

One of the questions we often get asked is: how much does it cost to build a WordPress website? While the core WordPress software is free, the cost of a website depends entirely on your budget and goals.

我们经常被问到的问题之一是:建立一个WordPress网站需要多少费用? 虽然WordPress核心软件是免费的,但网站的成本完全取决于您的预算和目标。

In this article, we will break it all down to answer the ultimate question: How much does it really cost to build a WordPress website? We’ll also show you how to avoid overspending and minimize cost when building a website.

在本文中,我们将全部分解以回答一个最终的问题:建立一个WordPress网站真的需要多少费用? 我们还将向您展示在建立网站时如何避免超支并最大程度地降低成本。

How much does it cost to build a WordPress site?

This is a lengthy read and that’s why we have added a table of contents. Here is what we will cover in this article.

这是一本冗长的文章,这就是为什么我们添加了目录的原因。 这就是我们将在本文中介绍的内容。

您需要建立一个WordPress网站吗? (What Do You Need to Build a WordPress Website?)

WordPress is free for anyone to download and use. It is an open source software which gives you the freedom to install it on any kind of website.

WordPress免费提供给任何人下载和使用。 它是一个开源软件,可让您自由地将其安装在任何类型的网站上。

So if WordPress is free, then where is the cost coming from?


The cost of a WordPress site can be broken down into following categories:


  • WordPress hosting

  • Domain Name

  • Design

  • Plugins and Extensions (Apps)


To create a self hosted WordPress site, you need web hosting to store your files. Every website on the internet needs hosting. This is your website’s home on the internet.

要创建自托管的WordPress网站,您需要网络托管来存储文件。 互联网上的每个网站都需要托管。 这是您网站的互联网主页。

There are different hosting plans available for all kind of websites. You need to pick one that suits your requirements and fits your budget.

各种网站都有不同的托管计划。 您需要选择一种适合您的需求并适合您的预算的产品。

Next, you will need a domain name. This will be your website’s address on the internet, and this is what your users will type in the browser to reach your website (example, wpbeginner.com or google.com).

接下来,您将需要一个域名 。 这将是您网站在互联网上的地址,这是您的用户在浏览器中键入的内容,以访问您的网站(例如,wpbeginner.com或google.com)。

With WordPress, there are tons of free website templates available that you can use. However, if you want something more advanced / custom, then you can purchase a premium template or have one custom made which will raise the cost.

使用WordPress,您可以使用大量免费的网站模板。 但是,如果您想要更高级/自定义的内容,则可以购买高级模板或进行一个自定义,这会增加成本。

There are 54,000+ free plugins for WordPress. These are apps and extensions for your websites. Think features like contact form, gallery, etc.

WordPress有54,000多个免费插件。 这些是您网站的应用和扩展程序。 考虑联系表格,画廊等功能。

So while you can build a website with just the hosting and domain cost, based on your situation, you may end up paying for additional tools and services. That’s why it’s often confusing for people to find out the real cost of a WordPress website.

因此,尽管您可以根据自己的情况来构建仅包含托管和域名成本的网站 ,但最终可能要为其他工具和服务付费。 这就是为什么人们经常混淆WordPress网站的实际成本的原因。

Let us walk you through the real cost of building a WordPress site.


估算构建WordPress网站的实际成本 (Estimating The Real Cost of Building a WordPress Site)

Calculating cost of building a WordPress site

Depending on your needs, your cost to start a WordPress website can range from $100 to $500 to $3000, to even as high as $30,000 or more.


It’s important to know what type of website you are building, and what you’ll need for it because that will directly affect your cost.


But don’t worry, we’ll show you how to avoid a financial disaster and make the best decisions.


For the sake of this article, let’s break down websites into different budget categories:


  • Building a WordPress website (low budget)

  • Building a WordPress website (with more features)

  • Building a WordPress website for small business

  • Building a WordPress eCommerce website

  • Building a custom WordPress website


Now let’s see how much each of these projects cost and how you can avoid spending any more than necessary.


WordPress网站的成本(低预算)是多少? (What’s the Cost of a WordPress Website (Low Budget)?)

