

We are often asked by beginners: what is a domain name and how do domains work? If you are a beginner, then you may have heard that you need a domain to make a website.

初学者经常问我们:什么是域名,域名如何工作? 如果您是初学者,则可能听说过需要一个域名才能创建网站。

However, many beginners confuse domain name with a website or website hosting service. If you are just starting out, then all these different terms may sound too technical.

但是,许多初学者将域名与网站或网站托管服务相混淆。 如果您刚刚起步,那么所有这些不同的术语可能听起来过于技术性。

In this beginner’s guide, we will answer what is a domain name and how domains work. The goal is to help you understand and choose the right domain name for your website.

在此初学者指南中,我们将回答什么是域名以及域如何工作。 目的是帮助您了解和选择适合您网站的域名。

Domain names and how do they work?

Here is a quick overview of the topics we will cover in this guide.


什么是域名? (What is a Domain Name?)

Domain name is the address of your website that people type in the browser URL bar to visit your website.


In simple terms, if your website was a house, then your domain name will be its address.


A more detailed explanation:


The Internet is a giant network of computers connected to each other through a global network of cables. Each computer on this network can communicate with other computers.

互联网是一个庞大的计算机网络,它们通过全球电缆网络相互连接。 该网络上的每台计算机都可以与其他计算机通信。

To identify them, each computer is assigned an IP address. It is a series of numbers that identify a particular computer on the internet. A typical IP address looks like this:

为了识别它们,每台计算机都分配了一个IP地址。 它是标识互联网上特定计算机的一系列数字。 典型的IP地址如下所示:

Now an IP address like this is quite difficult to remember. Imagine if you had to use such numbers to visit your favorite websites.

现在,这样的IP地址很难记住。 想象一下,如果您不得不使用此类数字来访问自己喜欢的网站。

Domain names were invented to solve this problem.


Now if you want to visit a website, then you don’t need to enter a long string of numbers. Instead, you can visit it by typing an easy to remember domain name in your browser’s address bar. For example,

现在,如果您要访问网站,则无需输入一长串数字。 相反,您可以通过在浏览器的地址栏中输入易于记忆的域名来访问它。 例如,。

域名实际上如何工作? (How Domain Names Actually Work?)

To understand how domain names actually work, we will take a look at what happens when you enter it in your browser.


How domains work

When you enter a domain name in your web browser, it first sends a request to a global network of servers that form the Domain Name System (DNS).


These servers then look up for the name servers associated with the domain and forward the request to those name servers.


For example, if your website is hosted on Bluehost, then its name server information will be like this:

例如,如果您的网站托管在Bluehost上 ,则其名称服务器信息将如下所示:

These name servers are computers managed by your hosting company. Your hosting company will forward your request to the computer where your website is stored.

这些名称服务器是由托管公司管理的计算机。 您的托管公司会将您的请求转发到存储您网站的计算机。

This computer is called a web server. It has special software installed (Apache, Nginx are two popular web server software). The web server now fetches the web page and pieces of information associated with it.

该计算机称为Web服务器。 它已安装了特殊软件(Apache,Nginx是两种流行的Web服务器软件)。 现在,Web服务器将获取网页以及与之关联的信息。

Finally, it then sends this data back to the browser.


域名与网站和虚拟主机有何不同? (How is Domain Name Different from a Website and Web Hosting?)

web hosting

A website is made up of files like HTML pages, website builder software, images, and more.

网站由HTML页面, 网站构建器软件 ,图像等文件组成。

If the domain name is the web address of your website, then web hosting is the home where your website lives.


This is the actual computer where your website’s files are stored. Such computers are called servers and they are offered as a service by hosting companies.

这是存储网站文件的实际计算机。 这样的计算机称为服务器,托管公司将它们作为服务提供。

To create your website, you need both domain name and web hosting.

创建您的网站 ,您需要域名和虚拟主机。

However, it’s important to remember that they are two separate services, and you can buy them from two different companies.


Now you may be wondering, how would it work if you bought them from two separate companies?


You just need to edit your domain name settings and enter the Name Server information provided by your hosting company. Name Server information defines where to send user requests for your domain name.

您只需要编辑域名设置,然后输入托管公司提供的名称服务器信息。 名称服务器信息定义了将用户请求发送到您的域名的位置。

We recommend getting both your domain name and hosting from the same company. This allows you to easily manage them under the same account.

