

WordPress is a phenomenal platform. There are tons of free plugins, themes, resources out there that will help you grow your blog. There are also tons of commercial (paid) plugins / services that will help you grow your blog as well. Now how do you know what you really need? The only way is from experience. I have been using WordPress since 2006 and learnt a lot from my experience. If you are really conservative when it comes to spending like myself, then you will find this list helpful. I have compiled a list of 7 commercial plugins or services that helped me grow my blog.

WordPress是一个了不起的平台。 有大量免费的插件,主题和资源,可帮助您发展博客。 还有大量的商业(收费)插件/服务也将帮助您发展博客。 现在,您如何知道您真正需要什么? 唯一的办法就是经验。 自2006年以来,我一直在使用WordPress,并从我的经验中学到了很多东西。 如果您在像我这样的支出方面真的很保守,那么您会发现此列表很有帮助。 我整理了一份有助于我发展博客的7个商业插件或服务的列表。

Note: This list is applicable for users with a self-hosted WordPress blog.


WordPress托管 (WordPress Hosting)

There are so many web hosting providers out there. Which one should you pick? I hosted with numerous web hosting companies until 2007 when I stumbled upon to a provider known as HostGator. Now I am very conservative (cheap) no matter how much money I make. I got 1 baby plan and put all of my sites on it. Turned out it wasn’t enough. Now, I wasn’t ready to upgrade. I bought 2 additional baby plans and spread my sites out. Remember, it says UNLIMITED bandwidth and space. Well, it is for unlimited if you are small, but if your sites take a lot of server load, then they force you to upgrade. I kept my hosting bill low for as long as possible. Then when they told me, I had too many sites on my baby plans, I finally moved to their reseller hosting (a mid level shared hosting). Now instead of having 3 baby plans, I had one reseller account with all sites hosted in there. Once I start seeing higher traffic, I moved up to a VPS. Now, we are running a Dedicated Server that powers my blogs. Its about 5 years since I have been using this company and I haven’t been disappointed yet. Best part about my experience was that all the times I upgraded, I didn’t see huge down times. There was almost no work involved on my part. Their support is very very helpful and prompt. I have used the live chat and phone both. Although, now I usually stick with phone for expedited requests. I find that everyone finds live chat to be convenient, so they all use it. This makes the phone support a lot faster.

有这么多的虚拟主机提供商。 你应该选哪一个? 直到2007年,我偶然发现了一家名为HostGator的提供商时,才与许多网络托管公司合作。 现在,无论我赚多少钱,我都非常保守(便宜)。 我有1个婴儿计划,并把所有网站都放在上面。 事实证明这还不够。 现在,我还没准备好升级。 我又购买了2个婴儿计划,并将网站分散开。 请记住,它说的是无限的带宽和空间。 好吧,如果您很小,这是无限的,但是如果您的站点承担很多服务器负载,那么它们将迫使您升级。 我尽可能长时间地降低托管费用。 然后,当他们告诉我,我的婴儿计划上有太多网站时,我终于搬到了他们的转销商托管(中级共享托管)。 现在,我没有一个3个婴儿计划,而是拥有一个转销商帐户,其中托管了所有站点。 开始看到更高的流量后,我便升级到了VPS 。 现在,我们正在运行为我的博客提供动力的专用服务器。 自从我使用这家公司大约5年了,我还没有失望。 关于我的经历,最好的部分是,在我升级的所有时间里,我并没有看到大量的停机时间。 我几乎没有涉及任何工作。 他们的支持非常有帮助和Swift。 我已经使用了实时聊天和电话。 虽然,现在我通常会坚持要求加急电话。 我发现每个人都觉得实时聊天很方便,所以他们都使用它。 这使电话支持快得多。

Now people try to accuse me of up selling HostGator because they offer great affiliate commission. But the truth is, I have been recommending HostGator since day 1. The reason why it is my first recommendation is because I USE them. WPBeginner and List25 both runs on HostGator.

现在人们试图指责我卖掉HostGator,因为他们提供了很大的会员佣金。 但是事实是,从第一天开始我就一直推荐HostGator 。之所以成为我的第一个建议,是因为我使用了它们。 WPBeginner和List25都在HostGator上运行。

I was even able to convince my friend and famous blogger, John Chow, to switch over when he started having issues with his host. He really loves the support and quality of the hosting.

我什至可以说服我的朋友和著名的博客作者John Chow在他的主机出现问题时切换到该服务器。 他真的很喜欢托管的支持和质量。

I have some HostGator Coupons if you plan on signing up.


