/optimize-_如何使用Google Optimize在WordPress中进行A / B拆分测试


Do you want to run A/B split tests on your WordPress site to improve conversions? Split testing helps you understand how small changes in content and design affect user behavior. In this article, we will show you how to easily do A/B split testing in WordPress using Google Optimize.

您是否要在WordPress网站上运行A / B拆分测试以提高转化率? 拆分测试可帮助您了解内容和设计的微小变化如何影响用户行为。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何使用Google Optimize在WordPress中轻松进行A / B拆分测试。

Split testing in WordPress using Google Analytics
什么是A / B拆分测试? (What is A/B Split Testing?)

A/B split testing is a technique that allows you to compare two versions of the same web page against each other, so you can determine which one performs better and produces better results.

A / B分离测试是一种允许您将同一网页的两个版本相互比较的技术,因此您可以确定哪个版本的效果更好,并产生更好的结果。

Marketers use A/B split testing for their landing pages to find out which one gets them more conversions and sales.

营销人员在其目标网页上使用A / B拆分测试,以找出哪个能为他们带来更多的转化和销售。

Split testing can be used to test any element on the page including call-to-action buttons, color schemes, layout changes, marketing text, images, and more.


A / B拆分测试如何工作? (How A/B Split Testing Works?)

Basically, you show different variations of a page to your audience. After that, you track user engagement and conversions to find out which variation gives you the best results.

基本上,您会向受众展示页面的不同变体。 之后,您可以跟踪用户参与度和转化次数,以找出哪种版本可以带来最佳效果。

How split testing works
准备进行A / B拆分测试 (Preparing for A/B Split Testing)

Before we move forward, there are a few things you would need for this tutorial.


First, you will need MonsterInsights plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

首先,您将需要MonsterInsights插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. You’ll need at least their Pro plan in order to access Google Optimize addon which we will be using in this tutorial.

MonsterInsights是适用于WordPress的最佳Google Analytics(分析)插件。 您至少需要他们的Pro计划,才能访问我们将在本教程中使用的Google Optimize插件。

If you haven’t already done so, then you need to sign up and install Google Analytics in WordPress.

如果您尚未这样做,则需要注册并在WordPress中安装Google Analytics(分析)

Lastly, you will need Google Optimize. It is a free tool that allows you to run split testing experiments on your website. We will show you how to set it up in the next step.

最后,您将需要Google Optimize。 它是一个免费工具,可让您在网站上运行拆分测试实验。 我们将向您展示如何在下一步中进行设置。

Ready? Let’s get started.

准备? 让我们开始吧。

在WordPress中设置Google Optimize (Setting up Google Optimize in WordPress)

First, you need to visit the Google Optimize website to create your account.

首先,您需要访问Google Optimize网站以创建您的帐户。

Get started with Google Optimize

Follow the on-screen instructions, and you will reach your account dashboard. Google Optimize will automatically create an Account and a Container for you.

按照屏幕上的说明进行操作,您将进入帐户信息中心。 Google Optimize将自动为您创建一个帐户和一个容器。

Next, you need to connect your Google Optimize account to the Google Analytics property of your website. To do that, click on ‘Link to Google Analytics’ tab from the right-hand column.

接下来,您需要将您的Google Optimize帐户连接到网站的Google Analytics(分析)媒体资源。 为此,请点击右侧列中的“链接到Google Analytics(分析)”标签。

Link Google Analytics property

Clicking on the button will show all Google Analytics properties available under your Google account. You need to select the one associated with your website.

点击该按钮将显示您的Google帐户下所有可用的Google Analytics(分析)属性。 您需要选择一个与您的网站关联的网站。

Select and link property

Next, click on the Link button to continue.


Google Optimize will now connect to your Google Analytics property. This will allow Google Optimize to share data with Google Analytics which you can then view in your reports.

Google Optimize现在将连接到您的Google Analytics(分析)媒体资源。 这将使Google Optimize与Google Analytics(分析)共享数据,然后您可以在报告中查看这些数据。

Now, it is time to create your first experience. Click on the ‘Create Experience’ button to continue.

现在,是时候创建您的初次体验了。 点击“创建体验”按钮继续。

Create experience

You will now be asked to provide a name for your experience and enter the URL of the page where this experience will run.


Experience detail

You will also be asked to choose a type for your experience. You need to select A/B test and then click on the ‘Create’ button to continue.

您还将被要求选择一种体验类型。 您需要选择A / B测试,然后单击“创建”按钮以继续。

Optimize will now create your experience, and you will be redirected to the experience page. It will automatically show the original page as your first variation.

现在,Optimize将创建您的体验,并且您将被重定向到体验页面。 它会自动将原始页面显示为您的第一个版本。

Create variant

You need to click on the add variation button to create a new version. Optimize will ask you to provide a name for this variation. It is a good practice to use a name that reflects the changes you are going to apply in this variation.

您需要单击添加变体按钮以创建新版本。 Optimize将要求您提供此变体的名称。 最好使用一个名称来反映您将在此变体中应用的更改。

Variant name

Click on the Done button to continue.


