如何在Beyonce的Internet上使用新的Microsoft Edge分别创建工作和个人资料

Edge for Werk

I'm a long time Chrome user but have been slowly finding myself using the new Edge (Edgium?) and am now basically living in it full time.

我是Chrome的长期用户,但是一直在慢慢地使用新的Edge (Edgium?)来找我自己,现在基本上可以全职使用它了。



  • My work use O365/M365 logins and it is great with a "Work profile" and "Personal profile" that keeps EVERYTHING separate.

    我的作品使用O365 / M365登录名,它的“工作资料”和“个人资料”非常有用,可以使所有内容分开。
  • It even has a "open link as Work/Personal" right click menu that I use WAY more often than I would have thought.


    Open Link as Work

    It even has a "open link as Work/Personal" right click menu that I use WAY more often than I would have thought.


  • It'll auto switch you to Work or Personal logins when you end up getting a OneDrive link or are logging into Azure.

  • Runs on my last Windows 7 machine through my Windows 10 machines, and <GASP> since it syncs everything AND has work/personal profiles I use it on my iPhone 11 Max.

    我可以在我的最后一台Windows 7计算机和Windows 10计算机上运行它,并且<GASP>可以同步所有内容并具有工作/个人资料,因此我在iPhone 11 Max上使用了它。

But the main reason? I really like the way it deals with PWAs - Progressive Web Apps. Basically "make this website an app." I'll pretend if you pretend. You can use Outlook, Twitter, Gmail, Teams, TONS of websites as apps that are no-install. They all still run in Edge (with the Chromium heart) but they are pinned to your taskbar and/or start menu. A bunch of folks on my team legit don't install Office or Teams anymore. They use all of Office.com as a PWA. I was surprised but it works.

但是主要原因呢? 我真的很喜欢它处理PWA的方式-渐进式Web应用程序。 基本上是“使该网站成为应用程序”。 如果你假装,我会假装。 您可以将Outlook,Twitter,Gmail,团队,大量网站作为未安装的应用程序使用。 它们都仍在Edge(带有Chromium心)中运行,但是它们固定在任务栏和/或“开始”菜单上。 我团队中的一堆人不再安装Office或Teams。 他们将Office.com的所有内容都用作PWA。 我很惊讶,但是有效。

Here's some of my installed PWAs/apps:

这是我安装的一些PWA /应用程序:

Install this site as an app

If I visit Twitter.com for example and click the Circle with the Plus inside it in the URL bar, I'll see this.



Once it's "installed" I can pin it and run it and it looks like this in the taskbar. Four of these apps are PWAs with Edge. Gmail's icon is lame and old looking. They should fix that for their PWA.

一旦“安装”它,我就可以固定它并运行它,它在任务栏中看起来像这样。 这些应用中有四个是带有Edge的PWA。 Gmail的图标很la脚,看上去很旧。 他们应该为自己的PWA解决此问题。

Pinned apps with Edge



使用配置文件制作自定义固定边缘图标 (Making custom Pinned Edge icons with Profiles)

I mentioned profiles before. Here's mine. I have no idea why I bothered to hide the emails.

我之前提到过个人资料。 这是我的。 我不知道为什么我要隐藏电子邮件。

Edge profile picker

The picker is nice, but I actually wanted TWO DIFFERENT EDGES pinned to my Taskbar. A Work and a Personal Edge. I find it easier to compartmentalize and easier than switching.

选择器很好,但实际上我想将两个不同的边钉到我的任务栏上。 作品和个人优势。 我发现分隔和切换比切换容易。

UPDATE: It seems as of a recent version of Edge you can just open Edge the usual way, switch to the Profile you want, then right click the running Edge in your Taskbar and "Pin to Taskbar" and you'll get your custom Edge with the Profile Directory switch correctly configured! Super convenient. That means the manual steps below are not needed unless you want to understand the internals, add a custom switch (which can also be done from Properties), or apply a custom icon.

更新:似乎从Edge的最新版本开始,您可以按常规方式打开Edge,切换到所需的Profile,然后右键单击任务栏中运行的Edge,然后单击“固定到任务栏”,您将获得自定义的Edge配置文件目录开关正确配置! 超级方便。 这意味着除非您想了解内部结构,添加自定义开关(也可以通过“属性”完成)或应用自定义图标,否则不需要以下手动步骤。

Right click your Desktop and say New Shortcut from the right click menu.


File | New Shortcut

Put this in the location box above but change USERNAME to the right one for YOUR folder structure. And note --profile-directory. You can find your Profile folders in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge SxS\User Data. Mine are Profile 1 and 2, where 1 is my first Personal one and 2 is Work. Check yours and do the right thing. Note also the msGuidedSwitchAllowed switch that is optional. That tells you if you want Edge to suggest another profile if you visit a website that you really need your Work (or anotherr profile) logged in for.

将其放在上方的位置框中,但将USERNAME更改为您的文件夹结构的右侧。 并注意--profile-directory。 您可以在C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge SxS\User Data找到您的Profile文件夹。 我的是个人资料1和2,其中1是我的第一个个人,而2是工作。 检查您的并做正确的事。 另请注意,msGuidedSwitchAllowed开关是可选的。 如果您访问确实需要登录的工作(或其他个人资料)的网站,这会告诉您是否希望Edge建议其他个人资料。

"C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge SxS\Application\msedge.exe" --profile-directory="Profile 2" --enable-features=msGuidedSwitchAllowed

Paste this in and hit Next, then Name the shortcut. If you like, use an Icon Editor and make a custom icon overlay for your work or personal Edge so you can tell the difference! I like Liquid Icon for simple editing or Greenfish Icon Editor.

将其粘贴并单击下一步,然后命名快捷方式。 如果愿意,可以使用图标编辑器为您的作品或个人Edge制作一个自定义图标叠加层,这样您就可以分辨出区别! 我喜欢用于简单编辑的Liquid Icon或Greenfish Icon Editor。

I thought about using the Microsoft logo as an overlay for work but instead chose Beyoncé, so it's Edge for Werk.

我曾考虑过将Microsoft徽标用作工作的叠加层,但选择了碧昂斯(Beyoncé),所以它是Edge for Werk

Since it's a custom profile it can have a custom icon. Edge will make one for you you can use with YOUR face in your Profile X folder as mentioned above. Now my Desktop has two Edge icons, just like I like it.

由于是自定义配置文件,因此可以具有自定义图标。 Edge会为您打造一个,您可以如上所述在Profile X文件夹中使用您的脸部。 现在,我的桌面上有两个Edge图标,就像我喜欢的一样。

I can also have the Canary (early builds), Dev version, or Stable Edge pinned. Lots of choices.

我还可以固定Canary(早期版本),Dev版本或Stable Edge。 有很多选择。

Edge for Werk

This makes it easy for me to run and keep track of what context I'm running in when I'm using a personal machine for Work.


Also note if you go to edge://settings/profiles/multiProfileSettings you can decide which profile a new URL external link will open with! You can also turn off Auto profile switching if you like.

另请注意,如果您转到edge:// settings / profiles / multiProfileSettings ,则可以决定打开新URL外部链接所用的配置文件! 您也可以根据需要关闭自动配置文件切换。

Multiple profile preferences

All this, plus PWAs has made my browsing on Beyoncé's Internet quite nice lately.


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/how-to-make-separate-work-and-personal-profiles-with-the-new-microsoft-edge-on-beyonces-internet





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