gmail邮件分组_如何使用Gmail和G Suite设置专业电子邮件地址


After creating a website, the first thing every business owner needs is a professional email address with their business name in it.

创建网站后 ,每个企业主所需要的第一件事就是在其中输入企业名称的专业电子邮件地址。

A professional email address will help you win trust when dealing with other businesses and customers.


G Suite is Google’s productivity suite that allows you to use Gmail with your own professional email address. In this article, we will show you how to setup a professional custom branded email address with Gmail and G Suite.

G Suite是Google的生产力套件,可让您通过自己的专业电子邮件地址使用Gmail。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何使用Gmail和G Suite设置专业的自定义品牌电子邮件地址。

Setting up professional email address with G Suite and Gmail
什么是专业电子邮件地址? (What is a Professional Email Address?)

A professional email address is the one that has your business name in it. For example, is a professional email address.

专业的电子邮件地址是其中包含您的公司名称的地址。 例如,john @ myphotostudio.com是专业的电子邮件地址。

Email accounts on free email services like are not good for business because they do not look professional. Your customers and other businesses will find a professional email address more trustworthy.

像john.photographer@gmail.com这样的免费电子邮件服务上的电子邮件帐户对企业而言并不好,因为它们看上去并不专业。 您的客户和其他企业将发现更值得信赖的专业电子邮件地址。

For a professional email address, you will need a domain name and a website. We have step by step guides on how to choose a domain name and how to quickly make a website.

对于专业的电子邮件地址,您将需要一个域名和一个网站。 我们提供了有关如何选择域名以及如何快速建立网站的逐步指南。

If you already have a domain name and a website, then you are all set to have your own professional email address.


为什么将G Suite用于专业品牌的电子邮件地址? (Why Use G Suite for Professional Branded Email Address?)

You might be thinking why use G Suite when most WordPress hosting companies offer unlimited email accounts with your own domain name?

您可能会想为什么当大多数WordPress托管公司提供带有您自己的域名的无限电子邮件帐户时,为什么要使用G Suite?

Email is one of the most important communication tool for business owners. If you miss an important email, then it can hurt your business.

电子邮件是企业主最重要的交流工具之一。 如果您错过重要的电子邮件,则可能会损害您的业务。

Most web hosting email servers are unreliable, restrictive, isolated, and less secure. You wouldn’t even know if the email you sent was actually delivered.

大多数Web托管电子邮件服务器不可靠,受限,隔离且安全性较低。 您甚至都不知道您发送的电子邮件是否已实际发送。

This is where G Suite and Gmail comes in.

这就是G Suite和Gmail出现的地方。

Gmail is the industry leader in email with 1.5 billion monthly active users. G Suite is Google’s productivity app suite for business owners which includes Gmail and is already used by over 4 million businesses and 80 million students / educators.

Gmail是电子邮件行业的领导者,每月活跃用户达15亿。 G Suite是Google为企业主提供的生产力应用程序套件,其中包括Gmail,已经有超过400万家企业和8000万学生/教育者使用。

G Suite works with your own domain name, which allows you to use Gmail to create your professional branded email address.

G Suite使用您自己的域名,使您可以使用Gmail创建专业品牌的电子邮件地址。

Here are some of the benefits of using G Suite and Gmail for a professional email address:

使用G Suite和Gmail获得专业电子邮件地址的一些好处:

  • Professional business email address on your own domain.

  • Gmail’s rock solid security and spam filters.

  • 30 GB – Double the storage of a free Gmail Account.

    30 GB –将免费Gmail帐户的存储空间增加一倍。
  • Manage email even when offline using Gmail app on mobile devices.

  • Works anywhere web, mobile, tablet, you name it.

  • Works great with Outlook and can even sync old Outlook accounts.

  • Each user can have up to 30 email aliases.

  • Use Google Calendar, Google Hangouts for chat, video, and voice calls on your own business email address.

  • No advertisements and 24/7 professional support whenever you need help.

  • Works seamlessly with your WordPress site.

  • Most important of all, high deliverability, no delays, no ending up in spam folder.


Now that you know why using G Suite for professional emails is important, let’s take a look at how to set up a branded professional email address with G Suite.

既然您知道了为什么将G Suite用于专业电子邮件很重要,让我们看一下如何使用G Suite设置品牌专业电子邮件地址。

Editor’s Note: We use G Suite for all of our professional email addresses and can honestly say it’s the best.

编者注:我们将G Suite用于所有专业电子邮件地址,并且可以说是最好的。

使用Gmail设置专业电子邮件地址(G Suite) (Setting up a Professional Email Address with Gmail (G Suite))

First you will need to signup for a G Suite account.

首先,您需要注册一个G Suite帐户。

It costs around $5/month for each user. If you pay annually, then you get 2 months free ($50/year per user).

每个用户每月需花费$ 5。 如果您按年付费,则可以免费使用2个月(每位用户每年50美元)。

G Suite also offers a free 14-day trial, which allows you to test drive everything before you make up your mind. Basically its all the powerful features you’re used to of Gmail, Drive, Calendar, etc (but now it’s for your business).

