03.19.05-test 进行远程工作:堆栈溢出的背后

The logistics of 堆栈溢出’s remote-first philosophy

By now you’ve probably heard about 堆栈溢出’s commitment to making remote work,well… work。 If not,you can read about it 这里这里,and a whole page of links 这里。 Seriously,we care about it a LOT。 At 堆栈溢出 we want to hire the best person for the job,even if that person is in Salt Lake City,Utah; Berlin,Germany; or São Paulo,Brazil。 Promoting remote work promotes diversity,and we are committed to improving both。

但是,这不会是另一篇有关为什么 we believe in remote work。 I’m 这里 to tell you about 怎么样 we pull the whole thing off。 I manage workplace operations for the company,and a huge part of that job is making sure that our 85+ remote employees have e非常thing that they need to get their jobs done。 So 这里 are my tips for having a successful remote infrastructure:

Have a dedicated remote person (like me!) to be the point person for remote needs。

This is definitely the most important piece of the remote puzzle。 You need a person whose stated job is to make sure that remote employees have a specific person for questions,concerns,and problems。 When we 雇用新的远程员工,I tell them that they can come to me with any type of question,and I will try my best to answer it,or at least point them in the right direction。

I get aaaaaall kinds of questions and requests。 For instance,I now know 怎么样 to buy and ship Belgian beer to Poland for an employee that wasn’t able to attend a work event because of a surgery。 Also FYI,Uruguay has 非常 strict restrictions on voltage of household items,so getting a crank-lever standing desk to Montevideo was fun (read: not fun)。

T这里 also needs to be someone on the executive team (it’s better if t这里 is more than one someone) consistently asking “What about the remotes?” When you have a new “x,” the execs should be thinking about 怎么样 that impacts all employees,including remotes。

Have your People and Finance Teams homed in on remote needs

Companies will encounter a wide range of odd legalities in dealing with remote employees,especially with international folks。 Did you know that in Romania if someone is going to have a home office,they have to have it inspected by a fire marshal? And in the U。S。 we have a rule called “prevailing wage determination” that requires some remote employees to post a paper notice in their home for at least 10 days。 (I like to think they put it in a laundry room or over the toilet。)

It definitely helps to have an HR department that is certified in immigration and visa issues。 At 堆栈溢出 we are lucky enough to have a lawyer on our People Team along with other trained HR counsels for employees to go to when these issues arise。 The same goes for finance departments。 The taxation alone is a handful with multiple states/countries。 You need an entity for each state,which requires considerable forethought。 You also have to file payrolls properly and that varies depending on location。 No one ever accused the IRS of being simple!

Remote first

We’ve already touched on this in the other blog posts,but it bears repeating: If one person in the meeting is remote,we’re all remote。 If t这里 are 5 people in a conference room and 2 people dialing in remotely,it is 非常 easy for the folks in the meeting room to forget about the people dialed in。 You can eliminate that problem by having e非常one call in,if possible。 After a while it is second nature to jump on a call instead of finding a room。 Currently in the 堆栈溢出 NYC office it is really common to walk around and see two people on a hangout even though their offices are next to each other! (It is also possible that these people are just lazy…)

Try to recreate office fun stuff in a remote capacity

We have regular “Bev Bashes” and holiday parties in the offices,but what about the remotes? How do you give them fun stuff even though they are scattered all over the world?

首先,我们有“ Remote Bev Bashes”放大 e非常 Friday。 The “Bev Baron” for that week (nominated by the last Bev Baron) schedules a 放大 call and sets a theme。 Employees grab a beverage of their choice and just chat。 You can stay for just a few minutes to say hi,or you can be a part of the entire thing。

Additionally,each office has a pretty fancy Holiday party in December,so we of course invite any remotes that are near the offices。 If they are too far away to attend,we give a $200 stipend so that they can have their own festivities,whether it’s a really nice night out with their partners or just a big dinner for family。 We don’t care as long as the employee does something yummy with it。

Don’t forget: If you make swag (t-shirts,hats,new socks etc) make sure that you send them to the remotes too。 It may seem like a lot of work (believe me,with 87 remotes,it is a lot of shipping),but it is definitely worth it!

Bring them all together

Once a year,we bring all of our remote employees together for a week for some much needed face-time。 It’s a different city each time,and t这里 are usually 3 days of Executive Keynotes,Tiny Talks,and many many games of Werewolf。 We talk about the state of the company and new projects and teams,but we vow not to make any huge decisions or business altering plans。 The focus is on camaraderie,not profits。 We look forward to it all year,and it’s definitely a blast。 No pressure on the person that has to plan it,right? Read: That’s also me。

We also have smaller mini-meetups for teams to come together when needed,but those are coordinated by the teams themselves and centered around one of our three offices。

Make their home workspaces as awesome as the offices

当雇用新的远程员工时,我会与他们联系以选择家具。 他们可以免费选择我们办公室中完全相同的书桌和椅子。 我们希望他们尽可能舒适,这意味着如果他们想站而不坐,那没问题。 我们的IT部门使用他们的所有技术来设置他们,而我使用其他所有东西来设置它们。

Need a filing cabinet? Cool。 You want a different type of desk that is bright pink and sings? Hey,it’s your house。 We re-create the in-office set-ups as much as possible so that our remote employees never feel less valued than e非常one else。

Want to go remote yourself?

喜欢远程工作还是有想法吗? 看看我们的Live + Work Anyw这里 job listings on 堆栈溢出 Jobs。





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