输入电子邮件正确格式_什么是电子邮件爆炸? 如何以“正确的方式”进行电子邮件爆炸


Want to know what is an email blast and how to do it “the right way”?


An email blast or broadcast is a process of sending a single email message to a large number of subscribers in your mailing list.


These are extremely effective for businesses to get more sales, and bloggers use it to get more website traffic to their new content.


In this article, we will explain how to do an email blast the proper way as well as share some examples.


What is an Email Blast? How to Do an Email Blast "the RIGHT Way"
什么是电子邮件爆炸? (What is an Email Blast?)

An email blast is a single email message that is sent to an entire email list, a large segment of an email list, or many email lists all at once.

电子邮件爆炸是一次发送到整个电子邮件列表 ,大部分电子邮件列表或许多电子邮件列表的单个电子邮件。

These emails target most or all contacts in your mailing list which makes your email blasts have a wide reach.


Email blasts are also known as broadcast emails, mass emails, bulk emails, e-blasts, and email campaigns. Most people are using the term ‘email campaigns’ to avoid the aggressive tone inherent with ‘email blast.’

电子邮件爆炸也称为广播电子邮件,群发电子邮件,批量电子邮件,电子爆炸和电子邮件活动。 大多数人使用“电子邮件活动”一词来避免“电子邮件爆炸”所固有的激进语调。

Email blasts are mainly used for sending promotional content and newsletters. At WPBeginner, we use email blasts to promote our premium WordPress plugins as well as share our helpful tutorials.

电子邮件冲击波主要用于发送促销内容和新闻通讯 。 在WPBeginner,我们使用电子邮件爆炸功能来推广我们的高级WordPress插件 ,并分享我们的有用教程。

For example, take a look at the email campaign we sent to promote our MonsterInsights plugin sale.


Flash Sale Email Campaign Demo

If you want to inform all your subscribers about special offers, then email blasts are the most reliable and efficient form of commnication.


电子邮件爆炸过时了吗? (Are Email Blasts Outdated?)

Although email blasts are great for delivering any message to a large number of people, some consider this to be an outdated method of communication.


That’s because email blasts are bulk emails sent to everyone regardless of their choice, priorities, and needs. At times, blast emails can be highly irrelevant and useless to the recipients.

这是因为电子邮件爆炸是发送给所有人的批量电子邮件,无论他们的选择,优先级和需求如何。 有时,快速发送电子邮件对于收件人而言可能是无关紧要且无用的。

Due to the same reason, the email recipients may ignore, mark the mail as spam, and even unsubscribe from your email list.


Here are the top reasons why users don’t like email blasts:


1. Unsegmented: Email blasts often use the entire mailing list without segmentation. Often your email subscribers are very different, and they may be interested in different products or services.

1.不分段 :电子邮件群发经常使用整个邮件列表而不进行分段。 通常,您的电子邮件订阅者非常不同,他们可能对不同的产品或服务感兴趣。

2. Untargeted: The email blasts send the same message to everyone without considering their personal interests, past interactions, or their needs. Users often unsubscribe from your mailing list after receiving such unwanted emails.

2.无目标 :电子邮件爆炸向每个人发送相同的消息,而无需考虑他们的个人兴趣,过去的互动或他们的需求。 用户通常会在收到此类不需要的电子邮件后从您的邮件列表中退订。

3. Not personalized: All of us love to read a message that addresses us personally. Email blasts that don’t personalize the emails are often marked as spam.

3.不个性化 :我们所有人都喜欢阅读一条针对我们的邮件。 无法对电子邮件进行个性化设置的电子邮件爆炸通常被标记为垃圾邮件。

4. Unexpected: Unlike the action-based emails, broadcast emails are unexpected due to which there can be a natural feeling of resistance from the recipients.

4.意外 :与基于动作的电子邮件不同,广播电子邮件是意外的,因此接收者会自然而然地感到抵制。

Unlike 10 or 15 years ago, there are a lot of new marketing methods available like social media, pay-per-click advertising, etc. However none are as effective as email.


To the answer the question, is email blast dead? NO.

为了回答这个问题,电子邮件爆炸死了吗? 没有。

Email is still the most reliable form of communication in the world. With new technology there are better ways to do an email blast which will get you higher results.

电子邮件仍然是世界上最可靠的通信形式。 有了新技术,有更好的方法进行电子邮件爆炸,这将为您带来更高的结果。

We will explain how to do an email blast the RIGHT way in the following section below.


如何以“正确的方式”进行电子邮件爆炸 (How to Do an Email Blast “the Right Way” – Step by Step)

Marketers associated with big and small companies are still using email blast to promote their product launches, discount offers, etc.


