lms算法的优缺点_比较6个最佳WordPress LMS插件(优点和缺点)

本文比较了市场上的顶级WordPress LMS插件,如LearnDash和LifterLMS,分析了它们的优缺点。LearnDash因其用户友好性和灵活性成为首选,而LifterLMS也是一个功能强大的替代选项。文章还提到了其他插件如Teachable和WP Courseware,提供了关于在线课程创建和管理的详细信息。


Are you looking for an LMS plugin for your WordPress site? Learning Management System (LMS) plugins allow you to create and run online courses like Udemy with WordPress.

您是否正在为您的WordPress网站寻找LMS插件? 学习管理系统(LMS)插件使您可以使用WordPress创建和运行在线课程,例如Udemy。

A perfect WordPress LMS plugin includes features for managing your online course content, handling subscriptions, running and grading quizzes, accepting payments, etc.

完美的WordPress LMS插件包括用于管理您的在线课程内容,处理订阅,运行和评分测验,接受付款等功能。

In this article, we will compare the best WordPress LMS plugins with pros and cons to help you choose the perfect solution for your online learning website.

在本文中,我们将比较最佳的WordPress LMS插件的优缺点,以帮助您为在线学习网站选择理想的解决方案。

Best WordPress LMS Plugins - Compared
学习网站入门 (Getting Started with Learning Websites)

To build a training website with WordPress, first, you will need to sign up for a WordPress hosting account. It will be your website’s home on the internet.

要使用WordPress构建培训网站,首先,您需要注册WordPress托管帐户。 这将是您网站的互联网主页。

You will also need a domain name. This will be your website’s address on the internet (e.g. wpbeginner.com)

您还将需要一个域名 。 这将是您网站在Internet上的地址(例如wpbeginner.com)

We recommend using Bluehost or SiteGround. They are among the largest hosting companies in the world, and they are both officially recommended by WordPress.

我们建议使用BluehostSiteGround 。 它们是世界上最大的托管公司之一,并且它们都是WordPress官方推荐的。

Next, you will need to install WordPress on your website. You can follow the instructions in our step by step guide on how to install WordPress, and you will be up and running in minutes.

接下来,您将需要在网站上安装WordPress。 您可以按照分步指南中有关如何安装WordPress的说明进行操作 ,几分钟即可启动并运行。

Once you have installed WordPress, you will be ready to choose a WordPress LMS plugin for your website.

一旦安装了WordPress,就可以为您的网站选择WordPress LMS插件。

Let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress LMS plugins side-by-side, so you can choose the one that works best for your needs.

让我们并排看一些最佳的WordPress LMS插件,因此您可以选择最适合您的需求的WordPress LMS插件。

1. LearnDash ( 1. LearnDash)

LearnDash - Best WordPress LMS Plugin

LearnDash is the most popular WordPress LMS plugin on the market. It is also the most easy to use LMS plugin with tons of features.

LearnDash是市场上最受欢迎的WordPress LMS插件。 它也是具有大量功能的最易于使用的LMS插件。

LearnDash comes with a simple drag and drop course builder which allows you to easily create multi-layer courses with lessons, topics, quizzes, and categories. You can deliver all your lessons at once or schedule them for the entire course duration with its Drip-Feed content feature.

LearnDash带有一个简单的拖放课程构建器,使您可以轻松地创建包含课程,主题,测验和类别的多层课程。 您可以一次提供所有课程,也可以使用其滴灌内容功能安排整个课程的时间。

Using LearnDash, you can give user assignments and then approve or comment on them. It also comes with quiz and test management tools with multiple question types. You can easily set prerequisites for students such as finishing a lesson first before going to the next lesson.

使用LearnDash,您可以给用户分配,然后批准或评论他们。 它还带有带有多种问题类型的测验和测试管理工具。 您可以轻松地为学生设置先决条件,例如在完成下一堂课之前先完成一堂课。

It offers plenty of monetization options including subscriptions, one-time purchase, memberships, shopping cart, etc. for your online training course. You can accept payments using multiple payment gateways including PayPal, Stripe, and 2Checkout.

它为您的在线培训课程提供了很多货币化选项,包括订阅,一次性购买,会员资格,购物车等。 您可以使用多个付款网关(包括PayPal,Stripe和2Checkout)接受付款。

It also integrates beautifully with bbPress, WordPress eCommerce plugins, and WordPress membership plugins like MemberPress.

