

Are you looking for the best marketing automation tools for your small business?


Whether it’s email marketing, content marketing, social media, or sales, there are now marketing automation tools available that can help you get better results, faster.


In this article, we will share the best marketing automation tools for your small business, so you can grow your business, reach more customers, and save time.


The best marketing automation tools for small businesses
为什么您的小型企业需要营销自动化工具 (Why Your Small Business Needs Marketing Automation Tools)

Marketing automation helps make your workflow more efficient, so you can grow your business faster and smarter.


Basically, you can create specific content or process, and then the tool keeps working for you without you needing to do anything.


For instance, you might set up an email autoresponder series, create a smart chatbot for your site, or set up a sales CRM that organizes your leads for you.

例如,您可以设置电子邮件自动回复程序系列 ,为您的站点创建智能聊天机器人,或者设置可以为您组织潜在客户的销售CRM。

To help you find the best marketing automation tools, we have organized them in the following categories (simply click on the link to jump to specific sections):


最佳电子邮件营销自动化工具 (Best Email Marketing Automation Tools)

Even if you have an email newsletter, you may not be taking advantage of all the automation tools available.

即使您有电子邮件通讯 ,也可能没有利用所有可用的自动化工具。

These tools let you set up autoresponders to market consistently to every new prospect who joins your list.


1.持续接触 (1. Constant Contact)

The Constant Contact website

Constant Contact is the best email marketing service for small businesses. You can use it to set up a sequence of emails that will go out automatically to new subscribers. You can even send messages based on what actions your subscribers take, or don’t take.

持续联系是针对小型企业的最佳电子邮件营销服务 。 您可以使用它来设置一系列电子邮件,这些电子邮件将自动发送给新订户。 您甚至可以根据订户采取或不采取的行动来发送消息。

It’s easy to create emails using Constant Contact’s simple drag and drop interface. There’s a 60 day free trial of Constant Contact available, letting you try out this tool before committing to a payment plan.

使用Constant Contact的简单拖放界面创建电子邮件非常容易。 有60天免费试用的Constant Contact,可让您在承诺付款计划之前试用此工具。

The Constant Contact support team is available through live chat, phone, and email.




Constant Contact’s ‘Email’ plan costs from $20/month. This only has basic automation features. For the advanced automation features, get the ‘Email Plus’ plan, which starts at $45/month.

Constant Contact的“电子邮件”计划费用为每月20美元起。 这仅具有基本的自动化功能。 要获得高级自动化功能,请获取“ Email Plus”计划,该计划起价为每月45美元。

2. Sendinblue (2. Sendinblue)

The Sendinblue website

Sendinblue is one of the best WordPress email newsletter plugins. It’s also a great tool for SMS marketing. There’s a range of templates to create your emails.

Sendinblue是最好的WordPress电子邮件通讯插件之一。 这也是SMS营销的绝佳工具。 有多种模板可以创建您的电子邮件。

Sendinblue lets you build custom workflows that send out emails automatically. You can even use your contact’s behavior on your website to trigger emails. For instance, you could send an automated email if a customer adds an item to their basket but fails to check out.

Sendinblue使您可以构建自定义工作流,这些工作流会自动发送电子邮件。 您甚至可以使用您网站上联系人的行为来触发电子邮件。 例如,如果客户将商品添加到购物篮中但未签出,则可以发送自动电子邮件。



Sendinblue offers a completely free account for up to 300 emails per day. You get unlimited contacts. If you want to send more emails than that, paid plans start at $25/month.

Sendinblue提供了一个完全免费的帐户,每天最多可以处理300封电子邮件。 您可以获得无限的联系。 如果您想发送更多的电子邮件,付费计划起价为每月25美元。

3.滴水 (3. Drip)

The Drip website

Drip is a powerful email marketing platform, with great WooCommerce integration. It’s an especially good option if you run an eCommerce website. It has intelligent marketing automation tools and smart email segmenting.

Drip是强大的电子邮件营销平台,具有强大的WooCommerce集成。 如果您经营电子商务网站,这是一个特别好的选择。 它具有智能的营销自动化工具和智能的电子邮件细分。

Drip also provides plenty of support, through live chat as well as with webinars, detailed online courses, and excellent documentation. It isn’t the cheapest option, but it’s well worth the money if you want to maximize your marketing efforts.

