Squarespace与WordPress –哪个更好? (优点和缺点)

Squarespace and WordPress are two popular website builders that allow you to easily create a website without any technical skills or programming knowledge.

Squarespace和WordPress是两个流行的网站构建器 ,使您无需任何技术技能或编程知识即可轻松创建网站。

Recently, our readers asked us to compare Squarespace vs. WordPress because they were seeing a lot of commercials on TV for both platforms.


In this article, we will compare Squarespace vs. WordPress with the list of pros and cons for each platform. Our hope is that after reading our comparison, you can pick which one is better for you.

在本文中,我们将比较Squarespace和WordPress以及每种平台的优缺点。 我们的希望是,在阅读我们的比较后,您可以选择哪个更适合您。

Squarespace vs WordPress comparison

Note: This comparison is between Squarespace vs self-hosted WordPress (not WordPress.com). See the difference between self-hosted WordPress vs WordPress.com.

注意:此比较是Squarespace与自托管WordPress(不是WordPress.com)之间的比较。 查看自托管WordPress与WordPress.com之间的区别。

Since we want to create the most detailed WordPress vs Squarespace comparison, we have broken down the article into multiple sections. We will look at each section and see which platform offers the most benefit to a beginner level user.

由于我们要创建最详细的WordPress与Squarespace比较,因此我们将文章分为多个部分。 我们将查看每个部分,并了解哪种平台为初学者用户提供最大的好处。

  • Ease of use

  • Costs

  • Design and templates

  • Extensions and integrations

  • E-commerce

  • Data portability

  • Languages and internationalization


Ready? Let’s get started.

准备? 让我们开始吧。

易用性和学习曲线 (Ease of Use and The Learning Curve)

Most business owners and beginner-level users are not familiar with HTML, CSS, and other code related things. They want a platform that helps them easily create a website without hiring a developer.

大多数企业主和初学者级用户都不熟悉HTML,CSS和其他与代码相关的内容。 他们想要一个无需雇用开发人员就能帮助他们轻松创建网站的平台。

Let’s see how both WordPress and Squarespace stack up in this category.




WordPress is the top choice among users who want to start a blog or small business owners building a DIY website. Over 32% of all websites are powered by WordPress.

WordPress是想要创建博客的用户或正在建立DIY网站的小型企业的首选。 所有网站中超过32%由WordPress提供支持。

While WordPress is fairly intuitive and easy to use, there is definitely a slight learning curve.


Beginners will need to familiarize themselves with WordPress terminology and concepts such as difference between posts vs pages, categories vs tags, understanding themes and plugins.

初学者将需要熟悉WordPress术语和概念,例如帖子与页面之间的区别, 类别与标签之间的区别,理解主题插件

The default WordPress content editor is fairly easy to use. It comes with custom blocks to add content elements to your pages, so you can build beautiful layouts with media-rich content.

默认的WordPress内容编辑器非常易于使用。 它带有用于将内容元素添加到页面的自定义块,因此您可以使用媒体丰富的内容构建漂亮的布局。

Default WordPress editor

Despite the slight learning curve, in our experience, most users quickly adapt to WordPress.




Unlike WordPress, Squarespace does not come with a lot of choices. This lack of choice makes it very simple and easy to use. Even the absolute beginners can quickly write content and publish it.

与WordPress不同,Squarespace没有很多选择。 缺乏选择使其非常简单易用。 即使是绝对的初学者也可以快速编写内容并将其发布。

Squarespace page editor

Squarespace also uses a block editor similar to WordPress. Adding images, videos, and audio files is simpler than WordPress. There are plenty of content blocks, and layout control choices in the block editor.

Squarespace还使用类似于WordPress的块编辑器。 添加图像,视频和音频文件比WordPress更简单。 块编辑器中有很多内容块和布局控件选择。

Squarespace lets you customize your templates and pages using a visual editor. However, you are limited to the options available in the customizer. It is a controlled environment, which means your options are limited.

使用Squarespace,您可以使用可视化编辑器来自定义模板和页面。 但是,您仅限于定制器中可用的选项。 这是一个受控的环境,这意味着您的选择受到限制。



Squarespace fares a little better than WordPress out of the box in terms of ease of use for absolute beginners. However it’s limited features might not be ideal for all business owners.

就绝对初学者的易用性而言,Squarespace的价格比WordPress开箱即用。 但是,它的有限功能可能并不适合所有企业所有者。

On the other hand, WordPress offers beginners a lot of choices right from the beginning which might be confusing at first, but it is a lot more flexible in the long run.