Building a low budget WordPress site

You can build a fully functional WordPress website for yourself and keep your costs under $100. Here is the cost break down of a WordPress website on a low budget.

您可以为自己建立一个功能齐全的WordPress网站,并将费用保持在$ 100美元以下。 这是低预算的WordPress网站的成本细分。

First, you will need a domain name and web hosting.


A domain name typically costs $14.99 / year, and web hosting normally costs $7.99 / month.

域名的价格通常为$ 14.99 /年,虚拟主机的价格为$ 7.99 /月。

Thankfully, Bluehost, an official WordPress recommended hosting provider, has agreed to offer our users a free domain name and over 60% off on web hosting.


→ Click here to Claim this Exclusive Bluehost offer ←


For more hosting recommendations check out our guide on how to choose the best WordPress hosting.


Next, you will need to install WordPress on your hosting account. See our step by step guide on how to start a WordPress blog for complete instructions.

接下来,您将需要在托管帐户上安装WordPress 。 请参阅有关如何启动WordPress博客的逐步指南, 获取完整说明。

Once you have installed WordPress, you can choose a design for your website using a free template.


These design templates are called WordPress themes, and they control the appearance of your website.


There are thousands of professionally designed free themes available for WordPress that you can install. See our expert-pick of 43 beautiful free WordPress blog themes for some examples.

您可以安装数千种针对WordPress的经过专业设计的免费主题。 有关某些示例,请参阅我们精选的43个美丽的免费WordPress博客主题

Once you have chosen a WordPress template, follow the instructions in our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress theme.


Next, you may want to add certain features to your website like adding a contact form, a photo gallery, a slider, etc. Don’t worry there are more than 40,000 WordPress plugins available that will help you do that.


Plugins are like apps or extensions for your WordPress site. See our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

插件就像您的WordPress网站的应用或扩展程序一样。 请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Below is our selection of the essentials WordPress plugins that you should install on your website. All of them are available for free.

以下是我们应在网站上安装的WordPress必备插件的精选。 所有这些都是免费的。



Website Optimization


Website Security


There are many more free WordPress plugins to add different features and extend your WordPress site. See our best WordPress plugins category where we have reviewed hundreds of WordPress plugins.

还有更多免费的WordPress插件可添加不同的功能并扩展WordPress网站。 请参阅我们最好的WordPress插件类别,其中我们已经审查了数百个WordPress插件。

Total Cost of website: $46 – $100 per year

网站总费用:每年$ 46 – $ 100

WordPress网站(具有更多功能)的成本是多少? (What’s the Cost of a WordPress Site (with More Features)?)

Cost of WordPress site with more features

We always recommend our users to start small and then add more features as their website grow. This way you will not be paying for anything that you don’t really need.

我们始终建议用户从小处着手,然后随着他们的网站的发展添加更多功能。 这样,您将不需要为您不需要的任何东西付费。

As you add more features to your website, your website cost will start to increase.


You can continue to use Bluehost for WordPress hosting to keep the cost low and get a free domain name.


However since you will be adding more features to your website, it may make sense to get a more powerful hosting configuration like SiteGround’s GoGeek plan. This will cost you a little more, but it comes with premium features like staging, faster performance, and can handle up to 100,000 visitors per month.

但是,由于您将向网站添加更多功能,因此有必要获得更强大的托管配置,例如SiteGround的GoGeek plan 。 这将使您花费更多,但它具有分期付款,更快的性能等高级功能,每月最多可处理100,000个访问者。

You can use our SiteGround coupon to get 60% off for the first year of your hosting.


You can also go for a premium WordPress template for your site. Unlike free WordPress templates, these templates come with extra features and priority support. See our expert selection of 40 best responsive WordPress themes for some great premium templates that you can use.

您也可以为您的网站购买高级WordPress模板。 与免费的WordPress模板不同,这些模板具有额外的功能和优先级支持。 请参阅我们的40种最佳响应式WordPress主题专家精选, 获取一些可以使用的优质模板。

For more website features you need to use a combination of free + paid plugin addons.


