

Are you looking for the best SMTP service providers?


An SMTP service provider helps you reliably send emails from your website to your users.


SMTP servers are especially configured to ensure that your emails reach users’ inbox and don’t end up in the junk mail folder.


In this article, we will share the best SMTP service providers with high email deliverability. We will also show you how to send your WordPress emails using these SMTP services.

在本文中,我们将分享具有高电子邮件传递能力的最佳SMTP服务提供商。 我们还将向您展示如何使用这些SMTP服务发送WordPress电子邮件。

Best SMTP service providers for higher deliverability
为什么您需要WordPress电子邮件的SMTP服务提供商? (Why You Need an SMTP Service Provider for WordPress Emails?)

All WordPress websites rely heavily on email to do various tasks. For example:

所有WordPress网站都严重依赖电子邮件来执行各种任务。 例如:

  • Recovering lost password恢复丢失的密码
  • Registering a new account

  • Notifications for comments, new articles, password changes, and more

  • online store, then sending customers order confirmation, invoices, and delivery information via email.在线商店 ,则通过电子邮件向客户发送订单确认,发票和交货信息。

By default, WordPress is configured to send emails using the PHP mail() function. This is the primary reason why users complain about WordPress not sending email issue.

默认情况下,WordPress配置为使用PHP mail()函数发送电子邮件。 这是用户抱怨WordPress无法发送电子邮件问题的主要原因。

There are a number of problems with the default mail method, and why it doesn’t work.


Most hosting providers don’t have this function configured properly. Some even disable it completely to prevent their servers from abuse.

大多数托管服务提供商没有正确配置此功能。 有些人甚至完全禁用它以防止服务器滥用。

Misusing this function is a common problem as it does not require authentication and can be used to send spam emails.


Even if the mail function is working on your WordPress hosting, sometimes your WordPress emails may still end up in spam because most spam filters will verify sender email, location, domain name, and it would flag your site email as suspicious or spam.


The only way to fix this problem is by using an SMTP server to send WordPress emails.


What is SMTP?


SMTP or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is the industry standard to send emails on the internet. It uses proper authentication which increases the chances that your emails will actually get delivered in users inbox.

SMTP或简单邮件传输协议是在Internet上发送电子邮件的行业标准。 它使用适当的身份验证,这增加了您的电子邮件实际在用户收件箱中传递的机会。

There are both paid and free SMTP service providers. In fact, you can get a free SMTP account with a business email address from Google or Outlook.

有付费和免费的SMTP服务提供商。 实际上,您可以从Google或Outlook获得带有企业电子邮件地址的免费SMTP帐户。

However, there is a limit on how many emails you can send using the traditional email services. Usually, these free email providers like Gmail or Outlook don’t want you to use their SMTP servers for automatic emails like those sent by a WordPress website.

但是,使用传统电子邮件服务可以发送多少电子邮件是有限制的。 通常,这些免费的电子邮件提供商(例如Gmail或Outlook)不希望您将其SMTP服务器用于自动电子邮件,例如WordPress网站发送的电子邮件。

This is why you need to sign up with one of the well-known SMTP service providers to ensure that your emails are properly delivered. Don’t worry, a lot of the top SMTP companies offer very generous free SMTP plans that are good enough for most websites.

这就是为什么您需要与知名的SMTP服务提供商之一进行签名以确保正确发送电子邮件的原因。 不用担心,许多顶级SMTP公司都提供了非常慷慨的免费SMTP计划,足以满足大多数网站的需求。

Let’s take a look at the best SMTP service providers with high deliverability.


最佳SMTP服务提供商 (Best SMTP Service Providers)

There are many SMTP service providers that allow you to send mass emails, WordPress emails, transactional emails, and more.


However, each one of them is different in terms of features, pricing, ease of use, number of emails allowed on free plan, and most importantly their track record on deliverability.


Following are the best SMTP service providers that offer higher deliverability and best set of features.


1. SendinBlue (1. SendinBlue)


SendinBlue is the best SMTP email service provider on the market. They offer a powerful marketing platform with transactional emails, email marketing, SMS marketing, and live chat.

