织梦 wordpress_谁拥有WordPress,以及WordPress如何赚钱?

织梦 wordpress

There has always been confusion among beginners about who owns WordPress? It’s a bit unreal to think something can be 100% free. If you have ever wondered who owns WordPress and how does WordPress make money, then you’re in the right place. In this beginner’s guide, we will answer these common questions along with covering how does that impact the ownership rights of your WordPress site and blog content.

初学者之间一直存在关于谁拥有WordPress的困惑? 认为某些东西可以100%免费是不现实的。 如果您曾经想知道谁拥有WordPress以及WordPress如何赚钱,那么您来对地方了。 在本初学者指南中,我们将回答这些常见问题,并介绍如何影响WordPress网站和博客内容的所有权。

了解WordPress.com与WordPress.org之间的差异 (Understanding the Differences between WordPress.com vs WordPress.org)

Before we can answer the question about the ownership of WordPress, it’s important that you understand which WordPress you are talking about.


The #1 root cause for confusion is that often people don’t know that WordPress.com and WordPress.org are two fundamentally different products with different owners.


The difference between WordPress.com vs WordPress.org

WordPress.org is the popular content management system (CMS) that you always hear about. This is the real WordPress, and it is 100% free. It is often referred as self-hosted WordPress. When you hear things like you can create any type of website in WordPress with plugins and custom themes, this is the WordPress people are talking about.

WordPress.org是您经常听到的流行的内容管理系统(CMS)。 这是真正的WordPress,并且100%免费。 它通常被称为自托管WordPress。 当您听到类似的消息时,您可以使用插件和自定义主题在WordPress中创建任何类型的网站 ,这就是WordPress人们正在谈论的内容。

WordPress.com is a web hosting service that offers a stripped down version of WordPress to make it easy for you to blog. You don’t get all the WordPress goodies like plugins, custom themes, etc.

WordPress.com是一个网络托管服务,提供精简版的WordPress,使您轻松撰写博客。 您不会获得所有WordPress优点,例如插件,自定义主题等。

To keep this article focused, we will not go into the feature comparison of the two. You can learn more about that in our WordPress.com vs WordPress.org chart.

为了使本文重点关注,我们将不进行两者的功能比较。 您可以在我们的WordPress.com与WordPress.org图表中了解更多信息。

Understanding the difference between the two is essential for understanding the ownership and business models behind the two products.


谁拥有WordPress.org和流行的WordPress软件? (Who owns WordPress.org and the popular WordPress software?)

WordPress is an open-source software. This means that anyone can see the code and contribute to the software to make it better. It’s the contributions by thousands of independent people from across the world that built WordPress to what it is today.

WordPress是一种开源软件。 这意味着任何人都可以看到代码并为软件做出贡献,以使其变得更好。 世界各地成千上万的独立人士的贡献使WordPress成为了今天。

WordPress is licensed under GPL, and it’s important that you understand the benefits of the GPL license because that will help you better understand the ownership.


We will summarize the GPL in three main benefits:


  • You can use WordPress in whatever way you like without any restrictions.

  • You can customize, add or remove anything in WordPress that you don’t like without any restrictions.

  • You can repackage, rebrand, sell and distribute WordPress without any restrictions except that it is also released under the GPL license.


The last part usually blows people’s mind away. Yes, you can indeed take WordPress, change the logo and the name, and start selling it (100% legal).

最后一部分通常会让人们大吃一惊。 是的,您确实可以使用WordPress,更改徽标和名称,然后开始销售(100%合法)。

In other words, the code base of WordPress belongs to the community (you). The thousands of people who contributed to this non-profit project did it without any direct compensation. We will explain this in more details in the business model section of this article.

换句话说,WordPress的代码库属于社区(您)。 为这个非营利项目做出贡献的数千人在没有任何直接补偿的情况下做到了这一点。 我们将在本文的业务模型部分中对此进行更详细的说明。

Summary: Any website you create using the self-hosted WordPress software is 100% owned by you. The content you upload to these sites is also 100% owned by you.