Drip还通过实时聊天以及网络研讨会,详细的在线课程和出色的文档提供了大量支持。 这不是最便宜的选择,但是如果您想最大程度地进行营销,就值得花这笔钱。



Drip offers a 14-day free trial. After that, their plans start from $19/month, but that only gives you 500 subscribers. For $39/month, you can have up to 2,500 subscribers.

Drip提供14天的免费试用。 在那之后,他们的计划从$ 19 /月开始,但这只给您500个订阅者。 每月$ 39,您可以拥有2500个订阅者。

4. ConvertKit (4. ConvertKit)

The Convertkit website

ConvertKit is an easy-to-use and robust email marketing platform. It has some great features for creators and bloggers, but it’s also a popular option for small businesses.

ConvertKit是一个易于使用且功能强大的电子邮件营销平台。 对于创作者和博客作者,它具有一些很棒的功能,但是对于小型企业来说,它也是一个受欢迎的选择。

ConvertKit makes it easy to segment your contacts in leads and existing customers, you can then send different emails to each. It has a simple email builder to create emails that will look great on all devices. You can even create clickable CTA buttons and track conversions when users click on them.

ConvertKit使您可以轻松地将潜在客户和潜在客户中的联系人细分,然后可以向每个发送不同的电子邮件。 它有一个简单的电子邮件生成器,可以创建在所有设备上看起来都不错的电子邮件。 您甚至可以创建可点击的CTA按钮,并在用户单击它们时跟踪转换



ConvertKit costs from $25/month (paid annually) for up to 1,000 subscribers. This includes all their features, such as automated funnels and email sequences. There’s a 14-day free trial, which doesn’t need a credit card.

最多可容纳1,000个订户,ConvertKit的费用为每月25美元/月(每年支付)。 这包括其所有功能,例如自动渠道和电子邮件序列。 有14天的免费试用期,不需要信用卡。

5. OptinMonster (5. OptinMonster)

The OptinMonster website

OptinMonster is the best conversion optimization software on the market. It allows you to easily convert website visitors into subscribers and customers.

OptinMonster是市场上最好的转换优化软件。 它使您可以轻松地将网站访问者转换为订阅者和客户。

It comes with easy to integrate lightbox popups, slide-ins forms, welcome mats, coupon wheels, and more.

它具有易于集成的灯箱弹出窗口 ,滑入式表格,欢迎垫,优惠券轮等功能。

OptinMonster works with all popular email marketing services and helps you quickly get more subscribers for your email list.


It is packed with many features that help you automatically target users and show them personalized campaigns. For instance, you can show targetted messages for different pages on your site. You can also show campaigns based on user activity and geographic location.

它具有许多功能,可帮助您自动定位用户并向他们显示个性化的广告系列。 例如,您可以显示网站上不同页面的目标消息。 您还可以根据用户活动和地理位置显示广告系列。



OptinMonster costs from $9/month (billed annually). However, you will get 10% off if you use our OptinMonster coupon.

OptinMonster的费用为每月9美元起(每年结算)。 但是,如果使用我们的OptinMonster优惠券 ,您将获得10%的折扣

现场营销自动化(WordPress) (Onsite Marketing Automation (WordPress))

Onsite marketing automation tools are ones that you use directly on your website. They let you market to your website visitors automatically and effectively.

现场营销自动化工具是您直接在网站上使用的工具。 他们使您能够自动有效地向网站访问者进行营销。

6. ChatBot (6. ChatBot)

The ChatBot website

ChatBot is a smart automated bot that can engage with users in a similar way to a live chat agent. It’s like having a virtual assistant for your website who’s available 24/7 and can answer instantly.

ChatBot是一个智能的自动化机器人,可以通过与实时聊天代理类似的方式与用户互动。 就像为您的网站提供虚拟助手一样,该助手可以24/7全天候提供服务,并且可以即时应答。

You can use ChatBot to take bookings, schedule calls, or even to sell products directly from the chat window. It integrates seamlessly with LiveChat. This means a live agent can jump into the conversation if the user needs a little extra help.

您可以使用ChatBot进行预订 ,安排电话,甚至直接在聊天窗口中出售产品。 它与LiveChat无缝集成。 这意味着如果用户需要一点额外的帮助,实时客服人员可以加入对话。



ChatBot costs from $50/month, which gives you up to 1000 chats. There’s also a 14 day free trial.