SendinBlue是市场上最好的SMTP电子邮件服务提供商。 他们提供了功能强大的营销平台,包括交易电子邮件,电子邮件营销,SMS营销和实时聊天

It works beautifully with WordPress and other third-party platforms like OptinMonster, Salesforce, Google Analytics and many more. They also offer powerful personalization and marketing automation features to help with your marketing campaigns.

它可以与WordPress和其他第三方平台(如OptinMonster ,Salesforce,Google Analytics等) 完美配合 。 他们还提供强大的个性化和营销自动化功能,以帮助您进行营销活动。

SendinBlue has a highly extensible API and SMTP relay service which instantly improves your email delivery for transactional emails.


Pricing: SendinBlue has a forever free plan with 300 emails per day. Their paid plans start from $25 per month with 40,000 emails per month and no daily sending limits.

定价: SendinBlue有一个永久免费的计划,每天有300封电子邮件。 他们的付费计划从每月25美元起,每月有40,000封电子邮件,没有每日发送限制。

2. Mailgun (2. Mailgun)


Mailgun is a popular SMTP service provider for developers and businesses. They offer powerful APIs to send transactional emails.

Mailgun是面向开发人员和企业的流行SMTP服务提供商。 它们提供了强大的API,可以发送交易电子邮件。

It is easy to integrate into your WordPress website. Whether you are an eCommerce store, a membership website, or a small business, Mailgun offers an easy to scale SMTP service to send your marketing and transactional emails.

很容易集成到您的WordPress网站中。 无论您是电子商务商店会员网站还是小型企业,Mailgun均可提供易于扩展的SMTP服务来发送您的营销和交易电子邮件。

It is designed for developers and lacks some of the beginner-friendly features of other SMTP providers on the list.


Pricing: Mailgun offers a ‘pay as you go’ plan with first 10,000 emails free. The free plan is more than enough for small websites. Their paid plans are fairly competitive in the market. However if you want a dedicated IP and improved deliverability, then it starts at $79 per month with 1 dedicated IP address.

定价: Mailgun提供“随用随付”计划,其中免费提供前10,000封电子邮件。 对于小型网站来说,免费计划绰绰有余。 他们的付费计划在市场上具有相当的竞争力。 但是,如果您想要一个专用IP和更高的可交付性,那么起价为每月79美元,带有1个专用IP地址。

3. SendGrid (3. SendGrid)


SendGrid is a powerful cloud-based SMTP email service provider that allows you to send mass emails without managing an SMTP server. It offers higher scalability with a powerful set of features.

SendGrid是一个功能强大的基于云的SMTP电子邮件服务提供商,它使您无需管理SMTP服务器即可发送大量电子邮件。 它通过一组强大的功能提供了更高的可伸缩性。

Their SMTP relay is easy to setup and works with any WordPress site. It includes delivery optimization tools, email analytics, email templates with a simple email editor, and integrations with third-party apps and services.

他们的SMTP中继易于设置,可与任何WordPress网站一起使用。 它包括交付优化工具,电子邮件分析,具有简单电子邮件编辑器的电子邮件模板以及与第三方应用程序和服务的集成。

If deliverability is your main concern, then SendGrid offers great tools to further improve email delivery including dedicated IP addresses and domain name authentication tools.


Pricing: They offer a free plan with first 40,000 emails free and then 100 emails per day. Their paid plans start at $14.95 per month.

定价:他们提供免费计划,首先免费提供40,000封电子邮件,然后每天提供100封电子邮件。 他们的付费计划每月起价14.95美元。

4.亚马逊SES (4. Amazon SES)

Amazon SES

AWS or Amazon Web Services is the industry leader in cloud computing infrastructure. They also offer Amazon SES or Amazon Simple Email Service as an add-on to their web services.

AWS或Amazon Web Services是云计算基础架构的行业领导者。 他们还提供Amazon SES或Amazon Simple Email Service作为其Web服务的附加组件。

It is a powerful cloud-based SMTP service for marketers and developers to easily send marketing, notification, and transactional email campaigns.