我们建议您从同一公司获取域名和托管。 这使您可以轻松地在同一帐户下管理它们。

For more details, see our guide on the difference between domain name and web hosting.


不同类型的域名 (Different Types of Domain Names)

Domain names are available in many different extensions. The most popular one is .com. There are many other options like .org, .net, .tv, .info, .io, and more. However we always recommend using .com domain extension.

域名有许多不同的扩展名。 最受欢迎的网站是.com 。 还有许多其他选项,例如.org,.net,.tv,.info,.io等。 但是,我们始终建议您使用.com域扩展名

Let’s take a more detailed look at different types of domain names available.


Top Level Domain – TLD

顶级域名– TLD

Top level domain or TLD are generic domain extensions that are listed at the highest level in the domain name system.


There are hundreds of TLDs, but the most popular ones are .com, .org, and .net. Other TLDs are lesser known and we don’t recommend using them. For example, .biz, .club, .info, .agency, and many more.

TLD有数百个,但最受欢迎的是.com,.org和.net。 其他TLD鲜为人知,我们不建议使用它们。 例如,.biz,.club,.info,.agency等。

Country Code Top Level Domain – ccTLD

国家或地区代码顶级域名– ccTLD

Country code top-level domain or ccTLD are country specific domain names which end with country code extension like .uk for the United Kingdom, .de for Germany, .in for India.


They are used by websites that want to target audiences in a specific country.


Sponsored Top Level Domain – sTLD

赞助顶级域名– sTLD

Sponsored top-level domain or sTLD is a category of TLDs that has a sponsor representing a specific community served by the domain extension.


For example, .edu for education-related organizations, .gov for the United States government, .mil for the United States military, and more.


谁负责域名系统? (Who is Responsible for Domain Name System?)

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) manages the domain names system. It is a non-profit organization that creates and implements the policies for domain names.

互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(ICANN)管理域名系统。 它是一个非盈利组织,负责创建和实施域名政策。

ICANN gives permission to companies called Domain Name Registrars for selling domain names. These domain registrars are allowed to make changes to domain names registry on your behalf.

ICANN授予名为域名注册商的公司出售域名的许可。 允许这些域名注册商代表您更改域名注册机构。

Domain name registrars can sell domain names, manage its records, renewals, and transfers to other registrars.


As a domain name owner, you are responsible for telling the registrar where to send requests. You are also responsible for renewing your domain registration.

作为域名所有者,您有责任告诉注册服务商将请求发送到哪里。 您还负责续订域名注册。

如何为您的网站选择域名? (How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Website?)

Choosing domain name

There are currently more than 350 Million registered domain names and thousands more get registered each day.


This means that all the good ones are already registered or will be registered very soon. This puts a lot of pressure on new users to come up with a domain idea for their website.

这意味着所有好的商品都已经注册或将很快注册。 这给新用户施加很大压力,要求他们为其网站提出域名建议。

Here are some quick tips to help you choose a domain name for your next website.


  • Stick with a .com domain name as it is the most popular, easy to remember, and easy promote.

  • Make sure it is shorter and easy to remember

  • Make it easy to pronounce and spell

  • Do not use numbers or hyphens

  • domain name generators to come up with clever domain name ideas域名生成器提出巧妙的域名创意

For more tips and practical advice, see our guide on how to choose the best domain name for your website.


如何购买域名? (How to Buy a Domain Name?)

You can buy domain names from one of the many domain name registrars. A domain name typically costs 14.99 per year. Some popular domain name companies are:

您可以从许多域名注册商之一购买域名。 域名通常每年需要支付14.99美元。 一些受欢迎的域名公司是:

However, buying domain does not automatically give you hosting service. For that, you will need a website hosting account as well.

但是,购买域名不会自动为您提供托管服务。 为此,您还将需要一个网站托管帐户。

Many WordPress hosting companies offer domain registration services as well. This allows you to manage both services under one account, and you also don’t need to worry about changing name server settings for your domain.

许多WordPress托管公司也提供域名注册服务。 这样一来,您就可以在一个帐户下管理这两种服务,也不必担心更改域的名称服务器设置。

We recommend using Bluehost. They are offering WPBeginner users a free domain name and 60% discount on hosting. Basically you can get started for $2.75/month.