And the results are brilliant. That’s because they are using email blasts the right way.

结果非常出色。 那是因为他们以正确的方式使用电子邮件爆炸。

If you are not a professional marketer, you can follow the steps below to successfully run an email blast.


Table of Contents


  1. Choose the best email blast service选择最好的电子邮件发送服务
  2. Create an email list创建电子邮件列表
  3. Segment your email list细分您的电子邮件列表
  4. Create a targeted email campaign制作有针对性的电子邮件活动
  5. Measure results and improve email deliverability评估结果并改善电子邮件的可传递性

Now let’s go ahead and see the steps one by one.


步骤1:选择最佳的电子邮件发送服务 (Step 1: Choose the Best Email Blast Service)

First of all, you need a robust email marketing service to create an email blast. An email marketing service lets you create a mailing list, segment your list, and send bulk emails.

首先,您需要强大的电子邮件营销服务来创建电子邮件爆炸。 电子邮件营销服务使您可以创建邮件列表,细分列表以及发送批量电子邮件。

There are dozens of email marketing services in the market. Among them Constant Contact, SendinBlue, Drip, and ConvertKit are the most popular companies.

市场上有数十种电子邮件营销服务。 其中Constant ContactSendinBlueDripConvertKit是最受欢迎的公司。

We have tried and tested all of the above email marketing services, and we believe they are great at what they offer. However, we recommend Constant Contact because it offers the best deal of all.

我们已经尝试并测试了上述所有电子邮件营销服务,并且我们相信它们在提供的服务方面表现出色。 但是,我们建议使用“ 持续联系”,因为它可以提供最好的服务。

Constant Contact is the most beginner-friendly email blast software. It comes with dozens of pre-made email templates to help you quickly get started. You can choose a template, and easily customize that using their drag and drop editor.

持续联系是最适合初学者的电子邮件发送软件。 它带有许多预制的电子邮件模板,可帮助您快速入门。 您可以选择一个模板,并使用其拖放编辑器轻松自定义该模板。

It has simple options to collect emails, automation features to send / trigger emails based on users’ actions, and more. Plus, it lets you segment your subscribers and send targeted email campaigns.

它具有收集电子邮件的简单选项,基于用户操作发送/触发电子邮件的自动化功能等。 另外,它使您可以细分订户并发送有针对性的电子邮件活动。

To get started, you need to visit the Constant Contact website and sign up for a new account.

首先,您需要访问Constant Contact网站并注册一个新帐户。

Signup for Constant Contact

You can quickly create a Constant Contact account as it offers a 60-day free trial account (No credit cards required).


Once done, you will see your Constant Contact dashboard from where you can manage your email lists, subscribers, and send email blasts.


Constant Contact dashboard

Alternately, you can also use SendinBlue which offers a free email marketing plan.


第2步。创建您的电子邮件列表 (Step 2. Create Your Email List)

An email list is simply a list of email addresses whom you can send emails. It is like your contact book containing the email addresses of your subscribers and prospect customers.

电子邮件列表只是您可以向其发送电子邮件的电子邮件地址列表。 就像您的通讯录中包含您的订户和潜在客户的电子邮件地址。

To create an email list in Constant Contact, go to ‘Contacts’ menu on the top and then click on Email Lists option in the sidebar.


Creating a new email list

Now you will see the default email list labeled ‘General Interest.’ Click on the ‘Enter a new list’ link to create a new email list.

现在,您将看到标记为“一般兴趣”的默认电子邮件列表。 单击“输入新列表”链接以创建新的电子邮件列表。

Choose a name for your email list

After that, name your email list and click on the Add List button.


Once your email list is built, the next step is to add contacts to your list. Open your new email list, and click on the ‘Add Contacts’ button.

建立电子邮件列表后,下一步就是将联系人添加到列表中。 打开新的电子邮件列表,然后单击“添加联系人”按钮。

Add Contacts to Your Constant Contact Email List

As you can see in the above screenshot, Constant Contact lets you add contacts in multiple ways. You can type in a contact, upload from a file, or import from Gmail, Outlook, and other apps.

如您在上面的屏幕截图中所见,Constant Contact允许您以多种方式添加联系人。 您可以输入联系人,从文件上传或从Gmail,Outlook和其他应用程序导入。

If you want to grow your email list faster, see our guide on easy ways to grow an email list.


步骤3:细分您的电子邮件列表 (Step 3: Segment Your Email List)

Once you have an email list, the next step is to segment it. Email segmentation is the most critical aspect of doing a successful email blast.

有了电子邮件列表后,下一步就是对其进行细分。 电子邮件细分是成功进行电子邮件爆炸的最关键方面。

Email segmentation is dividing your email subscribers into smaller groups or segments to send highly targeted emails.


