03.19.05-test 开发人员的幸福:适合工作的工具

This is Part I in a series exploring developer happiness。

The equation for professional developer happiness is a difficult thing to pin down。 It’s arguably not even the same for e非常one。 But it is important, really important。 Your happiness at your job affects e非常 part of your life, not just the time at and the people around you at your work。 It affects your mental health, it affects your relationships with your family and friends, and it affects how much you can actually enjoy time away from work。

I recently took sabbatical from work for a couple reasons, notably to spend some time with my wife and kids in our new city。 I’m back in school and wanted to get ahead on this semester and to avoid being at work in a house in which renovations were a constant annoyance。 Those were the reasons I told e非常one, and they were valid and all of those things happened。

But underneath all of that, my motivation at work was severely struggling。 This was not just because I knew I had a long vacation coming up; it started a good bit before I even decided to schedule the time off。 It’s hard to say exactly how it happened, but I noticed exactly what it was about six weeks before vacation when I was given a task that should not really have been that difficult and simply could not find a starting place。 I did what you are supposed to: I talked to other people about the task, asked for advice, even tried a few things with little success and was quite simply unable to convince myself to keep working through it。 This was not the only thing I had to do at the time, and I still made progress on my other projects, but this was the only challenging thing on my plate, the only thing I had never done before。 I just simply could not make myself do it。 I talked to my boss and threw in the towel on this one。 He was 非常 receptive to getting someone else to take care of it, and that’s one of the things I really enjoy about working at 堆栈溢出。

编码也是我的爱好,因此在放假期间,我整理了一些我想做的事情,而这些都是我以前从未做过的。 这些事情之一就是写一个WordPress插件。 我到底为什么要这样做? 主要是为了检验关于学习PHP不会减少我的报酬的理论,也是为了帮助一位想要为其网站提供小部件的朋友。 这是一个带有WordPress插件数据编辑器的JavaScript小部件。 听起来很简单,但是事实证明,这是我编码生涯中最痛苦的经历之一,而在我该死的休假期间,所有上述动机问题都被重新点燃了! 经过数小时的搜索,我以我的专业语言在互联网上搜索了各种东西,很明显,设计模式有很大的不同,并且框架本身有一些非常明显的细微差别。

经过大约三天的不懈搜索,在互联网上提问并打电话给更熟悉该工具的朋友,我得以整理出足够的东西来向我的朋友展示。 即使看着这个蒸锅,他脸上的光芒也让我想起了我为人们建造东西的乐趣,但是我正准备把毛巾放在这上面,以利于我的心理健康。 那天晚上,我去了一次本地聚会,然后在聊天中遇到一位大学生,他说他们过去曾经做过一些WordPress开发。 当我告诉他我想做什么时,他说:“哦,是的,我已经建立了很多,甚至建立了这个东西,如果您知道要收集什么数据,基本上都会为您建立插件。” 他很客气,可以快速给我演示一下,这东西也很蒸。 我想他在设法克服错误之前会为所产生的错误数量感到有些尴尬,但是当他终于转过身看着我的脸时,就像我的朋友看着我一样被照亮了。 使用该工具后,一开始我就不需要花八个小时就完成这整个过程。

Your developer happiness is unquestionably directly proportional to the ease of the tools you have to accomplish your task。这个启示对我来说意义深远。 我一直相信我通过工作为他人创造的价值。 这就是为什么当我的朋友对我为他建造的东西微笑时我感到如此兴奋的原因。 同样,构建这些小型增量工具来改善我们自己的产品,工作流和数据调查,基本上是我在堆栈溢出的全部工作。 这对我而言意义非凡,因为这是非常我记得很久了感觉 how much easier things can be once you have the right simple tool。

Once returning to work a couple weeks ago, the first task I was assigned was 非常 similar to the one I had to bail on before vacation。 This time around, I first fixed one of our internal tools that was broken on Windows, and worked with another team to get a tool set up to get some 非常 commonly used data into a state that’s much easier to access。 Once these tools were set up, things were much easier, and I was able to work through the problem in a single afternoon。

The biggest thing I hope you can take away from this is that after you’ve been doing something for a long time, it can be 非常 hard to focus on anything but the big picture and all the little things start to feel like meaningless steps in some direction that isn’t necessarily the direction of success。 Occasionally you should try to feel the relief of obtaining something that makes the hard things in your life easy。 Set some time aside to build tools for yourself。





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