ChatBot的费用为每月50美元起,最多可进行1000次聊天。 还有14天的免费试用期。

7. OptinMonster(现场重定向) (7. OptinMonster (OnSite Retargeting))

The OptinMonster website

OptinMonster‘s OnSite Retargeting® feature helps you make the most of your advertising budget. It lets you customize your promotions for visitors who are returning to your site. That way, you will not be showing them the exact same campaigns they’ve already seen.

OptinMonster的OnSiteRetargeting®功能可帮助您充分利用广告预算。 它使您可以为返回您网站的访问者定制促销活动。 这样,您就不会向他们显示与他们已经看到的完全相同的广告系列。

You can use the OnSite Retargeting® in conjunction with OptinMonster’s other features. These include powerful display rules that let you easily target people based on the page(s) they’re viewing, what device they’re using, how they have interacted with your website in the past, new vs returning visitors, and much more.

您可以将OnSiteRetargeting®与OptinMonster的其他功能结合使用。 这些功能包括强大的显示规则,可让您根据他们正在查看的页面,他们正在使用的设备,他们过去与您的网站的互动方式,新访客与回访者等等轻松地定位用户。



You will need OptinMonster’s ‘Growth’ plan ($49/month, billed annually) to use the OnSite Retargeting® feature. You can get 10% off by using our OptinMonster coupon.

您需要使用OptinMonster的“增长”计划(每月49美元,按年计费)才能使用OnSiteRetargeting®功能。 使用我们的OptinMonster优惠券,您可以享受 10%的折扣

8.对讲机 (8. Intercom)

The Intercom website

Intercom is often seen as a live chat tool, but it does much more than that. It lets you use chatbots and integrate your chats with other elements of your marketing workflow too.

对讲机通常被视为实时聊天工具,但其功能远不止于此。 它使您可以使用聊天机器人,并将聊天与营销工作流程的其他元素集成在一起。

Intercom lets you send automated in-app messages that go far beyond just text. You can use images, videos, emojis, and even apps to help with your marketing. It’s easy to choose from lots of different message styles, without needing to get a developer involved.

通过对讲,您可以发送自动应用内消息,而不仅仅是文本。 您可以使用图像,视频,表情符号甚至应用程序来帮助您进行营销。 从许多不同的消息样式中进行选择很容易,而无需让开发人员参与。

Intercom also has several optional add-ons available. These include product tours, advanced lead generation, and advanced customer engagement.

对讲机也有几个可选的附加组件。 其中包括产品导览,高级潜在客户生成和高级客户参与。



Intercom costs starts from $39/month. The optional add-ons are priced separately. The cost will grow as you get more subscribers, and it can easily go into thousands per month.

对讲机费用每月39美元起。 可选的附件单独定价。 随着您获得更多订户,成本将增加,并且每月很容易达到数千。

9.粉碎气球 (9. Smash Balloon)

The Smash Balloon website

Smash Balloon offers 4 different WordPress plugins that let you add social feeds to your website. These cover Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. They are a great way to make the most of the time you spend on social media. You can automatically include posts from your account – or even posts with a specific hashtag, where applicable.

Smash Balloon提供了4个不同的WordPress插件,可让您向网站添加社交Feed。 这些涵盖了Facebook,Instagram,Twitter和YouTube。 它们是充分利用您在社交媒体上花费时间的一种好方法。 您可以自动包括您帐户中的帖子,甚至可以在适当的情况下添加带有特定主题标签的帖子。

You can customize your social feeds in multiple ways. For instance, you could create a shoppable Instagram feed so clickable Instagram photos of your products are automatically added to your site.

您可以通过多种方式自定义社交Feed。 例如,您可以创建可购物的Instagram提要,以便将您产品的可点击Instagram照片自动添加到您的网站。



Smash Balloon’s plugins are available both separately and as a bundle. The best value option is the ‘All Access Bundle’ at $299/year. This gives you all 4 plugins plus priority support.

Smash Balloon的插件可以单独购买,也可以捆绑使用。 最物超所值的选择是“ All Access Bundle”,每年299美元。 这为您提供了所有4个插件以及优先支持。

If you just want one plugin, they’re each priced from $49/year.

如果您只想要一个插件,则每个插件的价格都为$ 49 /年起。

10. RafflePress (10. RafflePress)

The RafflePress website

RafflePress is the best WordPress contest and giveaway plugin which allows you to incentivize user interactions on your site.

