

You probably have seen our graphic comparing Self Hosted WordPress.org vs. Free WordPress.com, in which the Self-Hosted version wins by far in terms of more control, extra plugins, extra themes and much more. Often when users are ready to move to their own independently hosted blog, they go through a very long process of transferring. Ofcourse a lot of users use our Consulting package, and have us do it. But now WordPress had made it a bit easier to transfer by adding the option of Offsite Redirect.

您可能已经看过我们的图表,将“ 自托管WordPress.org”与“免费WordPress.com”进行了比较,其中,“自托管”版本在控制力,额外的插件,额外的主题等方面赢得了更大的成功。 通常,当用户准备转移到自己的独立托管博客时,他们会经历很长的转移过程。 当然,许多用户使用我们的咨询服务包 ,并请我们来做。 但是现在,WordPress通过添加“非现场重定向”选项使传输变得更加容易。

One of the key issues when moving from WordPress.com was: “How will I redirect my users to the new blog?” or “Will I be able to keep all the SEO link juice such as backlinks etc?”. Previously, you could redirect your WordPress.com traffic to your new blog, but it was a long process of changing DNS, and then rechanging it again. And it would only get you a 302 redirect. From the tags of the official announcement post, it seems that this new offsite redirect will be a 301 redirect which is better for SEO.

从WordPress.com迁移时的主要问题之一是:“如何将用户重定向到新博客?” 或“我能否保留所有SEO链接汁,例如反向链接等?”。 以前,您可以将WordPress.com流量重定向到新博客,但这是更改DNS然后重新进行更改的漫长过程。 而且它只会使您获得302重定向。 从官方公告的标签来看,这个新的异地重定向似乎是301重定向,对SEO更好。

Now how do you go about doing this? You can purchase the upgrade from the Upgrades screen in your dashboard. Then you will need to enter the new domain where you want your wordpress.com traffic to be redirected. Type the URL into the blank field, and click the blue button that says Redirect to this URL. In the image below, the example is example.com as an illustration.

现在您如何去做? 您可以从仪表板的“升级”屏幕购买升级。 然后,您将需要输入新的域,将您的wordpress.com流量重定向到该域。 在空白字段中输入URL,然后单击蓝色按钮“重定向到此URL”。 在下图中,示例以example.com为例。

OffSite Redirect - WordPress.com

Once you have confirmed the purchase, you’ll be taken to the domains management screen at Upgrades > Domains. You’ll notice a few things, numbered on the image below.

确认购买后,您将进入“升级>域”的“域管理”屏幕。 您会注意到一些东西,在下面的图像中编号。

OffSite Redirect - WordPress.com

The image above displays that your purchase has been confirmed, so the Upgrades > Domains screen now includes management for your new Offsite Redirect upgrade. Second, the redirect is in effect. The radio button shows the offsite domain as your new Primary domain. You can change the destination URL at anytime by editing the URL field and clicking Update redirect, or you can delete the redirect altogether. If you want to turn off the redirect for a while but don’t want to delete it, all you have to do is click on the radio button next to your original wordpress.com domain, and click the Update Primary Domain button, as shown in the image below.

上面的图像显示您的购买已经确认,因此“升级>域”屏幕现在包括对新的“异地重定向”升级的管理。 第二,重定向生效。 单选按钮将非现场域显示为新的主域。 您可以随时通过编辑URL字段并单击更新重定向来更改目标URL,也可以完全删除重定向。 如果您想暂时关闭重定向,但又不想删除它,您要做的就是单击原始wordpress.com域旁边的单选按钮,然后单击“更新主域”按钮,如图所示在下图中。

This is really easy, and we really hope that the tag is right and it is a 301 redirect. Another useful feature. What are you waiting for now? Are you ready to make the switch?

这确实很容易,我们真的希望代码正确并且是301重定向。 另一个有用的功能。 你现在还在等什么? 您准备好进行切换了吗?

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/wordpress-com-makes-it-easier-to-switch-to-self-hosted-blogs/






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