

When I left for South Africa I was 193lbs/87kg, my heaviest ever on a 6 foot/1.8 meter medium frame. This was shocking to me because I could totally see 200lbs coming. It was right there ahead of me. As a Type 1 Diabetic getting fat(ter) is deeply uncool. You can literally be a Type 1 (insulin dependant) and Type 2 (insulin resistant) diabetic at the same time. This would mean I'd need to take MORE insulin to do the SAME amount of work. I'd already started seeing this recently as my total daily insulin dosage, usually under 30U (Units) was creeping up to 40U.

当我飞往南非时,我的体重为193磅/ 87公斤,这是有史以来最重的6英尺/1.8米中型车架。 这让我感到震惊,因为我完全可以看到200磅的重物。 就在我前面。 作为1型糖尿病患者,变胖非常不爽。 你可以从字面上是1型(胰岛素依赖型),并在同一时间2型(胰岛素抗性)糖尿病。 这意味着我需要服用更多的胰岛素来完成相同的工作量。 我最近已经开始看到这种情况,因为我的每日总胰岛素剂量(通常在30U(单位)以下)一直攀升至40U。

Then we headed to Africa for our semi-yearly sojourn. Fast forward roughly a month and I'm 176lbs/79.8kg. That's 17 pounds, or as a newly svelt person me likes to say "I lost, like, 20 pounds!" The trick will be to keep it off, but here's what I think worked (as I lose nearly 20 pounds on EVERY trip to Africa, and nearly every trip overseas. The tragedy here is the re-gaining and re-losing of that same 20 pounds.)

然后我们前往非洲进行了半年的逗留。 快进大约一个月,我体重176lbs / 79.8kg。 那是17磅,或者作为一个刚瘦的人,我喜欢说“我减掉了20磅!” 诀窍是保持这种状态不变,但这就是我认为的工作方式(因为每次去非洲旅行和几乎每次海外旅行,我都会损失近20磅。这里的悲剧是重新获得和失去同样的20磅)磅。)

These are totally obvious observations/tips, but I'm a little dense, so I'm writing them down.


That picture to the right is me when I was thinner. I'm also the short one in the picture.

右图是我瘦的时候的我。 我也是图片中的矮个子。

不要吃比拳头更大的食物 (Don't Eat a Serving Larger than Your Fist)

I didn't consciously do this, it just happened. As my wife and I discussed in our recent podcast, folks just show up to visit and food is divided appropriately. This is not to say that I wanted for food in any way. I didn't. It's that my hosts in South Africa gave us a reasonable amount of food, not an American Amount of Food.

我没有有意识地这样做,只是发生了。 正如我和我的妻子在最近的播客中所讨论的那样,人们只是来参观,所以食物要适当分配。 这并不是说我想要任何食物。 我没有是因为我在南非的房东给了我们合理数量的食物,而不是美国的食物量。

This just happened to be about the size of one's fist. Kind of unrelated, I mentioned this to the boy's doctor since the older boy wasn't eating that much and he said that most kids will naturally eat what they need to, no more and no less, and that amount was often about the size of his fist. We'd been wasting a lot of food as I was giving him a plate full of food as big as his head! So, it's a fist-sized serving for me.

这只是碰巧的拳头大小。 有点无关,我向男孩的医生提到了这一点,因为大男孩没吃那么多,他说大多数孩子自然会吃他们所需要的东西,多吃少少,而且这个数量通常大约等于他的拳头。 当我给他一盘装满他头大的食物时,我们一直在浪费很多食物! 因此,对我来说,这是拳头般的大小。

吃早餐 (Eat Breakfast)

I am notorious for eating one giant 1pm meal, ahem, then a giant 6pm meal, then a small (read: almost giant) midnight meal. This didn't fly in South Africa, as there was a lovely light breakfast at 7am, lunch at 1pm, and a dinner around 6pm. Each was appropriately proportioned, especially lunch which went on the assumption that you ate breakfast.

我臭名昭著地吃了一顿下午1点的大餐,哼哼,然后再吃了6pm的大餐,然后再吃一小顿(几乎是巨大的)午夜饭。 这在南非没有发生,因为早上7点提供了清淡的早餐,下午1点提供了午餐,下午6点左右提供了晚餐。 每种食物都有适当的比例,特别是午餐时,假设您吃了早餐。

I realized that I've been eaten Epic Lunches to stave off death by starvation from skipping breakfast entirely. While eating breakfast does make my diabetes a little more tricky to manage as it adds a new variable, breakfast does support the next tip...

