ASP.NET 2.0 Professional is shipping! Right along with the release of .NET 2.0 comes our little tome. Jim Minatel, our editor, beat me to blogging it. Big ups to Bill "The Architect (and lead author)" Evjen. A lot of work went into it, and I hope it doesn't suck.
ASP.NET 2.0 Professional已发布! 随着.NET 2.0的发布,我们的书也随之而来。 我们的编辑Jim Minatel击败了我写博客。 Bill“建筑师(兼首席作者)” Evjen的致辞。 我做了很多工作,希望它不会失败。
Thanks to those of you who emailed me wondering when the hell your book was going to ship! :)
感谢那些向我发送电子邮件的人,他们想知道您的书何时发行! :)