It offers higher deliverability with cost efficiency of AWS. You get a lot of powerful features, but most of them are suitable for advanced users and developers.

它以AWS的成本效益提供了更高的可交付性。 您可以获得许多强大的功能,但是其中大多数功能适合高级用户和开发人员。

Amazon SES can be easily integrated into your WordPress site with the help of plugins (more on this later in the article). Depending on your usage, Amazon SES can be the cheapest SMTP service in the market.

借助插件,可以将Amazon SES轻松集成到您的WordPress站点中(本文稍后会详细介绍)。 根据您的使用情况,Amazon SES可能是市场上最便宜的SMTP服务。

Pricing: If your website is hosted on AWS, then you can use their free tier to send 62,000 emails each month. For other websites, pricing starts at $0.10 for every 1,000 emails you send.

定价:如果您的网站托管在AWS上 ,那么您可以使用其免费套餐每月发送62,000封电子邮件。 对于其他网站,您每发送1000封电子邮件,起价为0.10美元。

5. G Suite (5. G Suite)

G Suite

G Suite is Google’s productivity suite for businesses. It allows you to use calendar, Google Drive, Docs, Photos, and Gmail with your own domain name.

G Suite是Google为企业提供的生产力套件。 它允许您将日历,Google云端硬盘,文档,照片和Gmail与您自己的域名一起使用。

This allows you to get a professional business email address while still using the familiar interface of Google. G Suite allows you to use Google SMTP servers to send out emails which means you can set up an email account for your WordPress site and then use it to send WordPress emails.

这样,您就可以在使用Google熟悉的界面的同时获得专业的企业电子邮件地址。 G Suite允许您使用Google SMTP服务器发送电子邮件,这意味着您可以为WordPress网站设置电子邮件帐户,然后使用它发送WordPress电子邮件。

However, it is only suitable for small business websites and blogs because it can only send 2,000 messages a day. For details see our article on how to set up a professional email address with G Suite

但是,它仅适用于小型企业网站和博客,因为它每天只能发送2,000条消息。 有关详细信息,请参阅我们有关如何使用G Suite设置专业电子邮件地址的文章

Pricing: Starts from $6 per user per month.


6.邮戳 (6. Postmark)


Postmark is another easy to use SMTP service provider for websites, marketers, and businesses. It offers lightening fast email delivery with simpler pricing and easy integration.

邮戳是网站,营销人员和企业的另一种易于使用的SMTP服务提供商。 它以更简单的价格和易于集成的方式提供快速,快速的电子邮件传递。

Sending transactional emails is their expertise, which means they are focused on deliverability and speed. They offer easy to follow email analytics, account security, mobile-friendly responsive templates, message events triggered with simple webhooks, and more.

发送交易电子邮件是他们的专长,这意味着他们专注于传递性和速度。 它们提供易于遵循的电子邮件分析,帐户安全性,适合移动设备的响应模板,通过简单的Webhook触发的消息事件等。

Pricing: Starting from $10 per month for 10,000 emails then $1.25 per 1,000 emails.

定价: 10,000封电子邮件每月10美元起,然后每1,000封电子邮件1.25美元起。

7. Office365 (7. Office365)


Office365 formerly known as Outlook is a popular email and productivity suite by Microsoft.


Similar to G Suite, Office365 allows you to create a professional email address for your business. You can also use Microsoft’s SMTP servers to send out emails from your WordPress site as long as you’re a small business.

与G Suite相似,Office365允许您为企业创建专业的电子邮件地址。 只要您是小型企业,还可以使用Microsoft的SMTP服务器从WordPress网站发送电子邮件。

The business version of Office365 allows you to send up to 10,000 emails per day, but this is combined with your regular emails. We only recommend this if you want reliable emails for your small business website.

Office365的商业版本允许您每天最多发送10,000个电子邮件,但这与常规电子邮件结合在一起。 仅当您希望为小型企业网站提供可靠的电子邮件时,我们才建议这样做。

You can easily connect Office365 to WordPress using WP Mail SMTP plugin.

