错误 出主意_拥有“免费网站”是个坏主意的36个理由

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The thought of getting free website is tempting. The internet is full of companies offering free website hosting even for self-hosted WordPress. You’re probably wondering what’s the catch? Why isn’t everyone else using a free WordPress website? In this article, we will share 36 reasons why having a free website is a bad idea and something that you should AVOID at all costs.

获得免费网站的想法很诱人。 互联网上到处都是提供免费网站托管的公司,甚至是针对自托管WordPress的公司。 您可能想知道有什么收获? 为什么其他人都没有使用免费的WordPress网站? 在本文中,我们将分享36个理由,为什么拥有一个免费网站是一个坏主意,您应该不惜一切代价避免这样做。

Why free website is a bad idea
免费网站是什么意思? (What Do We Mean by Free Website?)

Most beginners who want to start their own website want to keep the cost low which is understandable.


So you typically Google the term free website and find many companies offering free website hosting services for free.


The thought of having free web hosting and building your site without paying anything is tempting.


Until you get a reality check. Once you sign up to these so-called “free website services”, you slowly start discovering the limitations and many of them turn out to be not free at all.

直到获得现实检查。 一旦注册了这些所谓的“免费网站服务”,您就会慢慢发现限制,而其中许多限制根本就不是免费的。

If you or your friend is thinking about getting a free website, then stop now.


And read these 36 reasons why free websites are almost always a bad idea.


1. Extremely slow websites


Most free website hosting providers put hundreds of websites sharing the same server. This makes all their websites load at very low speeds. Slow websites create bad user experience and are bad for SEO.

大多数免费网站托管提供商将数百个网站共享同一台服务器。 这使其所有网站的加载速度都非常低。 缓慢的网站会带来不良的用户体验,并且不利于SEO

2. Unprofessional web address


Having a website address like mysmallbusiness.Freewebsite.com does not look professional at all. Visitors to your website and potential customers would find it quite difficult to take your website seriously when you don’t even have a proper domain name.

拥有mysmallbusiness.Freewebsite.com类的网站地址似乎并不专业。 您的网站的访客和潜在客户会发现,即使您没有正确的域名,也很难认真对待您的网站。

And when you ask these companies for a custom domain, you usually have to pay a premium – something like $19 – $25 for a domain which normally costs $10.


3. Trial Service is Not Really Free


Many of these free website services often turn out to be limited trials. After a while you are asked to pay for it. In most cases, this price is usually way higher than normal WordPress hosting services. If you added a credit card during signup, then they can charge you without giving you any warning.

这些免费网站服务中的许多服务常常被证明是有限的试用。 过了一会儿,您被要求付款。 在大多数情况下,此价格通常比正常的WordPress托管服务高得多。 如果您在注册时添加了信用卡,那么他们可以向您收费而不会给您任何警告。

4. Hidden charges for free website


Like any other business, these free website companies need to make money too. Some of them charge their users for additional services like image hosting, email accounts, FTP access, website transfer, etc. These charges are often outrageously high.

像任何其他业务一样,这些免费的网站公司也需要赚钱。 他们中的一些人向用户收取其他服务的费用,例如图像托管,电子邮件帐户,FTP访问,网站传输等。这些费用通常过高。

5. They can lock down your data


Many users who start with a free website and then want to move to a paid service, find it impossible to move their website data. These service providers do not offer any tools to easily migrate your site. Users end up paying freelancers to manually export their content which can quickly increase your bill.

许多用户从免费网站开始,然后想要转到付费服务,发现无法迁移其网站数据。 这些服务提供商没有提供任何工具来轻松迁移您的网站。 用户最终向自由职业者付费,以手动导出其内容,从而Swift增加您的账单。

6. Irrelevant advertisements on your website


Most of these free website services are supported by advertisements. You create content and build your website, but they get paid for the ads. Often these ads are distracting, intrusive, and look ugly.

这些免费的网站服务大多数都由广告支持。 您创建内容并建立您的网站,但他们会从广告中获得收益。 这些广告通常会分散注意力,干扰人并且看上去很丑陋。

The worst part is, sometimes your savvy competitors can then pay these free website hosting companies to advertise on your website. Talk about sabotaging your business.

