WordPress 3.8的新功能(功能和屏幕截图)

Less than a month ago, WordPress 3.7 made its debut. A lot of under the hood features were added like automatic updates, but nothing that the user could see. WordPress 3.8 which is expected to be released in December will be different. This release is focused on improving the user interface for WordPress admin area meaning a lot of visual improvements. In this article, we will show you what’s coming in WordPress 3.8 and how you can try some of these features right away.

不到一个月前, WordPress 3.7首次亮相。 添加了许多内部功能,例如自动更新,但用户看不到任何东西。 预计将在12月发布的WordPress 3.8将有所不同。 此版本专注于改善WordPress管理区域的用户界面,这意味着许多视觉上的改进。 在本文中,我们将向您展示WordPress 3.8的新功能以及如何立即尝试其中的某些功能。

Many of the proposed features for WordPress 3.8 are already available for testing and development purposes as plugins. This features-as-plugin approach allowed contributors and developers to work on their projects simultaneously. You can try these plugins in a development environment. However, since most of them are highly experimental, it is not recommended to use them on a production site.

WordPress 3.8的许多建议功能已经可以作为插件用于测试和开发目的。 此功能-AS-插件同时方法使捐助者和开发商的工作对他们的项目。 您可以在开发环境中尝试这些插件。 但是,由于它们大多数都是高度实验性的,因此不建议在生产现场使用它们。

WordPress管理员的新用户界面 (New User Interface For WordPress Admin)

We wrote about how MP6 could become the future of WordPress. It is official now. The MP6 plugin will become part of WordPress core in 3.8. It is already in use on WordPress.com sites, and you can give it a try by installing the plugin. It gives WordPress admin interface a modern, optimized, and polished new look that it deserves.

我们写了关于MP6如何成为WordPress的未来的文章 。 现在是正式的。 MP6插件将成为3.8中WordPress核心的一部分。 它已在WordPress.com网站上使用,您可以通过安装插件尝试一下。 它为WordPress管理界面提供了应有的现代,优化和优美的新外观。

A new user interface for the admin area is announced for WordPress 3.8

MP6 features a streamlined and improved admin user interface with flattened icons and beautiful color schemes. You can choose a color scheme from Users » Profile.

MP6具有经过简化和改进的管理员用户界面,具有扁平化的图标和漂亮的配色方案。 您可以从“ 用户”»“配置文件”中选择一种配色方案。

The current default admin interface comes with only two default color schemes which makes it feel ancient, so these new refreshing colors will be a nice change. MP6 uses Open Sans font which will be shipped with WordPress 3.8. MP6 also brings great improvements to buttons, forms, and the overall appearance of the admin interface making it prettier and user friendly.

当前的默认管理界面仅带有两种默认配色方案,使其显得古老,因此这些新的刷新颜色将是一个不错的更改。 MP6使用WordPress 3.8随附的Open Sans字体。 MP6还对按钮,表单和管理界面的整体外观进行了很大的改进,使其更加美观和用户友好。

一个新的更少膨胀的仪表板 (A New Less Bloated Dashboard)

The dashboard screen will also get a face lift in WordPress 3.8. Based on the Dashboard plugin by @lessbloat and the team, the new WordPress dashboard will have fewer and more relevant widgets.

仪表板屏幕也将在WordPress 3.8中得到改进。 基于@lessbloat和团队的Dashboard插件,新的WordPress仪表板将具有越来越少的相关小部件。

For example, the incoming links widget will be removed. ‘Right now’ widget will be replaced by ‘Activity’ widget. QuickPress on the dashboard screen will be renamed to Quick Draft and will be much simpler.

例如,传入链接小部件将被删除。 “立即”小部件将由“活动”小部件代替。 仪表板屏幕上的QuickPress将重命名为Quick Draft,并且更加简单。

A new less bloated dashboard is expected in WordPress 3.8
更好的主题实时预览 (Better Live Previews of Themes)

Themes screen in current WordPress has too much text. WordPress 3.8 will bring theme experience plugin (codename Thx38) into core. This will transform the theme screens in WordPress admin area. It has larger theme screenshots and a clutter free user interface. Theme search is moved to the top right corner of the screen. To try this as a plugin on WordPress 3.7 or earlier, you would need to install MP6 plugin first.