There are several WordPress page builder plugins that you can use to create completely custom websites with drag and drop (without hiring a developer).

有几个WordPress页面构建器插件 ,可用于通过拖放操作创建完全自定义的网站(无需雇用开发人员)。

费用 (The Costs)

Knowing how much each platform cost is important in making a business decision. Let’s look at how much Squarespace cost vs. how much WordPress cost.

了解每个平台的成本对于制定业务决策很重要。 让我们看看Squarespace和WordPress的价格是多少。



WordPress itself is free. You are free to download, use, and build upon WordPress. It is an open source software with a GPL license which gives you all the freedom and control.

WordPress本身是免费的。 您可以免费下载,使用和构建WordPress。 它是具有GPL许可证的开源软件,可为您提供所有的自由和控制权。

In order to build your website with WordPress, you will need to registar a domain and signup for a web hosting account.


Depending on your needs, you can choose a shared hosting plan, VPS hosting, or even managed WordPress hosting. Shared hosting plans work for most small personal and business websites.

根据您的需求,您可以选择共享托管计划VPS托管 ,甚至托管WordPress托管 。 共享主机计划适用于大多数小型个人和企业网站。

See our guide on how to choose the best WordPress hosting.

请参阅我们的指南, 了解如何选择最佳的WordPress托管

The cost of web hosting and domain name vary depending on which hosting provider you go with. You are in charge of how much resources you need for your website, and how much you will pay for it.

Web托管和域名的费用取决于您使用的托管服务提供商。 您负责您的网站需要多少资源,以及将为此付出多少。

With over 6800+ free templates and 54,000+ free plugins, you can run your website for as low as $2.75 per month (which includes your domain name and hosting – we recommend Bluehost or SiteGround).

拥有6800多个免费模板和54,000多个免费插件,您可以每月低至2.75美元(包括域名和托管-我们建议使用BluehostSiteGround )来运行您的网站。

One of the reasons for WordPress’ popularity is that the overall cost of building your website with WordPress is very low.


Apart from that, you can change your hosting plan as your site grows. This means you will only pay for the resources you actually use, so it’s easier to control the cost of your website.

除此之外,您还可以随着网站的增长而更改托管计划。 这意味着您将只为实际使用的资源付费,因此控制网站的成本更加容易。

We have a detailed article on the cost of building a WordPress website and how to keep it under budget.




The personal plan for Squarespace starts from $12 per month (billed annually) or $16 month to month. That’s a little more than a shared hosting plan for WordPress.

Squarespace的个人计划起价为每月12美元(按年计费)或每月16美元。 这只不过是WordPress的共享托管计划。

Squarespace pricing plans

However, unlike a shared WordPress hosting plan, this personal plan comes with very limited features. You can only add only two contributors to your site, and you cannot sell products.

但是,与共享的WordPress托管计划不同,此个人计划具有非常有限的功能。 您只能将两个贡献者添加到您的站点,并且不能出售产品。

Whereas you can start an online store with WordPress for less than that.

相比之下,您可以用WordPress 开设在线商店

Squarespace business plan starts from $18 per month (billed annually) or $26 month to month. It includes eCommerce support, but they charge a 3% transaction fees. The business plan comes with unlimited contributors, pages, and additional advanced features.

Squarespace商业计划的起始价格为每月18美元(每年结算)或每月26美元。 它包括电子商务支持,但他们收取3%的交易费。 该业务计划附带无限制的参与者,页面和其他高级功能。

They also have separate plans for online stores starting from $26 per month with no additional transaction fee.




WordPress beats Squarespace with flexible pricing plans available from a variety of web hosting services from around the world.


The cost depends on how much resources you use, and you get access to all WordPress features right out of the box.


设计和模板 (Design and Templates)

Both WordPress and Squarespace come with ready-made templates and design tools to make it easy for you to create a custom website.


Let’s see which one offers you more choices and tools to create well-designed websites.




WordPress offers access to thousands of free and paid website templates. These templates are highly customizable, allowing you to use your own website logo, colors, upload your own images, and more.

WordPress提供对数千个免费和付费网站模板的访问。 这些模板是高度可定制的,允许您使用自己的网站徽标,颜色,上传自己的图像等等。

Many WordPress themes come with multiple layout choices, drag and drop page builders, sliders, photo galleries, and tons of other features.