Here are some essential premium WordPress plugins and extensions that you’ll need as your site grows:








There are many more WordPress plugins and services that you can add. Each paid service or addon that you add will increase the cost of your WordPress site.

您可以添加更多的WordPress插件和服务 。 您添加的每个付费服务或插件都会增加WordPress网站的成本。

Total cost of website: Depending on the premium WordPress plugins and services that you add, it can be anywhere between $500 and $1000 per year.

网站的总费用:根据您添加的高级WordPress插件和服务,每年的费用在$ 500到$ 1000之间。

使用WordPress的小型企业网站的成本是多少 (What’s the Cost of a Small Business Website with WordPress)

A lot of people often ask us about how much does it cost to build a small business website with WordPress? The answer depends on your business needs and the tools you’ll be using to grow your business online.

很多人经常问我们用WordPress建立小型企业网站需要多少费用? 答案取决于您的业务需求以及将用于在线发展业务的工具。

Basically, you can estimate the cost to be somewhere between a low budget WordPress site and a WordPress site with more features.


Keeping in mind that you don’t add a full-fledged eCommerce store to your business website. In that case, see the next section in this article for a more accurate estimate.

请记住,您不会在企业网站中添加完整的电子商务商店。 在这种情况下,请参阅本文的下一节以获得更准确的估计。

If you are just starting out and need a simple website showcasing your products and services, then we recommend starting with the Bluehost. Their starter plan will reduce the cost significantly and will leave you with money that you can spend on other premium tools if needed.

如果您只是入门,并且需要一个简单的网站来展示您的产品和服务,那么我们建议从Bluehost开始。 他们的入门计划将大大降低成本,并为您留有足够的资金,您可以根据需要在其他高级工具上花费。

If you have a more flexible budget, then you can sign up for SiteGround’s GrowBig plan. They are known for their excellent support, which is a good thing to have for a small business owner with no technical background.

如果您有更灵活的预算,则可以注册SiteGround的GrowBig计划。 他们以出色的支持而闻名,这对没有技术背景的小型企业主来说是一件好事。

Next, you will need to pick up a design for your website. You can look for a WordPress theme for business websites or pick a responsive WordPress theme that matches your requirements.

接下来,您将需要为您的网站选择一个设计。 您可以为商业网站查找WordPress主题,也可以选择符合您要求的响应式WordPress主题

You can choose a free WordPress theme. However, since it is a business website, we will recommend you to purchase a premium theme that gives you access to support and updates.

您可以选择一个免费的WordPress主题。 但是,由于这是一个商业网站,我们建议您购买高级主题,以使您可以访问支持和更新。

Now let’s talk about plugins.


You will need to use a combination of free and premium plugins to control the cost. Following are some of the premium plugins that are absolutely essential for a small business website.

您将需要使用免费和高级插件的组合来控制成本。 以下是一些对于小型企业网站绝对必要的高级插件。





  • Constant Contact – One of the best email marketing service, specially for small businesses.持续联系 –最好的电子邮件营销服务之一,特别适合小型企业。
  • OptinMonster -Helps you convert website visitors into leads and customers. You’ll need it for OptinMonster-帮助您将网站访问者转化为潜在客户和客户。 您需要使用它来进行Lead generation and conversion optimization.潜在客户生成和转化优化。
  • MonsterInsights Pro – The best Google Analytics plugin helps you see where your users are coming from and what they do on your website. This allows you to make data-driven decisions to grow your business.MonsterInsights Pro –最好的Google Analytics(分析)插件可帮助您查看用户来自何处以及他们在网站上的工作。 这使您可以制定数据驱动型决策来发展业务。



  • UpdraftPlus (Pro) – The premium version of the plugin comes with incremental backups, automatic backups before updates, and several remote storage locations to keep your backups.UpdraftPlus (Pro)–该插件的高级版本附带增量备份,更新前自动备份以及几个用于保存备份的远程存储位置。
  • Sucuri Firewall – Website firewall and malware protectionSucuri防火墙 –网​​站防火墙和恶意软件防护

Now there are many more plugins and tools that you would want to use. We recommend you to first try the free version and see if that does the job for you. Many premium tools are available with the free trials, take advantage of those to see if you really need that tool.