您可以使用WP Mail SMTP插件轻松将Office365连接到WordPress。

For larger membership sites or eCommerce stores, you want to use other SMTP providers in our list above.


哪个是最佳的SMTP服务提供商? (Which is the Best SMTP Service Provider?)

Aside from the top SMTP providers that we mentioned above, there are literally dozens of others like Mandrill, Mailjet, Moosend, Pepipost, etc.


The large number of choices make it difficult for users to select the best SMTP service provider for their needs.


When choosing an SMTP service, you need to look at three main factors: email deliverability, scalability, and pricing.


Since every platform in our list offers high email deliverability and with exception of G Suite and Office365, all platforms can scale to send millions of emails per day, we will focus on pricing since it’s often a big deciding factor.

由于列表中的每个平台都具有较高的电子邮件传递能力,并且G Suite和Office365除外,因此所有平台都可以扩展以每天发送数百万封电子邮件,因此我们将重点放在定价上,因为这通常是一个很大的决定性因素。

At first glance, the free plans look very competitive across all platforms. If you have a small website, then you really can’t go wrong with any our top two SMTP recommendation: SendinBlue, and Mailgun.

乍看之下,免费计划在所有平台上看起来都非常具有竞争力。 如果您的网站很小,那么我们对SMTP的前两个建议: SendinBlueMailgun确实不会出错。

However as your website grows, pricing becomes a pretty big factor. SendinBlue offers the most competitive pricing with scalability and most importantly reliable technical support.

但是,随着您网站的发展,定价已成为一个很大的因素。 SendinBlue提供最具竞争力的价格,可扩展性和最重要的可靠技术支持。

For example, if you’re sending 120,000 emails per month, you will pay $66 per month, and you will have a dedicated IP. Whereas for the same amount of sending requirement and dedicated IP, SendGrid will cost $79.95 per month and MailGun will cost $109 per month.

例如,如果您每月发送120,000封电子邮件,则您每月将支付$ 66,并且您将拥有一个专用IP。 对于相同数量的发送要求和专用IP,SendGrid的每月费用为79.95美元,MailGun的每月费用为109美元。

Now if you have a technical team in house, then nothing will beat the pricing of Amazon SES because its $0.10 per 1000 emails. This means 120,000 emails per month will only cost $12 on Amazon SES. The big catch is that their technical support is quite limited. For dedicated IP, you just have to pay $24.95 per month.

现在,如果您有内部技术团队,那么Amazon SES的价格将无可匹敌,因为它每1000封电子邮件0.10美元。 这意味着每月12万封电子邮件在Amazon SES上只需花费$ 12。 最大的收获是他们的技术支持非常有限。 对于专用IP,您只需每月支付$ 24.95。

For large sites, there really isn’t a more cost efficient SMTP solution than Amazon.


Our pick for best SMTP providers for small business: SendinBlue.

我们为小型企业选择最佳的SMTP提供商: SendinBlue

Our pick for best SMTP providers for large business and eCommerce websites: Amazon SES.

我们为大型企业和电子商务网站选择的最佳SMTP提供商: Amazon SES

如何轻松地将SMTP服务连接到WordPress (How to Easily Connect Your SMTP Service to WordPress)

Once you sign up with an SMTP service provider, the next step is to integrate it with your WordPress site. This would replace the default WordPress mail function with your SMTP service, so your email actually gets delivered.

与SMTP服务提供商注册后,下一步就是将其与WordPress网站集成。 这将用您的SMTP服务替换默认的WordPress邮件功能,因此您的电子邮件实际上得到了传递。

WP Mail SMTP is the best WordPress SMTP plugin which allows you to easily send WordPress emails using any SMTP service provider.

WP Mail SMTP是最好的WordPress SMTP插件,它使您可以使用任何SMTP服务提供商轻松发送WordPress电子邮件。

It is available as both a free SMTP plugin and the premium version with more features. The paid version gives you access to email controls to choose which WordPress notification emails to send using your SMTP service provider.

