

Are you looking for the best WordPress themes for universities and colleges?


There are plenty of themes on the market for corporate and small businesses, but they may not be suitable for an educational organization. For a university website, you need a theme that can offer a fully professional layout design and integrates with WordPress resources.

市场上有许多针对公司和小型企业的主题,但它们可能不适合教育组织。 对于大学网站,您需要一个主题,该主题可以提供完全专业的布局设计并与WordPress资源集成。

In this article, we will share some of the best WordPress themes for universities and colleges that you can use.


Best WordPress Themes for Universities
使用WordPress构建大学或学院的网站 (Building a University or College Website with WordPress)

Many top universities and colleges across the world use WordPress. It is easy to set up and can be customized for educational websites.

全世界许多顶级大学和学院都使用WordPress。 它易于设置,并可针对教育网站进行自定义。

There are 2 kinds of WordPress websites. WordPress.com, which is a hosting solution, and WordPress.org, also known as self-hosted WordPress. To learn more, see our full comparison between WordPress.com vs WordPress.org.

WordPress网站有2种。 WordPress.com是托管解决方案,而WordPress.org也称为自托管WordPress。 要了解更多信息,请参阅WordPress.com与WordPress.org之间的完整比较。

For a university website, you will need to use self-hosted WordPress.org. It’s highly flexible and easy to use. You get all the core features for free, including the ability to use add-ons (plugins) to extend your site’s functionality.

对于大学网站,您将需要使用自托管的WordPress.org。 它高度灵活且易于使用。 您可以免费获得所有核心功能,包括使用加载项(插件)扩展站点功能的能力。

Before you start, you will also need a domain name. This is your website’s address on the internet, like wpbeginner.com.

在开始之前,您还需要一个域名 。 这是您的网站在互联网上的地址,例如wpbeginner.com

You will also need web hosting that’s suitable for running a WordPress site. Your web host stores your site contents securely. It makes your site available worldwide, 24/7, to all the people who want to visit it.

您还将需要适合运行WordPress网站的网络托管 。 您的虚拟主机可以安全地存储您的网站内容。 它使您想在全球范围内全天候访问的人都可以访问您的网站。

We recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the largest hosting companies in the world and an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

我们建议使用Bluehost 。 他们是世界上最大的托管公司之一,也是官方推荐的WordPress托管提供商。

Bluehost offer for WPBeginner readers

For WPBeginner users, Bluehost offers a free domain name, a free SSL certificate, and up to 65% discount on web hosting.

对于WPBeginner用户, Bluehost提供了免费域名,免费SSL证书以及最多65%的Web托管折扣。

After signing up for a hosting account, you can go ahead and install WordPress. Follow our step by step guide on how to make a website and you will be ready to launch in no time.

注册托管帐户后,您可以继续安装WordPress。 按照我们关于如何建立网站的分步指南,您将立即准备启动。

Now, let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress themes to use for a university or college website.


1.阿斯特拉 (1. Astra)


Astra is a modern WordPress theme built for any type of website. It comes with hundreds of demo sites, including a few templates for colleges, universities, and educational institutions.

Astra是为任何类型的网站构建的现代WordPress主题。 它带有数百个演示站点,包括一些用于大学,大学和教育机构的模板。

It has a fullscreen custom header image, centered layout, homepage sections, and more. Astra is compatible with all popular WordPress plugins. This includes WordPress user registration plugins to let students sign up on your website.

它具有全屏自定义标题图像,居中布局,主页部分等。 Astra与所有流行的WordPress插件兼容。 这包括WordPress用户注册插件 ,可让学生在您的网站上注册。

2.超 (2. Ultra)


Ultra is a powerful WordPress all-purpose theme. It ships with multiple ready-made websites you can install in 1-click. Each design can be easily customized using its theme options panel.

