better. If your audience is people, then your audience is at TWITTER.

社交媒体:在社交媒体上不存在成功。 社交媒体只会加速事情。 如果您的产品很烂,社交媒体将使其更快地烂掉。 如果您的产品不错,那么社交媒体会使其更好。 如果您的听众是人,那么您的听众就在TWITTER。

Your Site: Exit popups “work” but it is messed up. It is just like punching someone: most will dislike it and others will buy it just to have you stop. Why might you do it? Because they are leaving anyways. It’s like kicking someone’s ass as they leave your store. Captcha prevents 99% of the people commenting to solve 1% of the issue. Also, your engagement is awaiting moderation with your comments, this is a problem.

您的站点:退出弹出窗口“正常工作”,但混乱了。 这就像在打人:大多数人会不喜欢它,其他人会购买它只是为了让您停下来。 你为什么要这么做? 因为他们反正要离开。 这就像在离开您的商店时踢某人的屁股一样。 Captcha可以防止99%的人发表评论以解决1%的问题。 另外,您的参与正在等待评论的审核,这是一个问题。

ROI: Everytime you ask for ROI, a Kitten DIES. If you look at everything from the eyes of ROI, you are out of luck.

投资回报率:每当您要求投资回报率时,一只小猫都会死。 如果您从ROI的角度看所有内容,那么您将很不幸。

Suggested tool: Tungle – allows you to schedule stuff online for free. But don’t ask for all the stupid fields such as phone number.

推荐工具:Tungle –允许您免费在线安排工作。 但不要要求所有愚蠢的字段,例如电话号码。

赞助商 (Sponsors)


BuySellAds is a huge marketplace to buy/sell advertising spots on your site. Over 750 successful bloggers use them to power their online ad sales. WPBeginner is also using BSA to maintain our ads. It is also a great place for advertisers. Over 1,000 quality advertisers use BSA to target the audiences that are right for their brand. If you are interested, apply to be in their marketplace now.

BuySellAds是买卖您网站上的广告位的巨大市场。 超过750个成功的博客作者使用它们来推动在线广告销售。 WPBeginner还使用BSA来维护我们的广告。 这也是广告客户的好地方。 超过1000个高质量的广告客户使用BSA定位适合其品牌的受众。 如果您有兴趣,请立即申请进入他们的市场。


ContactMe is the easiest way to organize and grow your business/blog. You can create contact forms and utilize all the tools that they have to offer to stay updated with all leads and potentially converting them into clients.

ContactMe是组织和发展业务/博客的最简单方法。 您可以创建联系表格,并利用他们提供的所有工具来保持与所有潜在客户的最新联系,并有可能将其转换为客户。

Aviva Web Directory

Aviva Web Directory

Aviva Web目录

Aviva Web Directory is one of the most prestigious web directories on the world wide web. It has been on the web since 2005 and has thousands of websites listed in it. Jeff was kind enough to be one of our daily sponsors. He is also giving $25 off on any listing price if you use the coupon “wpbeginner”. Get your site listed in their for SEO benefits.

Aviva Web Directory是万维网上最负盛名的Web目录之一。 自2005年以来它一直在网络上,并且其中列出了数千个网站。 杰夫很友善,可以成为我们的日常赞助商之一。 如果您使用优惠券“ wpbeginner”,他还将在任何挂牌价上提供$ 25的折扣。 将您的网站列在他们的SEO权益中。

Headway Themes

Headway Themes


Headway is much more than a WordPress theme. It is a system for do-it-yourself-ers and developers to create sites with simple drag and drop. You can create your very own custom WordPress theme in just a few minutes by simply clicking, dragging, and dropping. It is one of the most popular framework for WordPress themes. Grant was kind enough to give WPBeginner users a 20% off coupon. Simply use the coupon “wpbeginner“.

进展远不只是WordPress主题。 它是一个由自己动手和开发人员通过简单的拖放创建网站的系统。 您只需单击,拖放即可在短短几分钟内创建自己的自定义WordPress主题。 它是WordPress主题最受欢迎的框架之一。 Grant非常友好,可以为WPBeginner用户提供20%的优惠券。 只需使用优惠券“ wpbeginner ”。

StudioPress Themes

StudioPress WordPress Themes

StudioPress WordPress主题

Formerly known as the famous Revolution Themes, StudioPress has always strived for excellence and produced high quality themes. It is one of the most popular theme provider.

StudioPress以前被称为著名的Revolution Themes,它一直追求卓越并制作高质量的主题。 它是最受欢迎的主题提供程序之一。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/events/stand-up-stand-out-stand-together-blog-world-2010/






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