

As many of my friends are writing up their year, I thought I would put together some notes on mine.


数量上 (In numbers)

  • Posts to this blog: 39
  • Articles written for other publications: 16
  • Books published: 2
  • Perch releases: 25
  • Conferences spoken at: 14
  • Countries visited: 7
  • Miles run: 1384.5
  • 此博客的文章:39
  • 为其他出版物撰写的文章:16
  • 出版书籍:2
  • 鲈鱼发行:25
  • 大会发言:14
  • 访问国家:7
  • 行驶里程:1384.5

写作 (Writing)

I was explaining to someone the other day that I think through writing, and I really do. No matter what I am up to, there is an endless stream of stuff transmitted via my keyboard. I am lucky enough to get to publish that stuff, and some of my favourite pieces this year were:

前几天我在向某人解释我通过写作来思考的问题,我确实做到了。 不管我要做什么,都会通过键盘传输无尽的东西 。 我很幸运能够发表这些东西,今年我最喜欢的一些作品是:

旅行和会议 (Travel and conferences)

For one who used to be scared of airplanes I’ve been doing a lot of travel in 2014. Speaking on subjects from DevOps to side projects, CSS Grid to bootstrapping.

对于一个曾经害怕飞机的人, 我在2014年做了很多旅行 。 谈到从DevOps到副项目的主题,从CSS Grid到引导。

It’s hard to pick out a real favourite from the conferences I have been to as they were all excellent in different ways. At CSS Conf I got a chance to speak to other people who love CSS Grid as much as I do. UIKonf saw me speaking to a room full of iOS developers, which was only slightly less scary than the room full of Systems Administrators I finished the year speaking to at PuppetCamp. ConFoo is always a great event to attend and speak at, I know the multiple track conferences aren’t a favourite for everyone but I love the ability to really learn some new stuff by picking from the sessions there.

很难从我参加过的会议中挑选出真正的最爱,因为它们在不同方面都非常出色。 在CSS Conf上,我有机会和其他热爱CSS Grid的人交谈。 UIK onf看到我在一个挤满了iOS开发人员的房间里讲话,这比我今年在PuppetCamp结束的充满系统管理员的房间里的恐惧程度要少一些。 ConFoo始终是参加会议和演讲的好活动,我知道多场会议并不是每个人都喜欢的,但我喜欢能够从会议中挑选一些东西来真正学习一些新知识的能力。

If I did have to pick one event that really made my year it would have to be MicroConf in Prague. I really wanted to be able to attend MicroConf; and to be asked to speak was a real privilege. I felt that for a few days I really was with people who ‘got’ this bootstrapped microbusiness thing.

如果我确实必须挑选一个真正令我兴奋的赛事,那就必须是布拉格的MicroConf 。 我真的很想能够参加MicroConf。 并被要求发言是一项真正的特权。 我觉得有几天我真的和那些“了解”这个自举自足的微型企业的人在一起。

栖息 (Perch)

Perch turned 5 this year. We launched Perch Runway – our second product. We’ve shipped a huge amount of code. We have some lovely customers and it really is a privilege being part of what they do. Perch is a huge success by many measures, however I feel that in 2014 we didn’t move it forward as much as we might have done. We really need to get to a point where we can afford another developer and a community leader/support type role. I feel as if not getting to that point this year has been something of a personal failure. Must do better in 2015 as we have so many plans that are tough to execute with just the two of us.

鲈鱼今年已满 5岁。 我们推出了第二个产品Perch Runway 。 我们已经发布了大量的代码。 我们有一些可爱的客户,这确实是他们工作不可或缺的一部分。 从许多方面来看,Perch都是巨大的成功,但是我觉得2014年我们没有像我们所做的那样向前迈进。 我们确实需要达到可以负担其他开发人员和社区负责人/支持类型角色的地步。 我觉得今年没有达到这一点是个人失败。 我们必须在2015年做得更好,因为我们有太多计划,而我们两个人很难执行。

…以及其他与业务相关的事物 (… and other business-related things)

This blog has become VAT central over the last few months after I picked up on the horrible implications of the change of supply rules. I’ve also been advising an amazing group of ladies who are campaigning for a threshold for the smallest businesses. As we head into 2015 and the new legislation beginning, implementation is still very unclear. It isn’t just Perch that we’ve had to deal with the VAT issue for, but also my ebooks. In the next few days I need to move them to a different system, as we’ll be selling them through edgeofmyseat.com as the company is already VAT registered.

