The Windows Terminal is free and in the Windows Store and you should go make sure you have the latest update. The v0.10 is out and it's got a number of lovely quality of life improvements, not the least of which is Mouse Support!
Windows Terminal是免费的,并且在Windows Store中,您应该确保已安装最新版本。 v0.10已经发布,并且在生活质量方面有许多改进,其中最重要的一点就是鼠标支持!
滑鼠支援 (Mouse Support)
What's that mean, doesn't it already support mice? This means Text-Mode mouse support. So your apps like tmux and Midnight Commander can receive and react to mouse events, event when you're ssh'ed in remotely! That's because it's using VT (virtual terminal) textual commands under the covers.
那是什么意思,它已经不支持老鼠了吗? 这意味着支持文本模式鼠标。 因此,您的应用程序(例如tmux和Midnight Commander)可以接收鼠标事件并对鼠标事件做出React,这些事件是您远程登录时发生的事件! 这是因为它使用VT(虚拟终端)文本命令在幕后。
Mouse Support for text mode is super useful if you use apps like Midnight Commander under Linux, or if you split plans with tmux.
如果您使用Linux下的Midnight Commander之类的应用程序,或者使用tmux拆分计划,则对文本模式的鼠标支持非常有用。

分割窗格 (Split Pane)
You can change Windows Terminal in any way with themes, colors, gifs, key bindings and more. Many of you use screen or tmux under Linux and you can and should do that.
您可以使用主题,颜色,gif,键绑定等更多方式来更改Windows Terminal。 在Linux下,许多人都使用screen或tmux,您可以并且应该这样做。
Terminal also supports splitting natively and for any shell (remember terminal != console != shell) and they just added a lovely splitMode=duplicate that makes a copy of the shell/profile in focus.
终端还支持本机拆分和任何shell拆分(请记住终端!= console!= shell ),他们只是添加了一个可爱的splitMode = duplicate,使焦点清晰的shell / profile副本。
NOTE: You might consider starting with a fresh profile if yours is getting out of control.
"keys": ["ctrl+shift+d"],
"command": {
"action": "splitPane",
"split": "auto",
"splitMode": "duplicate"
Here's my whole keybindings section right now, including the part above.
"keybindings": [
"command": "closeTab",
"keys": ["ctrl+w"]
"command": "newTab",
"keys": ["ctrl+t"]
"command": {
"action": "splitPane",
"split": "auto"
"keys": ["ctrl+|"]
"keys": ["ctrl+shift+d"],
"command": {
"action": "splitPane",
"split": "auto",
"splitMode": "duplicate"
So I can split with ctrl+shift+d and get a copy of whatever is in front. I can use ctrl+| to get my default terminal, and I can use ctrl+shift+w to close the pane in focus, while ctrl+w close the current tab. Yummy.
因此,我可以使用ctrl + shift + d进行拆分,并获取前面的内容的副本。 我可以使用ctrl + | 以获取默认终端,我可以使用ctrl + shift + w关闭焦点所在的窗格,而ctrl + w关闭当前选项卡。 好吃。
Currently, the Terminal teams says they are fixing bugs to prepare for the release of v1. Windows Terminal v1 will be released in May!
目前,终端团队表示他们正在修复错误,以准备发布v1。 Windows Terminal v1将于五月发布!
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