No matter what kind of website you are building, you will find hundreds of professionally designed templates for the job.


Wordpress themes

Many beginners find this abundance of choices a bit overwhelming. Here are some of our expert-picks of the best WordPress themes for different kind of websites.

许多初学者发现这些丰富的选择有些让人不知所措。 这是我们针对不同类型网站的最佳WordPress主题精选文章。

For more on this topic, see our article on how to choose the best WordPress theme for your website.

有关此主题的更多信息,请参阅我们的文章, 了解如何为您的网站选择最佳的WordPress主题

Alternatively, you can also start with the Divi Theme which is a master theme with a lot of custom skins and complete drag & drop control.




Squarespace offers ready-made website templates neatly organized into different categories. There are themes for all popular website categories, with professional designs that look good on all devices.

Squarespace提供整齐地分为不同类别的现成网站模板。 所有热门网站类别都有主题,其专业设计在所有设备上看起来都不错。

Squarespace templates

However, this is a big area where Squarespace seriously falls behind. The number of pre-made templates are very limited, and your design options are also limited to the set of features available in the Squarespace customizer.

但是,这是Squarespace严重落后的一个大区域。 预制模板的数量非常有限,并且您的设计选项还受限于Squarespace定制器中可用的功能集。

Themes come with a limited number of layout choices with each template. You can still do basic colors, fonts, website logo, and other things, but these templates are not as customizable as WordPress themes.

主题随每个模板提供有限数量的布局选择。 您仍然可以执行基本的颜色,字体,网站徽标和其他功能,但是这些模板的可定制性不如WordPress主题。



WordPress comes out as a clear winner in terms of design choices, customization options, and flexibility. Squarespace offers great looking templates, but they are limited in numbers and are not very flexible.

在设计选择,自定义选项和灵活性方面,WordPress无疑是赢家。 Squarespace提供了漂亮的模板,但数量有限且不够灵活。

扩展和集成 (Extensions and Integrations)


All website builders come with a collection of built-in features. As your website grows, you would want to add more features and connect your site to work with third-party tools and services.

所有网站建设者都带有内置功能的集合。 随着网站的发展,您可能希望添加更多功能并连接您的网站以使用第三方工具和服务。

Let’s see how WordPress and Squarespace perform in this regard.




The real power of WordPress comes from its massive ecosystem of plugins. These plugins are like apps for your WordPress site that you can install to add new features or change the default behavior of your site.

WordPress的真正功能来自其庞大的插件生态系统。 这些插件就像您的WordPress网站的应用程序一样,您可以安装这些插件来添加新功能或更改网站的默认行为。

There are currently more than 54,000+ free WordPress plugins listed in WordPress.org plugin directory alone. There are also thousands of premium WordPress plugins available from third-party websites.

当前,仅在WordPress.org插件目录中列出了54,000多个免费WordPress插件。 第三方网站还提供数千种高级WordPress插件

WordPress plugins

If you can think of a feature, there is a good chance that you’ll easily find a WordPress plugin that does it.


WordPress plugins are so robust that many of them are full-fledged platforms with their own add-on plugins and a thriving community built around them.


We have a list of the essential WordPress plugins that every website should have.


Then you have specialized plugins to create ecommerce websites, build membership community, sell online courses, and more.


To learn more see our article on how to choose the best WordPress plugin.


Because WordPress is the most popular website builder, most third-party services and tools have their own WordPress plugins which integrate their services to a WordPress website.


All top email marketing services, SEO tools, live chat software, and lead generation tools offer seamless integration with WordPress.




Squarespace comes nowhere close to WordPress when it comes to extensibility and integrations.


It is possible to add third-party integrations and customizations but unlike WordPress, Squarespace doesn’t have powerful APIs that developers can build upon.


Squarespace integrations

They do provide some official third-party integrations, but even those are limited and not all popular services are supported.


For eCommerce, you can use their built-in platform, but you cannot extend it in any way.


Squarespace lacks the functionality to allow custom websites that you might need for your online business idea.




WordPress is the clear winner here with an incredible ecosystem of thousands of plugins and integrations at your fingertips. Squarespace, on the other hand, has very few integrations and many of them are very limited.

WordPress无疑是赢家,它拥有数以千计的插件和集成功能,触手可及。 另一方面,Squarespace具有很少的集成,其中许多集成非常有限。

电子商务 (E-commerce)

Are you building an online store? Let’s compare the eCommerce functionality of WordPress vs. Squarespace.

