
Do you want to connect your website to Yandex webmaster tools? Webmaster tools like search engine console from Google and Bing webmaster help you optimize your site, monitor the traffic, manage robots.txt, check site errors and more. In this article, we will share how to add your WordPress site in Yandex webmaster tools to monitor your search engine traffic.

您想将您的网站连接到Yandex网站管理员工具吗? 网站管理员工具(例如Google的搜索引擎控制台和Bing网站管理员)可帮助您优化网站,监控流量,管理robots.txt,检查网站错误等。 在本文中,我们将分享如何在Yandex网站管理员工具中添加WordPress网站以监视您的搜索引擎流量。

Add Your Site to Yandex Webmaster Tools
什么是Yandex? (What is Yandex?)

Yandex is a popular search engine like Google and Bing based in Russia. You can optimize your site for SEO in Yandex to get more visitors from Russia.

Yandex是俄罗斯的Google和Bing等流行的搜索引擎。 您可以在Yandex中优化SEO网站,以吸引更多来自俄罗斯的访客。

Yandex has a range of tools like generalized search engine, image search, email, videos, maps and more. It also has webmaster tools to help you rank your site, monitor traffic stats, search queries, keywords, and more.

Yandex具有一系列工具,例如通用搜索引擎,图像搜索,电子邮件,视频,地图等。 它还具有网站管理员工具,可帮助您对网站进行排名,监控流量统计信息,搜索查询,关键字等。

You can connect your WordPress site with Yandex using the Yoast SEO plugin. It works similar to Google search console and Bing Webmaster tools.

您可以使用Yoast SEO插件将WordPress网站与Yandex连接。 它的工作方式类似于Google搜索控制台和Bing网站站长工具。

在Yandex网站管理员工具中添加WordPress网站 (Adding WordPress Site in Yandex Webmaster Tools)

Before we start, you would need a Yandex Webmaster tools account to connect your site. Once you have created your account, you can login to your WordPress site to configure Yandex webmaster tools with Yoast SEO plugin.

在开始之前,您需要一个Yandex网站管理员工具帐户才能连接您的网站。 创建帐户后,您可以登录WordPress网站以使用Yoast SEO插件配置Yandex网站管理员工具。

Let’s take a look on how you can add your site in Yandex webmaster tools and start optimizing it right away.


步骤1:在Yandex上创建帐户 (Step 1: Create an Account at Yandex)

First thing you need to do is login to your Yandex webmaster tools account. If you don’t have a Yandex account, then you can create one using this link.

您需要做的第一件事是登录您的Yandex网站管理员工具帐户。 如果您没有Yandex帐户,则可以使用此链接创建一个帐户。

Register Yandex

After creating the account, you’ll see the Yandex Webmaster page. On this page, you need to click on the ‘+‘ button in top bar to add your site in Yandex.

创建帐户后,您将看到Yandex网站管理员页面。 在此页面上,您需要单击顶部栏中的“ + ”按钮以在Yandex中添加您的网站。

Add Site

In the site address field, you need to add your website’s full domain name and click on the Add button.



Note: If your main domain uses ‘www’ in the URL, then you need to add it before the domain (for example www.wpbeginner.com)

注意:如果您的主域在URL中使用“ www”,则需要将其添加到域之前(例如www.wpbeginner.com)。

On the next page, you will be asked to verify website ownership by adding meta content in your WordPress site. Go ahead and copy the content code from this page because you will need it in Step 2.

在下一页上,将要求您通过在WordPress网站中添加元内容来验证网站所有权。 继续并复制此页面上的内容代码,因为在步骤2中将需要它。

Copy Code
步骤2:登录WordPress管理区域并添加代码 (Step 2: Login to WordPress Admin Area and Add the Code)

Now you need to login to your WordPress admin area and add the verification code in the Yoast SEO webmaster settings.

现在,您需要登录到WordPress管理区域,并在Yoast SEO网站管理员设置中添加验证码。

Simply head over to the SEO » General area and click on the Webmaster tools tab.


Yoast General SEO Settings

Next, you need to paste the code in the Yandex verification code field and click on the Save Changes button.

接下来,您需要将代码粘贴到Yandex验证代码字段中,然后单击“ 保存更改”按钮。

Paste Code and Save

After adding the code in your WordPress site, you need to go back to the Yandex Webmaster tools page where you copied the code from and click on the Check button to verify ownership.

在WordPress网站中添加代码后,您需要返回到Yandex网站管理员工具页面,在该页面上复制了代码,然后单击“ 检查”按钮以验证所有权。

Check and Verify Rights

After successful verification, it will show your username that has the rights to manage your site in Yandex Webmaster tools. You can also delegate the rights to other users by adding their username and clicking on the Delegate rights button.

成功验证后,它将显示您的用户名,该用户名有权在Yandex网站管理员工具中管理您的网站。 您还可以通过添加其他用户名并单击“ 委派权限”按钮将权限委派给其他用户。

Username and Deligate Rights

Now that your site is verified and added in Yandex Webmaster tools, you can see traffic stats, search errors, search queries, internal and external links, site information, robots.txt analysis, audit pages for mobile, and more on the Yandex dashboard. You can use the menu on left side of the screen to find any information that you may need.

现在,您的网站已经过验证并添加到Yandex网站管理员工具中,您可以在Yandex仪表板上查看流量统计信息,搜索错误,搜索查询,内部和外部链接,网站信息,robots.txt分析,移动设备审核页等。 您可以使用屏幕左侧的菜单查找可能需要的任何信息。

Yandex Dashboard

Yandex Webmaster tools have options for site optimization that are filtered from troubleshooting to important settings like robots.txt and .htaccess. You can further optimize your robots.txt for SEO separately and regularly perform WordPress maintenance tasks to keep your site up to date.

Yandex网站管理员工具具有用于网站优化的选项,这些选项已从疑难解答过滤到重要设置,例如robots.txt和.htaccess。 您可以进一步针对SEO进一步优化robots.txt,并定期执行WordPress维护任务以使您的网站保持最新。

We hope this article helped you learn how to add your WordPress site in Yandex webmaster tools. You may also want to see our list of best WordPress SEO plugins and tools that you should use to rank your site in search engines.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何在Yandex网站管理员工具中添加WordPress网站。 您可能还想查看我们的最佳WordPress SEO插件和工具列表,这些列表和工具可用于在搜索引擎中对网站进行排名。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-add-your-wordpress-site-in-yandex-webmaster-tools/

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