现在,您将要使用更多的插件和工具。 我们建议您首先尝试免费版本,看看是否能为您完成工作。 免费试用版提供了许多高级工具,您可以利用这些工具来查看是否确实需要该工具。

As a business website, you would want to spend money to grow your business. We are not advising you against spending money when it makes sense and you can afford it.

作为商业网站,您可能想花钱发展自己的业务。 我们不建议您在合理且可以承受的情况下花钱。

For more details see our step by step guide on how to make a small business website


Total cost of website: Once again it depends on premium tools and plugins you purchase. It can be anywhere between $300 and $700 per year but could go as high as $1000 per year.

网站总费用:这又取决于您购买的高级工具和插件。 每年的费用可能在$ 300到$ 700之间,但可能高达每年$ 1000。

WordPress电子商务网站的成本是多少? (What’s the Cost of a WordPress Ecommerce Website?)

Cost of building a WordPress eCommerce website

WordPress powers millions of eCommerce websites around the world.


The cost of building a WordPress eCommerce website can be significantly higher, but we will show you how to build a WordPress eCommerce website while avoiding potential losses and overspending.


In addition to hosting and domain, your eCommerce site will also need an SSL certificate which costs around $69.99/year. SSL is required to securely transfer customer data such as credit card information, usernames, passwords, etc.

除了托管和域名外,您的电子商务网站还需要一个SSL证书 ,费用约为每年69.99美元。 需要SSL来安全传输客户数据,例如信用卡信息,用户名,密码等。

We recommend using Bluehost Ecommerce plan. It gives you a free domain and SSL certificate, plus discount on hosting.

我们建议使用Bluehost电子商务计划。 它为您提供了一个免费的域和SSL证书,以及托管折扣。

After that, you need to select a WordPress eCommerce plugin.


There are several eCommerce plugins for WordPress, but none comes even close to WooCommerce. It is the most popular WordPress eCommerce plugin that allows you to build robust online stores to sell your products/services.

有几个WordPress电子商务插件 ,但没有一个与WooCommerce接近。 它是最受欢迎的WordPress电子商务插件,可让您建立强大的在线商店来销售您的产品/服务。

Next, you will need to install WordPress and WooCommerce on your website. We have a step by step guide on how to start an online store.

接下来,您将需要在您的网站上安装WordPress和WooCommerce。 我们有逐步指南, 介绍如何开设在线商店

While WooCommerce is free, you will need to use paid addons for additional features. The cost of your website will go up depending on how many addons you need to add on your website.

虽然WooCommerce是免费的,但您将需要使用付费插件来获得其他功能。 网站的成本将上升,具体取决于您需要在网站上添加多少个插件。

Once you are up and running, you will need to choose a WooCommerce ready WordPress template for your site. There are several paid and free WordPress templates with full WooCommerce support. Choosing a premium or paid template gives you access to support and extra features.

一旦启动并运行,您将需要为您的站点选择一个WooCommerce就绪的WordPress模板。 有几个付费的和免费的WordPress模板,具有完整的WooCommerce支持。 选择高级或付费模板可让您访问支持和其他功能。

We have a list of the best free WooCommerce addons, but depending on your needs, you may have to use some paid extensions as well.

我们列出了最好的免费WooCommerce插件 ,但是根据您的需要,您可能还需要使用一些付费的扩展程序。

Here are some other paid services that you’ll need on your eCommerce website.




  • WPForms – To add customer inquiries and feedback formsWPForms –添加客户查询和反馈表
  • Beaver Builder – To create stunning landing pages using a drag and drop page builder
  • Beaver Builder –使用拖放页面生成器创建漂亮的登录页面
  • Soliloquy – Create beautiful product sliders with their WooCommerce addonSoliloquy –使用其WooCommerce插件创建漂亮的产品滑块



  • OptinMonster – Convert visitors into customers with this powerful lead generation toolOptinMonster –使用此功能强大的潜在客户生成工具将访客转化为客户
  • Constant Contact – powerful email marketing service持续联系 -强大的电子邮件营销服务
  • MonsterInsights – Ecommerce tracking with real time stats using Google AnalyticsMonsterInsights –使用Google Analytics(分析)实时跟踪电子商务



  • BackupBuddy – Automatic WordPress backupsBackupBuddy –自动WordPress备份
  • Sucuri – Website firewall and malware scannerSucuri –网​​站防火墙和恶意软件扫描器

Remember the best way to keep your costs down is by starting small and adding extensions and services as your business grows.