您正在建立网上商店吗? 让我们比较一下WordPress和Squarespace的电子商务功能。



WordPress allows you to integrate and use any payment processor or platform you want.


There are many WordPress plugins that allow you to easily accept online payments using Stripe, PayPal, Google Checkout, 2Checkout, Payoneer, Skrill, and even Bitcoin.

有很多WordPress插件,可让您使用Stripe ,PayPal,Google Checkout,2Checkout,Payoneer,Skrill甚至比特币轻松接受在线支付。


WordPress has plenty of eCommerce plugins that can turn your website into an online store within minutes. World’s most popular eCommerce platform, WooCommerce, is a WordPress plugin.

WordPress有大量的电子商务插件,可以在数分钟内将您的网站变成在线商店。 世界上最受欢迎的电子商务平台WooCommerce是WordPress插件。

WooCommerce comes with its own ecosystem with its own WooCommerce add-ons and thousands of WooComemrce ready themes.


There is no limit on how many products you add to your website, how you display them, or how you sell them. You can run your own affiliate program and use all the tricks to grow your sales without any restrictions.

对您添加到网站上的产品数量,显示方式或销售方式没有限制。 您可以运行自己的会员计划,并使用所有技巧来增加销售额,而没有任何限制。



E-commerce is limited on Squarespace. You can only use Stripe and PayPal for payment processing, which are only available in select few countries.

电子商务仅限于Squarespace。 您只能使用Stripe和PayPal进行付款处理,这仅在少数几个国家/地区可用。

There is no other payment system available which restricts your ability to accept payments from a larger global audience. For a growing business, starting with such limitations is not a great idea.

没有其他可用的付款系统会限制您接受来自更大范围的全球受众的付款的能力。 对于成长中的企业,从这样的限制开始并不是一个好主意。

Squarespace commerce

Apart from that, you can only sell products in Business or Commerce plans.


Let’s say you want to sell only one product, you will still have to pay for the Business plan, and the yearly costs of hosting a site with just one product to sell will be way higher than a shared hosting plan or VPS for WordPress.


As for third-party services, there are very few external services that you can integrate with your Squarespace website. This affects how you promote your website and the things you can do to make more sales and grow your business.

至于第三方服务,几乎没有可以与Squarespace网站集成的外部服务。 这会影响您推广网站的方式以及可以做的事情以增加销量和发展业务



WordPress is way ahead of Squarespace when it comes to running an eCommerce website. The limitations of Squarespace are not so good for the growth of an online business.

在运行电子商务网站方面,WordPress远远领先于Squarespace。 Squarespace的局限性对于在线业务的增长并不是很好。

The neat part about WordPress is that you can also use it alongside with Shopify. See our comparison of Shopify vs WooCommerce.

关于WordPress的整洁之处在于,您还可以将其与Shopify一起使用。 请参阅我们的Shopify与WooCommerce比较。

数据可移植性 (Data Portability)

When signing a business agreement, you always have safety clauses. Such as if you’re not happy, then you can leave without any hassle.

签署业务协议时,始终有安全条款。 例如,如果您不开心,那么您可以毫不费力地离开。

This concept extends to online businesses as well, and it is called data portability. If you’re not happy with the platform, then you should be able to take all your work and move it somewhere else.

这个概念也扩展到在线业务,称为数据可移植性。 如果您对平台不满意,那么您应该能够承担所有工作并将其移动到其他地方。

Let’s look at how WordPress and Squarespace compare in data portability and the freedom to switch.




WordPress comes with built-in tools to easily export all your data. Not just your content and images, but you can also backup your themes, plugins, and the entire database. See our list of the best WordPress backup solutions.

WordPress带有内置工具,可以轻松导出所有数据。 不仅您的内容和图像,而且您还可以备份主题,插件和整个数据库。 请参阅我们的最佳WordPress备份解决方案列表。

Exporting content in WordPress

You can then easily move this content to any other Content Management System you want. You can store your content anywhere else and change web hosts at any time you want.

然后,您可以轻松地将此内容移动到所需的任何其他内容管理系统。 您可以将内容存储在其他任何地方,并可以随时更改网络主机



Just like everything else, the export feature on Squarespace is also very limited. You can only export certain parts of your content in a XML file. This includes your pages, galleries, and one blog page with all its posts.