当前WordPress中的主题屏幕上的文字过多。 WordPress 3.8将主题体验插件(代号Thx38 )带入了核心。 这将改变WordPress管理区域中的主题屏幕。 它具有较大的主题屏幕截图和简洁的用户界面。 主题搜索将移动到屏幕的右上角。 要将其作为WordPress 3.7或更早版本上的插件进行尝试,您需要首先安装MP6插件。

Themes screen in development versions of WordPress 3.8

The new theme experience will greatly improve the theme preview experience. You can still see theme previews in WordPress 3.7 without activating a theme. However the new theme experience will provide a better user interface to do that. You can completely collapse the sidebar and see the full screen theme previews. It is also much faster and prettier than previous theme screen.

新的主题体验将大大改善主题预览体验。 您仍可以在未激活主题的情况下在WordPress 3.7中查看主题预览。 但是,新的主题体验将为此提供更好的用户界面。 您可以完全折叠边栏并查看全屏主题预览。 它也比以前的主题屏幕更快更漂亮。

Theme preview screen in development versions of WordPress 3.8
更友好,更轻松的小部件区域选择器 (A Friendlier and Easier Widget Area Chooser)

Widgets are an easier way for users to drag-drop elements into their sidebars and other widget ready areas. This allows theme developers to build themes with multiple widget ready areas, so the users can create their own website layouts. With multiple widget ready areas and tons of widgets to choose from, sometimes it becomes difficult to drag and drop a widget into the right sidebar.

窗口小部件是用户将元素拖放到其侧边栏和其他窗口小部件就绪区域中的简便方法。 这使主题开发人员可以使用多个窗口小部件就绪区域来构建主题,以便用户可以创建自己的网站布局。 有多个准备就绪的区域和大量的小部件可供选择,有时很难将小部件拖放到右侧边栏中。

Widget area chooser in action

With WordPress 3.8, this problem will be solved with a new User Interface for the widgets screen. The new Widgets screen will allow users to easily choose the sidebar they want to add a widget to without dragging it across different sidebars. The new widget interface will be cleaner, clutter free, and visually appealing.

使用WordPress 3.8,将通过小部件屏幕的新用户界面解决此问题。 新的窗口小部件屏幕将使用户可以轻松地选择要向其添加窗口小部件的侧边栏,而无需将其拖到不同的侧边栏中。 新的小部件界面将更加整洁,整洁且具有视觉吸引力。

新的默认主题-二十四岁 (A New Default Theme – Twenty Fourteen)

Twenty Fourteen will be the new default theme for next year which is expected to be released in WordPress 3.8. It is a magazine style theme with support for featured content to be prominently displayed across the site. If your site does not use featured images, Twenty Fourteen makes sure that it looks pretty out of the box without featured images as well.

二十四岁将是明年的新默认主题,预计将在WordPress 3.8中发布。 这是杂志风格的主题,支持在网站上突出显示的特色内容。 如果您的网站未使用特色图片,那么二十四岁可确保它看上去也很漂亮,没有特色图片。

Twenty Fourteen - The new default WordPress theme for next year

Twenty Fourteen will allow users to customize the featured content area. They can choose to have a grid style layout or a slider. Users can choose which content to be featured by adding a tag in the theme customizer. Twenty Fourteen will then look for posts with the tag and display them in the featured content area.

二十四岁将允许用户自定义特色内容区域。 他们可以选择具有网格样式的布局或滑块。 用户可以通过在主题定制器中添加标签来选择要显示的内容。 然后,二十四岁将查找带有标记的帖子,并将其显示在精选内容区域中。

Setting up featured content area in Twenty Fourteen WordPress theme

You can see a demo of currently under development version of the theme here.


We’re not huge fans of this left aligned layouts, but we’ll see if it starts to grow on us. From the current looks, this theme looks extremely crowded.

我们不是这种左对齐布局的忠实拥护者,但我们会看看它是否开始在我们身上增长。 从目前的外观来看,这个主题看起来非常拥挤。

其他特性 (Other Features)

Another much anticipated feature is Omnisearch. It is a global admin search feature that you can use to search for media, posts, pages, content, files, plugins and themes on your WordPress site. It is under development and will not be shipped with 3.8.

另一个备受期待的功能是Omnisearch 。 这是一项全局管理员搜索功能,可用于在WordPress网站上搜索媒体,帖子,页面,内容,文件,插件和主题。 它正在开发中,将不随3.8一起提供。

These were some of the top features coming in WordPress 3.8 that we’re looking forward to. Which one of these features are your favorite? What would you like to see in a future WordPress release? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

这些是我们期待的WordPress 3.8中的一些重要功能。 您最喜欢以下哪些功能? 您希望在将来的WordPress版本中看到什么? 让我们在下面留下评论。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/whats-coming-in-wordpress-3-8-features-and-screenshots/

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