我意识到自己已经被吃过史诗午餐,以免被饿死而完全不吃早餐。 吃早餐确实使我的糖尿病变得有些棘手,因为它增加了新的变量,而早餐的确支持下一个提示。

只吃足够让您下一顿饭 (Eat Only Enough to Get You To the Next Meal)



你会在生活中再次吃东西(You Will Eat Again, In Your Life, You Know)

My brother, the Ironman competitor and firefighter, taught me this not-obvious-to-me tip. He says that folks who aren't eating often enough eat like it's the last time they will ever eat. Rather, try eating with the knowledge that you will eat again in a few hours. If you realize that this meal only needs to get you to the next meal. This is the single most powerful dieting tip I've got.

我的兄弟,铁人三项的竞争对手和消防员,教了我这个不明显的提示。 他说,人们饮食不足的人就像他们最后一次进食一样。 相反,尝试在知道几个小时后会再次进食的情况下进食。 如果您意识到这顿饭只需要带您去下一顿饭。 这是我所掌握的最有效的减肥秘诀。

重置完整指示器 (Reset Your Full Indicator)

My wife calls overeating "Pushing Through" as in "Oh, I pushed through with that last bite." Not recognizing what full feels like is a big problem for me. Basically you can reset your internal gas tank indicator by just thinking about it. "Am I full?" "Do I really need that next bite?" This has caused me to eat about 1/3 less without actually feeling any less full. Actually, I feel less bloated after meals.

我的妻子通话暴饮暴食“推动通过”,如“哦,我把通过与最后一口。” 对我来说,不认识充实的感觉是一个大问题。 基本上,您只需考虑一下即可重置内部油箱指示器。 “我吃饱了吗?” “我真的需要下一口吗?” 这使我的进食量减少了约1/3,而实际上却没有饱食感。 其实,饭后我觉得不那么肿。

Aside: I actually have personal data (and charts!) that reflects this - while I was in South Africa my daily insulin usage (and hence, carb intake) went from 30-40U a day to 20U. Basically I used 33% to 50% less insulin per day.

另外:实际上,我有个人数据(和图表!)反映了这一点-在南非时,我的每日胰岛素使用量(因此,碳水化合物摄入量)从每天30-40U增至20U。 基本上,我每天减少使用33%至50%的胰岛素。

移动更多 (Move More)

I didn't visit the South Africa that a lot of people do. In my South Africa not everyone has a car. In mine you can easily fit 9 people into a VW Golf. Either way, I walked a lot. If there's no car available and you want to go to the mall that's 3km away, you walk. This, along with sweltering heat and a lot of water, is another nice way to lose weight.

我没有很多人去过南非。 在我的南非,并不是每个人都有车。 在我的汽车中,您可以轻松地让9个人适应大众高尔夫。 不管怎样,我走了很多路。 如果没有可用的汽车,而您想去3公里外的购物中心,则可以步行。 加上闷热和大量的水,是减肥的另一种不错的方法。

This year I've started working out, six days a week, for eat least an hour. I'm alternating cardio and anaerobic exercise. I'm finding that if I time my workouts with the length of certain television shows, I can make it through without going insane. That means, 40 minutes of cardio while I watch, say, Heroes. Then 22 minutes of weights as I watch Arrested Development. I'm actually watching more TV (and enjoying it) but I don't have to feel bad since I'm moving.

今年我开始锻炼,每周六天,至少要吃一个小时。 我交替进行有氧运动和无氧运动。 我发现,如果我将锻炼时间与某些电视节目的时间保持一致,那么我就可以做到,而不会发疯。 这就是说,我看40分钟的有氧运动时要看英雄。 然后我观看22分钟的举重比赛。 实际上,我正在看更多的电视(并很喜欢看电视),但是自从移动后,我不必感到难过。

喝水 (Drink Water)

Yes I know if you drink WAY too much water you can mess up your salt/electrolyte balance, but a few liters a day are what I've found is the right amount for me to lose weight. I can't overstate how water intake directly affects weight loss. It's really amazing. Everyone I know with 6-pack abs carries a water bottle around with them. While I was in Africa I really upped my water intake because of the heat, to the point where drinking water at every turn was second nature.

是的,我知道如果您喝过多的水,您可能会破坏盐/电解质的平衡,但是每天发现几升是我发现减肥的合适量。 我不能高估饮水量如何直接影响体重减轻。 真的很棒我认识的6块腹肌的每个人都会随身带一个水壶。 在非洲的时候,由于热量的缘故,我真的增加了饮水量,以至于动every喝水是第二自然。

What are your weight loss tips, Dear Reader?


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/south-africa-2008-newsflash-turns-out-eating-less-and-moving-more-causes-weight-loss





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