
It's always a challenge when leaving home to find connectivity. We've got Fiber Optic to the house in the states (20Mbs/20Mbs) and unlimited nu3G tethering via phone while roaming. Even then, there are SO many open WiFi spots in the states, it's easy to get connected when away. Frankly, the only place in the states that has horrific connection speeds are hotels!

离开家寻找连接时,这始终是一个挑战。 我们已经在各州(20Mbs / 20Mbs)将光纤带到了家中,并且漫游时通过电话进行了无限制的nu3G网络共享。 即使如此,各州仍然有很多开放的WiFi地点,出门在外很容易建立连接。 坦白说,在美国,连接速度惊人的地方只有酒店!

Speaking of hotel connectivity, recently in New Zealand was I charged US$25 for 50 megabytes (total transfer!) per day. I wasn't able to even start sync'ing Outlook with that cap.

说到酒店的连通性,最近在新西兰,我每天收费50兆字节(总传输量)为25美元。 我什至无法开始将Outlook与该上限同步。

The last few days here in South Africa I've been trying to figure out how I am/was going to transfer my 100-300 megabyte audio files for the next three weeks of the Hanselminutes podcast.

在南非的最后几天,我一直在试图弄清楚在Hanselminutes播客的接下来的三周中,我将如何传输100-300 MB的音频文件。

I went to a local mall and used their internet cafe and while it was reasonably price at 10 Rand (US$1) for 15 minutes, the maximum GET or POST was 2 Megs. I couldn't even download my favorite FTP program, much less upload a few gigs of audio over the next month.

我去了一家当地的购物中心,并使用了他们的网吧,虽然价格合理,价格为10randint(1美元),持续15分钟,但GET或POST的最高费用是2兆欧元。 我什至无法下载我最喜欢的FTP程序,更不用说在下个月上传几场音频了。

My new friend Mario from the SADeveloper helped me get connected without breaking the bank. We started with a Huawei E220 HSDPA USB Modem. It's a real basic modem, but like most 3G modems, it has the software you need on a flash disk inside the device. You plug it in, it's recognized as a disk. Then you run the setup, and the software handles dialing and connectivity.

我来自SADeveloper的新朋友Mario帮助我建立了联系,而不必花很多钱。 我们从华为E220 HSDPA USB调制解调器开始。 这是一个真正的基本调制解调器,但是像大多数3G调制解调器一样,它在设备内部的闪存盘上具有您需要的软件。 您插入它,它将被识别为磁盘。 然后,您运行安装程序,该软件将处理拨号和连接。

But, I've gone too far ahead already. The modem doesn't include a SIM card. It has an empty slot for one on the side. You can get a Vodacom SIM Card for 1 Rand (10 cents US) pretty much anywhere. We got it at a bookstore. Then, we went to a Vodashop and had the guy behind the counter activate the SIM with his phone.

但是,我已经走得太远了。 调制解调器不包括SIM卡。 它的侧面有一个空插槽。 您几乎可以在任何地方获得1randint(10美分)的Vodacom SIM卡。 我们在书店买到它。 然后,我们去了一家Vodashop,柜台后面的那个家伙用他的手机激活了SIM卡。

The trick is that you buy minutes then convert the minutes to pay-as-you-go data on a non-contract data plan. You can add minutes two ways. There are some places that can push the minutes into your SIM without a phone which is the situation I'm in. Or, you can use any phone, put your SIM it in and dial *111#. You'll get a menu that will let you purchase data plan megabytes with your minutes. I was able to buy 3 gigabytes of transfer for about US$60. Not cheap, but not oppressively expensive.

诀窍是,您购买分钟数,然后将其转换为非合同数据计划中的即付即用数据。 您可以通过两种方式添加分钟。 在某些情况下,我可能会遇到这种情况,而无需使用电话就可以将分钟推入SIM卡。或者,您可以使用任何电话,将其放入SIM卡并拨打* 111#。 您将获得一个菜单,该菜单将使您可以在几分钟内购买兆字节的数据计划。 我能够以约60美元的价格购买3 GB的传输量。 不便宜,但也不昂贵。

I've turned off the Windows Update service as well as images in my browser. I've also switch to mobile versions of some sites like Twitter or CNN, to save bandwidth. Perhaps that's penny-wise, pound-foolish, but that's me.

我已经关闭了Windows Update服务以及浏览器中的图像。 为了节省带宽,我还改用了某些网站的移动版本,例如Twitter或CNN。 也许那是一分钱,愚蠢的,但这就是我。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/south-africa-2008-limited-ahem-connectivity





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