You can segment your email subscribers based on gender, age, geographical location, interests, purchase history, contact activity, etc.


For example, a book store may create different segments for the students of arts, physics, and maths and send different emails.


Email segmentation is a crucial task which must be done with a clear goal. You need to be clear on which type of subscribers to be included in a segment.

电子邮件分段是一项至关重要的任务,必须有一个明确的目标。 您需要明确细分中要包括的订户类型。

For more details, see this guide on smarter ways to segment your email list.


To create segments in Constant Contact, go to the ‘Contacts’ menu and click on the Segments link. After that, click on the Create Segment button.

要在Constant Contact中创建细分,请转到“联系人”菜单,然后单击细分链接。 之后,点击创建细分按钮。

Create Segment Button in Constant Contact

In the next screen, you can create a segment by choosing the right criteria for your needs.


Create a Segment in Constant Contact

As you can see in the screenshot above, Constant Contact lets you create segments based on contact activity like emails sent, opened, clicked, or did not open. You can also include email subscribers by contact details, including job title, city, country, etc.

如您在上面的屏幕截图中所见,Constant Contact允许您根据联系人活动(例如发送,打开,单击或未打开的电子邮件)创建细分。 您还可以通过联系方式包括电子邮件订阅者,包括职务,城市,国家等。

步骤4:建立目标电子邮件活动 (Step 4: Create a Targeted Email Campaign)

After creating segments, the next task is to create a targeted email campaign or an email blast. There can be different ways you can create an email campaign depending on the email marketing software you use.

创建细分后,下一个任务是创建目标电子邮件活动或电子邮件爆炸。 根据您使用的电子邮件营销软件,可以有多种创建电子邮件活动的方法。

To create an email campaign in Constant Contact, go to the ‘Campaigns’ menu, and then click the Create button.


Create welcome email campaign

Next, you can choose the Email option.


Select Email Campaign

After that, you will see hundreds of pre-made email templates ready for use. You can preview the templates one by one or simply type in your keywords to search a template.

之后,您将看到数百个可随时使用的预制电子邮件模板。 您可以一个一个地预览模板,也可以直接输入关键字来搜索模板。

For example, we will search for the keyword ‘sale’.

例如,我们将搜索关键字“ sale”。

Constant Contact Email Templates for Sale

As you can see in the screenshot above, the available templates for sales will appear. For example, we will choose ‘Limited Time Sale.’

如您在上面的屏幕截图中所见,将出现可用的销售模板。 例如,我们将选择“限时销售”。

After that, the email campaign builder page will open. First, name your campaign.

之后,将打开电子邮件活动构建器页面。 首先,为您的广告系列命名。

Name Your Email Campaign

Next, click on the area above your template to open your email settings.


After that, you need to edit your email subject line. You can also personalize your email subject line by adding the subscriber’s name. Click on the ‘Personalize’ option.

之后,您需要编辑您的电子邮件主题行。 您还可以通过添加订阅者的姓名来个性化您的电子邮件主题行。 单击“个性化”选项。

Subject Line Settings for Email Blast in Constant Contact

Next, you can choose the first name or any other contact detail to insert in your subject line.


You can also enter a generic name like Customer, User, or Friend to address users whose names are not available. Once done, click on the ‘Insert’ button.

您也可以输入通用名称(例如“客户”,“用户”或“朋友”)来寻址名称不可用的用户。 完成后,单击“插入”按钮。

Personalize Subject Line for Your Email Blast in Constant Contact

You will see some text with big brackets added in your subject line. For example, [[FIRSTNAME OR “User”]] in the screenshot below.

您会在主题行中看到一些带有大括号的文本。 例如,下面的屏幕截图中的[[FIRSTNAME OR“ User”]]

Subject Line Personalized in Constant Contact Email Blast

After that, edit your email preheader, from Name (company or organization name), from address, and then click the Save button.


Save Email Settings Constant Contact

Next step is to customize your email body. You can simply point and click on any element in the email to edit or change it.

下一步是自定义您的电子邮件正文。 您只需指向并单击电子邮件中的任何元素即可对其进行编辑或更改。

Customize Your Email in Constant Contact

You can also drag and drop Build elements and layouts from the left sidebar.


Once your email design is complete, you can check and preview your email. If it looks good to you, then click on the ‘Continue’ button at the top right corner.

电子邮件设计完成后,您可以检查和预览电子邮件。 如果您觉得不错,请点击右上角的“继续”按钮。

In the next screen, you will see email send (blasting) options. You can select recipients from email lists or segments. For example, we will choose the segment that we created earlier.

