sophie li_Google+ Plus通过不完整的Takeout迁移工具为早期采用Google Apps的人提供了Sophie的选择

sophie li

sophie li

I'm a long time Google Apps for Your Domain (GAFYD) user. That means that email, calendars, etc is all handled by Google Apps. I've got dozens of other Hanselpeople (relatives and others users) on this system and it works nicely.

我已经是Google Apps for Your Domain(GAFYD)的用户了。 这意味着hanselman.com的电子邮件,日历等全部由Google Apps处理。 在该系统上,我还有数十个其他Hanselpeople(亲戚和其他@ hanselman.com用户),并且运行良好。

When Google+ came out I signed up, but for the first several months the Google+ social network didn't allow Google Apps users to signed. Only users and folks with regular Google Profiles could sign up. So, most of us with Google Apps created temporary Google profiles or throwaway Gmail accounts in order to sign up. We were told that there'd be a migration tool "in a few weeks."

Google+推出后,我进行了注册,但是在最初的几个月中,Google +社交网络不允许Google Apps用户进行签名。 只有具有常规Google个人资料的Gmail.com用户和用户才能注册。 因此,我们大多数使用Google Apps的人都创建了临时Google个人资料或废弃的Gmail帐户以进行注册。 有人告诉我们,将在“几周内”提供一个迁移工具。

It's been almost exactly a YEAR from the first time this was announced. Last week they announced a migration tool via their "Google Takeout" system.

从第一次宣布以来,几乎已经是一年了。 上周,他们通过“ Google导出”系统宣布了迁移工具

Fast forward several months and Google has announced the migration tool for Google+ users who want to migrate to another account. The tool is under the Google Takeout system which "Google Takeout allows you to download a copy of your data stored within Google products."

很快过去了几个月,Google宣布了针对想要迁移到另一个帐户的Google+用户的迁移工具。 该工具位于Google Takeout系统下,该系统“ Google Takeout允许您下载存储在Google产品中的数据的副本。”

Unfortunately this new migration tool only supports downloading and migrating your Circles, but not your posts, comments or +1s. Compare this moving accounts or URLs under Facebook and Twitter, each of which allows you to change names without losing followers or posts/tweets/notes.

很遗憾,此新迁移工具仅支持下载和迁移您的圈子,但不支持您的信息,评论或+1。 比较一下Facebook和Twitter下的这些移动帐户或URL,您可以使用它们中的每一个更改名称而不会丢失关注者或帖子/推文/注释。

So, this means that while I can move my Google+ account and followers/encirclers over to a new account, all my posts will remain on a vestigial parallel-universe Scott Hanselman who will live forever. I've got a year of posts, great comments and thousands of +1s that are trapped in another social walled garden. I'm forever Scott Hanselman on Google+, except when I'm Scott Hanselman on Google+.

因此,这意味着我可以将我的Google+帐户和关注者/圈养者转移到一个帐户时,我所有的帖子都将保留在一个具有永久痕迹的平行宇宙Scott Scott Hanselman身上。 我有一年的帖子,精彩的评论以及成千上万的+1,它们被困在另一个带有围墙的社交花园中。 我永远是Google+上的Scott Hanselman,除非是Google+上的Scott Hanselman。

Even worse, my existing Google+/Google Profile account is already associated with all my blog's content on the Google Search Engine. This now makes one wonder if I move my existing authorship metadata to the new account will it work? Blog authors rely on rel="author" as a way to indicate their legitimate content is written by a human.

更糟糕的是,我现有的Google + / Google个人资料帐户已经与我在Google搜索引擎上的所有博客内容相关联。 现在,这使我想知道是否可以将现有的作者身份元数据移动到新帐户中,是否可以使用? 博客作者依靠rel =“ author”来表明其合法内容是由人类编写的。

I've posted my dismay on my Google+ account. Google Developer Evangelist Chris Chabot kindly responded and said:

我已经沮丧地张贴在我的Google+帐户上。 Google开发人员福音专家Chris Chabot友善回应并说:

Posts and comments are not lost, they remain as they were - what is the case is that we don't rewrite history by changing the name above those comments. ie if you commented as "Scott Hanselman" then that name will remain above the comment / posts you did.

