drf 获取域名+端口_如何注册域名(+简单提示可免费获取)

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Do you want to start a blog or a new online business in 2019? If you do, then you’ll need to register a domain name.

您想在2019年开设博客还是新的在线业务? 如果这样做,则需要注册一个域名。

The first step towards building a website is to find a good domain name and register it. In this article, we will show you how to register a domain name, step by step. We will also share a tip on how you can register a domain name for free.

建立网站的第一步是找到一个好的域名并进行注册。 在本文中,我们将逐步向您展示如何注册域名。 我们还将分享有关如何免费注册域名的提示。

How to register your own domain name and how to get one for free

Since this is a comprehensive guide on how to register a domain name, we have created a table of content, so you can easily skip to the section that you’re most interested in:


Before we get started, let’s cover the basics so we’re on the same page.


什么是域名? (What is a Domain Name?)

A domain name is the address of your website that people type in the browser to visit your website. For example, wpbeginner.com.

域名是人们在浏览器中键入以访问您的网站的网站地址。 例如,wpbeginner.com。

In simple term, if your website was a house, then your domain name will be its address.


The whole internet is a giant network of computers. Each computer is assigned a number which is called an IP address, and it looks like this:

整个互联网是一个庞大的计算机网络。 每台计算机都分配有一个号码,称为IP地址,它看起来像这样:

Now, this is not an easy to remember address. Imagine if you had to use this kind of addresses to visit your favorite websites.

现在,这不是一个容易记住的地址。 想象一下您是否必须使用这种地址来访问您喜欢的网站。

To fix this problem, domain names were invented.


Domain names can have alphabets and numbers, which helps business owners create brandable names for their website’s address.


How domain names work

To learn more about domain names, see our beginner’s guide on domain names and how do they work.


您何时需要注册域名? (When Do You Need to Register a Domain Name?)

Each day, over 46,000+ new .com domain names were registered during the third quarter of 2018.


Currently, there are over 140 million .com domain names already registered.


This means that all the good domain names are being registered as we speak. Chances are that someone may register a domain name that you’re thinking of, so it’s smart to register a domain name as soon as you think of an idea.

这意味着在我们发言时,所有好的域名都已注册。 可能有人会注册您正在考虑的域名,因此,一旦想到一个想法,便立即注册一个域名是很明智的。

This is why all smart entrepreneurs proactively register domain names even before launching a business.


Domain names are cheap, and you can register them for a year. If you decide to not pursue the online business idea, then you can let them expire.

域名很便宜,您可以注册一年。 如果您决定不追求在线业务理念 ,则可以让它们过期。

The bottom line is, if you are serious about building a business, then you should register a domain name right away.


It will help you protect your brand’s identity, business name, and even future business ideas.


How much does a domain name cost?


Normally, a .com domain name costs $14.99 / year. The cost of a domain varies based on each different extension. Some are even more expensive than this.

通常,.com域名的费用为每年$ 14.99。 域的成本因每个不同的扩展名而异。 有些甚至比这贵。

We don’t recommend using anything but .com domains because everybody remembers a .com domain, and your smartphone keyboards have a pre-built key for .com.


Do I Need a Website to Register a Domain Name?


No, you do not need a website to register a domain name. You can register a domain name and make a website later. You can also register a domain name and setup a temporary website or coming soon page with SeedProd.

不,您不需要网站即可注册域名。 您可以注册一个域名,然后再建立一个网站。 您还可以注册一个域名并使用SeedProd设置一个临时网站或即将推出的页面

A lot of entrepreneurs treat domain names like digital real-estate, so they register a good domain name and hold it for the right buyer to purchase it from them for profit.


如何选择最佳域名? (How to Choose The Best Domain Name?)

Domain names play a very important role in your website’s identity and success. This is why it’s important for you to carefully think about the domain name you choose.

域名在您网站的身份和成功中起着非常重要的作用。 这就是为什么对您仔细考虑所选择的域名很重要的原因。

However, it’s also important to not overthink it otherwise you will never get past the research phase.


