
It seems that every day WordPress theme’s are getting more advanced and robust. This is a good thing for the existing developers that know what they are doing in terms of coding, but it puts a lot of new designers and developers in a very tough position. Everyone wants to have a theme full of functions, but the more features you add the more complicated it gets. How do you make it easy for clients to use while still having those cool user-interface and options in your themes? The answer is custom write panels. We hinted that in our tutorial about WordPress Custom Fields 101, but the fact is that a lot of new designers would have difficulties hard coding a custom write panel. So in this article, we are going to share a free plugin called More Fields which lets you add any number of fields into custom meta boxes on any content type (posts, pages, and custom post types).

似乎每天WordPress主题都在变得越来越先进和强大。 对于知道他们在编码方面正在做的事情的现有开发人员来说,这是一件好事,但是这使许多新设计人员和开发人员处境非常艰难。 每个人都希望拥有一个功能齐全的主题,但是添加的功能越多,主题就越复杂。 您如何使客户易于使用,同时仍然在主题中保留那些很酷的用户界面和选项? 答案是自定义书写面板。 我们在关于WordPress自定义字段101的教程中暗示了这一点,但事实是,许多新设计师很难对自定义书写面板进行编码。 因此,在本文中,我们将共享一个名为More Fields的免费插件,该插件可让您将任意数量的字段添加到任何内容类型(帖子,页面和自定义帖子类型)的自定义meta框中。

为什么要使用“更多字段”? (Why should you use More Fields?)

To make it easy for your clients to use WordPress. It is really hard for new users to understand the whole concept of custom fields. This was one of the reasons why it is hidden by default from the post write screen in the WordPress admin area. So if you are going to require your clients to enter any sort of custom field value, it is probably best to give them an easy to use interface to work with. More fields lets you do just that. You can add radio buttons, checkboxes, text fields, text area, wysiwyg editors and much more. The best part is that you don’t have to do the coding for the backend. It is all done through More Fields plugin. Watch the video to see how I did it in less than 3 minutes.

为了使您的客户轻松使用WordPress。 新用户真的很难理解自定义字段的整个概念。 这是默认情况下在WordPress管理区域中的帖子编写屏幕中将其隐藏的原因之一。 因此,如果您要要求客户输入任何类型的自定义字段值,最好给他们一个易于使用的界面。 更多字段可让您做到这一点。 您可以添加单选按钮,复选框,文本字段,文本区域,所见即所得编辑器等。 最好的部分是您不必为后端进行编码。 全部通过“更多字段”插件完成。 观看视频,看看我是如何在不到3分钟的时间内完成的。

Do you use More Fields plugin? Are you going to use it? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

您是否使用“ 更多字段”插件? 您要使用它吗? 在下面的评论中分享您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-create-custom-write-panels-in-wordpress-with-more-fields-plugin/





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