

Are you looking for the best WordPress real estate plugins? WordPress is used by many real estate websites to showcase listings and get new customers. In this article, we have hand-picked the best WordPress real estate plugins that you can use to grow your business.

您在寻找最好的WordPress房地产插件吗? 许多房地产网站都使用WordPress来展示列表并吸引新客户。 在本文中,我们精心挑选了可以用来发展业务的最佳WordPress房地产插件。

Best WordPress real estate plugins
如何使用WordPress创建房地产网站? (How to Make a Real Estate Website Using WordPress?)

WordPress is the most popular website builder in the world. It is easy to use and flexible enough to make almost any kind of website imaginable.

WordPress是世界上最受欢迎的网站构建器 。 它易于使用且足够灵活,几乎可以想象到任何类型的网站。

There are two different types of WordPress which often confuses beginners. First, there is WordPress.com which is a hosted solution. Second, you have WordPress.org also known as self-hosted WordPress. See our article on WordPress.com vs WordPress.org for a side-by-side comparison.

有两种类型的WordPress经常会使初学者感到困惑。 首先,有WordPress.com这是一个托管解决方案。 其次,您拥有WordPress.org,也称为自托管WordPress。 请参阅我们在WordPress.com和WordPress.org上的文章,以进行并排比较。

We recommend using WordPress.org because it allows you to use all WordPress features out of the box without any restrictions.


To start your own self-hosted WordPress.org website, you will need a domain name and website hosting.


We recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the largest hosting companies in the world and an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider. They’re offering our users over 60% off and a free domain name.

我们建议使用Bluehost 。 他们是世界上最大的托管公司之一,也是官方推荐的WordPress托管提供商。 他们为我们的用户提供60%以上的折扣和免费域名。

Once you have purchased hosting, head over to our guide on how to make a website for step by step set up instructions.

购买托管服务后,请转到我们的指南, 了解如何制作网站以逐步设置说明。

That being said, let’s take a look at the best WordPress real estate plugins that you can use. These plugins will allow you to easily add your real estate listings and attract more customers.

话虽如此,让我们看一下您可以使用的最佳WordPress房地产插件。 这些插件可让您轻松添加房地产清单并吸引更多客户。

1. IMPress清单 (1. IMPress Listings)

IMPress Listings

IMPress Listings is one of the best WordPress real estate plugins. It is easy for beginners to get started, and flexible for advanced users to create powerful real estate websites.

IMPress Listings是最好的WordPress房地产插件之一。 初学者很容易上手,而高级用户则可以灵活地创建强大的房地产网站。

It is mobile responsive and works with any WordPress theme. You can add as many details for each listing as you want with images and video support. Listings are beautifully displayed in a grid layout, and a single listing page allow users to get all the information they need including location maps.

它具有移动响应性,并且可以与任何WordPress主题一起使用。 您可以使用图像和视频支持为每个列表添加尽可能多的详细信息。 列表以网格布局精美地显示,并且一个列表页面允许用户获取他们需要的所有信息,包括位置图。

It also allows you to import listings from your MLS database and support IDX integration with an addon plugin. It comes equipped with contact forms so that interested buyers can directly contact you.

它还允许您从MLS数据库导入列表,并通过插件插件支持IDX集成。 它带有联系表格,以便有兴趣的买家可以直接与您联系。

2. WP属性 (2. WP-Property)


WP-Property is another all-in-one WordPress real estate management plugin. It includes an easy to use interface to add and manage all your listings. You can add detailed information with tons of fields to add rooms, bathrooms, area, features, and more.

WP-Property是另一个多功能的WordPress房地产管理插件。 它包括一个易于使用的界面来添加和管理所有列表。 您可以添加大量字段的详细信息,以添加房间,浴室,区域,功能等。

Listings are beautifully displayed on your website and the plugin website also offers free themes that you can use. It includes Google Maps support, powerful search feature with filters, SEO friendly URLs, featured listings, and more.

列表精美地显示在您的网站上,并且插件网站还提供了您可以使用的免费主题。 它包括Google Maps支持,带过滤器的强大搜索功能,SEO友好的URL,特色列表等。

It is available in multiple languages and can be easily translated into any other language. It also comes with sidebar widgets and shortcodes that allow you to display listings through-out your website.

它有多种语言版本,可以轻松翻译成其他任何语言。 它还带有侧边栏小部件和短代码 ,可让您显示整个网站的列表。

3. Estatik (3. Estatik)


Estatik plugin is another excellent option to manage your real estate listings in WordPress. This powerful plugin comes with an easy to use property management system allowing you to easily add listings to your website.