最糟糕的是,有时您精明的竞争对手随后可以向这些免费的网站托管公司付款,以在您的网站上做广告。 谈论破坏您的业务。

7. They can shut down your website


The terms and conditions of these services clearly state that they can shutdown your website at anytime without providing you a reason. If they shutdown a website, they usually don’t give your data or provide you a way to save your content.

这些服务的条款明确规定,它们可以随时关闭您的网站而无需提供理由。 如果他们关闭网站,通常不会提供您的数据或提供保存内容的方法。

Site not found

8. These companies can disappear at anytime


At any time, the free website company can decide to pack up their business and go. They would simply shutdown their servers, and you will loose your website and all the data. Their terms of service give them full legal protection to do so.

免费的网站公司可以随时决定打包业务并开始营业。 他们只需要关闭服务器,您就会丢失网站和所有数据。 他们的服务条款为他们提供了充分的法律保护。

9. You will lose your site address


If they decide to close the service or shutdown your website, then you will loose your web address. Most of the time it is a subdomain associated with the service. You cannot replicate that address or redirect users to your new site elsewhere.

如果他们决定关闭服务或关闭您的网站,那么您将失去您的网址。 大多数情况下,它是与服务关联的子域。 您不能复制该地址或将用户重定向到其他地方的新站点。

10. They can sell your information


Remember that these services need to make money somehow to remain in the business. A good rule of thumb is if you are not paying for it, then you are the product.

请记住,这些服务需要以某种方式赚钱才能维持业务。 一个好的经验法则是,如果您不为此付费,那么您就是产品。

These companies find other ways to make money such as selling your email address, personal information, and your website address to other companies. Their terms and conditions which no one really reads provide them total legal immunity.

这些公司找到其他赚钱的方法,例如将您的电子邮件地址,个人信息和您的网站地址出售给其他公司。 没有人真正阅读过的条款和条件为他们提供了完全的法律豁免权。

11. No site building tools


Unlike a real web hosting service, these companies offer very limited tools and services to their users. Using these tools the website you will create will look even more unprofessional.

与真正的虚拟主机服务不同,这些公司为用户提供的工具和服务非常有限。 使用这些工具,您将创建的网站看起来更加不专业。

12. No WordPress


Many of these free services do not allow you to install WordPress on your free website. WordPress requires a little more resources than a free website service can afford.

这些免费服务中有许多不允许您在免费网站上安装WordPress 。 WordPress需要比免费网站服务所能承受的资源更多的资源。

13. Limited WordPress


Even if they allow you to host WordPress, their servers are simply not capable of running it. You will come across many errors, and it will ruin your WordPress experience.

即使他们允许您托管WordPress,他们的服务器也无法运行它。 您将遇到许多错误,这将破坏您的WordPress体验。

14. Malware distribution


Free website services are notorious for distributing malware. This could be due to their poor security, or they could be doing it for monetary benefits. In either case, it hurts your website’s reputation and SEO.

免费网站服务因散布恶意软件而臭名昭著。 这可能是由于他们的安全性差,或者是为了获得金钱利益。 无论哪种情况,都会损害您网站的声誉和SEO。

15. You may become part of a link farm


The reason why these services keep disappearing and then reappearing is because they try to generate money using unethical methods. Building link farms is one such practice where they sell thousands of pages created by their users to spammers, fake drugs and gambling sites, online scams, etc.

这些服务不断消失然后再出现的原因是因为它们试图使用不道德的方法来赚钱。 建立链接农场就是一种这样的做法,他们将用户创建的数千页出售给垃圾邮件发送者,假药和赌博网站,在线欺诈等。

16. Limited bandwidth


Bandwidth is the amount of data transferred from server to user browser. It costs money and most free websites come with a very limited bandwidth caps.

带宽是从服务器传输到用户浏览器的数据量。 它要花钱,大多数免费网站的带宽上限非常有限。

17. Low disk storage


Free website companies host hundreds of websites sharing same server and hard disks. They usually give you very limited storage to store your data. When you reach that limit, you are often asked to pay for more storage.