它还与bbPress, WordPress电子商务插件WordPress Membership插件(例如MemberPress)完美集成

A great LearnDash feature is dynamic forums which lets you create course-specific forums where your students can interact with and help each other.


Price: Starting from $159 for a single site license with 1 year of support and updates.


Grade: A+

成绩: A +

Review: LearnDash is the most user-friendly and flexible LMS plugin for WordPress users. It comes with comprehensive set of features to manage your online courses.

点评: LearnDash是适用于WordPress用户的最用户友好和灵活的LMS插件。 它具有全面的功能集,可以管理您的在线课程。

LearnDash has integration with many third-party plugins and tools which make it even more powerful. It is a perfect LMS tool suitable for schools, training organizations, entrepreneurs, and anyone who wants to create and sell online courses with ease.

LearnDash与许多第三方插件和工具集成在一起,使其功能更加强大。 这是一个完美的LMS工具,适用于学校,培训机构,企业家以及任何想要轻松创建和销售在线课程的人。

For a detailed LearnDash review and set up instructions, see our tutorial on how to easily create an online course with WordPress using LearnDash


2. LifterLMS (2. LifterLMS)

LifterLMS - Top LMS Plugin for WordPress

LifterLMS is another powerful WordPress LMS plugin with a lot of neat features. It allows you to create engaging online courses and offer wonderful learning experiences to your students. It is easy to set up, even on existing WordPress sites.

LifterLMS是另一个功能强大的WordPress LMS插件,具有许多简洁功能。 它使您可以创建引人入胜的在线课程,并为学生提供精彩的学习体验。 即使在现有的WordPress网站上,设置起来也很容易。

LifterLMS supports multi-tier courses with training modules, lessons, categories, etc. The plugin gives you the flexibility to create smaller courses or full-fledged degree programs. You can add multimedia lessons including video, audio, text, images, and more to make your courses more appealing.

LifterLMS支持带有培训模块,课程,类别等的多层课程。该插件使您可以灵活地创建较小的课程或成熟的学位课程。 您可以添加多媒体课程,包括视频,音频,文本,图像等,以使您的课程更具吸引力。

It has content dripping, course pre-requisites, and group memberships to offer even greater control over the entire course duration.


To boost user engagement, it comes with powerful features like automated emails, gamification with badges, and even certificates upon completion of a course. It has built-in content restriction allowing you to restrict any WordPress page on your site to members only.

为了提高用户的参与度,它具有强大的功能,例如自动电子邮件,带有徽章的游戏化甚至是课程完成后的证书。 它具有内置的内容限制,可让您将网站上的任何WordPress页面仅限制为成员。

LifterLMS has a useful collection of addons, which you can use to manage affiliates, integrate with eCommerce plugins, connect to your email marketing service, etc.

LifterLMS包含有用的插件集合,您可以使用它们来管理会员 ,与电子商务插件集成,连接到电子邮件营销服务等。

LifterLMS plugin allows you to easily sell online courses using WordPress. You can quickly set up credit card payments, one-time or recurring payments, course bundles, coupons, etc. It can accept payments with PayPal, Stripe, or manually via check.

LifterLMS插件可让您使用WordPress轻松销售在线课程。 您可以快速设置信用卡付款,一次性或定期付款,课程包,优惠券等。它可以接受PayPal,Stripe或通过支票手动付款。

Pricing: Individual addons for $99 each (single site), or Universal Plan for $299 for single site.


Grade: A

成绩: A

Review: LifterLMS is a powerful and flexible choice for a WordPress LMS plugin. It is easy to use, and the setup wizard even installs a demo course for you. It is useful for fitness experts, musicians, leadership trainers, education entrepreneurs, and anyone who want to earn money by selling online lessons.

评论: LifterLMS是WordPress LMS插件的强大而灵活的选择。 它易于使用,并且设置向导甚至可以为您安装演示课程。 它对健身专家,音乐家,领导力培训者,教育企业家以及任何希望通过出售在线课程来赚钱的人都非常有用。

It is a little more expensive, and the pricing will add up if you choose to buy individual add-ons.


3.可教 (3. Teachable)


Teachable is a powerful online course builder. It is not a WordPress plugin but you can use it on a sub-domain, a custom domain name, or simply adding a link to your school’s page.

Teachable是功能强大的在线课程构建器。 它不是WordPress插件,但您可以在子域,自定义域名上使用它,也可以直接在学校页面上添加链接。

Teachable hosts your course and provides you a complete set of tools needed to build highly interactive online courses. It also comes with built-in email marketing integration, analytics, and other marketing tools.