像其他所有内容一样,Squarespace的导出功能也非常有限。 您只能将内容的某些部分导出为XML文件。 这包括您的页面,画廊和一个包含所有帖子的博客页面。

Your product pages, album pages, text, audio, and video blocks will not be exported.




The content you create on your site is yours, and you should have the freedom and tools so that you can move it elsewhere. WordPress again beats Squarespace with easy to manage tools to export your entire site.

您在网站上创建的内容是您自己的,应该拥有自由和工具,以便可以将其移动到其他地方。 WordPress凭借易于管理的工具再次击败Squarespace,可导出您的整个网站。

语言与国际化 (Languages and Internationalization)

We live in a global world and many businesses cater to a multilingual audience in different geographical locations. Let’s see how Squarespace and WordPress handle languages, multi-lingual content, and geographical locations.

我们生活在一个全球化的世界中,许多公司都迎合了不同地理位置的多语种受众。 让我们看看Squarespace和WordPress如何处理语言,多语言内容和地理位置。

Languages and localization



WordPress is fully translated into dozens of languages. Users on a WordPress site can choose their own language from their profile settings.

WordPress已完全翻译成数十种语言 。 WordPress网站上的用户可以从个人资料设置中选择自己的语言。

Most WordPress themes are translation ready and all popular WordPress plugins are also translated into many languages.

大多数WordPress主题都可以翻译 ,所有流行的WordPress插件也都翻译成多种语言。

Basically, you can build a WordPress website in any language you want. You can even translate WordPress yourself if your language is not yet available.

基本上,您可以使用所需的任何语言来构建WordPress网站。 如果您的语言尚不可用,您甚至可以自己翻译WordPress

WordPress does not come with multi-lingual functionality out of the box. However, there are excellent plugins to create multilingual websites that are SEO friendly and incredibly feature rich.

WordPress没有开箱即用的多语言功能。 但是,有出色的插件可创建对SEO友好且功能丰富的多语言网站



Squarespace platform is fully translated into six languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese). You can change your site language and choose different timezone / country.

Squarespace平台已完全翻译成六种语言(英语,德语,法语,西班牙语,意大利语和葡萄牙语)。 您可以更改站点语言并选择其他时区/国家/地区。

You can only use currencies supported by Stripe or PayPal for your store products.


You can create multilingual pages by basically duplicating your pages. You will have to manually create a site structure or create different sites for each language (You will be billed for each site separately).

您可以通过基本复制页面来创建多语言页面。 您将必须手动创建网站结构或为每种语言创建不同的网站(将分别为每个网站收费)。



WordPress is way ahead in terms of languages and localization options. Squarespace again comes out as very limited and totally inadequate to create multilingual websites.

WordPress在语言和本地化选项方面遥遥领先。 Squarespace再次非常有限,完全不足以创建多语言网站。

总结Squarespace与WordPress比较 (Summarizing Squarespace vs WordPress Comparison)

WordPress is a far superior platform than Squarespace when it comes to building a website. Here is a quick breakdown of pros and cons of both platforms.

在构建网站方面,WordPress是一个比Squarespace更好的平台。 这是两个平台的优缺点的快速细分。

Pros of using Squarespace


  • Easier to use for small websites

  • Polished user experience

  • Hassle free website setup


Cons of using Squarespace


  • Costs higher than shared hosting website

  • Limited design choices

  • Limited set of features

  • Limitations put you at disadvantage in growing your business


Pros of using WordPress


  • Easy to use with a slight learning curve

  • Incredibly flexible to create anykind of website

  • Massive collection of themes and plugins

  • Truly powerful eCommerce platform

  • Can be started at a very low cost


Cons of using WordPress


Weighing in the pros and cons, we can confidently say that WordPress is a better platform to start a website.


The freedom to grow your website as you see fit, is important for all businesses. You should not trade that for any cost. WordPress provides you with this freedom at an much lower cost than all other platforms.

对于所有企业而言,自由发展自己认为合适的网站至关重要。 您不应该为此付出任何代价。 WordPress比所有其他平台以更低的成本为您提供了这种自由。

We hope this article offered you a side by side comparison of WordPress vs Squarespace. You may also want to see our complete WordPress review for a detailed overview of the platform.

我们希望本文为您提供WordPress与Squarespace的并排比较。 您可能还希望查看我们完整的WordPress评论 ,以获取该平台的详细概述。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/squarespace-vs-wordpress-which-one-is-better-pros-and-cons/





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