免费网站公司托管数百个共享相同服务器和硬盘的网站。 它们通常为您提供非常有限的存储空间来存储数据。 当达到该限制时,通常会要求您支付更多的存储空间。

18. Vulnerable to hacking attempts


Hacked websites

Due to poor security, free websites are often more vulnerable to hacking attempts. If your site is hacked, it will be a lot more difficult to get it recovered because these companies give you very limited access to your own files and data.

由于安全性差,免费网站通常更容易受到黑客攻击。 如果您的网站被黑,那么恢复它的难度将大大增加,因为这些公司为您提供了对自己的文件和数据的有限访问权限。

19. HTML only sites with limited number of pages


Some of these free website companies offer only a limited number of pages on your website. If you want to add more pages, you will have to upgrade to a paid plan.

这些免费网站公司中的一些仅在您的网站上提供有限数量的页面。 如果要添加更多页面,则必须升级到付费计划。

20. Low credibility among your users


When your site is hosted on a free service, your users will feel less inclined to trust it. If users are not comfortable sharing their information, then it will kill the whole purpose of you creating a website.

当您的站点托管在免费服务上时,您的用户将不太会信任它。 如果用户不愿意分享他们的信息,那么它将扼杀您创建网站的全部目的。

21. Limited design choices


Design and layouts

Unlike a self-hosted WordPress site where you can choose from thousands of WordPress themes, free websites offer only a handful of poorly designed templates. You cannot use your own designs or use any other design from the web.

与自托管的WordPress网站(您可以从数千个WordPress主题中进行选择)不同,免费网站仅提供少数设计欠佳的模板。 您不能使用自己的设计,也不能使用网络上的任何其他设计。

22. No help or customer service


These free websites offer no help to users. You will have to setup your site on your own with the help of very limited and poorly presented documentation. You are pretty much on your own if you can’t figure it out.

这些免费网站无法为用户提供帮助。 您将不得不借助非常有限且内容不佳的文档自行设置站点。 如果您无法解决问题,那么您几乎就要靠自己了。

23. You can’t run advertisements or make money


Even though your free website company runs their own ads on your website, they do not allow you to run ads or make money from your website. You will not be able to add affiliate links or add Google Adsense to your website.

即使您的免费网站公司在您的网站上投放了自己的广告,他们也不允许您投放广告或从您的网站中获利。 您将无法添加会员链接或将Google Adsense添加到您的网站。

24. There are no backups


There is no concept of regular backups on these free websites. They do not backup your data and if something bad happens to your site, there is no way for you to restore your data.

在这些免费网站上没有定期备份的概念。 他们不会备份您的数据,并且如果您的站点发生问题,则无法恢复数据。

25. Difficult to get rid off


The companies offering these services often make money from content created by users like you. They intentionally make it difficult for you to delete your own website. This means your website will remain on their servers, and you will have a hard time removing it.

提供这些服务的公司通常从像您这样的用户创建的内容中获利。 它们故意使您难以删除自己的网站。 这意味着您的网站将保留在其服务器上,并且将很难删除它。

26. No statistics or decent analytics


With a good hosting company, you can get free statistics about your site’s visitors. You can even install Google Analytics or any other traffic counters. On free websites, they do not allow you to add Google Analytics because they run their own analytics code on your website.

有了一家优秀的托管公司,您可以获得有关您网站访问者的免费统计信息。 您甚至可以安装Google Analytics(分析)或其他任何流量计数器。 在免费网站上,它们不允许您添加Google Analytics(分析),因为它们在您的网站上运行自己的分析代码。

27. You will be targeted with email offers


Remember that these companies need to cover their costs by making money using alternative methods. They will continuously email you with special offers. Not to mention that they could sell your email address to other marketing companies as well.

请记住,这些公司需要通过使用替代方法来赚钱来弥补成本。 他们将连续通过电子邮件向您发送特别优惠。 更不用说他们也可以将您的电子邮件地址出售给其他营销公司。

28. No support for mobile devices


You cannot update your website from your mobile or hand-held devices. Free website companies mostly have their dashboards designed for desktop. This will make it harder to update your site from mobile.