在我了解了供应规则变更的可怕影响之后的最后几个月,该博客已成为增值税的中心 。 我还一直在建议一群惊人的女士们,他们为最小的企业争取起点 。 随着我们进入2015年并开始实施新法规,执行情况仍很不清楚。 我们不仅要解决增值税问题,还需要我的电子书。 在接下来的几天里,我需要将它们转移到其他系统,因为我们将通过edgeofmyseat.com出售它们,因为该公司已经注册了增值税

Even before the whole VAT issue, I’d been thinking a lot about the implications of being a global, digital business. It’s not something we had to deal with as a consultancy. For Perch however, almost 50% of our sales are outside of the UK, and this brings a whole host of challenges.

甚至在整个增值税问题发布之前,我就在思考成为全球数字业务的意义。 这不是我们必须作为顾问处理的事情。 但是,对于Perch而言,我们将近50%的销售都在英国以外的地区,这带来了很多挑战。

关于一般生活 (On life in general)

We moved to Bristol at the beginning of 2014, and I couldn’t be happier about that. We love Bristol and Drew and I feel as if we have really settled in.

我们在2014年初搬到了布里斯托尔,对此我感到很高兴。 我们喜欢布里斯托尔和德鲁,我觉得我们真的已经定居了。

January will mark 2 years since I fell and shattered my elbow. I’m still dealing with the pain and lack of mobility caused by that injury. Some days I deal with that better than others but I’d probably be a lot happier if I accepted that the current status is about as good as it is going to get. In many ways it is better than projected – I fling kettle bells around in the gym 3 times a week and can hold my body weight on my hands. However it still wakes me up with pain most nights, my hand goes numb and I drop stuff, and I still can’t type properly. It could be so much worse. I probably shouldn’t complain, but it is tiring. I’m not good with things I can’t fix through hard work or force of will!

自我摔倒和肘关节摔了 2年以来, 1月将是2年。 我仍在处理由这种伤害引起的痛苦和行动不便。 有时候我会比其他人处理得更好,但是如果我接受目前的状况将要变得越来越好,那我可能会高兴得多。 从许多方面看,这比预期的要好。我每周在健身房里摇晃水壶铃铛3次,并可以将体重握在手上。 但是,它在大多数夜晚仍然让我痛苦不堪,我的手发麻,我掉了东西,但我仍然无法正确打字。 可能会更糟。 我可能不应该抱怨,但这很累。 我对通过辛勤工作或意志力无法解决的事情不满意!

On a brighter note I got to run the London Marathon in April. It was an epic experience, and I have a place to run the Brighton Marathon next year. I’m also hoping that – wonky arm allowing – I’ll be able to get back on a bike next year. I’ve spent some time this year learning to swim front crawl, so I just need to get my cycling up to scratch so I can do triathlon.

值得一提的是,我必须在四月份参加伦敦马拉松比赛 。 这是一次史诗般的经历,我明年有地方参加布莱顿马拉松。 我也希望–弯弯曲曲的手臂允许–明年我能够重新骑自行车。 我今年花了一些时间学习游泳前爬网,所以我只需要使自己的自行车开始抓痒,这样我就可以参加铁人三项赛。

The teenager is now in her first year of a three year course in musical theatre at college. She did a “pre-vocational” year last year then had to audition for three year diplomas. She auditioned for several top musical theatre colleges in the UK and was offered a place at every single one. She has worked unbelievably hard to get to this point, and there is more hard work to come. I’m so proud of her.

