

Over the Christmas period I finished the first draft of my upcoming book. I’m really happy with how it has shaped up and I am very grateful to everyone who has been in touch with what they think should be included. As a taster, here is the provisional Table of Contents. There may be small changes depending on comments from reviewers, however everything below will be covered in the book.

在圣诞节期间,我完成了我即将出版的书的初稿。 我对它的形成方式感到非常满意,并且我非常感谢与他们认为应该包括在内的所有人保持联系。 作为品尝者,这里是临时目录。 可能会有一些细微变化,具体取决于审阅者的评论,但是本书将涵盖以下所有内容。

为什么要进行专案? (Why Side Projects?)

Sign up for my list to get a free PDF of this first chapter.


  • Profitable Side Projects
  • Dreaming Small is Underrated
  • What Defines Success for your Product?
  • Getting to the Shipping Point
  • A Cautionary Tale
  • Minimum Viable Infrastructures
  • Small Things Can Grow
  • First Steps to Launch
  • 有利可图的辅助项目
  • 小梦被低估了
  • 什么决定您的产品成功?
  • 到达装运点
  • 警示故事
  • 最低可行的基础架构
  • 小东西会增长
  • 启动的第一步

您的产品 (Your Product)

  • Ideas and approaches
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • One off purchases
  • SaaS vs. one off purchases
  • Plugins, themes and add-ons
  • Putting your main product on hold
  • The Concierge approach
  • Validating ideas
  • Your Product Tasks
  • 想法和方法
  • 软件即服务(SaaS)
  • 一次性购买
  • SaaS与一次性购买
  • 插件,主题和附加组件
  • 搁置您的主要产品
  • 礼宾服务
  • 验证想法
  • 您的产品任务

生产率 (Productivity)

  • Making time for side projects
  • Spend Time to Save Time
  • Tools and Techniques
  • Outsourcing
  • Productivity Tasks
  • 花时间进行辅助项目
  • 花时间节省时间
  • 工具与技术
  • 外包业务
  • 生产力任务

价钱 (Pricing )

  • Choosing a Pricing Model
  • The Pricing Model for Perch
  • Step by Step Pricing
  • Customer Acquisition and Lifetime Value
  • Card up front or after Trial?
  • Special Offers and Discounts
  • Pricing in one currency or multiple currencies
  • VAT and Local Taxes
  • Next Steps
  • 选择定价模型
  • 鲈鱼的定价模型
  • 逐步定价
  • 客户获取和终身价值
  • 预先还是在试用后刷卡?
  • 特别优惠和折扣
  • 以一种或多种货币定价
  • 增值税和地方税
  • 下一步

在线销售产品的实用性 (The practicalities of selling products online )

  • Taking payment
  • Hosting
  • Legal Matters
  • Stats and tracking
  • Next Steps
  • 付款
  • 代管
  • 法律事项
  • 统计和跟踪
  • 下一步

身份和品牌 (Identity and Brand)

  • Visual Identity
  • Identity through Voice
  • Writing marketing copy
  • Next Steps
  • 视觉识别
  • 语音识别
  • 撰写营销文案
  • 下一步

设置支持 (Setting up for Support)

  • Supporting your product
  • Tools for Support
  • Public Forums vs Ticketed Support
  • Social Media Support
  • Pre-sales and purchase support
  • Dealing with Difficult Customers
  • Next Steps for Support
  • 支持您的产品
  • 支持工具
  • 公开论坛与售票支持
  • 社交媒体支持
  • 售前和购买支持
  • 与困难的客户打交道
  • 后续支持

计划发射 (Planning a Launch)

  • Building an audience
  • Pre-launch pages
  • The Slow Launch
  • Next Steps to Launch
  • 建立观众群
  • 启动前页面
  • 缓慢的发射
  • 下一步启动

我们推出了! 怎么办? (We launched! Now What?)

  • Adding features
  • Balancing client work and your product
  • Marketing Your Product
  • Switching focus
  • Enjoy the Journey
  • 新增功能
  • 平衡客户工作和您的产品
  • 营销您的产品
  • 切换焦点
  • 旅行愉快

My next steps are to do battle with trying to create a usable book in formats that will ensure it is readable on various devices. I have become a great fan of Scrivener during the process of writing this book and I have been able to generate a reasonable preview of the book in PDF form – but the outputs for e-book formats are less than satisfactory. It looks as if the best way to create the final book will be to use HTML – which I can output from Scrivener via the Markdown support – and then convert that into the formats I need.

我的下一步是与尝试创建一种格式的可用书做斗争,以确保该书可在各种设备上阅读。 在编写本书的过程中,我一直是Scrivener的忠实拥护者 ,并且能够以PDF格式生成该书的合理预览-但是电子书格式的输出并不令人满意。 看来,编写最终书籍的最佳方法是使用HTML (我可以通过Markdown支持从Scrivener中输出HTML) ,然后将其转换为所需的格式。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2013/12/30/table-of-contents-for-the-profitable-side-project/


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