简介:您使用自托管WordPress软件创建的任何网站均归您100%所有权。 您上载到这些网站的内容也归您100%所有权。

The WordPress trademark and the WordPress.org domain is owned by the WordPress foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, whose sole purpose is to ensure that WordPress is freely available, maintained, and developed.


谁拥有WordPress.com (Who owns WordPress.com)

WordPress.com is owned by a privately held company called Automattic.


You have to understand a little bit of history of the open-source WordPress project to understand Automattic’s contributions and the reasons why they get favorable treatment such as the ability to use the WordPress trademark and the coveted WordPress.com domain as part of their paid product.


Automattic was started by the co-founding developer of the open source WordPress software, Matt Mullenweg.

Automattic由开源WordPress软件Matt Mattlenweg的联合创始人开发。

Matt created Automattic in 2005, almost two years after WordPress, with the primary purpose to make WordPress hosting easier and allow people with little technical knowledge to start a blog with WordPress.


Since WordPress.com platform was powered by the open source WordPress software, Automattic had a vested interest in the further development of the free WordPress software.


Several of the early Automattic employees were contributing developers of WordPress prior to the company, so it should go without saying that financial interest wasn’t the only reason why Automattic invested in WordPress.


Because the open-source project didn’t really make any money in the beginning, Matt first registered the WordPress trademark through Automattic.


As WordPress grew in popularity, Automattic donated the WordPress trademark to the WordPress Foundation in 2010 to ensure long-term sustainability of the non-profit project.


It’s important to note that Matt Mullenweg is the CEO of Automattic and also serves in the board of the WordPress foundation.

需要特别注意的是,马特·穆伦维格(Matt Mullenweg)是Automattic的首席执行官,也是WordPress基金会的董事会成员。

Now that you are familiar with the history, let’s talk about ownership of content on WordPress.com.


When you build a site using WordPress.com, you have to adhere to their Terms of Service policy. Although it clearly states that it’s designed to give you as much control and ownership of your content, someone can still shut down your site if they believe it’s in violation.

当您使用WordPress.com建立网站时,必须遵守其服务条款政策。 尽管它清楚地表明它旨在为您提供对内容的尽可能多的控制和所有权,但是如果有人认为您的网站受到侵犯,仍然可以关闭您的网站。

While you have 100% control over your site, you’re limited to the feature-set that’s offered to you which does not include plugins, custom themes, etc.


Hopefully by now you should have the answer to your question about who owns WordPress.


Now let’s take a look at how does WordPress make money.


自动业务模式与WordPress业务模式 (Business Model of Automattic vs Business Model of WordPress)

The business model of Automattic is to sell WordPress related services such as hosting, backup, and others, so we won’t spend too much time on that.


In short, Automattic makes money on WordPress.com by selling advertising on your free sites. If you choose to pay for their hosting plans, then you get additional premium upgrades such as the ability to hide ads, purchase domains, additional disk space, commercial themes, etc.

简而言之,Automattic通过在免费网站上出售广告在WordPress.com上赚钱。 如果您选择为他们的托管计划付费,那么您将获得额外的高级升级,例如隐藏广告,购买域,额外的磁盘空间,商业主题等。

Our goal in this section is to explain the business model behind the open source WordPress software and answer common questions like how do WordPress developers make money if they’re voluntarily contributing to a free non-profit project.


Let’s start with the question on why do developers contribute to WordPress if they aren’t getting paid?


While there can be altruistic reasons, we’re going to focus on the two primary monetary reasons:


  • They sell WordPress products or services (custom plugins, themes, web development, consulting, etc.)

  • They work for a company that sell WordPress products or services.


In other words, they are making money, but they are not getting paid by the WordPress foundation.


As WordPress has grown in popularity, there have been an increase in the number of businesses that sell WordPress related products / services. This has increased the commercial interest in the further development of the open-source WordPress software.