Following are some general tips to keep in mind when searching for a domain name.


  • Make sure that your domain name is easy to pronounce, spell, and as short as possible.

  • Stick with the .com extension because most users find them easier to remember than any other domain extensions.

  • Use your keywords and brand name in the domain name search. For example, stargardeninghouston.com is more search engine friendly, than stargardeningcompany.com

    在域名搜索中使用关键字和品牌名称。 例如,与stargardeningcompany.com相比,stargardeninghouston.com对搜索引擎更友好
  • Do not use numbers or hyphens in your domain name. It makes them harder to pronounce and difficult to remember.

    请勿在域名中使用数字或连字符。 这使它们更难发音且难以记住。

Need more advice? See our expert tips on finding the best domain name for your website.

需要更多建议吗? 请参阅我们的专家提示,以查找适合您网站的最佳域名

You can also use a domain name generator like Nameboy to speed up your search.


如何注册域名(分步进行) (How to Register a Domain Name (Step by Step))

You can register a domain name from any of the top domain registrars that are authorized by ICANN to register domain names.


Since there are so many different registrars, we will cover the three most popular ways to register a domain name, and you can choose the one that best fits your need.


  1. How to register a domain name for free如何免费注册域名
  2. How to register a domain with Domain.com如何在Domain.com中注册域
  3. How to register a domain name with GoDaddy如何在GoDaddy上注册域名
1.如何免费注册域名 (1. How to Register a Domain Name for Free)

If you want to register a domain name to start a blog or make a website, then this is the best option for you.

如果您想注册一个域名来创建博客创建网站 ,那么这是您的最佳选择。

Normally, a domain name costs $14.99 / year and website hosting plans start from $7.99 / month. This is a lot of money if you are just starting out.

通常,一个域名的价格为每年14.99美元,网站托管计划的价格为每月7.99美元。 如果您刚开始,这是很多钱。

Luckily, Bluehost has agreed to offer our users a free domain name, SSL Certificate, and 60% discount on web hosting.

幸运的是, Bluehost已同意向我们的用户提供免费域名 ,SSL证书和网络托管60%的折扣。

Basically, you can pay $2.75 per month for web hosting, and you will get a domain name for free, so you can start your website without a lot of money.


→ Click Here to Get Free Domain with Bluehost ←


Bluehost is one of the biggest web hosting companies in the world. They are in business since 2003 and host more than 2 million websites. Not to mention, they’re officially recommended by WordPress.

Bluehost是世界上最大的网络托管公司之一。 他们自2003年开始营业,拥有超过200万个网站。 更不用说,WordPress正式推荐它们。

To get started, you need to visit the Bluehost website and click on the Get Started button.


Get started with Bluehost

This will bring you to the pricing page. Their Basic and Plus plans are popular among our users.

这将带您进入定价页面。 他们的基本和增强计划在我们的用户中很受欢迎。

Bluehost pricing

Click on the ‘Select’ button below a plan to continue.


On the next page, you will be asked to choose a domain name. Simply type the domain name in the “New Domain” box because that will get you a free domain name.

在下一页,将要求您选择一个域名。 只需在“新域名”框中键入域名,因为这将为您提供免费的域名。

Select domain name you want to register

If the domain name you entered is available, then you will be taken to the signup page. From here you need to enter your account information like name, address, email, etc.

如果您输入的域名可用,那么您将被带到注册页面。 在这里,您需要输入您的帐户信息,例如姓名,地址,电子邮件等。

Below the account information, you will notice some hosting extras. We don’t recommend buying them, so you can safely uncheck them for now. If you feel that you need them, then you can always add them later.

在帐户信息下方,您会发现一些托管附加功能。 我们不建议您购买它们,因此您现在可以安全地取消选中它们。 如果您觉得自己需要它们,那么以后可以随时添加它们。

Uncheck hosting extras

After that, you can enter your payment information to finish the purchase.


Bluehost will now register your domain name, set up your hosting account and send you an email with a link to your hosting control panel.


Since you need both a domain name and web hosting to start any type of website, it makes a lot of sense to purchase them together, so you can get the domain name for free.