Optimize will now list your new variation on the experience page. Click on the ‘0 changes’ link next to your new variation to edit it.

现在,Optimize将在体验页面上列出您的新版本。 点击新版本旁边的“ 0个更改”链接进行修改。

Change variation

Google Optimize will now open the page where you want to run the test with a powerful editor. It is a simple drag and drop tool that you can use to make changes to your page.

Google Optimize现在将使用功能强大的编辑器打开您要在其中运行测试的页面。 这是一个简单的拖放工具,可用于更改页面。

Edit variation

You can just point and click on any element in your page to make changes. For the purpose of this tutorial, we are going to change the color of our main call to action button.

您只需指向并单击页面中的任何元素即可进行更改。 就本教程而言,我们将更改主要号召性用语按钮的颜色。

After you have made the changes that you want to test, you need to click on the ‘Done’ button to exit the editor.


You will now see your new variation listed with the number of changes you made to it.


Changed variation

You can continue editing or add another variant to your experience.


After that, you need to select an objective for your experience. Just below the variants you will see the option to select experience objective.

之后,您需要为您的体验选择一个目标。 在变体下方,您会看到选择体验目标的选项。

Experience objective

Clicking on it will open views from your Google Analytics reports.

单击它会从您的Google Analytics(分析)报告中打开视图。

If you are already using goals and events, or eCommerce tracking, then you will see them listed there.

如果您已经在使用目标和事件电子商务跟踪 ,那么您将在其中看到它们。

After selecting objective, you can enter a hypothesis about what you are testing and what you are expecting from this experiment.


Your experience is almost ready but first, you need to connect Google Optimize with MonsterInsights.

您的体验几乎已经准备就绪,但是首先,您需要将Google Optimize与MonsterInsights联系起来。

将Google Optimize连接到MonsterInsights (Connecting Google Optimize to MonsterInsights)

MonsterInsights helps you easily connect your WordPress site to Google Optimize.

MonsterInsights可帮助您轻松地将WordPress网站连接到Google Optimize。

First, you need to visit Insights » Addons page in your WordPress admin area. From here, you need to install and activate the ‘Google Optimize’ addon.

首先,您需要在WordPress管理区域中访问“数据分析»插件”页面。 在这里,您需要安装并激活“ Google Optimize”插件。

Google Optimize addon for MonsterInsights

Upon activation, you need to visit Insights » Settings page and switch to the tracking tab. From here you need to scroll down and click on the Google Optimize tab.

激活后,您需要访问数据分析»设置页面,然后切换到跟踪标签。 在这里,您需要向下滚动并单击Google Optimize标签。

Google Optimize settings in MonsterInsights

Now you need to provide your Google Optimize container ID. You can find this information under your Google Optimize account by clicking on the ‘Container Setup’ tab in the right column.

现在,您需要提供Google Optimize容器ID。 您可以通过单击右列中的“容器设置”标签在您的Google Optimize帐户下找到此信息。

Container ID

Copy and paste your container ID in MonsterInsights’ Google Optimize settings page and then click on the ‘Save changes’ button to store your settings.


That’s all you have successfully installed Google Optimize on your website and you are now ready to run your experiments.

到此为止,您已经在网站上成功安装了Google Optimize,现在就可以开始进行实验了。

安排和运行A / B拆分测试 (Scheduling and Running Your A/B Split Test)

Now that everything is in order, you are ready to schedule and run your A/B split test.

现在一切就绪,您可以计划并运行A / B拆分测试。

Switch to Google Optimize dashboard and open your experience. From here you can just go ahead and click on the ‘Run Experiment’ button to manually launch it.

切换到Google Optimize仪表板并打开您的体验。 您可以从此处继续并单击“运行实验”按钮以手动启动它。

Run experiment

You can also click on the ‘Create Schedule’ button to set up a schedule for your experiment. Make sure you provide enough time for the experiment to collect visits and data.

您也可以点击“创建时间表”按钮来设置实验时间表。 确保为实验提供足够的时间来收集访问次数和数据。

在Google Optimize中查看您的A / B拆分测试报告 (Viewing Your A/B Split Testing Reports in Google Optimize)

Google Optimize will now show different variations of your page to users and start collecting data. After it has collected enough data, you can view the results under the reporting tab.

Google Optimize现在将向用户显示您页面的不同版本,并开始收集数据。 收集到足够的数据后,您可以在“报告”标签下查看结果。

Split test reporting

It will show how each variant performed based on the experiment objective (Google Analytics goals, event, or views you selected).

它将显示每个变体如何根据实验目标(您选择的Google Analytics(分析)目标,事件或视图)进行效果。

Google Optimize reports

We hope this article helped you learn how to do A/B split testing in WordPress using Google Analytics and Google Optimize. You may also want to see our guide on how to convert WooCommerce visitors into customers.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解如何使用Google Analytics(分析)和Google Optimize在WordPress中进行A / B拆分测试。 您可能还希望查看有关如何将WooCommerce访问者转换为客户的指南

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-ab-split-testing-in-wordpress-using-google-analytics/






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