
I've said a few things in the past about The Programmer's Back.  Well, when it rains it pours. We all have pain I'm sure, but since I'm the center of my own universe my pain takes priority. I've had trouble with my hands and wrists over the years of programming. Recently, however, it's become rather ridiculous as I can only type for a few minutes at a time before my fingers and wrists start to ache.

过去,我已经说过一些有关The Programmer's Back的事情。 好吧,下雨的时候倒。 我敢肯定,我们所有人都有痛苦,但是由于我是自己宇宙的中心,所以痛苦是重中之重。 多年来的编程使我的手和手腕出现了麻烦。 但是最近,它变得非常荒谬,因为我一次只能打字几分钟,然后我的手指和手腕才开始感到疼痛。

I've got the natural keyboard and I've got the trackball mouse but fundamentally I'm I/O bound when it comes to my hands.

我有自然键盘,也有轨迹球鼠标,但从根本上说,我的双手受到I / O的束缚

If you've ever seen me present before, you know that I type fast. This is not hyperbole, this is simply fact, my fingers move really fast, and now I'm paying for it. I'm not particularly athletic either and 10 years of not working out has no doubt created a weakness in my hands and forearms that can be covered up no longer. Perhaps I'm just having a flareup, but regardless it's time to deal with it.

如果您以前见过我在场,您就会知道我打字很快。 这不是夸张,这只是事实,我的手指移动得非常快,现在我为此付出了代价。 我也不是运动能力特别强的人,而且十多年的不锻炼无疑无疑在我的手和前臂上造成了一种无法掩盖的弱点。 也许我只是突然发作,但无论何时该应对。

I've looked at all sorts of funky keyboards that claim to have the One True Way of typing but I've decided the typing is just not where it's at. It's just one syllable for me to say something like "code" but it's four keystrokes between two hands and that seems ridiculous to me. So lately I've been into voice recognition, first starting with the built-in Microsoft voice recognition software and currently with Dragon's NaturallySpeaking. I've taken a few typing tests online using the voice recognition software and I've achieved up to 100 (160 in one case) words a minute - which is just about what my typing speed was at my peak. The quality is so much greater than it was five years ago when I tried previous versions of voice recognition software that at least I can feel that the future will hold positive things around voice recognition.

我研究过各种声称具有“一种真正的打字方式”的时髦键盘,但我已经决定打字不在这里。 说“代码”之类的单词对我来说只是一个音节,但这是两只手之间的四次击键,这对我来说似乎很可笑。 因此,最近我开始涉足语音识别,首先从内置的Microsoft语音识别软件开始,目前从Dragon's NaturallySpeaking开始。 我已经使用语音识别软件在线进行了一些打字测试,并且每分钟可以完成多达100个单词(一种情况下为160个单词)的测试-这恰好是我的打字速度达到最高峰时的速度。 其质量比五年前尝试早期版本的语音识别软件要好得多,至少我可以感觉到,未来将对语音识别产生积极的影响。

In fact this entire post has been dictated entirely with Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 7, and I have to say I'm not completely disappointed. For dictation, it's fantastic. The accuracy is easily 95+%, and the only strange things happen when there are words like "Corillian" that are just too weird for it to possibly understand. However it does mitigate some of these issues by scanning all of your e-mails and all your documents looking for potential vocabulary words.

实际上,整个帖子完全由Dragon NaturallySpeaking版本7决定,我必须说我并不完全失望。 对于听写,这太棒了。 准确度很容易达到95 +%,并且只有像“ Corillian”这样的单词太奇怪而无法理解时,才会发生唯一奇怪的事情。 但是,它确实可以通过扫描您的所有电子邮件和所有文档以寻找潜在的词汇来缓解某些此类问题。

I don't know if I could use it effectively if I had no hands at all, as most of its commands consist of one or two word chords and it seems to have trouble with very small words. For example the breeze forcibly on the microphone it might say "up" or "pop". It knows about a large number of applications, except it doesn't know about Firefox which makes browsing a bit of a problem. One day I'll have to go Google for additional command sets for the tools and programs that I use.

如果根本没有手,我不知道是否可以有效地使用它,因为它的大多数命令都由一个或两个单词和弦组成,而且很小的单词似乎有麻烦。 例如,麦克风上的微风可能会说“向上”或“弹出”。 它了解大量的应用程序,但不了解Firefox,这使浏览有些问题。 有一天,我将不得不去Google购买我使用的工具和程序的其他命令集。

Seems that a lot of people out there have had carpal tunnel release surgery and continue to have trouble. That seems like an awfully drastic step. The only answer seems to be to "lay off" the keyboard.

似乎很多人都进行过腕管松开手术,并且仍然遇到麻烦。 这似乎是非常艰难的一步。 唯一的答案似乎是“解雇”键盘。

Has anyone else had to stoop to this level and use voice recognition software in lieu of a keyboard? Has anyone found a vertical keyboard or some strange alternative keyboard that has changed their life and suddenly opened up new vistas of use for their damaged hands? Am I the only programmer out there with a bad back and a bad pair of hands who's 12 years into his career and wondering what the next 12 will hold? Or do I just type to damn fast?

还有其他人不得不弯腰到这个水平并使用语音识别软件代替键盘吗? 有没有人发现改变生活的立式键盘或其他奇怪的替代键盘,突然为受损的手打开了新的使用前景? 我是唯一一个在他的职业生涯中已经有12年了,并且背负糟糕的一双糟糕的程序员,并且想知道接下来的十二个人会怎样吗? 还是我只是打字快该死?

(P.S. One thing to note, I am using a USB microphone for this dictation, and I can't imagine someone getting this kind of accuracy with an analog microphone.)


(P.P.S. Looking back on this blog post, I shudder at the sheer number of characters and keystrokes that would been required had I'd done this by hand. Perhaps voice recognition will usher in a prolific new era in blogging for me. Or, I'll just ramble a lot into my blog. :) )


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/the-programmers-hands





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