G Suite还提供14天的免费试用期,使您可以在下定决心之前对所有产品进行试驾。 基本上,它具有Gmail,云端硬盘,日历等常用功能的所有强大功能(但现在适用于您的公司)。

Simply visit the G Suite website and click on the Get Started button for the plan you want to use.

只需访问G Suite网站,然后单击要使用的计划的“入门”按钮。

Get started with G Suite

Next, you need to enter your business name, the number of employees, and the country where you are located. You can choose just yourself for 1 user account, or choose the number of employees.

接下来,您需要输入您的公司名称,员工人数以及您所在的国家/地区。 您可以为1个用户帐户选择自己,也可以选择员工人数。

Choose users

Click on the next button to continue.


On the next step, you will be asked to enter your personal contact information including name and email address.


Enter contact info

After that, you will be asked to choose a domain name. If you already have a domain name, then click on ‘Yes I have one I can use’. Otherwise, click on ‘No, I need one’ to register a domain name.

之后,将要求您选择一个域名。 如果您已经拥有一个域名,请单击“是,我有一个可以使用的域名”。 否则,单击“否,我需要一个”来注册域名。

Choose domain name

If you need to register a new domain name, then you will be charged separately for registering a new domain name (tip: here’s how to register a domain name for free).

如果您需要注册一个新域名,那么注册一个新域名将另行收费(提示:这是免费注册域名的方法 )。

If you are using an existing domain name, then you will need to verify ownership of the domain name. We’ll show you how to do that later in this article.

如果您使用的是现有域名,则需要验证该域名的所有权。 我们将在本文后面向您展示如何做到这一点。

In the next step, you will be asked to create your G Suite user account by entering a username and password.

在下一步中,将要求您输入用户名和密码来创建G Suite用户帐户。

This username will also be your first professional email address, so you need to choose a username that you want to use as your professional email address.


Create your first G Suite user account

You have successfully created your G Suite account. You can now click on the ‘Go to Setup’ button

您已成功创建G Suite帐户。 您现在可以单击“转到设置”按钮

G Suite account setup completed

On the setup screen, you will be asked to add more people to your account. If you want to create more accounts for your employees or departments, then you can do that here.

在设置屏幕上,系统会要求您将更多人添加到您的帐户中。 如果要为员工或部门创建更多帐户,则可以在此处进行操作。

You can also just click on ‘I have added all user email addresses’ and click on the next button.


Remember, you can always add more users to your account and create their email addresses later when needed.


Successfully added users

If you registered your domain name elsewhere, then you will now be asked to verify your ownership of the domain name.


After that you will see a HTML code snippet that you need to add to your website.


Copy meta tag to verify your ownership of domain name

There are other ways to verify your website ownership as well. You can upload a HTML file to your website using an FTP client or file manager app in your hosting account dashboard.

还有其他方法可以验证您的网站所有权。 您可以使用托管帐户信息中心中的FTP客户端或文件管理器应用将HTML文件上传到您的网站。

If you don’t have a website, then you can use also use the MX Record method. You will see step by step instructions to do that once you choose this method.

如果您没有网站,则可以使用MX Record方法。 选择此方法后,您将看到逐步执行此操作的说明。

For the sake of this tutorial, we are assuming that you already have a WordPress blog, and we will show you how to add the verification HTML code snippet in WordPress.

在本教程中,我们假设您已经有一个WordPress博客 ,并且将向您展示如何在WordPress中添加验证HTML代码段。

Switch to the WordPress admin area in a new browser tab to install and activate the Insert Headers and Footer plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

切换到新浏览器选项卡中的WordPress管理区域,以安装并激活“ 插入页眉和页脚”插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, go to Settings » Insert Headers and Footer page and paste the HTML code you copied from G Suite under the ‘Scripts in Header’ section.

激活后,转到设置»插入页眉和页脚页面,然后将您从G Suite复制HTML代码粘贴到“页眉中的脚本”部分下。

Site verification code for G Suite and Gmail

Don’t forget to click on the ‘Save’ button to store your settings.


Now switch back to your G Suite setup screen and click on the checkbox that says ‘I added the meta tag to my homepage’.

现在,切换回G Suite设置屏幕,然后点击“我已将meta标签添加到我的首页”复选框。

Domain verified for professional email address with G Suite and Gmail

Next, you will be asked to enter MX record entries for your domain name.


Note: You only need to add MX records if you have an existing domain name and website. Users who registered their domain names via Google, don’t need to add MX records.

注意 :仅在拥有现有域名和网站的情况下,才需要添加MX记录。 通过Google注册域名的用户无需添加MX记录。

Since your domain name is not registered with Google, your emails will reach your domain name, but not to the Google servers.


You will need to set up the right MX records on your domain name settings, so Google’s servers can send and receive emails for your business.


To do that, you will need to login to your web hosting account, or your domain registrars account.


