hyper-v 网桥_使用网桥简化网络-使FIO ActionTec MI424-WR成为网桥

hyper-v 网桥

hyper-v 网桥

I have FIOs Fiber-optic internet at my house and I'm very happy with it - have been for years. I get 35Mbit/s both up and down and it's rock solid. It's not technically all fiber of course, as the fiber goes into an ONT (Optical Network Terminal) in my garage and is changed into a COAX (Coaxial Cable) using MoCA technology, travels 50 feet, then goes into a very old ActionTec MI412-WR wireless router with 4 LAN ports. This common device is multi-function and not only changes the Coax to RJ-45 (Standard Ethernet), it acts as a LAN and Wi-Fi router, and also has been my home's DHCP server, passing out IP addresses to devices in my house.

我家里有FIO光纤互联网,对此我感到非常高兴-已经有很多年了。 我上下都达到了35Mbit / s,这真是坚不可摧。 当然,从技术上讲,这并不是全部光纤,因为光纤进入了我车库的ONT(光网络终端),并使用MoCA技术变成了COAX(同轴电缆),传输了50英尺,然后进入了非常老的ActionTec MI412-带4个LAN端口的WR无线路由器。 这种通用设备是多功能的,不仅可以将同轴电缆更改为RJ-45(标准以太网),还可以用作LAN和Wi-Fi路由器,并且还可以用作我家的DHCP服务器,将IP地址传递给我家中的设备屋。

NOTE: It may be possible to call your installer and have your ONT changed to use RJ-45, but Coax is the default for almost every installation I've seen. For most folks, it's fine. However, that Coax connection can limit our choices when adding 3rd party routers. Hence, this article.

注意:可能可以致电您的安装程序,并将您的ONT更改为使用RJ-45,但是同轴电缆是我见过的几乎所有安装的默认设置。 对于大多数人来说,这很好。 但是,在添加第三方路由器时,该同轴电缆连接会限制我们的选择。 因此,本文。

The ActionTec MI424-WR is an old but competent router, but it has a very small NAT table which can cause issues over Xbox Live or in houses with dozens of devices, like mine. It also is a router with just 10/100Mbit Ethernet connections. If you're like me and push a lot of local traffic through it or use Gigabit Ethernet you'll want to think twice between flowing your entire home's traffic through this little router. I added a gigabit switch to partition things, but this router remains a weak part of the network.

ActionTec MI424-WR是一个古老但功能强大的路由器,但它具有非常小的NAT表,可以通过Xbox Live或带有数十个设备的房屋(例如我的房屋)引起问题。 它也是仅具有10 / 100Mbit以太网连接的路由器。 如果您像我一样,通过它推送大量本地流量,或者使用千兆以太网,则需要在通过这个小路由器传输整个家庭流量之间进行三思。 我添加了一个千兆交换机来对事物进行分区,但是该路由器仍然是网络的薄弱部分。

There's a number of ways to optimize your home network when still using a mediocre router. The #1 complaint with wireless networks is wireless range. The second complaint is (perceived or otherwise) performance, both internally and externally.

当仍然使用普通路由器时,有多种方法可以优化您的家庭网络。 无线网络的第一大抱怨是无线范围。 第二个抱怨是(内部或外部)(感知的或其他)绩效。

TIP: Before you switch the ActionTec router to a bridge and possibly void warranties, here's two other options to improve your network. Otherwise, skip past these to the Bridging Instructions.

提示:在将ActionTec路由器切换到网桥并且可能会导致保修无效之前,这里还有另外两个选项可以改善您的网络。 否则,请跳过这些内容,直至进入《桥接说明》。

选项1:添加更好的无线路由器,而ActionTec仍然可以进行DHCP (Option 1: Add a better wireless router and the ActionTec still does DHCP)

I added a Netgear N600 a few years back along with a Netgear GS724T-300 24-port Gigabit Smart Switch. The N600 is powerful and faster Wireless N router for <$100. You can just disable the Wifi on your ActionTec and plug a new router into the old with a wired connection. The new router will get an IP address from the ActionTec and provide Wireless to the house. Just adding a new wireless router may be enough to get you more range without a lot of trouble.

几年前,添加了Netgear N600以及Netgear GS724T-300 24端口千兆智能交换机N600是功能强大且速度更快的Wireless N路由器,价格不到$ 100 。 您只需在ActionTec上禁用Wifi,然后通过有线连接将新路由器插入旧路由器即可。 新路由器将从ActionTec获取IP地址,并为房屋提供无线功能。 仅添加一个新的无线路由器就足以使您获得更大的覆盖范围,而不会带来很多麻烦。

选项2:在同一SSID上添加第二个无线路由器以实现双重覆盖 (Option 2: Add a second Wireless Router on the same SSID for double coverage)

I've written up this option on my blog. You can have two routers with the same wireless network SSID. Before I had the N600, I added a second wireless router on the same SSID and used it effectively as a repeater.

