redis list 案例_案例研究:List25的幕后花絮–插件和黑客

redis list 案例

As many of you know that we have launched a new blog called List25. In the past month or so, we have been continuously working on improving that site. What looks like a simple list blog in the front-end has a lot of cool little things that you never see. In this article, we will take you behind the scenes of List25 and show you the plugins and cool hacks that we are using to power that site. Perhaps reading this article will give you some feature ideas for your own site.

众所周知,我们已经启动了一个名为List25的新博客。 在过去的一个月左右的时间里,我们一直在不断改进该网站。 在前端看起来像一个简单的列表博客,其中有很多您从未见过的很棒的小事情。 在本文中,我们将带您进入List25的幕后,并向您展示我们用来为该站点提供动力的插件和出色的技巧。 也许阅读本文可以为您自己的站点提供一些功能建议。

关于List25 (About List25)

List25 is a blog that curates lists of lesser-known intriguing information on a variety of subjects. The purpose of this blog is to be a good fun read when you are bored while being educational at times.

List25是一个博客,负责整理各种主题的鲜为人知的有趣信息列表。 本博客的目的是当您无聊而又有时受教育时,很有趣。

We have the site optimized for readers, so they can always find interesting content while being on our site. We also have the site optimized for new authors, so they can easily adopt to the writing style and format of List25.

我们已经为读者优化了网站,因此他们在我们的网站上总是可以找到有趣的内容。 我们还为新作者优化了网站,因此他们可以轻松采用List25的写作风格和格式。

外挂程式 (Plugins)

Here we go. People are always interested in knowing what plugins are other sites using. Our goal when developing a site is to accomplish things the easiest way possible. Plugins are pretty handy and saves us a lot of time. We will list a plugin and then share why we are using it.

开始了。 人们总是对了解其他站点正在使用哪些插件感兴趣。 开发网站时,我们的目标是尽可能简单地完成任务。 插件非常方便,为我们节省了很多时间。 我们将列出一个插件,然后分享我们使用它的原因。

Akismet – D’oh. We don’t want comment spam. Every WordPress installation comes built-in with it for a reason.

Akismet – D'oh。 我们不想评论垃圾邮件。 每个WordPress安装程序都是内置的,这是有原因的。

Compact Archives – We are using Compact Archives plugin power the dates area of the archives page. Having the year and months organized in a compact style not only saves space, but it also makes it look good.

Compact Archives –我们使用Compact Archives插件来驱动Archives 页面的日期区域。 以紧凑的样式组织年份和月份不仅可以节省空间,还可以使其看起来不错。

Featured Posts List with Thumbnails – We are using this to showcase our “featured” articles in the sidebar. Instead of using a popular views mechanism, we handpick these articles. This allows us to control and moderate the traffic flow to specific articles. You can see the live demo of it in our sidebar or see the image below.

带有缩略图的精选文章列表 –我们正在使用它来在侧边栏中展示我们的“精选”文章。 我们没有使用流行的视图机制,而是精心挑选了这些文章。 这使我们可以控制和缓和特定文章的流量。 您可以在我们的侧边栏中查看其实时演示,或查看下图。

Featured Posts with Thumbnails on List25

Gravity Forms with the MailChimp Addon – We are using it to power our contact form. We are using the MailChimp addon to collect emails from the contact form if the user choose to opt-in. We have already written about Gravity Forms and its benefits in lead generation.

MailChimp插件的重力表 –我们正在使用它来增强联系表的功能。 如果用户选择加入,我们将使用MailChimp插件从联系表中收集电子邮件。 我们已经写过关于重力形式及其在线索生成中的好处的文章。

Lazy Load – This allows us to lazy load our images. Basically when you install Lazy Load, it only loads the areas that is being accessed right away. So if you have a page with 25 Fail GIFs, then only the first few images in the post will be loaded. The rest of the images load as the user scrolls down. By using this technique, the perceived page load time is a lot faster.

延迟加载 –这使我们可以延迟加载图像。 基本上,当您安装惰性加载时,它只会立即加载正在访问的区域。 因此,如果您的页面包含25个失败的GIF ,则仅会加载帖子中的前几个图像。 其余图像在用户向下滚动时加载。 通过使用此技术,感知的页面加载时间要快得多。

MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate – Although we haven’t done a lot of affiliate marketing on this site. But we are using Ninja Affiliate to automatically replace some keywords with affiliate links in our posts. This hasn’t generated a lot of revenue for that site yet, but it is because it is such a new site.

