consolas 字体
Simon Guest and I have been trying to figure out how to use our new favorite font, Consolas, as a font for the command console.
Simon Guest和我一直在尝试找出如何使用我们最喜欢的新字体Consolas作为命令控制台的字体。
(I'm afraid I can't distribute Consolas online or provide a download out of abject fear. That said, you can find it in any version of the Longhorn bits.)
Seems you can get Consolas out of the Microsoft "Powerpoint Presentation Viewer" free of charge here, which, as a side effect, installs the new Vista fonts. Thanks to Tyler Cole for the tip.You can add it to the list of fonts available to the console by adding it to
似乎您可以在此处免费从Microsoft“ Powerpoint Presentation Viewer”中获取Consolas ,作为副作用,它会安装新的Vista字体。 感谢Tyler Cole的技巧。您可以将其添加到控制台可用的字体列表中。
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Console/TrueTypeFont
HKLM /软件/ Microsoft / Windows NT / CurrentVersion /控制台/ TrueTypeFont
There is a KB article discribing how to add a font to the command prompt.
In my case I added a REG_SZ with the name "00" and the value "Consolas." Then you have to REBOOT. Apparently the reboot is important otherwise you won't get the correct results and you'll see MS Sans Serif instead.
在我的情况下,我添加了一个名称为“ 00”且值为“ Consolas”的REG_SZ。 然后,您必须重新启动。 显然,重新启动很重要,否则您将无法获得正确的结果,而将看到MS Sans Serif。
consolas 字体