我已经在博客上写下了这个选项。 您可以使两个路由器具有相同的无线网络SSID。 在拥有N600之前,我在相同的SSID上添加了第二个无线路由器,并将其有效地用作中继器。

Or, you can bridge the Coax and Ethernet and disable everything else on the ActionTec, removing all but the most fundamental of its functions.


GIANT DISCLAIMER: Let's just be clear here. I'm a random dude on the Internet and I'm showing you how to mess up your router and home network. If this works for you, awesome, I take full credit. If not, we never spoke and I don't know you. I know only what I wrote here. While some of you will write me with questions, I'll apologize now, everything I know is in this post, and I can't help. If there's errors in this post, they are mine and I'll try to correct them. Mess with your home router at your own risk.

巨人免责声明:让我们在这里澄清一下。 我是Internet上的一个随机家伙,我向您展示如何破坏路由器和家庭网络。 如果这对您有用,太好了,我谨此致谢。 如果没有,我们从不说话,我也不认识你。 我只知道我在这里写的东西。 你们中的一些人会给我发问题,但现在我向您道歉,我所知道的一切都在这篇文章中,我无能为力。 如果这篇文章中有错误,它们是我的,我将尝试纠正它们。 麻烦您的家庭路由器,后果自负。

Why did I do this? I want my internet traffic flowing through fewer boxes. I also wanted better wireless coverage in the house. I wanted a new, modern router with a larger NAT table, and better management tools. I didn't want to affect my (currently) very reliable internet connection by swapping out my old but reliable ActionTec. I just wanted to remove it from the equation.

我为什么要这样做? 我希望我的互联网流量流过更少的盒子。 我还希望在家中更好地进行无线覆盖。 我想要一个新的,现代化的路由器,它具有更大的NAT表和更好的管理工具。 我不想通过换掉旧的但可靠的ActionTec来影响(当前)非常可靠的Internet连接。 我只是想从等式中删除它。

WARNING TO THOSE GEEKS IN RELATIONSHIPS: You'll work on this for a whole weekend, like I did, and when you get it all working it'll be totally awesome and you'll love everything about yourself. Then, you'll go and regale our gender-non-specific-non-geek partner with tales of your dramatic success and they will not care. In fact, ideally, they won't even know that you did anything, but perhaps they'll be able to watch House of Cards in the tub when previously they couldn't. Regardless, be prepared for the deafening silence of your non-technical partner's profound apathy.

警告有关系的人:您将像我一样在整个周末上进行这项工作,当一切顺利时,它将变得非常棒,并且您会爱上自己的一切。 然后,您将以非凡的性别和非怪胎的合作伙伴身份再见面,向您讲述您取得巨大成功的故事,他们不会在意。 实际上,理想情况下,他们甚至都不知道您做了什么,但也许他们能够在以前看不见的情况下在浴缸中观看纸牌屋。 无论如何,请为您的非技术合作伙伴的深刻冷漠沉默做准备。

新选项:将ActionTec设置为网桥,有效地将其从网络中隐藏起来,并对所有内容使用新的路由器(New Option: Make the ActionTec a Bridge, effectively hiding it from the network, and use a new Router for everything.)

First, some irony. There's two great documents at the ActionTec support website.

首先,有些讽刺。 ActionTec支持网站上有两个很棒的文档。

  • The first is called "Can I Bridge the Actiontec MI424WR FiOS Router?" and basically says "The MI424WR does not support Transparent-Bridging, and neither Verizon nor Actiontec support attempting to bridge it."

    一个叫做“我可以桥接Actiontec MI424WR FiOS路由器吗?” 并基本上说“ MI424WR不支持透明桥接,Verizon和Actiontec均不支持尝试桥接它。”

  • The second document located at the same exact website is called "Configure MI424WR as a LAN MoCA Bridge." So. Ya. Drink that in. The point is, you're basically on your own and your Internet provider won't support you if you don't use their devices

    位于相同确切网站上第二个文档称为“将MI424WR配置为LAN MoCA桥接器”。 所以。 嗯喝点酒。重点是,您基本上是一个人,如果您不使用他们的设备,则互联网提供商将不支持您

That said, here's what I did. I picked up a new Router, specifically a Linksys WRT1900AC (between US$250 and US$300) that just came out.

就是说,这就是我所做的。 我了一个新的路由器,特别问世的Linksys WRT1900AC (介于250美元至300美元之间)。

MORE WARNINGS? REALLY? When redoing your home network you'll want to be prepared to lose connectivity, freak out a little, set static IP addresses, and be prepared to reset things if it doesn't work. If you're not comfortable with any of these things, just stop now.

更多警告? 真? 重做家庭网络时,您将准备好失去连接性,有点怪异,设置静态IP地址,并准备好在无法正常工作时进行重置。 如果您对这些事情都不满意,请立即停止。

You're going to be changing your router into a Bridge and it won't be passing out IP addresses any more. You best know where you'll be getting your next IP address from.