我们建议使用Bluehost 。 他们为WPBeginner用户提供了一个免费域名,并为托管提供60%的折扣。 基本上,您每月只需支付2.75美元即可开始使用。

有关域名的常见问题 (Frequently Asked Questions About Domain Names)

Over the years we have helped thousands of beginners start their first websites. We have heard almost every possible question about domain names that you can think of.

多年来,我们已经帮助成千上万的初学者建立了他们的第一个网站。 我们已经听到您可能想到的几乎所有有关域名的问题。

Following are the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about domain names.


1. What is a subdomain?


A subdomain is basically a child domain under the main domain name. For example, is a subdomain of

子域基本上是主域名下的子域。 例如,videos.wpbeginner.com是wpbeginner.com的子域。

Once you register a domain, you have the permission to create subdomains for it by yourself.


Subdomains are commonly used by websites to create child-sites under the same domain name. For example, a business website can create a subdomain for their blog or their online store as or

网站通常使用子域来创建具有相同域名的子站点。 例如,企业网站可以为其博客或在线商店创建一个子域,如store.example.com或。

2. Can I cancel my registration of a domain name?


Some domain registrars allow you to cancel your domain registration at any time. If you cancel your registration, it will become available for others to register.

一些域名注册商允许您随时取消域名注册。 如果您取消注册,其他人将可以使用它进行注册。

Other domain name registrars allow you to simply let your domain registration expire.


In most cases, you will not get any refund for the domain registration. However, some domain registrars do have refund policies which you may want to discuss with them before canceling your registration.

在大多数情况下,您不会获得域名注册的任何退款。 但是,某些域名注册商确实有退款政策,您可能需要在取消注册之前与他们讨论。

If you don’t have the auto-renew feature turned on, then your domain name will simply expire after the registration period you have paid for.


3. Can I move my website to a different domain name?


Yes, you can. You can point your domain name to your hosting server. You can also keep both domain names pointing to the same website.

是的你可以。 您可以将域名指向托管服务器。 您还可以使两个域名都指向同一网站。

However, search engines consider it duplicate content and that will affect your search rankings.


We have a step by step guide on how to properly move a website to new domain name and setup redirects, so you don’t hurt your SEO.


4. Can I sell a domain name?


Yes, you can sell your domain name. Domain names are like real estate for web. There is a huge demand for good brandable custom domain names.

是的,您可以出售您的域名。 域名就像网络的房地产。 良好的品牌自定义域名有巨大的需求。

Trading domain names is a multi-million dollar industry. Since domain names are so cheap, smart entrepreneurs are always looking for great domain name ideas to get their hands own.

域名交易是一个价值数百万美元的产业。 由于域名是如此便宜,因此聪明的企业家一直在寻找伟大的域名创意,以掌握自己的双手。

If you want to sell your domain name, then there are many marketplace websites like Sedo, GoDaddy, and others where you can list your domain for sale.

如果您想出售域名,那么有很多市场网站,例如Sedo, GoDaddy等,您都可以在其中列出要出售的域名。

Popular registrars like also let you buy premium domains right from their domain search feature.


Related: See the best GoDaddy alternatives for buying domains.


5. What is domain privacy? Do I need it?

5.什么是域隐私? 我需要吗?

ICANN requires people registering domain names to provide an email, physical address, phone number, and other personal information to be made available publicly.


Domain Privacy is a separate add-on service sold by domain registrars. It allows you to show proxy information instead of your actual personal info.

域隐私是域注册商出售的一项单独的附加服务。 它允许您显示代理信息而不是您的实际个人信息。

You don’t need to buy domain privacy if you don’t want to. However if you are concerned about privacy, then you can buy this service for a small cost.

如果您不想,则无需购买域隐私。 但是,如果您担心隐私问题,则可以支付少量费用购买此服务。

6. Can I buy more than one domain name?


Yes, you can buy as many domain names as you like.


7. Where can I learn more about making websites?


Right here. WPBeginner is the world’s largest WordPress resource site for beginners. We have tutorials, step by step guides, and videos created specifically for beginner users.

就在这儿。 WPBeginner是面向初学者的全球最大的WordPress资源网站。 我们有专门为初学者设计的教程,分步指南和视频。

Here are some of the helpful resources you’ll find on WPBeginner (All of them are completely free).


We hope this article helped you learn what is a domain name and how do domains work. You may also want to see our list of best free domain name generators to find cool ideas for your next domain name.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解什么是域名以及域名如何工作。 您可能还希望查看我们的最佳免费域名生成器列表,以找到下一个域名的好主意。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。







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