它可以作为免费的SMTP插件使用,也可以作为具有更多功能的高级版本使用。 付费版本使您可以访问电子邮件控件,以选择使用SMTP服务提供商发送哪些WordPress通知电子邮件。

You also get email logs and easier setup for popular SMTP providers like Mailgun, SendGrid, Amazon SES, Gmail, Outlook, G Suite, and more. The Elite plan gives you access to their White Glove Setup where an expert from their team will set up your SMTP service.

您还将获得电子邮件日志,并为Mailgun,SendGrid,Amazon SES,Gmail,Outlook,G Suite等流行的SMTP提供程序更轻松地设置。 Elite计划使您可以访问其“白手套设置”,由其团队的专家来设置您的SMTP服务。

First thing you need to do is install and activate the WP Mail SMTP plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活WP Mail SMTP插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, you need to visit WP Mail SMTP » Settings page and enter your license key. You can find this information from your account on WP Mail SMTP website.

激活后,您需要访问WP Mail SMTP»设置页面,然后输入许可证密钥。 您可以从WP Mail SMTP网站上的帐户中找到此信息。

WP Mail SMTP settings

After entering your license key, the next step is to configure your mailing service.


Scroll down to the Mail section and enter the from email address. This is the email address you have added to use with your SMTP service provider.

向下滚动到“邮件”部分,然后输入“发件人”电子邮件地址。 这是您添加用于SMTP服务提供商的电子邮件地址。

Mail settings

After that, you need to enter a from name. Ideally, this should be your website title, so that your users know where the email is coming from.

之后,您需要输入一个发件人名称。 理想情况下,这应该是您的网站标题,以便您的用户知道电子邮件的来源。

Scroll down to the Mailer section. If your SMTP service provider is listed there, then you can select it here.

向下滚动到Mailer部分。 如果您的SMTP服务提供商在此处列出,则可以在此处选择它。

Choose your SMTP service provider

Choosing an SMTP provider will show you settings specific to that service provider with a link to detailed instructions on how to enter the required information.


However, if your SMTP server is not listed there, then select ‘Other SMTP’ option. WP Mail SMTP works with all SMTP providers.

但是,如果您的SMTP服务器未在此处列出,请选择“其他SMTP”选项。 WP Mail SMTP与所有SMTP提供程序一起使用。

Below that you will now see the information you need to enter. You can find this information on your SMTP service provider’s website under your account.

在其下,您现在将看到需要输入的信息。 您可以在您帐户下的SMTP服务提供商的网站上找到此信息。

Other SMTP provider

You will need the following information.


  • SMTP Host: You smtp host address which usually looks like this smtp.yoursmtpserver.com

  • Encryption: Usually it is either SSL or TLS

  • SMTP Port: Usually it is 465

  • Authentication: Turn on authentication

  • Username: Username provided by your SMTP service usually it is your email address.

  • Password: Password for your SMTP service


Now, the plugin recommends that instead of saving your username and password in plain text, you add it to your wp-config.php file. See our guide on how to edit wp-config.php file.

现在,该插件建议不要将用户名和密码以纯文本格式保存,而是将其添加到wp-config.php文件中。 请参阅有关如何编辑wp-config.php文件的指南

After entering all the required information, don’t forget to click on the ‘Save Settings’ button to store your changes.


You can now send a test email to see if everything is working fine. Switch to the Email Test tab and enter an email address to send a test email.

现在,您可以发送测试电子邮件,以查看一切是否正常。 切换到“电子邮件测试”选项卡,然后输入电子邮件地址以发送测试电子邮件。

Send test email

WP Mail SMTP will now send a test email to the address you entered. Check your inbox to make sure that you got the test email.

WP Mail SMTP现在将向您输入的地址发送测试电子邮件。 检查您的收件箱,以确保您收到测试电子邮件。

Congratulations, you have successfully set up your WordPress site to use your SMTP service provider.


We hope this article helped you find the best SMTP service provider to send WordPress emails. You may also want to see our guide on easy ways to grow your email list faster.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到发送WordPress电子邮件的最佳SMTP服务提供商。 您可能还希望查看有关快速增加电子邮件列表的简便方法的指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-smtp-service-providers-with-high-email-deliverability/






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