RafflePress是最好的WordPress竞赛和赠品插件 ,可让您激发网站上的用户互动。

These might include visiting a page on your site, taking part in a poll or survey, watching a video, and more. You can even create your own actions, such as prompting readers to leave a comment.

其中可能包括访问您网站上的页面,参加民意调查或调查,观看视频等等。 您甚至可以创建自己的操作,例如提示读者发表评论。

By creating a competition for your readers, you can dramatically increase how engaged they are with your content. You are also able to set actions that prompt readers to share your content on social media.

通过为读者发起竞争,您可以大大提高他们与您的内容的互动度。 您还可以设置提示读者在社交媒体上分享您的内容的操作。



RafflePress costs from $49/year.


内容行销 (Content Marketing)

Is creating content taking up a lot of your time? Here are some great tools to help you get more from your content.

创建内容会占用您很多时间吗? 这里有一些很棒的工具,可以帮助您从内容中获得更多收益。

11.外脑 (11. Outbrain)

The Outbrain website

Outbrain lets you showcase your content on popular online publications. They have partnerships with sites including CNN, US Weekly, MSN, the Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, BuzzFeed, and many more.

利用Outbrain ,您可以在流行的在线出版物上展示您的内容。 他们与包括CNN,美国周刊,MSN,《华尔街日报》,《卫报》,BuzzFeed等网站建立了合作伙伴关系。

Instead of republishing your full articles on those publications, readers will see a thumbnail, title, and the name of your brand. This will link directly to your own website.

读者不会在这些出版物上重新发表完整的文章,而是会看到缩略图,标题和品牌名称。 这将直接链接到您自己的网站。



Outbrain charges a CPC (cost-per-click) rate. You get charged for the number of clicks your content receives. You can set a budget cap for each campaign.

Outbrain会收取CPC(每次点击费用)费率。 您需要为内容获得的点击次数付费。 您可以为每个广告系列设置预算上限。

12.扎皮尔 (12. Zapier)

The Zapier website

Zapier is a tool that lets you connect other apps together, with a huge range available. It’s a great way to move content from one place to another. For instance, you could set up a ‘Zap’ to automatically create a new story in Medium whenever you publish a new post in WordPress.

Zapier是一个工具,可让您将其他应用程序连接在一起,并且范围广泛。 这是将内容从一个地方移到另一个地方的好方法。 例如,您可以设置一个“ Zap”,以便在WordPress中发布新帖子时自动在Medium中创建新故事。

You can also automate lots of other tasks, like sharing new content on social media, adding new leads to a spreadsheet or database, or creating a Trello card when a new WooCommerce order comes in.




Zapier has a free plan that gives you up to 5 Zaps and 100 tasks/month. Paid plans start from $19.99/month (billed annually).

Zapier有一个免费计划,每月最多可以提供5个Zaps和100个任务。 付费计划从每月19.99美元起(每年计费)。

13. Google我的商家自动发布 (13. Google My Business Auto Publish)

Google My Business Auto Publish plugin

Google My Business Auto Publish is a simple but very useful WordPress plugin. It lets you automatically publish content to your ‘My Business’ Google account. This means your posts will instantly appear on your Google business profile.

Google My Business Auto Publish是一个简单但非常有用的WordPress插件。 它使您可以自动将内容发布到您的“我的商家” Google帐户。 这意味着您的帖子将立即显示在您的Google企业资料中。

You can publish posts or pages and even set up a default share message to save time. If you don’t want to publish a particular post, you can simply check a box or set the plugin to not automatically publish new posts.

您可以发布帖子或页面,甚至可以设置默认的共享消息以节省时间。 如果您不想发布特定的帖子,则只需选中一个复选框或将插件设置为不自动发布新的帖子即可。



Google My Business Auto Publish is free.


社交媒体营销自动化 (Social Media Marketing Automation)

Social media marketing can be incredibly powerful but it can also take up a lot of time. You need automated systems in place to ensure you make the most of these opportunities and track what’s most effective.

社交媒体营销功能强大到令人难以置信,但也可能会占用大量时间。 您需要适当的自动化系统,以确保您充分利用这些机会并跟踪最有效的方法。

14. ManyChat (14. ManyChat)

The ManyChat website

ManyChat lets you send automated Facebook messages so that customers can purchase directly from Facebook Messenger. The bot can help customers select a suitable product and take payment within Messenger itself.