Ultra是一个功能强大的WordPress通用主题。 它附带了多个现成的网站,您可以一键安装。 每个设计都可以使用其主题选项面板轻松进行自定义。

It includes all the features you’d expect from a premium WordPress theme like an image slider, pricing tables, progress bar, animated counters, and more. It’s WooCommerce ready and packed with countless combinations of different layout options, header styles, colors, and design choices.

它包括您希望从高级WordPress主题获得的所有功能,例如图像滑块,定价表,进度栏, 动画计数器等。 WooCommerce随时可用,并包含无数不同布局选项,标题样式,颜色和设计选择的组合。

3. Divi (3. Divi)


Divi is a stylish WordPress multipurpose theme. It comes with a built-in page builder that lets you customize your website visually without editing any code.

Divi是一个时尚的WordPress多功能主题。 它带有内置的页面构建器,可让您直观地自定义网站,而无需编辑任何代码。

With their ready-made template for universities and colleges, you can quickly launch your website and offer online courses to students. It also integrates with popular WordPress plugins to add more features to your site, such as a bbPress forum.

借助其适用于大学的现成模板,您可以快速启动网站并为学生提供在线课程。 它还与流行的WordPress插件集成以向您的网站添加更多功能,例如bbPress论坛

The Divi builder is user-friendly and makes it simple to add elements like a contact form to your site. The admin panel for the theme allows you to upload a custom header and logo, and easily add social media icons.

Divi构建器非常易于使用,可以轻松地向您的站点添加联系人表单之类的元素。 通过主题的管理面板,您可以上传自定义标题和徽标,并轻松添加社交媒体图标。

4. OceanWP (4. OceanWP)


OceanWP is a beautiful and responsive WordPress theme well-suited for your college or university website or for an education center. It comes with free and premium demo sites that you can import in 1-click to launch your website quickly.

OceanWP是一个美观且响应Swift的 WordPress主题,非常适合您的学院或大学网站或教育中心。 它带有免费和高级的演示站点,您可以通过单击一下导入该站点,以快速启动您的网站。

The theme has a fast page load time that attracts more visitors to your site. It’s translation ready and supports RTL languages out of the box.

主题具有快速的页面加载时间,可以吸引更多访问者访问您的网站。 它已准备好翻译,并支持现成的RTL语言

5. Hestia Pro (5. Hestia Pro)

Hestia Pro

Hestia Pro is a stunning WordPress one-page theme suitable for educational institutes. It’s highly flexible and easy to set up using your favorite drag and drop page builders like Beaver Builder.

Hestia Pro是一个令人惊叹的WordPress一页主题,适合教育机构使用。 使用您喜欢的拖放页面构建器(例如Beaver Builder),它具有高度的灵活性和易于设置的功能。

Inside, you will find a few website templates, blog page layouts, custom landing pages, and more. It integrates with WooCommerce and WooCommerce plugins to sell courses online.

在内部,您将找到一些网站模板,博客页面布局,自定义登录页面等。 它与WooCommerce和WooCommerce插件集成以在线销售课程

6. Academy Pro (6. Academy Pro)

Academy Pro

Academy Pro is a powerful theme for universities and educational institutions. It’s strong and secure and a great option for building your site.

Academy Pro是大学和教育机构的有力主题。 它既强大又安全,是构建网站的绝佳选择。

Academy Pro lets you create online courses using tools like LearnDash, memberships, digital downloads, and more. The theme also supports video content to add lectures and to train online.

Academy Pro可让您使用LearnDash ,会员资格, 数字下载等工具来创建在线课程。 该主题还支持视频内容,以增加讲座和在线培训。

StudioPress is now part of WP Engine, the most popular managed WordPress hosting company. You can get this theme and all 35+ other StudioPress themes when you sign up for WP Engine hosting to build your website.

StudioPress现在是WP Engine(最流行的托管WordPress托管公司)的一部分 。 当您注册WP Engine托管以构建您的网站时,您可以获取此主题以及所有其他35+个StudioPress主题。

Bonus: WPBeginner users also get an additional 20% OFF. Get started with WP Engine today!