帖子和评论不会丢失,它们保持原样-情况是我们不通过更改这些评论上方的名称来重写历史记录。 即,如果您评论为“ Scott Hanselman”,则该名称将保持在您发表的评论/帖子上方。

I imagine that otherwise it would get pretty confusing if we did try to rewrite history - for instance if someone responded to your comment and said "Hey Scott Hanselman thanks for the info!" but the comment now had "Bob" as a name on it, there's no correlation between your posts, comments and their replies anymore.

我想如果不尝试重写历史记录,那么这将变得非常混乱-例如,如果有人回答了您的评论并说“嘿斯科特·汉塞尔曼,谢谢您的信息!” 但现在评论上已冠以“鲍勃”的名字,您的帖子,评论及其回复之间不再存在关联。

So - nothing is lost or removed, there's just the side note that we also don't go back and try to rewrite every post, every reply and +mention that was ever done.


However well-meaning, I think Chris is missing the point of the audience who needs this feature. No one is trying to "rewrite history." We're just trying to move an account from one login to another. Even better if we don't need to change ANY URLs. I don't want to change URLs, move my profile or anything. I just want to login with different credentials.

无论多么善意,我都认为Chris缺少了需要此功能的观众。 没有人试图“重写历史记录”。 我们只是试图将一个帐户从一个登录名转移到另一个登录名。 如果我们不需要更改任何URL,那就更好了。 我不想更改URL,移动个人资料或其他任何内容。 我只想使用其他凭据登录。

Here's my response to Chris and Google, reprinted here.


This is a permalink issue not a "rewriting history" issue. I'm Scott Hanselman on a throwaway gmail. That's me here. I want to move to my account where ALL my social media is (until g+). That is your primary use case and primary reason a GAFYD user would move. I want to simple change my login, from my perspective. For you, it appear this is a data migration issue as you're making week-long data moves. We just want to change a profile login.

这是永久链接问题,而不是“重写历史记录”问题。 我是扔掉gmail的Scott Hanselman。 那是我在这里。 我想转到我的Hanselman.com帐户,我的所有社交媒体都在该帐户中(直到g +)。 那是您的主要用例,也是GAFYD用户迁移的主要原因。 从我的角度来看,我想简单地更改我的登录名。 对于您来说,这似乎是您进行为期一周的数据移动时的数据迁移问题。 我们只想更改个人资料登录名。

Secondarily, I've got rel=author working nicely in google today. If I move, I'll need to change my authorship and hope Googlebot notices it in a few weeks. This is a perfect example were a 301 redirect from my old profile to my new one would go a long way.

其次,我今天在rel = author上在Google上工作良好。 如果我搬家,则需要更改作者身份,并希望Googlebot在几周后注意到它。 这是一个完美的例子,如果将301从我的旧个人资料重定向到我的新个人资料会走很长一段路。

Does this help clarify my position? I'm absolutely convinced this is the primary way folks would use this migration and I can say that all my peers and folks I've talked to expected a cleaner migration.

这是否有助于阐明我的立场? 我绝对相信这是人们使用此迁移的主要方式,我可以说,与我交谈过的所有同龄人和人们都希望迁移更加干净。

I want to move from my throwaway to a paid GAFYD account and it's [not really] acceptable to have hundreds of posts laying around NOT attached to my legit and primary account.


There are also a number of unanswered questions. What if someone finds some G+ posts from the last year and encircles my OLD account? Are they redirected? Likely not. I have hundreds of links pointing to my profile on the web. Why not 301 redirect those? Or, better yet, don't change the URL!

还有许多未解决的问题。 如果有人发现去年的一些Google+帖子并包围了我的OLD帐户怎么办? 他们被重定向了吗? 可能不会。 我在网上有数百个指向我的个人资料的链接。 为什么不301重定向那些? 或者,更好的是,不要更改URL!

I believe that Google+ really needs a better system for their early adopters like myself. I've got a year worth of content and almost 40k followers on Google+ and I just want to login with my primary Google Apps account - the account I use for everything.

我相信Google+确实需要像我这样的早期采用者更好的系统。 我在Google+上拥有一年的内容和将近4万名关注者,我只想使用我的主要Google Apps帐户(我用于所有操作的帐户)登录。


sophie li

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