在下一个屏幕中,您将看到电子邮件发送(发送)选项。 您可以从电子邮件列表或细分中选择收件人。 例如,我们将选择之前创建的细分。

Send Your Constant Contact Email Blast

On the right sidebar, you will see options to send your email campaign now or schedule for later.


步骤5:衡量结果并改善电子邮件的可传递性 (Step 5: Measure Results and Improve Email Deliverability)

Sending an email campaign does not mean that your work is done. After posting your email blast, you need to measure your results and see how the recipients are interacting with them.

发送电子邮件活动并不意味着您的工作已经完成。 在发布电子邮件爆炸后,您需要测量结果并查看收件人如何与他们进行交互。

Top email marketing services like Constant Contact have built-in email stats feature.

顶级电子邮件营销服务(如Constant Contact)具有内置的电子邮件统计功能。

To view your email campaign stats, click on the ‘Reporting’ menu on the top.


Constant Contact Email Blast Reporting

You can also see the performance of your email campaigns individually by clicking on them.


You will see the email open rate, the total sent emails, bounces, and successful deliveries. The reports will also reveal click rate, did not open, unsubscribes, and marked spam stats.

您将看到电子邮件打开率,已发送电子邮件,退回和成功发送的总数。 这些报告还将显示点击率,未打开,取消订阅和标记为垃圾邮件状态。

Constant Contact Email Stats

The biggest challenge of email blasting is email deliverability. A lot of times, your emails don’t get delivered at all or sent to the spam box directly.

电子邮件爆炸的最大挑战是电子邮件的可传递性。 很多时候,您的电子邮件根本无法传递或直接发送到垃圾邮件箱。

Here are some proven techniques to improve email deliverability:


  • Update your email list time to time to remove fake email addresses, deleted emails, etc.

  • Maintain the frequency of your emails (no spikes)

  • Avoid misleading subject lines

  • Make your emails useful with vaubale and engaging content

最佳电子邮件爆炸示例 (Best Email Blast Examples)

There are mainly 2 types of emails used for marketing: Broadcast Emails (Email blasts) and Triggered Emails.


The triggered emails are automated emails which are sent to the users following their action. For example, you can send a triggered welcome email after a user subscribes to your list.

触发的电子邮件是自动电子邮件,将在用户操作后发送给用户。 例如,您可以在用户订阅您的列表之后发送触发的欢迎电子邮件。

Email blasts are different because you will manually create campaigns and send to a large segment at once. Email blasting is done with the belief that the single message will be useful to every subscriber in a list or segment.

电子邮件爆炸是不同的,因为您将手动创建广告系列并立即发送到很大一部分。 进行电子邮件爆炸的目的是相信单个消息对列表或分段中的每个订户都是有用的。

It means that you cannot broadcast a welcome email to your entire email list containing your already-purchased customers.


Hence, email blasts can be used only for specific purposes. Here are the best email blast examples:

因此,电子邮件爆炸只能用于特定目的。 这是最好的电子邮件爆炸示例:

1. Flash Sale


If you are offering flash sale, you can send mass emails in bulk to inform all of your subscribers.


Following are a couple of subject line example for flash sale email blast:


  • [FLASH SALE] Fashion Shoes 40%-60% off!

    [FLASH SALE]时尚鞋40%-60%off!
  • [LAST CHANCE] 40%-60% off sale ends today!


2. Event Information like Webinars


If you conduct online training and webinars for your users, you can send mass emails.


Here are a couple of email subject lines for event information email blast:


  • LIVE Training: 10 steps to create a winning email campaign

  • Join us LIVE, tomorrow at 5 PM for a FREE marketing class


3. New Products


You can send an email blast when you launch a new product. It’s best to segment your list into already purchased customers and new subscribers, so you can send different campaigns to them.

您可以在启动新产品时发送电子邮件爆炸。 最好将您的列表细分为已购买的客户和新订户,以便向他们发送不同的广告系列。

4. Newsletters


Newsletters are the most common type of broadcast emails. News, magazine websites, blogs, as well as business or non-profit organization send newsletters to inform their subscribers about the latest news.

新闻通讯是最常见的广播电子邮件类型。 新闻,杂志网站, 博客以及商业或非营利组织都会发送新闻快讯,以通知订户有关最新新闻。

We hope this article helped you to learn what is an email blast and how to do an email blast the right way. You may also want to see our guide on how to get a free business email address.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解什么是电子邮件爆炸以及如何以正确的方式进行电子邮件爆炸。 您可能还希望查看我们的指南, 了解如何获得免费的企业电子邮件地址

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/what-is-an-email-blast-how-to-do-an-email-blast-the-right-way/


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