Summary: Pick a provider that can help you scale. If I had chosen another hosting company that only offers shared hosting and nothing more. Then I would have to switch companies. I like to work with the same group of people if I can (trust issues). There are higher-end managed solutions out there, but they limit you to 1 domain or xx,xxx pageviews / month. Its definitely not something that a new blogger can afford.

摘要:选择一个可以帮助您扩展规模的提供商。 如果我选择了另一个仅提供共享托管的托管公司,仅此而已。 然后,我将不得不更换公司。 如果可以,我喜欢与同一群人一起工作(信任问题)。 那里有高端的托管解决方案,但它们将您限制为每月1个域或xx,xxx个页面浏览量。 绝对不是新博客可以负担得起的东西。

后备 (Backup)

Backups are one thing that every blogger/webmaster should have. If you are updating your site daily, then you should have daily backups. If your site is really huge and get a lot of comments then you should consider having backups few times a day. Now, I am NOT saying that something bad will happen. I’m saying it CAN happen. I have always been anal about protecting our data and keeping backups just in case if anything happens. For all, I can accidentally wipe out things (yup, I have done this before – This is how I learned). For a good while, I always relied on keeping everything on my computer as organized as possible. The only thing I used was WP-DB Backup. Its a free solution, it backs up my database and sends it to a Gmail account. I have all the files in my computer (nothing can go wrong). You are DEAD WRONG. How about a hard drive failure? Yeah, again thankfully when my hard drive failed my site was fully functional. I quickly jumped on the boat with BackupBuddy which backs up my entire site in cloud (here is a tutorial for BackupBuddy). That was working fine, but the down side was we were only making one backup a day (Note: you can make multiple backups a day as pointed out in the comment by one of our users). Making one backup per day could be a problem if you have multiple authors simultaneously working on different posts every day. Losing all of their hard work wastes time on our end. I finally decided to join the VaultPress revolution. Started by Matt Mullenweg (WordPress co-founder) and his team (Automattic), I knew I could trust these guys. Running VaultPress has given me a peace of mind because I know that my blog is backed up real-time and it is SAFE. Not to mention, it is totally hassle free. All you have to do is put your API Key and let the magic happen. To give you an example look at the activity screenshot from when I was writing this post:

备份是每个博客/网站管理员都应该拥有的一件事。 如果您每天都在更新站点,则应该每天进行备份。 如果您的网站确实很大并且收到很多评论,那么您应该考虑每天进行几次备份。 现在,我并不是说坏事会发生。 我说这可能发生。 我一直都在保护我们的数据并保留备份,以防万一发生任何事情。 总而言之,我可能会不小心擦掉东西(是的,我以前做过–这就是我学到的方法)。 在很长一段时间里,我一直都依赖于将计算机上的所有内容保持井井有条。 我唯一使用的是WP-DB Backup 。 它是一个免费的解决方案,它备份我的数据库并将其发送到Gmail帐户。 我的电脑中有所有文件(一切都不会出错)。 你死定了。 硬盘故障怎么办? 是的,再次值得庆幸的是,当我的硬盘发生故障时,我的网站可以正常运行。 我通过BackupBuddySwift上手 ,该备份将我的整个站点备份到云中(这是BackupBuddy教程 )。 这样做很好,但不利的一面是,我们每天仅进行一次备份(注意:您可以一天进行多次备份,正如我们的一位用户在评论中指出的那样)。 如果您有多个作者每天同时处理不同的帖子,那么每天进行一次备份可能是个问题。 失去所有辛勤工作会浪费我们的时间。 我终于决定加入VaultPress革命。 由Matt的联合创始人Matt Mullenweg和他的团队(Automattic)创立,我知道我可以相信这些家伙。 运行VaultPress使我安心,因为我知道我的博客是实时备份的,而且很安全。 更不用说,它完全没有麻烦。 您所要做的就是放上API密钥,让魔术发生。 举个例子,看看我写这篇文章时的活动截图:

VaultPress Activity

Yup 8 seconds ago. So every single word that I write here is being backed up in a cloud server. If I ever need to fix something, I have my full-site backups there (plugins, images, database, etc).