ManyChat允许您发送自动的Facebook消息,以便客户可以直接从Facebook Messenger购买。 该机器人可以帮助客户选择合适的产品,并在Messenger本身内付款。

You can even use the conversations and customer’s responses to tailor which products are recommended. ManyChat can send a customer a coupon to prompt them to buy. It also integrates with popular payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe, and can be used with over 2,000 apps by connecting with Zapier.

您甚至可以使用对话和客户的反馈来定制推荐哪些产品。 ManyChat可以向客户发送优惠券以提示他们购买。 它还与流行的支付网关(如PayPal和Stripe)集成,并且通过与Zapier连接可以与超过2,000个应用程序一起使用。



ManyChat has a free plan which offers basic features. Their Pro plan starts from $10/month, for up to 500 subscribers.

ManyChat有免费计划,提供基本功能。 他们的Pro计划起价为每月10美元,最多可容纳500位订阅者。

15.顺风 (15. Tailwind)

The Tailwind website

Tailwind has Pinterest and Instagram scheduling tools that let you schedule posts ahead of time. It will give you hashtag suggestions for Instagram. With Pinterest, you can schedule 10 pins with a single click. You can use Tailwind’s analytic tools to see what’s working and to schedule your content at the best times to get more engagement.

Tailwind具有Pinterest和Instagram计划工具,可让您提前计划帖子。 它将为您提供有关Instagram主题标签建议。 使用Pinterest,您可以单击一次安排10个图钉。 您可以使用Tailwind的分析工具来查看正在运行的内容,并在最佳时间安排您的内容以吸引更多的参与。

Tailwind also offers Power-up features that let you do even more with your social media accounts. The SmartLoop Power-up lets you reshare pins, including resharing seasonal content at the right time.

Tailwind还提供了Power-up功能,可让您使用社交媒体帐户做更多的事情。 SmartLoop开机可以让您重新共享图钉,包括在适当的时间重新共享季节性内容。



Tailwind has a free trial (no credit card required). After that, it’s $9.99/month for each social media profile. You need to pay for Pinterest and Instagram separately. PowerUps cost from $4.99/month for each social media profile.

Tailwind有免费试用版(无需信用卡)。 之后,每个社交媒体资料每月9.99美元。 您需要分别为Pinterest和Instagram付费。 每个社交媒体个人资料的PowerUps费用为每月$ 4.99起。

16. HootSuite (16. HootSuite)

The Hootsuite website

HootSuite is a popular social media management platform that lets you bring together all your social content in one app. You can automatically schedule posts ahead of time, monitor public channels and private messages, and much more.

HootSuite是一种流行的社交媒体管理平台,可让您将所有社交内容整合到一个应用程序中。 您可以提前自动安排帖子,监视公共频道和私人消息等等。

If your small business has a social media team, then HootSuite is really helpful as it gives you robust team management and permissions. You can use HootSuite’s analytics to get detailed reports about how your posts are performing across different networks, too.

如果您的小型企业有社交媒体团队,那么HootSuite确实会有所帮助,因为它可以为您提供强大的团队管理和权限。 您也可以使用HootSuite的分析来获取有关您的帖子在不同网络上的效果的详细报告。



HootSuite has a limited free plan that covers 3 social profiles and 1 user. Paid plans start from $29/month. There’s a 30 day free trial of the ‘Professional’ and ‘Team’ plans (credit card required).

HootSuite的有限免费计划涵盖3个社交资料和1个用户。 付费计划的起价为每月29美元。 有30天的“专业”和“团队”计划免费试用版(需要信用卡)。

17. AgoraPulse (17. AgoraPulse)

The Agorapulse website

AgoraPulse is a social media management tool. It gives you lots of flexible scheduling options to queue up social media posts ahead of time. You can also reschedule and even bulk upload your posts. There’s a social inbox within the tool that lets you manage all your mentions, ad comments, and other important messages.

AgoraPulse是一种社交媒体管理工具。 它为您提供了许多灵活的计划选项,可以提前将社交媒体帖子排队。 您还可以重新计划甚至批量上传您的帖子。 该工具内有一个社交收件箱,可让您管理所有提及,广告评论和其他重要消息。

With AgoraPulse, you get unlimited reports that let you figure out the ROI of your social media efforts. It’s easy to assign draft posts, comments, and messages to different teammates. There’s also a built-in CRM where you can label and group your audience into segments. AgoraPulse also lets you add internal notes to each user and view their conversation history, too.