奖励: WPBeginner用户还可以获得额外20%的折扣。 立即开始使用WP Engine!

7.学术专业版 (7. Academica Pro)

Academica Pro

Academica Pro is one of the best education WordPress themes. It features a widgetized 3-column homepage layout with event calendar integration.

Academica Pro是最好的教育WordPress主题之一。 它具有带有事件日历集成功能的3列小部件主页布局。

There are multiple header styles to choose from with 4 layout choices for your posts and pages. It also includes colors for text widgets, custom logo upload, and unlimited color choices. It’s WooCommerce ready so you can also add an online store to your college website.

有多种标题样式可供选择,您的帖子和页面有4种布局选择。 它还包括用于文本小部件的颜色, 自定义徽标上传和无限的颜色选择。 WooCommerce已准备就绪,因此您也可以将在线商店添加到您的大学网站。

8. EduPro (8. EduPro)


EduPro is a WordPress theme designed specifically for education websites. Its homepage contains a large slider on top with your call-to-action button. It displays your recent news, courses, and student testimonials in a grid layout.

EduPro是专门为教育网站设计的WordPress主题。 其首页上有一个大型滑块,上面有号召性用语按钮 。 它以网格布局显示您的最新新闻,课程和学生推荐。

It includes custom widgets for recent posts and a newsletter signup form. It’s quite easy to set up with a custom theme options panel and a drag and drop page builder. You can also use a plugin like LearnPress to create courses for online learning on your site.

它包括用于最新帖子的自定义小部件和新闻简报注册表单。 设置自定义主题选项面板和拖放页面构建器非常容易。 您还可以使用LearnPress之类的插件在您的站点上创建在线学习课程。

9.动机 (9. Motive)


Motive is a multipurpose WordPress theme. It’s flexibly designed for different kinds of websites, including colleges and universities.

动机是一个多用途的WordPress主题。 它是针对各种类型的网站(包括学院和大学)而灵活设计的。

It comes in 2 different styles and features a premium slider plugin, post formats, sticky navigation, parallax effects, custom post types, and more.

它具有2种不同的样式,并具有高级滑块插件 ,帖子格式,粘性导航,视差效果,自定义帖子类型等。

Motive works with all popular WordPress plugins. You can easily use plugins to add things like an events calendar to your theme.

Motive适用于所有流行的WordPress插件。 您可以轻松地使用插件向您的主题添加事件日历等内容。

10.在场 (10. Presence)


Presence is a gorgeous WordPress multipurpose theme designed for businesses, non-profits, universities, and training centers. It includes 10 ready-made demo sites, including one for a university or college.

Presence是一个华丽的WordPress多用途主题,专为企业,非营利组织,大学和培训中心设计。 它包括10个现成的演示站点,其中一个用于大学或学院。

Even better, it has 6 pre-defined color schemes, 3 slider styles, 4 blog layouts, and full-width and boxed layouts. You can fully edit your website using the WordPress live customizer.

更好的是,它具有6种预定义的配色方案,3种滑块样式,4种博客布局以及全角和盒装布局。 您可以使用WordPress实时定制器来完全编辑您的网站。

11.尼夫 (11. Neve)


Neve is a fantastic WordPress responsive theme that looks great on the front-end. It offers dozens of starter sites, including a classic template for universities, colleges, and online tutors.

Neve是一个很棒的WordPress响应主题,在前端看起来很棒。 它提供了许多入门网站,包括用于大学,学院和在线辅导老师的经典模板。

It supports WordPress page builders like Elementor Pro for easy customization. Other notable features include custom widgets, color schemes, and RTL language support.

它支持诸如Elementor Pro之类的WordPress页面构建器,可轻松自定义。 其他值得注意的功能包括自定义小部件,配色方案和RTL语言支持。

Neve uses responsive design. This means your site will look great to students and parents browsing on mobile devices, as well as to those using computers.