是8秒钟前。 因此,我在此处编写的每个单词都将备份到云服务器中。 如果需要修复某些东西,可以在其中进行全站点备份(插件,映像,数据库等)。

内容交付网络(CDN) (Content Delivery Network (CDN))

When my blogs started to get a lot of traffic, it increased server load thus slowed the sites down a bit. Slow sites effect your Search Engine Ranking, and is bad for user experience. Very timely, I was approached by the sales team at MaxCDN. It was like just another sales pitch, but for some reason it had a personal touch to it. I did my research on what is a CDN. There were bunch of techy geek talk out there that I didn’t understand. So I decided to call their team. They explained things to me, and we got off to a great start. Ever since I implemented MaxCDN, I haven’t looked back. My sites are faster, and it keeps our server load low. For those who are wondering What is a CDN and Why you need it, then check out the infographic that I created.

当我的博客开始大量访问时,它增加了服务器负载,从而使站点速度有所降低。 缓慢的网站会影响您的搜索引擎排名,并且不利于用户体验。 非常及时, MaxCDN的销售团队与我联系。 就像是另一个销售推销,但由于某种原因,它具有个人风格。 我研究了什么是CDN 。 那里有很多我听不懂的极客怪癖话。 所以我决定给他们的团队打电话。 他们向我解释了事情,我们取得了一个良好的开端。 自从实现MaxCDN以来,我再也没有回头。 我的网站速度更快,并且使我们的服务器负载较低。 对于那些想知道什么是CDN以及为什么需要它的人 ,请查看我创建的信息图

I have been using this service for a while now, and I can tell you first hand these guys are amazing. I have met the company’s President (Chris Ueland), VP of Marketing (David Henzel) and other team members. They have become great friends (outside work). I know that I am in good hands.

我已经使用该服务已有一段时间了,我可以直接告诉您这些家伙很棒。 我见过公司的总裁(Chris Ueland),行销副总裁(David Henzel)和其他团队成员。 他们已经成为好朋友(工作以外)。 我知道我的手很好。

If you use the coupon “wpbeginner” then you will save $10. My advice would be to spend $30 after coupon discount for 1TB of bandwidth. You will automatically see a difference in load time. If you are a smaller site, then the 1TB can even last you for a year. Except your site will be a lot FASTER.

如果使用优惠券“ wpbeginner ”,您将节省10美元。 我的建议是在优惠券折扣后花30美元购买1TB带宽。 您会自动看到加载时间的差异。 如果您的站点较小,那么1TB甚至可以使用一年。 除了您的网站会更快。

形式 (Forms)

Every blog needs a contact form. Some needs more advanced forms (such as lead generation form, client forms etc). For the longest time, I used plugins like cFormsII or Contact Form 7 (both free). They were very hard to maintain and setup. Luckily, while surfing twitter, I started seeing recommendations of this plugin called Gravity Forms. I asked around and then purchased the developers license. I can tell you that this plugin has saved me so much time and money that its unbelievable. Not only did I use it to create simple Contact forms, but I used it to create advanced lead generation forms. Heck, recently I used it to create a donate form for a non-profit organization.

每个博客都需要一个联系表。 有些需要更高级的形式(例如潜在客户生成形式,客户形式等)。 最长的时间,我使用了cFormsII或Contact Form 7(均免费)之类的插件。 他们很难维护和设置。 幸运的是,在浏览Twitter时,我开始看到有关此插件Gravity Forms的建议。 我四处询问,然后购买了开发人员许可证。 我可以告诉你,这个插件为我节省了很多时间和金钱,令人难以置信。 我不仅使用它来创建简单的联系表单,还使用它来创建高级潜在客户生成表单 。 哎呀,最近我用它来为一个非营利组织创建捐赠表格

Gravity Forms is a MUST HAVE plugin for form creation. The drag-drop interface really helps. Here is a Gravity Forms Coupon.

Gravity Forms是必须用于创建表单的插件。 拖放界面确实有帮助。 这是重力形式的优惠券

电子邮件通讯 (Email Newsletter)

If you have been blogging for more than a few months, then you have already heard that the money is in the list. Everyone is trying to build huge email lists and send out newsletter (What, Why, and How-To’s of an Email Newsletter). I have used both Aweber and MailChimp (two leading providers). Recently, I find myself recommending MailChimp more and more for new users. Reason is simple. They are offering FREE account for up to 2,000 subscribers. Again, if you are cost-conservative or on a low budget, you want to get the maximum benefit. So you can get a free MailChimp account and start paying once you hit 2,000 subscribers (hopefully you will be making the money to afford it by then). MailChimp is a bit more stricter than Aweber in terms of unsubscribe rate. So if you have like 100 subscribers and 2 people unsubscribed, they will send you a warning because you have over 1% unsubscribe rate.

