

We’re beginning to enter an era in which math, reading, and writing aren’t the only essentials for students anymore: coding is becoming so important that there is a movement to begin teaching it as a part of core school curriculums.


Today, there are so many great resources online for learning the basics of coding, but some people want to take things a step further and deepen their knowledge—sometimes even making a career out of it. If you’re interested in moving beyond basic coding, pursuing a degree in computer science can help you land an interesting, fulfilling, and lucrative career after graduation.

如今,在线上有很多很棒的资源可用于学习编码的基础知识,但是有些人希望将事情做得更进一步,加深他们的知识,有时甚至可以从中谋取一份职业。 如果您对超越基本编码感兴趣,那么攻读计算机科学学位可以帮助您毕业后从事有趣,充实而有利可图的职业。

It’s never been a better time to become a computer scientist. Employment growth in the field is expected to reach 22% overall by 2020, and if you want to get in on the action, it’s a good idea to think about at least minoring in computer science and knowing how to code. For Computer Science Education Week, let’s explore some of the exciting career paths you can take with a computer science degree.

成为计算机科学家从来没有比现在更好。 预计到2020年,该领域的就业增长总体将达到22%,如果您想采取行动,那么至少考虑计算机科学方面的辅修知识并知道如何编码是一个好主意。 在“计算机科学教育周”上,让我们探索一下计算机科学学位可以采取的一些激动人心的职业道路。

Web Developer


Nearly every company and organization (and even many individuals) now has a website. Websites have grown far more complex, interactive, and visually appealing in the last two decades, and web developers are responsible for making them look and function the way they should. Using a variety of programming languages, web developers make a vision into reality.

现在几乎每个公司和组织(甚至很多个人)都有一个网站。 在过去的二十年中,网站变得更加复杂,互动且吸引人,并且Web开发人员有责任使网站以应有的方式外观和功能。 Web开发人员使用各种编程语言将愿景变为现实。

Software Development Engineer


Going beyond the application of programming languages to design websites, software engineers actually design and build software that solves problems or serves a specific function within an organization. Software engineers develop algorithms and analyze programming obstacles in order to create functional programs.

除了使用编程语言来设计网站之外,软件工程师实际上还可以设计和构建可解决问题或在组织内提供特定功能的软件。 软件工程师开发算法并分析编程障碍,以创建功能程序。

Cyber Security Engineer 


Cyber security is a growing concern as more and more of our sensitive information is being stored digitally, from health records to financial information. Cyber security engineers work to stay one step ahead of hackers and safeguard this type of information for organizations. Designing and building systems to keep malware and other attacks out is a challenging task that requires in-depth knowledge and problem-solving skills.

随着越来越多的敏感信息以数字方式存储(从健康记录到财务信息),网络安全受到越来越多的关注。 网络安全工程师致力于使黑客领先一步,并为组织保护此类信息。 设计和构建系统以阻止恶意软件和其他攻击是一项具有挑战性的任务,需要深入的知识和解决问题的技能。

Information Security Analyst


There are openings for analysts in many different fields, including data science, computer systems, and even criminal justice. Information security analyst jobs are expected to grow by 28 percent between 2016 and 2026, with some salaries being as high as six-figures. Analysts help identify patterns in data and can help inform strategic decision-making for organizations.

在许多不同领域为分析师提供了机会,包括数据科学,计算机系统,甚至刑事司法。 信息安全分析师的工作预计 在2016年至2026年之间 将增长 28% ,其中一些薪水将高达六位数。 分析师有助于识别数据模式,并有助于为组织的战略决策提供依据。

Mobile Applications Developer


Developers who create mobile apps and mobile sites operate in a similar way to software developers, only optimizing interfaces, functionality, and appearance for mobile, rather than for desktops and laptops. The future is mobile, and although the outlook for mobile developers is already very good, it will only become better as more and more of our time spent online is spent on mobile devices.

创建移动应用程序和移动站点的开发人员的操作与软件开发人员的操作类似,只是优化了移动设备的界面,功能和外观,而不是台式机和笔记本电脑。 未来是移动的,尽管移动开发人员的前景已经非常好,但随着我们越来越多的在线时间花在移动设备上,它的前景只会越来越好。

Tips for Success 


STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) graduates are in high demand among companies looking to innovate and expand. However, graduating with a degree in computer science can be a challenging journey, and you’ll need to be prepared for some bumps in the road. Here are a few tips for succeeding in the major.

在寻求创新和扩展的公司中,STEM(科学,技术,工程和数学)毕业生的需求很高。 但是,获得计算机科学学位可能是一个充满挑战的旅程,您需要为遇到的一些困难做好准备。 这里有一些成功修读专业的技巧。



Many people find that math and programming classes are a stumbling block when pursuing their computer science degrees. Persevering by studying hard and getting additional help with the classes you find difficult is the only way to gain the skills you need to succeed.

许多人发现,在攻读计算机科学学位时,数学和编程课是绊脚石。 坚持不懈地学习并在遇到困难的课程中获得更多帮助是获得成功所需技能的唯一途径。

Consider Cross-Specializing


More than ever, businesses are looking for people who know how to code…and then some. Having basic business knowledge and acumen is extremely helpful for getting a job after graduation, and commanding a higher salary. You could also choose to major in computer science or business, and minor in the other to show your versatility.

企业比以往任何时候都在寻找会编码的人……然后是一些。 具有基本的业务知识和敏锐度对于毕业后找到工作和要求更高的薪水非常有帮助。 您也可以选择主修计算机科学或商业,而辅修其他则显示您的多功能性。

Keep Up with Trends


Computer science fields move quickly since the technology is always evolving and changing. Keeping up with the trends while you’re still in school will help you learn relevant skills and get you in the habit of being aware of what’s new throughout your career. Right now, for example, cloud adoption is on the rise, and 92% of workloads will be on the cloud by 2020. Paying attention to what’s growing can help you decide which skills to focus on—and help you land a better job.

由于技术一直在发展和变化,因此计算机科学领域发展Swift。 在您上学时紧跟潮流,将帮助您学习相关技能,并使您养成在职业生涯中了解新事物的习惯。 例如,现在云的采用率正在上升,到2020年,将有92%的工作负载在云上。关注增长的趋势可以帮助您决定要专注于哪些技能,并帮助您找到更好的工作。

Know Your Strengths


Though many people are attracted to the field of computer science because it pays well and there are a lot of opportunities open, it’s important to know your strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Don’t go into the field just to make money—you won’t be happy, and you may not end up working in the field for long. If you like building things, consider becoming a software engineer. If you have curiosity and like to solve problems, think about data science. There’s something for everyone who has an aptitude for logic and problem-solving in computer science—it’s just a matter of finding what’s right for you.

尽管许多人因为薪水高,并且有很多开放的机会而被吸引到计算机科学领域,但是了解自己的优缺点非常重要。 不要仅仅为了赚钱而进入田野—您不会幸福,而且您可能不会长期从事田野工作。 如果您喜欢构建东西,请考虑成为一名软件工程师。 如果您有好奇心并且喜欢解决问题,请考虑数据科学。 对于每个在计算机科学中具有逻辑和问题解决能力的人来说,都有一些东西—这只是找到适合您的问题。

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/31539/What-Can-You-Do-With-a-Degree-in-Computer-Science.html






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