
Well, I've officially been blogging forever, in Internet Years. Here's my first post, from April 16th, 2002.

好吧,我已经在Internet Years中永久永久地写博客。 这是我从2002年4月16日开始的第一篇文章

"Well, it's up.  After screwing with FTP permissions on and off for a week, my weblog is up.  Sigh, I'm blogging.  We'll see how long it lasts."


What a powerful first post. Moving, really. ;) A harbinger of great things.

多么强大的第一篇文章。 真的。 ;)伟大事物的预兆。

I noticed a kind of a pattern in the numbers next to the Months, like September 2007 (21), and graphed it real quick. Looks like I post an average of 32 posts a month over the last 5 years, with outliers clipped (a trimmed mean). I started slow, with just 21 posts in the first six months, then something happened. Somewhere in October of 2002, I found my blog's (first) voice, did 44 posts, and haven't shut up since. The max? An obnoxious 64 posts in June of 2004 - of widely varying quality, but a few classics that get lots of traffic today.

我注意到“月”旁边的数字有一种模式,例如2007年9月(21),并且很快就画出了图形。 过去5年中,我平均每月发布32条帖子,并剔除了离群值(均值经过修剪)。 我开始很慢,开始的头六个月只有21个帖子,然后发生了一些事情。 在2002年10月的某个地方,我发现了我博客的声音(第一个),发表了44条帖子,此后一直没有关闭。 最大? 2004年6月,一则令人讨厌的64篇文章-质量千差万别,但今天有一些经典著作广受欢迎。

I started on Radio Userland as a blogging platform, then decided a few short months later that it wasn't working for me. I moved to DasBlog in September of 2003, and posted about how to redirect all my old content and comments.

我从Radio Userland最初是一个博客平台,然后在短短几个月后决定它对我不起作用。 我于2003年9月移居DasBlog,并发布了有关如何重定向我所有的旧内容评论的信息

Aside, my original Radio blog is still out there, as Radio won't let you 301/302 your links, but the template included a META redirect and a Javascript timed redirect, and I've imported ALL that content into DasBlog (hence some of the funky generated titles - there was a time when Radio let you post to your blog without titles) and you'll get auto-redirected to the same post.


Now, I've got 1914 posts, counting this one. I may start doing a "greatest hits" or maybe a Popular Posts link so folks can come straight to the 10-15 posts they most likely came looking for. What do you think? LifeHacker does a Retro Roundup each week. Kind of a "this day in history" post. I could probably do one once a month. Just a thought.

现在,我有1914个帖子,算上这个帖子。 我可能会开始进行“最大点击”或“热门帖子”链接,以便人们可以直接进入他们最有可能寻找的10-15个帖子。 你怎么看? LifeHacker每周进行一次Retro Roundup 。 一种“历史上的这一天”的帖子。 我大概一个月可以做一次。 只是一个想法。

 At any rate, the point of this post. I believe that a blog has a heartbeat. Mine, without me thinking about it is about 32 posts per month or 32ppm. I think it's probably good to have a consistent one, while the number isn't that important, the tempo is. There are some blogs I read that are 5ppm or less, but they make each post count. For example, Atwood's blog is consistently about 20ppm (guess) but they are 90% gold. Slashdot's is hundreds of ppm but I've stopped caring.

无论如何,这篇文章的重点。 我相信博客很动人。 我的矿井,不用我思考,每月大约有32个帖子,32ppm 。 我认为拥有一个一致的数字可能会很好,尽管数字并不那么重要,但节奏很重要。 我读过一些博客,这些博客的比例不超过5ppm,但它们会使每个帖子都变得很重要。 例如, Atwood的博客始终是大约20ppm(猜测),但是它们是90%的金。 Slashdot的浓度为数百ppm,但我已经不再关心了。

What is your Blog's Heartbeat? What's your Blog's PPM?

您博客的心跳是什么? 您的博客的PPM是多少?

You can click on that ppm image above for a Paint.NET layered file if you want to make your own PPM image.


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/a-blogs-heartbeat

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