MaxBlogPress忍者会员 -尽管我们在此网站上没有做很多会员营销。 但是,我们使用Ninja Affiliate自动将某些关键字替换为帖子中的会员链接。 这并没有为该网站带来很多收入,但这是因为它是一个如此新的网站。

Members – Members plugin allows us to create new user roles and limit permission based on the user role. This plugin is a must have for any multi-author blogs.

成员 –成员插件使我们可以创建新的用户角色,并根据用户角色限制权限。 对于任何多作者博客而言,此插件都是必需的。

No Self Pings – Occasionally we link to our own posts. This pretty much tells WordPress to not send pings when we are linking to our own site. Because there is nothing worst than having your own site’s trackbacks to your other entries.

没有自我提示 -有时我们链接到我们自己的帖子。 这几乎可以告诉WordPress当我们链接到我们自己的站点时不要发送ping命令。 因为没有比您自己网站的其他条目引用更糟糕的了。

Redirection – We are using redirection plugin to track 404 pages and redirect them appropriately. Its a good plugin to have in general.

重定向 -我们正在使用重定向插件来跟踪404页面并对其进行适当的重定向。 一般来说,它是一个不错的插件。

Regenerate Thumbnails – We are using Regenerate Thumbnails plugin to generate additional image sizes. This allows us to have various sizes for design purposes (such as Slider Navigation, Featured Posts in the Sidebar etc).

重新生成缩略图 –我们正在使用“重新生成缩略图”插件来生成其他图像大小。 这使我们可以具有各种尺寸用于设计目的(例如,滑块导航,侧边栏中的特色帖子等)。

Simple Facebook Connect and Simple Twitter Connect – These two plugins are super powerful and are being used for variety of purposes through out the site. Their #1 purpose is to allow third-party login for comments. See the screenshot below:

Simple Facebook ConnectSimple Twitter Connect –这两个插件功能非常强大,并且在整个站点中用于各种目的。 他们的#1目的是允许第三方登录以发表评论。 请参见下面的屏幕截图:

List25 Comments Area

Simple Facebook Connect is handling our Facebook Open Graph Meta Data details for us, so we have the right image, title, and description when users share our articles on Facebook.

Simple Facebook Connect正在为我们处理我们的Facebook Open Graph Meta Data详细信息,因此当用户在Facebook上共享我们的文章时,我们拥有正确的图像,标题和描述。

Simple Twitter connect is also being used for automatically linking our twitter usernames when you type @list25 or any other twitter handle. Because simple twitter connect is using the Twitter Anywhere API, we are also using it for live tweet box on our Subscribe Page for List25. (This tutorial will show you how to create live tweet boxes on your WordPress site)

当您键入@ list25或任何其他Twitter句柄时,简单的Twitter连接也可用于自动链接我们的Twitter用户名。 因为简单的twitter connect使用的是Twitter Anywhere API ,所以我们还将它用于List25的“ 订阅”页面上的实时tweet框。 (本教程将向您展示如何在WordPress网站上创建实时推文框 )

Subscribe to Comments – This plugin adds a little checkbox after the comment that allows users to subscribe to comments if they choose to.

订阅评论 –此插件在评论后添加了一个小复选框,允许用户选择订阅评论。

User Photo – User photo plugin lets each author to upload their own image rather than using gravatar. This allows us to moderate the images that show up in our author bio’s.

用户照片 –用户照片插件可让每个作者上传自己的图像,而无需使用gravatar。 这使我们能够缓和在作者简介中显示的图像。

VaultPress – We are using VaultPress for backups. It is a managed backup solution by Automattic. They backup our theme, plugins, posts, and all other media files. This protects us from disasters. If anything happens, we can always use VaultPress to restore the site to normal.

VaultPress –我们正在使用VaultPress进行备份。 它是Automattic的托管备份解决方案。 他们备份了我们的主题,插件,帖子以及所有其他媒体文件。 这可以保护我们免受灾难的侵害。 如果发生任何事情,我们可以随时使用VaultPress将网站恢复到正常状态。

W3 Total Cache – This keeps our site from not crashing. List25 is getting a lot of traffic and without this plugin, our servers would crash every hour.