Neve使用响应式设计 。 这意味着您的网站对在移动设备上浏览的学生和家长以及使用计算机的家长和网站看起来都很不错。

12.黑板 (12. Blackboard)


Blackboard is a classic WordPress theme for schools, colleges, and universities. It makes a great education WordPress theme, with an attractive website header and multiple page templates.

黑板是学校,学院和大学的经典WordPress主题。 它具有出色的教育性WordPress主题,具有诱人的网站标题和多个页面模板

It comes with unlimited color schemes and flexible customization options. You can also use a page builder like Visual Composer to make changes to your website.

它带有无限的配色方案和灵活的自定义选项。 您还可以使用页面构建器(如Visual Composer)对网站进行更改。

13.资本 (13. Capital)


Capital is an elegant WordPress theme designed specifically for education, corporate, and non-profit websites. It has a widgetized homepage for quick and easy setup.

Capital是一个优雅的WordPress主题,专门为教育,企业和非营利性网站设计。 它具有微件化的主页,可快速轻松地进行设置。

Other notable features include an event calendar, homepage builder, full-width slideshow, eCommerce integration, and so on. It’s compatible with WPML to create a multilingual website.

其他值得注意的功能包括事件日历,主页构建器,全角幻灯片放映,电子商务集成等。 它与WPML兼容,可以创建一个多语言的网站

14.单色 (14. Monochrome)

Monochrome Pro

Monochrome is an excellent WordPress theme that features a spacious, minimalist design that would work for any kind of website you want to build.

Monochrome是一个出色的WordPress主题,具有宽敞, 简约的设计,适用于您要构建的任何类型的网站。

It’s eCommerce ready, making it a great option for elearning and online education too. Monochrome has a fully widgetized homepage, custom widgets, and 4 dedicated widget areas. Other features include customizable headers with custom logo support, landing pages, pricing page, and more.

它已经做好了电子商务的准备,也使其成为在线学习和在线教育的绝佳选择。 Monochrome具有完整的窗口小部件主页, 自定义窗口小部件和4个专用窗口小部件区域。 其他功能包括带有自定义徽标支持的可自定义标题,着陆页,定价页面等。

15.内玛 (15. Nayma)


Nayma is a good-looking WordPress multipurpose theme suitable for all kinds of websites. It comes with 8 ready-made website designs, and each one of them is easy to customize using a drag and drop builder, such as Visual Customizer.

Nayma是一个漂亮的WordPress多功能主题,适用于各种网站。 它带有8个现成的网站设计,并且每个设计都可以使用拖放生成器(例如Visual Customizer)轻松进行自定义。

It includes modules for photo galleries, sliders, carousels, testimonials, call-to-action, and more.

它包括照相馆 ,滑块,轮播,推荐书,号召性用语等模块。

16.学校 (16. School)


School is a perfect WordPress theme for academic and educational institutions, including universities. It lets you display information about your elementary school, college, or university on the homepage professionally.

学校是包括大学在内的学术和教育机构的完美WordPress主题。 它使您可以在主页上专业显示有关小学,大学或大学的信息。

Some of the most important features include a custom slider, image galleries, unlimited colors, Google Fonts, and video embeds. It has built-in speed and performance optimization for fast loading pages.

一些最重要的功能包括自定义滑块,图像库,无限颜色,Google字体和视频嵌入。 它具有内置的速度和性能优化功能 ,可快速加载页面。

17. Edu Care (17. Edu Care)

Edu Care

Edu Care is a free WordPress theme designed specifically for colleges and universities. It features a clean, modern layout with a slider on the homepage.

Edu Care是一个免费的WordPress主题,专门为高校设计。 它具有干净,现代的布局,主页上带有滑块。

It is easy to set up using the live theme customizer. It supports custom backgrounds, headers, multiple sidebars, a separate blog page template, and more.