Estatik插件是在WordPress中管理房地产列表的另一个绝佳选择。 这个功能强大的插件附带一个易于使用的物业管理系统,可让您轻松地将列表添加到您的网站。

It includes photo gallery, property search widget, Google Maps support, built-in social sharing, and multilingual support. It also includes a fields builder which allows you to easily add new fields to your listings.

它包括照片库,属性搜索小部件,Google Maps支持,内置的社交共享和多语言支持 。 它还包括一个字段生成器,使您可以轻松地将新字段添加到列表中。

It has an ajax powered search feature with auto-complete. Users can also sort listings by price, date, and popularity. Plugin developer also provides paid IDX/MLS services and add-ons to add more features if needed.

它具有自动完成的Ajax支持的搜索功能。 用户还可以按价格,日期和受欢迎程度对列表进行排序。 插件开发人员还提供收费的IDX / MLS服务和附加组件,以在需要时添加更多功能。

4.简易物业清单 (4. Easy Property Listings)

Easy Property Listings

Easy Property Listings is another powerful and highly customizable WordPress real estate plugin. It allows you to easily build a real estate website without touching code and without changing themes.

Easy Property Listings是另一个功能强大且高度可定制的WordPress房地产插件。 它使您可以轻松构建房地产网站,而无需接触代码和更改主题

It has a beginner friendly listing management interface which makes it super easy to manage your properties. It comes with mobile-friendly listing templates to display your properties in a grid layout or a single listing page.

它具有初学者友好的列表管理界面,使您可以非常轻松地管理您的财产。 它带有适合移动设备的列表模板,可在网格布局或单个列表页面中显示属性。

Advanced features include support for REAXML, JUPIX, worldwide MLS systems, translations / multilingual support, advanced maps, and more. Paid addons and extensions allow you to add many other features including a real estate agents directory and management system.

高级功能包括对REAXML,JUPIX,全球MLS系统的支持, 翻译 /多语言支持,高级地图等。 付费插件和扩展允许您添加许多其他功能,包括房地产经纪人目录和管理系统。

5. WP房地产 (5. WP Real Estate)

WP Real Estate

WP Real Estate is a relatively new real estate plugin for WordPress with tons of cool features. It can be used for buying, selling, and rental properties as well.

WP Real Estate是一个相对较新的适用于WordPress的房地产插件,具有许多很酷的功能。 它也可以用于购买,出售和出租物业。

It includes an advanced search feature, Google Maps, IDX/MLS integration, contact forms, custom fields, and list or grid layout views. It also comes with shortcodes and widgets so that you can display different real estate listings throughout your website or create your own landing pages for different properties.

它包括高级搜索功能 ,Google地图,IDX / MLS集成,联系表单,自定义字段以及列表或网格布局视图。 它还带有短代码和小部件,因此您可以在整个网站上显示不同的房地产列表,或为不同的属性创建自己的登录页面

6. AgentPress列表 (6. AgentPress Listings)


AgentPress requires Genesis theme framework and is designed to work with their own AgentPress Pro theme which helps you quickly create a real estate website.

AgentPress需要Genesis主题框架,并且可以与自己的AgentPress Pro主题配合使用,这可以帮助您快速创建房地产网站。

The plugin adds a listings custom post type and taxonomies to help you categorize properties. You can also use widgets to add listings search to a widget ready area.

该插件添加了列表自定义帖子类型和分类法,以帮助您对属性进行分类。 您还可以使用小部件将列表搜索添加到小部件就绪区域。

7. WPL房地产 (7. WPL Real Estate)

WPL Real Estate

WPL Real Estate plugin is flexible and powerful WordPress real estate management system. It has an easy to manage section to add your listings with a filterable search feature for the front-end. It has real estate agent profiles, Google Maps, different listing views, and a powerful custom fields feature to add property features.

WPL房地产插件是灵活而强大的WordPress房地产管理系统。 它具有易于管理的部分,可通过前端的可过滤搜索功能添加列表。 它具有房地产经纪人资料,谷歌地图,不同的列表视图以及强大的自定义字段功能,可添加物业功能。

It can be integrated with MLS/IDX services as an additional paid feature, other customizations are also provided by the plugin developer as a service. It already works well with some of the best WordPress themes in the market.

它可以与MLS / IDX服务集成为附加的付费功能 ,插件开发人员还可以作为服务提供其他自定义设置。 它已经可以很好地与市场上一些最佳的WordPress主题配合使用。

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress real estate plugins for your website. You may also want to see our list of the best WordPress real estate themes.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合您网站的最佳WordPress房地产插件。 您可能还想查看我们的最佳WordPress房地产主题列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-wordpress-real-estate-plugins-compared/


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