如果您已经写博客了几个月以上,那么您已经听说这笔钱已列入清单。 每个人都在尝试建立庞大的电子邮件列表并发送新闻通讯( 电子邮件新闻通讯的内容,原因和方法 )。 我曾经使用过Aweber和MailChimp(两个领先的提供商)。 最近,我发现自己越来越向新用户推荐MailChimp。 原因很简单。 他们提供了多达2,000个订阅者的免费帐户。 同样,如果您是节约成本的或预算较低的,则希望获得最大的收益。 这样一来,您可以获得一个免费的MailChimp帐户,并在达到2,000个订阅者后开始付款(希望您届时能赚到钱赚钱)。 就退订率而言,MailChimp比Aweber更为严格。 因此,如果您有100位订阅者和2位用户退订,他们将向您发送警告,因为您的退订率超过1%。

广告管理 (Ad Management)

Most bloggers monetize with banner ads of some sort. In 2008, I ended up purchasing an ad management plugin called OIO Publisher. I have been using it since then to manage ads on my blogs. It lets people purchase ads directly through your site, pay via PayPal or other options, then it verifies if the payment came through. If it did, then it gives you the option to approve it or reject it. If you approve it, it will then display ads on your site. Depending on the expiration date, it expires the ad automatically. If the advertiser has a recurring subscription with you, then it makes sure that the payment was received. If it isn’t, then it informs you about it and take the ads off. To be honest, it is a very smart platform. Now it can even sell ads by eCPM. If you want to eliminate middle-man and simply sell ads, then I highly recommend getting OIO Publisher. I paid for it once, and I have gotten over 500x return already.

大多数博客通过某种形式的横幅广告获利。 在2008年,我最终购买了一个名为OIO Publisher的广告管理插件。 从那时起,我一直在使用它来管理博客中的广告。 它使人们可以直接通过您的网站购买广告,通过贝宝(PayPal)或其他选项付款,然后验证付款是否成功。 如果确实如此,那么它为您提供了批准或拒绝的选项。 如果您批准,它将在您的网站上展示广告。 根据失效日期,它会自动使广告失效。 如果广告客户与您有定期订阅,则可以确保已收到付款。 如果不是,那么它会通知您并取消广告。 老实说,这是一个非常聪明的平台。 现在,它甚至可以通过eCPM出售广告。 如果您想消除中间人而只卖广告,那么我强烈建议您使用OIO Publisher 。 我花了一次钱,现在已经获得了500倍的回报。

OptinMonster (OptinMonster)

People ask me all the time about what I use for the lightbox popups, or the footer bar plugins etc. The answer to that is OptinMonster. I created this plugin because all the other ones in the market were slow, buggy, and had terrible support. OptinMonster is a gem for marketers. If you are looking to build or grow your email list, then this is a must have plugin. Checkout my case study on how I used OptinMonster to increase my email subscribers by 600%. Here is a link for a OptinMonster Coupon if you decide to buy it.

人们一直问我关于灯箱弹出窗口或页脚栏插件等的用途 。答案是OptinMonster 。 我创建此插件的原因是,市场上的所有其他插件都很慢,有故障,并且获得了糟糕的支持。 OptinMonster是营销人员的瑰宝。 如果您想建立或增加您的电子邮件列表,那么这是一个必须具有的插件。 查看我的案例研究 ,了解如何使用OptinMonster将电子邮件订阅者人数增加600%。 如果您决定购买,这是OptinMonster优惠券的链接。

All of the plugins or services I have mentioned above has helped me grow my blog. I am currently using all of the products mentioned above, and I love them. There are affiliate links in the article, so if you buy anything, I will get a commission. However, my recommendations would not change even if there was no commission involved. You can ask anyone who has met me in person, and I have recommended the same products (when there is no link to click). What are your thoughts about the products above? Would love to see a discussion going.

我上面提到的所有插件或服务都帮助我发展了博客。 我目前正在使用上述所有产品,并且我喜欢它们。 文章中有会员链接,因此,如果您购买任何东西,我会得到佣金。 但是,即使不涉及任何佣金,我的建议也不会改变。 您可以问问任何一个亲自见过我的人,并且我推荐了相同的产品(没有单击链接时)。 您对以上产品有何看法? 希望看到讨论正在进行。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/7-commercial-wordpress-plugins-services-that-helped-me-grow-my-blogs/


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