I'm down here in Birmingham, AL, on the first business trip since Z was born. He's 12 weeks old today. Thank goodness for Video Chat and Webcams.
自Z出生以来,我第一次来美国出差是在阿拉巴马州伯明翰。 他今天12周大。 感谢您的视频聊天和网络摄像头。
I picked up an Airlink101 AIC250 at Fry's for $99. They are also available around the net. I was pricing wireless video IP cameras, but they are like $300+ for one that runs their one web server. I didn't want to get a cheapo button camera because I'd have to run the video output through my computer. The idea of a camera with it's own web server is/was very attractive to me.
我在弗莱(Fry's)以99美元的价格购买了Airlink101 AIC250 。 它们也可以在网上使用。 我当时为无线视频IP摄像机定价,但运行一台Web服务器的摄像机价格大约为300美元以上。 我不想购买便宜的按钮相机,因为我必须通过计算机运行视频输出。 拥有自己的网络服务器的摄像头的想法对我很有吸引力。
This camera is interesting in that it includes Java and ActiveX controls that access the video stream. However, tinkerer that I am, that's not acceptable, so I started poking around. The results will turn into a Coding4Fun article and a .NET 2.0 ClickThrice application that's a modification of some code I found and modified with permission on CodeProject. Look for that soon, I should turn it in this week.
该摄像机的有趣之处在于它包括用于访问视频流的Java和ActiveX控件。 但是,我无法接受,所以我开始四处闲逛。 结果将变成Coding4Fun文章和.NET 2.0 ClickThrice应用程序,该应用程序是对一些我发现的代码的修改,并经CodeProject许可对其进行了修改。 尽快寻找,我应该在本周将其打开。
Here's some the interesting things that I found and done, as a teaser:
翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/first-trip-away-since-z-and-the-magic-of-the-webcam