Teachable主持您的课程,并为您提供构建高度互动的在线课程所需的一整套工具。 它还带有内置的电子邮件营销集成,分析和其他营销工具。

For payments, teachable will handle your course fees and you will be paid out using PayPal or Stripe. Payment periods may vary depending on your pricing plan.

对于付款,可教的将处理您的课程费用,您将使用贝宝(PayPal)或Stripe向您付款。 付款期限可能会因您的定价计划而异。

Pricing Starting from $29 per month

从每月$ 29日起步价

Grade: B+

年级: B +

Review: Teachable offers a complete set of tools need to create, manage, and sell online courses. It can handle any number of students and courses. Since it is a standalone platform, you wouldn’t be responsible for updates and backups. The downside is that it is expensive than other WordPress LMS plugins. If you are on their Basic plan, then you will be charged a 5% fees on each transaction.

点评: Teachable提供了创建,管理和销售在线课程所需的全套工具。 它可以处理任何数量的学生和课程。 由于它是一个独立平台,因此您无需负责更新和备份。 缺点是它比其他WordPress LMS插件昂贵。 如果您采用他们的基本计划,那么每笔交易将向您收取5%的费用。

4. LearnPress (4. LearnPress)

LearnPress Free WordPress Learning Management System Plugin

LearnPress is a free WordPress LMS plugin with powerful features. Unlike other LMS plugins in this list, which come with a setup wizard, LearnPress lets you do the setup on your own.

LearnPress是具有功能强大的免费WordPress LMS插件。 与此列表中的其他LMS插件(带有安装向导)不同,LearnPress使您可以自己进行设置。

Course creation is easy with the help of lessons, quizzes, and questions. You can use lessons and quizzes from one course into another course. It also lets you export content, so that you can use it on other WordPress sites using LearnPress.

借助课程,测验和问题,课程创建很容易。 您可以从一门课程到另一门课程使用课程和测验。 它还允许您导出内容,以便可以使用LearnPress在其他WordPress网站上使用它。

It has both free and paid addons available, which allow you to extend the features. It supports scheduled content (content drip), quizzes, assignments, grading, etc. It also supports integration with bbPress, WooCommerce, and WordPress membership plugins.

它具有免费和付费插件,可让您扩展功能。 它支持计划的内容(内容滴落),测验,作业,评分等。它还支持与bbPress ,WooCommerce和WordPress成员资格插件的集成。

There are also some WordPress LMS themes created with this plugin. If you cannot decide which WordPress theme to choose for your learning website, then you can use one of those themes. Doing so saves your site from breaking due to theme and plugin compatibility error.

这个插件还创建了一些WordPress LMS主题。 如果您不能决定为学习网站选择哪个WordPress主题,则可以使用这些主题之一。 这样做可以防止您的网站因主题和插件兼容性错误而中断。

Pricing: Free + Paid Addons and support


Grade: B+

年级: B +

Review: We found LearnPress to be feature-rich and flexible. The initial setup may be a bit difficult for beginners. It supports PayPal by default, and other payment gateways are available as paid add-ons.

点评:我们发现LearnPress具有丰富的功能和灵活的功能。 对于初学者而言,初始设置可能会有些困难。 默认情况下,它支持PayPal,其他付款网关也可以作为付费附件使用。

Support is available from official forums for paid subscribers, and limited support is offered to free users. The free version is limited and you will have to buy add-ons to make the most out of it.

官方论坛可以为付费用户提供支持,而免费用户则可以享受有限的支持。 免费版本是有限的,您将不得不购买附加组件以充分利用它。

5. WP课件 (5. WP Courseware)

WP Courseware Plugin for Creating Online Courses

WP Courseware is a popular LMS plugin for WordPress. It is a drag and drop course creation tool for creating an online learning website easily.

WP Courseware是适用于WordPress的流行LMS插件。 它是一个拖放式课程创建工具,可轻松创建在线学习网站。

Course creation in WP Courseware is powerful and comes with tons of features to create large or small online courses. Each course can have multiple modules, units, and quizzes. It supports course pre-requisites and content drip features. See our guide on how to add a LMS in WordPress with WP Courseware.