随着WordPress的普及,销售WordPress相关产品/服务的企业数量也在增加。 这增加了对开源WordPress软件的进一步开发的商业兴趣。

Think of what Automattic was able to do in the beginning, except now there are multiple companies hiring dedicated staff who contribute in the development of WordPress because they understand as the WordPress project grows, so will the revenue opportunities.


So where does the WordPress foundation fit in the picture?


WordPress foundation is a non-profit organization, so it’s primary source of revenue is through donations.


These donations are made by individuals like yourself and also corporations who’re using WordPress to make money.


How does this all apply to you as the user?


While you are not directly paying for WordPress, you could be indirectly paying for it.


For example, if you host your website on Bluehost, Siteground, WPEngine, or any other major WordPress hosting company, then you are indirectly paying for WordPress. Because all these companies regularly contribute back to WordPress.

例如,如果您在BluehostSitegroundWPEngine或任何其他主要的WordPress托管公司上托管网站,那么您将间接为WordPress付费。 因为所有这些公司都会定期向WordPress捐款。

If you are using Yoast SEO, BackupBuddy, Sucuri, or any of WPBeginner family of products (OptinMonster, WPForms, MonsterInsights, etc) then you are indirectly paying for WordPress. Because all these companies regularly sponsor WordCamps and/or contribute to WordPress.

如果您正在使用Yoast SEOBackupBuddySucuri ,或任何WPBeginner系列产品( OptinMonsterWPFormsMonsterInsights ,等等),那么你是间接支付的WordPress。 因为所有这些公司都会定期赞助WordCamps和/或为WordPress做出贡献。

Hopefully, this helps you better understand the WordPress business model and clear up all the concerns regarding that matter.


我们该怎么做才能改善和消除一些困惑? (What can we do to improve and clear up some of the confusion?)

There is very little that can be done about the domain situation due to the business models involved.


The only real way to solve it is through education which has to be two part.


The first and foremost is the role of media.


Major tech media outlets like TechCrunch, Recode, TheNextWeb, etc need to do a better job at fact-checking to avoid articles that claim Automattic as the parent company of WordPress. It could be as simple as saying the parent company behind WordPress.com.

主要的技术媒体,例如TechCrunch,Recode,TheNextWeb等,都需要在事实检查方面做得更好,以避免声称Automattic为WordPress母公司的文章。 就像说出WordPress.com背后的母公司一样简单。

You can simply google the term “WordPress parent company” and you’ll find tons of articles from major tech media outlets that report false information (example: here, here, here, here, and here).

您只需在Google上搜索“ WordPress母公司”一词,就会在主要技术媒体上找到大量报道虚假信息的文章(例如: hereherehereherehere )。

The second role is enforcement by the WordPress foundation as well as Automattic.


These media outlets are usually pitched these press releases, so if there were some re-enforcement with the top outlets, the rest will follow.


Often at blogging events when you see a WordPress booth, it’s usually an Automattic (WordPress.com) booth. While the marketing verbiage can be improved, having personally seen the employees answering questions at the booth, they are extremely helpful and almost always explain the difference.

通常在博客活动中,当您看到WordPress摊位时,通常是Automattic(WordPress.com)摊位。 尽管可以改善营销方式,但亲眼看到员工在展位上回答问题,他们却非常有帮助,几乎总是在解释差异。

At TBEX North America 2015, while we visited their booth, at least two people asked the question regarding of ownership of WordPress and the Automattic employees did an excellent job clearly explaining the difference.


结论 (Conclusion)

We hope this article helped you answer the question about who owns WordPress, how does WordPress make money, and what that really means for your website’s control and ownership. You may also want to read our article on 15 most frequently asked questions by WordPress beginners.

我们希望本文能帮助您回答以下问题:谁拥有WordPress,WordPress如何赚钱以及这对您网站的控制和所有权真正意味着什么。 您可能还想阅读有关WordPress初学者最常问的15个问题的文章。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/who-owns-wordpress-and-how-does-wordpress-make-money/

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