使用AgoraPulse,您可以获得无限制的报告,可让您确定社交媒体工作的投资回报率。 将草稿,评论和消息分配给不同的队友很容易。 还有一个内置的CRM,您可以在其中标记和细分受众群体。 AgoraPulse还允许您向每个用户添加内部注释并查看他们的对话历史记录。



AgoraPulse costs from $79/month (paid annually). There’s a 28 day free trial available, with no credit card required.

AgoraPulse的费用为每月$ 79起(每年支付)。 有28天的免费试用版本,不需要信用卡。

18.缓冲区 (18. Buffer)

The Buffer website

Buffer is a long-running social media scheduling tool. It lets you schedule content ahead of time for multiple different social networks, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Buffer是一种长期运行的社交媒体计划工具。 它使您可以为多个不同的社交网络提前安排内容,包括Instagram,Facebook,Twitter,LinkedIn和Pinterest。

You can also use Buffer to plan and organize hashtags for Instagram, to measure the performance of your content, and more. Buffer offers both ‘Publish’ and ‘Analyze’ tools (billed separately). If you have a social media team, you can assign different access and permissions to different people.

您还可以使用Buffer计划和组织Instagram#标签,衡量内容的性能等等。 Buffer同时提供“发布”和“分析”工具(分别开票)。 如果您有社交媒体团队,则可以为不同的人分配不同的访问和权限。



Buffer costs from $12/month (billed annually), with a 14 day free trial available. There’s also a basic free plan, which gives you 3 social accounts and 10 scheduled posts at a time.

缓冲区费用为每月12美元起(每年计费),并提供14天免费试用期。 还有一个基本的免费计划,一次可以给您3个社交帐户和10个预定的帖子。

19.提及 (19. Mention)

The Mention website

Mention has a ‘listen’ feature that lets you monitor social media, plus review sites, blogs, and the whole of the web. That way, you don’t need to spend a lot of time monitoring social media for mentions of your brand.

提及功能具有“收听”功能,可让您监视社交媒体,以及查看网站,博客和整个网络。 这样,您无需花费大量时间来监视社交媒体来提及您的品牌。

You can even monitor what’s being said about your competition. Mention can also provide you with audience insights about your key topics. It’s easy to use it to organize and schedule multi-channel social media content.

您甚至可以监视有关您的比赛的评论。 提及还可以为您提供有关关键主题的受众见解。 使用它来组织和安排多渠道社交媒体内容很容易。



Mention offers a free plan that lets you create a single alert. Their paid plans cost from $25/month (billed annually).

提及提供了一项免费计划,可让您创建一个警报。 他们的付费计划的费用为每月25美元(按年计费)。

销售自动化(CRM) (Sales Automation (CRM))

Is your sales team closing as many deals as you’d like? Or are little details getting missed despite lots of the team’s time being spent on admin? There are many powerful sales automation tools out there to help keep track of everything.

您的销售团队是否完成了所需的所有交易? 还是尽管团队花费了大量时间在管理上,但很少有细节遗漏? 有许多强大的销售自动化工具可以帮助您跟踪所有情况。

20. HubSpot (20. HubSpot)

The HubSpot website

HubSpot offers a suite of all-in-one marketing software. This includes the HubSpot CRM (customer relationship management) tool that allows you to organize your content and view your entire sales funnel in a straightforward visual dashboard. You can sort your contacts based on deals won or lost, appointments, specific time periods, and more.

HubSpot提供了一套多合一的营销软件。 这包括HubSpot CRM(客户关系管理)工具,该工具使您可以组织内容并在直观的可视仪表板中查看整个销售渠道。 您可以根据获胜或失败的交易,约会,特定时间段等进行排序。

You can use the HubSpot CRM to schedule automated emails, for live chat, and much more. HubSpot also lets you include chatbots to automate your live chat marketing. It’s possible to integrate HubSpot with many other popular services, such as the business phone service RingCentral.

您可以使用HubSpot CRM安排自动电子邮件,实时聊天等等。 HubSpot还允许您包括聊天机器人,以实现实时聊天营销的自动化。 可以将HubSpot与许多其他流行的服务集成,例如商务电话服务RingCentral。



You can use HubSpot CRM or a basic HubSpot plan for free. To get the most out of HubSpot, you will want to use all their tools. Their paid plans start from $33.60/month (billed annually).

