ken thompson_育儿秘诀:《星球大战》有声读物,家庭和叙述者马克·汤普森(Marc Thompson)

ken thompson

ken thompson

The wife and the boys and I are often in the car for 30 minutes or more, heading off to various activities or events. We live pretty far outside of town, and when we need to head into the city, it's almost an hour. While we have lots of music, discussions, and what not, the boys aren't quite ready to listen to the unfiltered news.

妻子和男孩以及我经常开车30分钟或更长时间,前往各种活动或事件。 我们住在城镇外很远的地方,当我们需要进城时,将近一个小时。 虽然我们有很多音乐,讨论内容,但除此之外,男孩们还没有准备好收听未经过滤的新闻。

My wife, out of nowhere: "Is Dagobah in Rivendell?" Me: "We made need to get a divorce."

— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)

我的妻子无所不在:“达文巴在里文德尔吗?” 我:“我们有必要离婚。”

— Scott Hanselman(@shanselman) November 19, 2012 2012年11月19日

My buddy Dennis Petersen from LEGO recommended Star Wars audiobooks as a great way to pass the time as a family. I was a little suspicious, as I've listened to a lot of Audible audiobooks and it's been hit or miss. It all comes down to having a good narrator. Also, has the producer of the audio book decided that this would be a voice actor just reading the book or is this a radio production with music, voices, and sound effects.

我来自乐高的好友丹尼斯·彼得森(Dennis Petersen)推荐《星球大战》有声读物作为打发家人时光的好方法。 我有点可疑,因为我听过很多有声读物,无论是流行还是流行。 一切都归结为一个好的叙述者。 此外,有声读物的制作人是否已决定这将是只读这本书的配音演员还是这是一部具有音乐,声音和音效的广播节目。

The Star Wars Random House audiobooks with narrator Marc Thompson are AMAZING. My family and I have listened to nearly 50 hours of them and we still have a dozen and a half to go. These audiobooks strike a great balance between a dry reading (bad) and a the sounds of a movie (over the top). Marc Thompson does ALL the voices himself, and they are spot on. From Jabba to Boba Fett, C3PO to Darth Vader, we are consistently blown away by the quality of the voices. It's not distracting at all and it makes it much easier to follow the story.

叙述者马克·汤普森(Marc Thompson)的《星球大战随机屋》有声读物令人赞叹。 我和我的家人已经听了近50个小时,我们还有15个半小时要去。 这些有声读物在枯燥的阅读(不好的)和电影的声音(在顶部)之间取得了很好的平衡。 马克·汤普森(Marc Thompson)自己动手做所有声音,而且一应俱全。 从Jabba到Boba Fett,从C3PO到Darth Vader,我们总是被声音的质量所震撼。 它一点也不会分心,它使跟踪故事变得更加容易。

You can buy any of the Star Wars audiobooks in Audible format at Amazon or as Audio CDs. You can also get them at iTunes. I recommend starting with the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force Series. The first book is #1 Betrayal. This starts 40 years the battle of Yavin when the first Death Star was destroyed. Leia and Han are married, they have two kids, and there's bunch of cool stuff going on.

您可以在AmazonAudio CD上以Audible格式购买任何《星球大战》有声读物。 您也可以在iTunes上获得它们。 我建议从《星球大战:原力系列》开始。 第一本书是#1背叛。 当第一颗死亡之星被摧毁时,这开始了亚文之战40年。 蕾娅(Leia)和韩(Han)结婚了,他们有两个孩子,并且还有很多很棒的东西。

Now at this point in the post, the non-Star Wars aficionados amongst you may have already checked out. But let me tell you this. My wife is NOT a Star Wars person. She couldn't care less. She slept through the movies. BUT, she loves these books. We'll get home from somewhere and she'll insist we sit in the driveway and finish a chapter. It's amazing.

现在,在帖子的这一点上,您当中的非星球大战爱好者可能已经签出了。 但是,我告诉你这一点。 我的妻子不是《星球大战》人物。 她不在乎。 她睡着看电影。 但是,她喜欢这些书。 我们将从某个地方回家,她会坚持要我们坐在车道上并完成一章。 太奇妙了。

The whole family has been having fun with these. It's much better (IMHO) than giving the kids an iPad or a DVD player on a long trip, and it's got us pausing the book and discussion galactic affairs with the 6 year old (who has turned out to be quite the the strategist).

全家人一直在与这些乐趣。 (IMHO)比给孩子长途旅行给他们的iPad或DVD播放器要好得多,这使我们暂停了这本书并与6岁的孩子讨论银河事务(事实证明他是一位战略家)。

Check out this YouTube video for a sense of the quality of narator Marc Thompson's amazing range. We've gotten to know him very well as a family, we think, while listening to these books.

观看此YouTube视频,以了解解说员Marc Thompson令人惊叹的音质。 我们认为,在听这些书的同时,我们已经非常了解他的家庭。

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