We will show you how to add MX records in Bluehost, but the basic concept is the same on all hosts and domain registrars. Basically, you will be looking for DNS settings under your domain name.

我们将向您展示如何在Bluehost中添加MX记录,但是基本概念在所有主机和域注册商中都是相同的。 基本上,您将在域名下查找DNS设置。

Login to your Bluehost hosting dashboard and click on ‘Domains’. On the next page, select your domain name and then click on the ‘Manage’ link next to DNS Zone Editor option.

登录到您的Bluehost托管仪表板,然后单击“域”。 在下一页上,选择您的域名,然后单击DNS区域编辑器选项旁边的“管理”链接。

Domain settings

Bluehost will now open your DNS zone editor. You need to switch back to your G Suite setup screen and check the box that says ‘I have opened the control panel of my domain name’.

Bluehost现在将打开您的DNS区域编辑器。 您需要切换回G Suite设置屏幕,并选中“我已打开域名控制面板”框。

It will now show you the MX records that you need to enter. You will also see a link to the documentation which shows you how to add these records to dozens of hosting and domain services provider.

现在,它将向您显示您需要输入的MX记录。 您还将看到文档的链接,该文档向您显示如何将这些记录添加到数十个托管和域服务提供商。

Here is how you will add this information to your Bluehost DNS settings:

这是将这些信息添加到Bluehost DNS设置中的方法:

Adding MX records to your domain name

Click on ‘Add Record’ button to save it. After that, repeat the process to add all five lines as MX records.

点击“添加记录”按钮将其保存。 之后,重复此过程将所有五行添加为MX记录。

Once you are finished, switch back to G Suite setup and check the box next to ‘I created the new MX records’.

完成后,请切换回G Suite设置并选中“我创建了新的MX记录”旁边的框。

MX records created

You will be asked to delete any existing MX records still pointing to your website hosting or domain name registrar.


To do this, you need to switch back to your DNS zone editor and scroll down to the MX records section. You will see the MX records you created earlier along with an older MX record still pointing to your website.

为此,您需要切换回DNS区域编辑器并向下滚动到MX记录部分。 您将看到之前创建的MX记录以及仍然指向您网站的较旧的MX记录。

Delete old MX record

Click on the delete button next to the old MX record to delete it.


After that, switch back to the G Suite setup screen and check the box that says ‘I deleted existing MX records’.

之后,切换回G Suite设置屏幕,并选中“我删除了现有的MX记录”框。

Save MX records

You will now be asked to save your MX records. For some providers, once you add MX records they are already saved, for others you may need to manually save MX records.

现在将要求您保存MX记录。 对于某些提供商,添加MX记录后,它们已经保存,对于其他提供商,可能需要手动保存MX记录。

Once you have saved MX records, check the box that says ‘I have saved MX records’ in G Suite setup.

保存MX记录后,请在G Suite设置中选中“我已保存MX记录”复选框。

Verify domain setup

After that, you need to click on ‘Verify domain and setup email’ button to exit the setup wizard.


在G Suite和Gmail中使用专业电子邮件 (Using Your Professional Email with G Suite and Gmail)

Your email account works like any other Gmail account. You can access it by visiting Gmail Website and sign in with your email address, e.g.

您的电子邮件帐户的工作方式与其他任何Gmail帐户一样。 您可以通过访问Gmail网站并使用您的电子邮件地址登录,例如john@yourdomain.com来访问它。

You can also manage your G Suite account by visiting the admin console.

您还可以通过访问管理控制台来管理G Suite帐户。

G Suite admin control panel

This is where you can add/remove new users to your domain name. Each of your users will have 30 GB storage and all the same features, but they will not have access to the admin console. You can remove those users at any time you want.

您可以在此处添加/删除新用户到您的域名。 您的每个用户都将拥有30 GB的存储空间和所有相同的功能,但是他们将无权访问管理控制台。 您可以随时删除这些用户。

对G Suite域设置进行故障排除 (Troubleshooting G Suite Domain Setup)

It is likely that your web host may not be using a dashboard like we have shown in the screenshots above.


G Suite has detailed documentation for many of the popular web hosting and domain registration service providers. Visit, set up MX records (Hosts specific steps) page and then locate your domain registrar or web host from the list.

G Suite为许多流行的虚拟主机和域名注册服务提供商提供了详细的文档。 访问, 设置MX记录(主机特定步骤)页面,然后从列表中找到您的域注册商或网络主机。

If you do not find your service provider in the list, then you can ask them directly to help you setup G Suite for your domain name.

如果您在列表中找不到服务提供商,则可以直接要求他们帮助您设置域名的G Suite。

We hope this article helped you setup a professional email address with G Suite and Gmail. You may also want to see our list of 19+ free Google tools every WordPress blogger should use.

我们希望本文能帮助您使用G Suite和Gmail设置专业的电子邮件地址。 您可能还希望查看我们的列表, 每个WordPress博客作者都应使用19种免费Google工具

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。



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