您可以免费使用HubSpot CRM或基本HubSpot计划。 为了充分利用HubSpot,您将需要使用其所有工具。 他们的付费计划从每月33.60美元起(按年计费)。

If your business is a startup, you may be eligible for the ‘HubSpot for Startups’ program, which gives you up to 90% off.


21.管道传动 (21. Pipedrive)

The Pipedrive website

Pipedrive is a sales CRM that helps you to manage leads, prioritize deals, track communication, and much more. You can automate repetitive tasks using both Pipedrive’s features and app integrations. It integrates with lots of tools, including Chatbot and LiveChat.

Pipedrive是一种销售CRM,可帮助您管理潜在客户,确定交易优先级,跟踪交流等等。 您可以使用Pipedrive的功能和应用程序集成来自动执行重复性任务。 它与很多工具集成在一起,包括Chatbot和LiveChat。

Pipedrive also gives you activity reminders to help you keep on top of work, automatically syncs your activities with Google Calendar, and can even automatically create follow-up tasks for you. With the reporting tools, you will see the conversion rates of your deals and can work out which activities are leading to the best conversion rate.

Pipedrive还为您提供活动提醒,以帮助您保持工作状态,自动将活动与Google日历同步,甚至可以自动为您创建后续任务。 使用报告工具,您将看到交易的转化率,并可以确定哪些活动带来了最佳转化率。



Pipedrive costs from $12.50/month (billed annually). There’s a a 14 day free trial, which doesn’t require credit card details.

Pipedrive的费用为每月$ 12.50起(每年计费)。 有14天的免费试用期,不需要信用卡详细信息。

22.生鲜食品 (22. Freshsales)

The Freshworks website

Freshsales is another great CRM with a sales-oriented approach. It uses AI-powered lead scoring, which lets you automatically prioritize leads based on which ones are more likely to convert. Plus, Freshsales will automatically include extra details on your leads, contacts, and accounts based on social and publicly listed information, so there’s no need to put this in manually.

Freshsales是另一种出色的CRM,采用面向销售的方法。 它使用AI驱动的潜在客户评分,可让您根据更可能转化的潜在客户自动确定优先级。 另外,Freshsales会根据社交和公开列出的信息自动包含有关您的潜在客户,联系人和客户的额外详细信息,因此无需手动输入。

Freshsales lets you create smart email campaigns based on your leads’ activities. You can also automate follow-up activities and create workflows to improve productivity in your team. You can even use Freshsales to automatically detect how users interact with your website and product, through activity tracking.

Freshsales使您可以根据潜在客户的活动来创建智能电子邮件活动。 您还可以自动执行后续活动并创建工作流以提高团队的生产力。 您甚至可以使用Freshsales通过活动跟踪自动检测用户如何与您的网站和产品进行交互。



Freshsales costs from $12/month, billed annually. There’s a a 21 day free trial, too (no credit card required). There’s also a free plan but this doesn’t offer many features.

鲜活费用每月12美元起,按年计费。 也有21天的免费试用期(无需信用卡)。 还有一个免费计划,但这不提供很多功能。

23. MonsterInsights (23. MonsterInsights)


MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It helps you understand where your users are coming from and what they do on your website.

MonsterInsights是适用于WordPress的最佳Google Analytics(分析)插件。 它可以帮助您了解用户来自何处以及他们在您网站上的工作。

To use any marketing automation tool effectively, you’ll need easy to understand reports that tell you exactly what’s working for your business and what’s not.


MonsterInsights helps you track user activity on your website. It comes with WooCommerce conversion tracking, form submissions, outbound link tracking, and user tracking.

MonsterInsights可帮助您跟踪网站上的用户活动。 它带有WooCommerce转换跟踪 ,表单提交,出站链接跟踪和用户跟踪。

Basically, you get a clear picture of what’s happening on your site and what you can do to bring in more sales and conversions. For more details see our ultimate guide on conversion tracking in WordPress.

基本上,您可以清楚了解网站上发生的事情以及可以做些什么来带来更多的销售和转化。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅我们有关WordPress中转化跟踪的最终指南。

We hope this article helped you learn about the best marketing automation tools for small businesses. You might also like our articles on the best phone services for small businesses and the best live chat software for small businesses.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解适用于小型企业的最佳营销自动化工具。 您可能还会喜欢我们的文章,这些文章为小型企业提供最佳的电话服务,为小型企业提供 最佳的实时聊天软件

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-marketing-automation-tools-for-small-businesses/


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