If for some reason you don’t want to use Bluehost to get a free domain name, then you can use HostGator, Dreamhost, GreenGeeks or InMotion Hosting. All of these companies are also offering our readers a free domain name with web hosting.

如果由于某种原因您不想使用Bluehost获得免费域名,则可以使用HostGatorDreamhostGreenGeeksInMotion Hosting 。 所有这些公司还通过网络托管为我们的读者提供免费域名。

Related: See the difference between domain and web hosting to understand why you need both to build a website.


2.如何在Domain.com中注册域名 (2. How to Register a Domain Name with Domain.com)

If you only want to register a domain name at the moment without creating a website, then Domain.com is your best option.


It offers an easy way to manage your domain name without creating a website.


Once you are ready, you can just point the domain name to your preferred WordPress hosting company.


First, you need to visit the Domain.com website and search for your desired domain name.


Search for domain name on Domain.com

If your desired domain name is available, then it will be automatically added to your cart.


You can adjust the registration period to 1 year. You can either choose to keep or remove the privacy protection. Removing it will reduce your domain registration cost.

您可以将注册期限调整为1年。 您可以选择保留还是删除隐私保护。 删除它会减少您的域注册成本。

Domain.com is offering WPBeginner readers a 25% discount, and our domain.com coupon should be automatically applied.


Add domain name to cart

Click on the continue button to check out.


On the checkout page, you can review your order and click on the ‘Proceed to billing’ button.


Proceed to billing section

Next, you need will be asked to enter your account and payment information to finish the domain purchase.


Complete your domain registration

Domain.com will now register your domain name, and it will send you an email with the link to your domain control panel.


3.如何在GoDaddy上注册域名 (3. How to Register a Domain Name with GoDaddy)

Godaddy is the largest domain name registrar in the world. They currently manage over 77 million domain names for 18 million users from around the world.

Godaddy是全球最大的域名注册商。 他们目前为来自世界各地的1800万用户管理着超过7700万个域名。

They offer an easy domain control panel, which allows you to point your domain to any hosting provider when you are ready to build a website.


Here is how to register a domain name with GoDaddy (step by step).


First, you need to visit the GoDaddy website and enter the domain name you want to register in the search box.


Search domain name on GoDaddy

If your domain name is available, then you will see a success message with your domain name listed on top. You can now go ahead and add it to the cart.

如果您的域名可用,那么您会看到一条成功消息,其中您的域名列在顶部。 您现在可以继续并将其添加到购物车中。

Add domain name to cart

Next, click on the continue to cart button to checkout.


GoDaddy will now show you some additional services that you can purchase with your domain name. You can skip those by selecting ‘No thanks’ and click on the continue button.

GoDaddy现在将向您显示一些您可以使用域名购买的其他服务。 您可以通过选择“不,谢谢”并单击“继续”按钮来跳过这些内容。

Continue checkout

On the next page, you will see your domain name and its registration period. You can change the registration period to up to 10 years if you want.

在下一页上,您将看到您的域名及其注册期限。 您可以根据需要将注册期限更改为最长10年。

However, we don’t recommend that. You can always renew your domain name before it expires, so if you want to save money, then you can select just 1 year registration period.

但是,我们不建议这样做。 您可以随时在域名过期之前对其进行续订,因此,如果您想省钱,则可以只选择1年注册期。

Finish your domain registration

You will need to create a Godaddy account to proceed.


After you have created an account, you will be able to enter your billing address and make a payment for your domain name.


GoDaddy will now register your domain name, and they will send you an email with a link to your domain control panel.


Pro Tip: You should make sure that auto-renew on your domain is turned on, so Godaddy can automatically bill your account and renew your domain name. This way you won’t lose your domain if you forget to renew it.

专家提示:您应确保在您的域上启用了自动续订,以便Godaddy可以自动为您的帐户计费并续订您的域名。 这样,即使您忘记续订,也不会丢失域名。

Related: See 7 best GoDaddy alternatives that are cheaper and more reliable.