W3总缓存 –这样可以防止我们的网站崩溃。 List25的流量很大,如果没有此插件,我们的服务器将每小时崩溃。

WordPress HTTPs – We are using this plugin to make sure that our site’s backend is secured. But most importantly, we are using it to host media files and serve it to our Facebook Application that we have discussed in this article at WPBeginner.

WordPress HTTPs –我们正在使用此插件来确保我们网站的后端受到保护。 但最重要的是,我们正在使用它来托管媒体文件,并将其提供给我们在WPBeginner 本文中讨论过的Facebook应用程序。

WordPress SEO by Yoast – This plugin handles our sitemaps, and all other on-site SEO such as Meta tags, indexation etc.

Yoast的WordPress SEO –该插件处理我们的站点地图,以及所有其他站点SEO,例如元标记,索引等。

WP-Leads – We are using this plugin to add a little checkbox in the comment form for our MailChimp list. It makes it easier for our users to subscribe to our daily newsletter if they choose to.

WP-Leads –我们正在使用此插件在MailChimp列表的注释表单中添加一个小复选框。 如果我们愿意,我们的用户可以更轻松地订阅我们的每日新闻通讯。

WPTouch Pro – We are using WP Touch Pro to power our mobile version of the site. We did create a custom theme for WP Touch Pro, but it didn’t take that long to do so.

WPTouch Pro –我们正在使用WP Touch Pro来增强我们网站的移动版本。 我们确实为WP Touch Pro创建了一个自定义主题,但是并没有花很长时间。

WP4FB Pro – This plugin is handling our facebook application for Giveaway. Which we have discussed on pretty extensively on how to do facebook giveaways using WordPress.

WP4FB Pro –该插件正在处理我们的Facebook赠品应用。 我们已经广泛讨论了如何使用WordPress做Facebook赠品

That will conclude the list of plugins that we are running. Now lets take a look at other cool hacks that we have on the site.

这将得出我们正在运行的插件列表。 现在,让我们看一下我们网站上的其他有趣技巧。

List25:主题和技巧 (List25: Theme and Hacks)

It is important to emphasize that List25 is running on a custom Genesis Child Theme. We do have some pretty nifty features on the site.

需要强调的是,List25正在自定义的Genesis Child Theme上运行。 我们的网站上确实有一些漂亮的功能。

I’m Curious Button in the Header – When a user clicks on that, it redirects them to a random post on a site. It’s essentially simulating a Stumbleupon like experience. You can do this too. Check out our tutorial on How to Redirect Users to a Random Post in WordPress.

我对标题中的按钮感到好奇 –当用户单击该按钮时,它将它们重定向到网站上的随机帖子。 它实质上是在模拟Stumbleupon体验。 你也可以这样做。 请查看我们的有关如何将用户重定向到WordPress中的随机帖子的教程。

Custom Post Editor Layout


Custom Post Editor Layout

The reason why we have a custom post editor layout is so our new authors know exactly what type of formatting we want. If you visit any one of our posts, you will see how handy this feature can really be. It does require some knowledge to create a custom post editor. Smashing Magazine has a tutorial on how to do this.

之所以拥有自定义的帖子编辑器布局,是为了让我们的新作者确切知道所需的格式类型。 如果您访问我们的任何一篇文章,您将看到此功能实际上可以派上用场。 创建自定义帖子编辑器确实需要一些知识。 Smashing Magazine提供了有关如何执行此操作的教程。



We are using the jQuery version of SlideDeck plugin to create our slider. They do have a WordPress plugin. Check out our step by step guide to creating a slider in WordPress.

我们正在使用jQuery版本的SlideDeck插件来创建滑块。 他们确实有一个WordPress插件。 请查看我们在WordPress中创建滑块的分步指南

That’s about it. We hope that this gave you ideas for your own site. Let us know your comments and feedbacks. Oh, and don’t forget to check out List25.

就是这样 我们希望这能为您提供有关自己网站的想法。 让我们知道您的意见和反馈。 哦,别忘了查看List25


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