WP Courseware中的课程创建功能强大,并具有创建大型或小型在线课程的大量功能。 每个课程可以有多个模块,单元和测验。 它支持课程前提条件和内容滴注功能。 请参阅有关如何使用WP课件在WordPress中添加LMS的指南。

It supports instructor profiles, instructor grade book, student grade books, custom emails, and many other features that help create an engaging experience for users.


It also comes with a question bank so that you can quickly create quizzes for different courses and modules.


WP Courseware includes powerful monetization features to sell courses on your website. It has a built-in shopping cart option where you can directly connect PayPal or Stripe and start selling your courses.

WP Courseware包含强大的获利功能,可在您的网站上销售课程。 它具有内置的购物车选项,您可以在其中直接连接PayPal或Stripe并开始销售课程。

You can also create free courses and offer some valuable content to your users free of cost. Sometimes, free content inspires users to buy the full course. You can sell the premium content for one-time purchase or recurring subscriptions.

您还可以创建免费课程,并免费为用户提供一些有价值的内容。 有时,免费内容会激发用户购买完整课程。 您可以出售高级内容以进行一次性购买或定期订阅。

Pricing: Starting from $129 for 2 sites with 1 year of support and updates.

定价: 2个站点的129美元起,提供1年的支持和更新。

Grade: B

成绩: B

Review: WP Courseware is a good choice to build your online courses. It is easy to use and comes with flexible options which gives you the freedom to create an engaging learning environment. Best of all, it works with any WordPress theme without any contradiction.

评论: WP课件是构建在线课程的不错选择。 它易于使用,并具有灵活的选项,使您可以自由创建引人入胜的学习环境。 最重要的是,它可以与任何WordPress主题一起使用,没有任何矛盾。

6.老师 (6. Sensei)

Sensei LMS Plugin

Sensei is a powerful WordPress LMS Plugin created by the folks behind WooCommerce. It is flexible and easy to use and follows the same best practices as WordPress and WooCommerce.

Sensei是由WooCommerce背后的人们创建的功能强大的WordPress LMS插件。 它灵活易用,并遵循与WordPress和WooCommerce相同的最佳实践。

Course creation with Sensei is easy, but it is not as powerful as with other solutions. You can run quizzes, assignments, grade them automatically or manually, and even offer badges and certificates to students.

使用Sensei创建课程很容易,但没有其他解决方案强大。 您可以运行测验,作业,自动或手动评分,甚至为学生提供徽章和证书。

To sell your courses and accept payments you will need to use WooCommerce. For each course you want to sell, you will have to create a product and then link it to your course.

要出售您的课程并接受付款,您将需要使用WooCommerce。 对于您要出售的每门课程,您必须创建一个产品,然后将其链接到您的课程。

There are not many third-party integrations available. You can integrate Sensei with a membership plugin, but there is no addon for that.

第三方集成不多。 您可以将Sensei与会员插件集成在一起,但是没有插件。

Pricing: Starting from $129 for a single site license with 1 year of support and updates.


Grade: B

成绩: B

Review: Sensei is a good solution to offer online courses. If you already run an online store using WooCommerce, then this will perfectly integrate with your store. However, we feel that WooCommerce integration is hard for beginner users. There are also fewer features and addons for Sensei than other LMS plugins in this list.

点评: Sensei是提供在线课程的好解决方案。 如果您已经使用WooCommerce运营在线商店 ,那么它将与您的商店完美集成。 但是,我们认为WooCommerce集成对于初学者来说很困难。 与该列表中的其他LMS插件相比,Sensei的功能和附加组件也更少。

结论 (Conclusion)

After comparing the top 5 WordPress LMS plugins, we come to the conclusion that LearnDash is clearly the best option for most users. It is effortless to use with tons of features and lots of cool integrations for users who need them.

在比较了前5个WordPress LMS插件之后,我们得出的结论是, LearnDash显然是大多数用户的最佳选择。 对于需要它们的用户,可以轻松地使用大量功能和许多出色的集成。

LifterLMS is a close second with an intuitive user interface and great set of features. It’s a perfect LearDash alternative you can use.

LifterLMS具有直观的用户界面和丰富的功能, 紧随其后 。 这是您可以使用的完美的LearDash替代方案。

We hope this article helped you compare the best WordPress LMS plugins with their pros and cons. You may also want to see our list of 24 must have WordPress plugins for business websites.

我们希望本文能帮助您比较最佳的WordPress LMS插件及其优缺点。 您可能还希望查看我们的24个列表, 这些列表必须具有用于商业网站的WordPress插件

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/best-wordpress-lms-plugins-compared/






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