使用实时主题定制器很容易设置。 它支持自定义背景,标题, 多个侧边栏 ,单独的博客页面模板等。

18.诺顿 (18. Neuton)


Neuton is a great choice of WordPress theme if you want to build a content-rich website for your university or college magazine. It’s a magazine-style WordPress theme that features a masonry grid layout.

如果您想为大学或学院杂志建立内容丰富的网站, Neuton是WordPress主题的理想选择。 这是杂志风格的WordPress主题,具有砌体网格布局。

It comes with custom widgets for content discovery features that keep users engaged and increase your page views. The homepage is available in 2 styles and can also be set up with widgets easily.

它带有用于内容发现功能的自定义窗口小部件,可以使用户参与并增加您的页面浏览量。 主页有2种样式,也可以通过小部件轻松设置。

Neuton is also designed for good WordPress SEO (search engine optimization) to help your site rank highly in Google and other search engines.

Neuton还设计用于出色的WordPress SEO(搜索引擎优化) ,可帮助您的网站在Google和其他搜索引擎中排名很高。

19.大学中心 (19. University Hub)

University Hub

University Hub is a free WordPress theme built for high schools, colleges, and universities. It has an elegant layout design with beautiful color choices for header, icons, buttons, and text.

University Hub是一个免费的WordPress主题,适用于高中,大学和大学。 它具有优雅的布局设计,可以为页眉,图标,按钮和文本选择漂亮的颜色。

It features a full-width template, content slider, custom background, footer widgets, left sidebar, and more. It’s easy to set up using the WordPress customizer with live preview.

它具有全角模板,内容滑块, 自定义背景 ,页脚小部件,左侧边栏等。 使用WordPress定制工具进行实时预览很容易进行设置。

You can easily add plugins to University Hub, including ones that use shortcodes. This lets you extend the theme’s features.

您可以轻松地将插件添加到University Hub,包括使用短代码的插件。 这使您可以扩展主题的功能。

20.基础 (20. Foundation)


Foundation is a unique WordPress theme for universities and academic institutions. It comes with a 3-column layout and a sidebar navigation menu.

Foundation是大学和学术机构的独特WordPress主题。 它带有3列布局和侧边栏导航菜单

It supports video content to add online courses easily. With built-in color styles and variations, it lets you design a fully customized website in just a few clicks.

它支持视频内容以轻松添加在线课程。 借助内置的颜色样式和变体,您只需单击几下即可设计一个完全自定义的网站。

21.教育Xpert (21. Education Xpert)

Education Xpert

Education Xpert is a free and advanced WordPress theme for universities. It comes with a 1-click demo content import to launch your website and replace the content to make it yours.

Education Xpert是适用于大学的免费和高级WordPress主题。 它带有一键式演示内容导入功能,可启动您的网站并替换内容使其成为您的网站。

The theme lets you display your courses, teachers, testimonials, and history of the institution. It is SEO friendly, translation ready, and lets you add a custom header and logo.

该主题可让您显示您的课程,教师,推荐书和机构的历史。 它是SEO友好的,可以翻译,并且可以添加自定义标题和徽标。

22.教育专业版 (22. Education Pro)

Education Pro

Education Pro is a modern WordPress theme for universities. It comes with multiple page templates for default, archives, blog, and landing pages.

Education Pro是适用于大学的现代WordPress主题。 它带有用于默认页面,存档页面,博客页面和登录页面的多个页面模板。

It has a custom theme options panel, and it also supports the live theme customizer. The homepage has 4 widget ready areas that let you drag and drop widgets quickly.

它具有自定义主题选项面板,还支持实时主题定制器。 主页上有4个准备就绪的小部件区域,可让您快速拖放小部件

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress themes for universities and colleges. You may also want to check out our guide on the best WordPress LMS plugins to add a learning management system to your site.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适用于大学和学院的最佳WordPress主题。 您可能还想查看有关最佳WordPress LMS插件的指南,以将学习管理系统添加到您的站点。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-wordpress-themes-for-universities/






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