您将要将路由器更改为网桥,并且不再分发IP地址。 您最好知道将从哪里获得下一个IP地址。

  • Set your PC to an unused static IP address within the range that your router passes out. For example. for the PC.

    在路由器通过的范围内,将PC设置为未使用的静态IP地址。 例如。 PC为192.168.1.100。
  • Login to the router's existing IP address, usually, and go to My Network, then Network Connections, then Home/Office, then Settings


Note your current router's IP address:


  • Set a static IP. You want the PC and Router to have static IPs so you don't lose connectivity between them while you're doing all these changes. Once your IP has changed, you will likely need to access your router from that new IP to finish these instructions.

    设置一个静态IP。 您希望PC和路由器具有静态IP,以便在进行所有这些更改时不会丢失它们之间的连接。 IP更改后,您可能需要从该新IP访问路由器以完成这些说明。
  • Also, disable the Wireless Access Point, you'll be using your other router soon. You only care about Ethernet and Broadband Connection (Coax).

    另外,禁用无线接入点,您将很快使用其他路由器。 您只关心以太网和宽带连接(同轴)。

Note also that my Coax and Ethernet are connected and not bridged. Ethernet and Wireless are bridged. That's the normal configuration for this router.

另请注意,我的同轴电缆和以太网已连接且未桥接。 以太网和无线进行桥接。 这是该路由器的正常配置。

  • Go back to my Network, then Settings for Broadband Connection (Coax). Go to Internet Protocol and set your Broadband Connection (Coax) to No IP Address. This step is important.
    (They are all important, but this one is doubly so.)

    返回我的网络,然后单击宽带连接设置(同轴电缆)。 转到“ Internet协议”,然后将“宽带连接(同轴电缆)”设置为“无IP地址”这一步很重要。 (它们都很重要,但是这是双重的。)

Why? That means you don't want your Coax to pick up an IP Address from the ONT. You intent to pass traffic through (bridge) the Coax to the Ethernet. Your NEW router will use the Ethernet port and pick up the external IP Address from your provider.

为什么? 这意味着您不希望同轴电缆从ONT接收IP地址。 您打算将流量通过(桥接)同轴电缆传递到以太网。 您的NEW路由器将使用以太网端口并从提供商那里获取外部IP地址

  • Go back to Configure Home/Office Network and make sure you've checked the boxes under the Bridge section, so Broadband Connection and Ethernet are both checked, as seen below. Note that Wireless is disabled.

    返回到“配置家庭/办公室网络”,并确保已选中“网桥”部分下的框,以便选中宽带连接和以太网,如下所示。 请注意,无线功能已禁用。
  • Click Apply and reboot the router.


At this point, the Coax port and the LAN 4 ports will be bridged. If you plug an Ethernet cable from the WAN port of your new router to ONE of the LAN ports of the ActionTec (and wait a while) you should see your new router pick up an external IP address. This did take about 5-10 minutes for me.

此时,同轴电缆端口和LAN 4端口将被桥接。 如果将以太网电缆从新路由器的WAN端口插入ActionTec的LAN端口之一(请稍等),您应该会看到新路由器选择了一个外部IP地址。 对我来说,这确实花费了大约5-10分钟。

NOTE: Don't forget to change your PC's network back to automatically get an IP via DHCP.


Hopefully that's reasonably clear. Here's a visual way to look at it.

希望这是合理的。 这是一种可视化的查看方式。

典型网络 (Typical Network )


桥接COAX / Ethernet +新路由器后的典型网络(Typical Network After Bridging COAX/Ethernet+ New Router)

After performing major brain surgery like this you'll need to go over EVERY DEVICE IN THE HOUSE and Release/Renew their IP Address (I recommend this, although there are technically ways around it) as well as connecting them to your new Wireless Network's SSID.

在执行了这样的大型脑部手术之后,您需要检查房屋中的每个设备并释放/更新其IP地址(尽管有技术上的解决方法,我还是建议您这样做),并将它们连接到新的无线网络的SSID 。

My shiny new router is a Linksys WRT1900AC and it's AMAZING. It's spendy, but works fantastically and is worth the premium. It's nearly doubled my effective range and includes Gigabit Ethernet ports. Everything is faster, both internal traffic, and external.

我的闪亮新路由器是Linksys WRT1900AC,真是令人惊奇。 它虽然花钱,但效果出色,值得您花一些钱。 它的有效范围几乎增加了一倍,并包含千兆以太网端口。 无论是内部流量还是外部流量,一切都更快。


I hope this guide helps someone improve their home network. Have fun!

我希望本指南可以帮助某人改善其家庭网络。 玩得开心!

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/simplifying-your-network-with-a-bridge-making-an-fios-actiontec-mi424wr-a-network-bridge

hyper-v 网桥





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