相关:查看7种最好的GoDaddy替代品 ,这些替代品更便宜,更可靠。

域名注册常见问题解答 (Domain Name Registration FAQs)

Since we have helped over 200,000 people start a website, we have gotten just about every question you can possibly think of. Below are the answers to some of the top domain name questions:

由于我们已经帮助200,000多人建立了网站,因此我们已经获得了您可能想到的每个问题。 以下是一些顶级域名问题的答案:

Which is the best domain name registrar?


We believe that Domain.com is the best registrar right now because they have the features you need, and they’re offering a 25% off discount.


However it’s a smarter money decision to get a free domain with web hosting like Bluehost because it saves you time and money.


You can always transfer your domain name to another popular domain name registrar if you’re not happy with your existing provider.


Which domain extension I should buy?


You should always stick to .com domain names. They are the easiest to remember, and most mobile devices have a dedicated .com key in their keyboards. For more details, see our article on the difference between domain name extensions.

您应该始终坚持使用.com域名。 它们是最容易记住的,大多数移动设备的键盘上都有专用的.com键。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关域名扩展之间的区别的文章。

Should I register new domain name extensions?


Apart from the most common .com, .net, and .org, there are dozens more domain name extensions available. However, these new domain extensions are hard to remember and difficult to brand. To learn more, see our article on choosing a new domain extension for your website.

除了最常见的.com,.net和.org,还有许多其他域名扩展名可用。 但是,这些新的域名扩展很难记住,而且很难品牌化。 要了解更多信息,请参阅有关为您的网站选择新的域名扩展名的文章。

How can I buy a domain name permanently?


You cannot buy a domain name permanently. Domain name registration is done on a yearly basis. However, you can pre-pay for up to 10 years which guarantees that you will have a domain name for 10 years.

您不能永久购买域名。 域名注册每年进行一次。 但是,您最多可以预缴10年的费用,这可以保证您拥有10年的域名。

What happens to my domain name once its registration expires?


Unless you renew your domain name, it will automatically expire after the registration period you have paid for. Some domain name companies offer a grace period to renew your registration, but it is not guaranteed, and you can lose control of your domain name if you let it expire.

除非您续订域名,否则域名将在您支付注册费用后自动过期。 一些域名公司提供了宽限期来续订您的注册,但不能保证会延长该期限,如果您让域名过期,您可能会失去对域名的控制权。

How do I renew my domain name?


You can renew your domain name from your domain control panel. We strongly recommend that you turn on auto-renew feature to automatically renew your domain name. You can always turn it off if you decide not to keep a domain name.

您可以从域控制面板续订域名。 强烈建议您启用自动更新功能,以自动更新您的域名。 如果您决定不保留域名,则可以始终将其关闭。

Even though your domain registrar would remind you to renew your domain registration before it expires, you may miss those emails and lose control of your domain name.


How can I reserve a domain name without buying it?


There is no way to reserve a domain name without purchasing it. You have to buy it if you want to reserve it. Considering the low cost of a domain name, it’s a small investment for a business.

如果不购买域名,则无法保留域名。 如果要保留,则必须购买。 考虑到域名的低成本,这对企业来说是一笔很小的投资。

Is there a way to buy an existing domain name?


Yes, you can use brokerage like Sedo.com to potentially acquire an existing domain name. However, it’s not guaranteed that you will get the domain name that you want because the seller may not want to sell it or ask for an outrageous price.

是的,您可以使用像Sedo.com这样的经纪人来潜在地获取现有域名。 但是,由于卖方可能不想出售该域名或要价太高,因此不能保证您将获得所需的域名。

You can also purchase premium domains from a premium domain broker like BuyDomains.


We hope this article helped you learn how to register a domain name for your website. You may also want to see our tips on how to make money online with your new domain name and/or how to create a professional email address with your domain.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何为您的网站注册域名。 您可能还想查看我们的提示,以了解如何使用新域名在线赚钱和/或如何使用您的域名创建专业的电子邮件地址

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-register-a-domain-name-simple-tip-to-get-it-for-free/

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