如何使用WP RSS聚合器在WordPress中提取供稿

All WordPress websites are capable of publishing RSS feeds. WordPress also has built-in support to fetch any RSS feed and display them on your site. You can simply go to Appearance » Widgets and drag the RSS widget to your sidebar, which will allow you to enter any feed URL and display it. But what if you wanted to do more with those feeds? Like creating an aggregation website in your industry or something like Alltop? In this article, we will show you how to fetch feeds in WordPress using WP RSS Aggregator.

所有WordPress网站都可以发布RSS feed 。 WordPress还具有内置支持,可获取任何RSS feed并将其显示在您的站点上。 您只需转到外观»窗口小部件,然后将RSS窗口小部件拖动到侧边栏,即可输入任何供稿URL并显示它。 但是,如果您想对这些提要做更多的事情,该怎么办? 像是在您的行业中创建一个聚合网站或诸如Alltop之类的网站? 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何使用WP RSS Aggregator在WordPress中提取供稿。

First thing you need to do is install and activate the WP RSS Aggregator plugin. The basic plugin is available for free, but you will need to purchase add-ons to take full advantage of this powerful plugin. We will cover these add-ons here and you can decide which ones you need on your website.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活WP RSS Aggregator插件。 基本插件是免费提供的,但是您需要购买附加组件才能充分利用此强大的插件。 我们将在这里介绍这些附加组件,您可以在网站上决定需要哪些附加组件。

After activating the plugin you will notice a new top level menu item in your WordPress admin sidebar, labeled RSS Agregator. To add a new feed, you need to go to RSS Aggregator » Add New.

激活插件后,您将在WordPress管理侧栏中看到一个新的顶级菜单项,标记为RSS Agregator。 要添加新的提要,您需要转到RSS Aggregator»添加新的

Adding a new RSS Feed

Simply add a title for the feed, e.g. WPBeginner. After that enter the feed URL, e.g. https://www.wpbeginner.com/feed and a description of the feed (optional). Once you are done, click on the Publish feed button.

只需为提要添加标题,例如WPBeginner 。 之后,输入提要URL,例如https://www.wpbeginner.com/feed和提要的描述(可选)。 完成后,单击“发布提要”按钮。

That’s all WP RSS Aggregator is now ready to fetch and display the feed you just added. Repeat the process if you want to add more RSS feeds.

至此,WP RSS Aggregator便已准备就绪,可以提取并显示刚刚添加的提要。 如果要添加更多RSS feed,请重复此过程。

To display the feeds on your site, simply add this shortcode in a WordPress post or page:




You can also use this shortcode in a text widget on your sidebar. If the shortcode does not work in the widget, then you need to add this code in your theme’s functions.php file:

您也可以在侧边栏的文本小部件中使用此短代码。 如果该短代码在小部件中不起作用,则需要在主题的functions.php文件中添加以下代码:

add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');

如何显示带有提要的帖子缩略图和节选 (How to Display Post Thumbnails and Excerpts with Feeds)

To display feed entries with post excerpts and thumbnails, you will need to install and activate the Excerpts & Thumbnails extension for WP RSS Aggregator. It is a paid add-on sold separately.

要显示带有帖子摘录缩略图的提要条目,您将需要安装并激活WP RSS Aggregator的“ 摘录和缩略图”扩展程序。 它是单独出售的付费附件。

The add-on works out of the box, so the news feed you have setup earlier will now be able to display thumbnails and excerpts. However, you can configure the settings for thumbnails and excerpts from RSS Aggregator » Settings screen.

该加载项开箱即用,因此您之前设置的新闻提要现在将能够显示缩略图和摘录。 但是,您可以从RSS Aggregator»设置屏幕配置缩略图和摘录的设置

WP RSS Aggregator Settings
将提要导入到帖子或任何自定义帖子类型中 (Import Feeds into Posts or Any Custom Post Type)

You can also import feeds from your sources as posts or custom post types in your WordPress blog. To do that you will need to install and activate Feed to Post add-on. Upon activation, it will automatically disable Excerpts and Thumbnails add-on due to compatibility issue. Feed to Post add-on will automatically fetch excerpts/content and thumbnails from your feed sources.

您也可以在WordPress博客中从源中将源作为帖子或自定义帖子类型导入。 为此,您将需要安装并激活Feed to Post加载项。 激活后,由于兼容性问题,它将自动禁用摘录和缩略图加载项。 Feed to Post加载项将自动从您的Feed来源中摘录/内容和缩略图。

To configure the add-on, you need to go to RSS Aggregator » Settings and click on Feed to Post tab. On this screen, you can choose how you would like to import feeds to your site. You can choose post type, post format, categories, and decide how to handle images and other media.

要配置插件,您需要转到RSS Aggregator»设置 ,然后单击Feed to Post选项卡。 在此屏幕上,您可以选择想要将提要导入网站的方式。 您可以选择帖子类型,帖子格式,类别,并决定如何处理图像和其他媒体。

Importing feeds as posts using WP RSS Aggregator
关键字过滤供稿源 (Keyword Filtering Feed Sources)

It is also possible to create a feed aggregator based on specific topics and keywords. You can configure WP RSS Aggregator to only fetch feed items that match certain keywords, phrases, or tags. To enable this feature, you will need to install and activate Keyword Filtering addon for WP RSS Aggregator. Upon installation simply go to plugin’s settings page and click on the Keyword Filtering tab. On this screen you can add keywords and tags to filter.

也可以根据特定主题和关键字来创建Feed聚合器。 您可以将WP RSS Aggregator配置为仅获取与某些关键字,短语或标签匹配的提要项。 要启用此功能,您将需要安装并激活WP RSS Aggregator的关键字过滤插件。 安装后,只需转到插件的设置页面,然后单击“关键字过滤”选项卡。 在此屏幕上,您可以添加关键字和标签进行过滤。

Filtering feed sources for specific keywords

RSS feeds are a powerful tool which can be used to curate and aggregate content for niche audiences and create community websites. We hope that you found this article helpful in adding external feeds to WordPress using WP RSS Aggregator.

RSS feed是一个功能强大的工具,可用于为利基受众策划和汇总内容并创建社区网站。 我们希望您发现本文对使用WP RSS Aggregator将外部提要添加到WordPress有所帮助。

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翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-fetch-feeds-in-wordpress-using-wp-rss-aggregator/





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