您无法通过移动或手持设备更新网站。 免费网站公司大多将其仪表板设计为台式机。 这将使从移动设备更新网站变得更加困难。

29. No responsive designs


Most free website companies offer website designs that are very old and do not work on mobile phones. Mobile users make a significant portion of internet traffic. By not having a responsive design you will lose all those users.

大多数免费网站公司提供的网站设计都非常古老,无法在手机上使用。 移动用户占互联网流量的很大一部分。 没有响应式设计,您将失去所有这些用户。

30. No branded email


You cannot create email accounts with your own domain name. This means you will have to use your gmail or hotmail email account which does not look very professional.

您不能使用自己的域名创建电子邮件帐户。 这意味着您将不得不使用看起来不太专业的gmail或hotmail电子邮件帐户。

31. No contact forms or email forwards


Every website on the internet needs a good contact form. These free website companies do not have a way for you to add custom contact forms. You also don’t get to forward emails received on their own poorly configured form scripts.

互联网上的每个网站都需要一个良好的联系表 。 这些免费的网站公司无法让您添加自定义联系表格。 您也无法转发通过其自身配置不佳的表单脚本收到的电子邮件。

32. Limited file upload features


With paid hosting companies, you can upload unlimited files to your site using an FTP client or media uploader in WordPress. Free website companies only offer you a web based interface where you can upload one file at a time.

对于付费托管公司,您可以使用FTP客户端或WordPress中的媒体上传器将无限个文件上传到您的站点。 免费网站公司仅向您提供基于Web的界面,您可以一次上传一个文件。

34. No way to setup redirects


With WordPress you can set up redirection in many different ways. This is a very useful way to maintain your site’s SEO scores. With free websites, you cannot setup any kind of redirects at all. Even if you move to a paid service later, you will not be able to redirect users from your free website.

使用WordPress,您可以通过许多不同的方式设置重定向 。 这是维持网站的SEO分数的一种非常有用的方法。 使用免费网站,您根本无法设置任何类型的重定向。 即使您稍后转至付费服务,也将无法从免费网站重定向用户。

35. Investing time on free website is unwise


If you have any serious intention of building something on the web, then you should never start with a free website. As you have read in this article, they are unreliable, unsafe, difficult, and severely limit your growth options.

如果您打算在网络上构建某些东西,则绝对不要以免费网站开始。 正如您在本文中所读到的那样,它们不可靠,不安全,困难并且严重限制了您的增长选择。

36. Not even for practice


Free websites are terrible, even if you just want to practice.


免费网站的不错选择 (Good Alternatives to a Free Website)

The best alternative to a free website is of course a paid website. There are plenty of hosting services offering WordPress hosting at very low costs.

免费网站的最佳替代选择当然是付费网站。 有很多托管服务以非常低的成本提供WordPress托管

You can start with Bluehost, they offer shared website hosting service and are one of the official WordPress hosting services. For WPBeginner readers, they offer 60% additional discount and a free domain.

您可以从Bluehost开始,他们提供共享的网站托管服务,并且是官方的WordPress托管服务之一。 对于WPBeginner读者,他们提供60%的额外折扣和免费域名。

You can follow our step by step guide on how to make a website (the right way).


If you don’t want to pay at all and just want to learn, then you can practice on your own computer. You can easily install WordPress on your Windows computer using Wamp or Mamp for Mac.

如果您根本不想支付任何费用而只想学习,则可以在自己的计算机上练习。 您可以使用WampMamp for Mac 在Windows计算机上轻松安装WordPress

We hope this article helped you learn why having a free website is a bad idea. Here are some great reasons explaining why you should use WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解为什么拥有免费网站是个坏主意。 这是解释为什么应使用WordPress的一些重要原因。

Also it would be helpful for you to read: Why is WordPress free, what are the costs, and what is the catch?

另外,这对您阅读也会有所帮助: 为何WordPress免费,成本是多少,收获是什么?

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/36-reasons-why-having-a-free-website-is-a-bad-idea/

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