Total cost of building a WordPress eCommerce website: $1000 – $3000. It could be higher depending on how many paid addons and services you add to your site.

建立WordPress电子商务网站的总费用为: $ 1000-$ 3000。 可能更高,具体取决于您添加到站点的付费插件和服务的数量。

自定义WordPress网站的成本是多少? (What’s the Cost of a Custom WordPress Site?)

Cost of a custom WordPress website

A custom WordPress site is when you hire a WordPress developer to create a unique design and build specific features for it.


Usually well established, large to medium-sized businesses choose this route.


To support a custom WordPress site, you may also want to go for a managed WordPress hosting provider. This is a WordPress centric hosting environment, with managed updates, premium support, strict security, and developer friendly tools.

为了支持自定义WordPress网站,您可能还需要寻求托管的WordPress托管提供商。 这是一个以WordPress为中心的托管环境,具有托管更新,高级支持,严格的安全性和对开发人员友好的工具。

In addition to your hosting and domain name, you will also be paying the web developer that’s building your website. Depending on your need, you may want to get quotes from several theme developers, web designers, and agencies.

除了托管和域名外,您还将向建立网站的Web开发人员付款。 根据您的需要,您可能希望从几个主题开发人员,网页设计师和代理商那里获取报价。

The cost of a custom website depends on your requirements, budget, and the rates of the developer or agency you hire.


A standard custom WordPress theme alone can cost you up to $5000. More robust WordPress sites with specific custom features can cost up to $15000 or even higher.

仅标准的自定义WordPress主题就可能花费您高达$ 5000。 具有特定自定义功能的更强大的WordPress网站的价格可能高达$ 15000甚至更高。

Update: Since several of you asked for a more details on this section, we have created a comprehensive guide on how much does a custom WordPress theme cost, and tips on how you can save money.


如何避免多付和减少支出? (How to Avoid Overpaying and Cut Down Spending?)

We always recommend our users to start small and then scale their WordPress site as it grows. In many cases, you don’t need all the premium features that you see on many well-established websites in your industry.

我们始终建议用户从小处着手,然后随着其规模的增长而扩展他们的WordPress网站。 在许多情况下,您不需要在行业中许多知名网站上看到的所有高级功能。

Keep in mind that those websites had a head start, and it likely took them some time to figure out how to manage costs and grow their business.


You can start with a budget website using free plugins and template. Once you start getting visitors, you can consider adding premium features like a premium template, email marketing, paid backup plugin, website firewall and so on.

您可以使用免费的插件和模板从预算网站开始。 一旦开始吸引访问者,就可以考虑添加高级功能,例如高级模板,电子邮件营销,付费备份插件,网站防火墙等。

Same goes for your eCommerce website. Start with the bare minimum and then as you start selling, you will find out exactly the tools that will help you and your customers.

您的电子商务网站也是如此。 从最低限度开始,然后在开始销售时,您会确切地找到可以帮助您和您的客户的工具。

Look for best WordPress deals and coupons to get additional discounts whenever you can.


Even for robust WordPress sites, you don’t always need to hire a developer. We have step by step tutorials on how to create different types of WordPress websites such as:

即使对于健壮的WordPress网站,您也不总是需要雇用开发人员。 我们提供了有关如何创建不同类型的WordPress网站的分步教程,例如:

We hope this article answered your questions about how much does a website cost to build. You may also want to see our list of 25 legit ways to make money online blogging with WordPress.

我们希望本文能回答您有关网站建设成本的问题。 您可能还想查看我们列出的25种使用WordPress在线博客赚钱的合法方法

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-much-does-it-cost-to-build-a-wordpress-website/






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