这位少年现在正在大学音乐剧院学习三年制课程的第一年。 她去年做过“职业前”一年,然后不得不参加三年文凭的试镜。 她参加了英国几所顶级音乐剧院学院的试镜,并获得了每个人的一席之地。 为了达到这一目标,她付出了极大的努力,并且还有更多艰苦的工作要做。 我为她感到骄傲。

展望2015 (Looking forward to 2015)

I’ve already got a really exciting year of travel to speak at conferences and run workshops. Keep an eye on my Lanyrd page as I’ll be adding everything there as it is announced.

我已经度过了非常激动人心的一年旅行,可以在会议和研讨会上发表演讲。 请注意我的Lanyrd页面 ,因为它将在宣布的页面中添加所有内容。

I’ll be self-publishing another book in the next year, and also doing updates to The Profitable Side Project Handbook to cover the EU VAT issues mostly (that update will be free to existing purchasers). I’ve also got a few interesting writing and editing projects on the cards for other publishers.

我将在明年自行出版另一本书,并且还将对《获利项目计划手册》进行更新,以涵盖大部分欧盟增值税问题(该更新将对现有购买者免费提供)。 我还为其他发行商准备了一些有趣的卡片上的写作和编辑项目。

来年目标 (Goals for the coming year)

I’ve been having great fun with self-publishing and learning how to create ebooks. I’ve started to put together a little site, newsletter and services based on helping other people to do the same. I really hope to grow that side project this year.

我一直很乐于自我出版和学习如何创建电子书。 我已经开始基于帮助他人完成一些小型站点,新闻通讯和服务 。 我真的希望今年能够扩大这个副项目。

I really want to focus on getting to that point with Perch where we can hire at least one other person. Probably in a development role. It would be great for Drew to have another developer to discuss ideas with – especially as I will be away quite a lot. It would mean we could ship updates to the add-ons in particular more quickly. It would also mean I could feel that I could step out of trying to do bits of development when I should be concentrating on the business. It’s the whole working on rather than in your business thing. To do that means increasing profits to the point where we can afford that extra person.

我真的很想专注于与Perch达成共识,以便我们可以雇用至少一个其他人。 大概在发展中。 让Drew与另一个开发人员讨论想法非常好-尤其是因为我将离开很多地方。 这意味着我们可以更快地将更新发布到附加组件。 这也意味着当我应该专注于业务时,我可能会觉得自己可以尝试做一些开发工作。 这是整个工作的过程,而不是您的业务。 这样做意味着将利润增加到我们可以负担得起额外人员的程度。

I want to make sure I enjoy the amazing opportunities I have. I’m a very goal oriented, driven person. I get a lot done, but often at the expense of “living in the moment”. I’m going to get to travel to some new places in 2015, places I might not go again. I need to remember that the work will still be there if I take a day off to see the sights, or to just enjoy spending time with folk who I don’t get to see due to the distances we all live from each other.

我想确保我喜欢自己拥有的奇妙机会。 我是一个非常有目标感,有进取心的人。 我做了很多事情,但是常常以“活在当下”为代价。 我打算在2015年前往一些新的地方,这些地方我可能不会再去了。 我需要记住,如果我抽出一天时间去看风景,或者只是喜欢和与我相识的人共度时光,因为我们彼此之间的距离很远,那么工作仍然会在那里。

I mentioned MicroConf earlier in this post, and for the first time in a long while I really felt that I had found “my people”. In 2015 I want more of that. It is tough running a tiny business, perhaps even more so when you do that with your life partner. For various reasons my 40 years on this planet have made me wary to look outside of myself for help. In 2015 my challenge is to step outside of the walls I’ve built for myself, be willing to accept help as well as to give it, and to really find my people.

我在这篇文章的前面提到了MicroConf,这是很长一段时间以来的第一次,我真的感到自己找到了“我的人”。 在2015年,我想要更多。 经营一家小企业很困难,与伴侣生活在一起时可能会更困难。 由于种种原因,我在这个星球上工作了40年使我很警惕地向自己的外部寻求帮助。 2015年,我的挑战是走出自己为自己建造的墙,愿意接受和给予帮助,并真正找到自己的人

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2014/12/24/review-of-the-year-2014/


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