lync2010头像设置_LyncAutoAnswer.com简介-Lync 2010的开源远程工作者的自动应答信息亭



Last month I did a blog post called "Introducing Lync 2010 Super Simple Auto Answer Video Kiosk with Full Screen" where I rewrote the original Embodied Social Proxy software that I'd borrowed from Microsoft Research and just made a better "auto answer client" for Lync. (Lync being the Microsoft Unified Communications software that includes phone calls, IMs and video chats. You get Lync with Office 365.)

上个月,我写了一篇博客文章“全屏Lync 2010超级简单自动应答视频亭”,在其中重写了我从Microsoft Research借来的原始Emboded Social Proxy软件,并为其制作了一个更好的“自动应答客户端” Lync 。 (Lync是Microsoft Unified Communications软件,包括电话,IM和视频聊天。您可以通过Office 365获得Lync 。)

This auto-answer software automated the Lync client. You'd still run the Lync client and see the Lync client show up in the Windows taskbar. However, sometimes you might want a simpler "kiosk" solution where the manager end user can't even see Lync or know that it's there. Lync calls this "UI Suppressed" mode. In this mode YOU are Lync and you have to automate the entire solution, paint the video, and manage events. You are using the Lync transport but providing all the UI. The benefits of UI Suppressed mode is that the user can't mess it up or fiddle with Lync. This can be useful in CRM applications where you might want chat and video embedded in some larger system where the user doesn't need to know you're using Lync.

该自动应答软件使Lync客户端自动化。 您仍将运行Lync客户端,并在Windows任务栏中看到Lync客户端。 但是,有时您可能需要一个更简单的“信息亭”解决方案,使 管理员 最终用户甚至看不到Lync或知道它在那里。 Lync将此模式称为“ UI抑制”模式。 在这种模式下,您是Lync,您必须自动化整个解决方案,绘制视频并管理事件。 您正在使用Lync传输,但提供了所有UI。 UI抑制模式的好处在于,用户无法弄乱它或弄弄Lync。 这在CRM应用程序中非常有用,在CRM应用程序中,您可能希望将聊天和视频嵌入到某个更大的系统中,而用户无需知道您正在使用Lync。

In my case, I want people to come by my physical office in Redmond, Washington - where I am NOT - and sit down and have everything Just Work™. I decided I needed both a Kiosk and a non-Kiosk version. I started coding and realized not only that I was in over my head but also that the idea of a UI Suppression in Lync was in need of an abstraction. The ideas were high level and general but the Lync 2010 SDK code was, in my estimation, rather too low level to make it super easy. Why not wrap Lync and make a reusable library.

就我而言,我希望人们能到我不在华盛顿的雷德蒙德的物理办公室来,坐下来获得一切Just Work™。 我决定我需要亭和非亭版本。 我开始进行编码,不仅意识到自己不知所措,而且还意识到Lync中的UI抑制这一想法需要抽象。 这些想法是高级的,但很笼统,但是据我估计,Lync 2010 SDK代码的级别太低,无法使其变得非常容易。 为什么不包装Lync并创建可重用的库。

I reached out to Tom Morgan in the UK who knows Lync backwards and forwards and works for Modality Systems, a Lync and Unified Communications consultancy. I pitched him the idea - remotely, over Lync, in fact - and we got to pairing. I though it was a problem worth solving that could help not only the Lync community but also Remote Workers everywhere. Big thanks to Tom's bosses at Modality Systems for trusting Tom's judgment with this little weekend project! Feel free to thank them in Tom's blog post on the subject. ;)

与英国的汤姆·摩根(Tom Morgan)取得了联系,他对Lync有来回了解,并为Lync和Unified Communications咨询公司Modality Systems工作。 我向他提出了这个想法-实际上是在Lync上遥遥领先-我们开始了配对。 尽管这是一个值得解决的问题,但它不仅可以帮助Lync社区,而且可以为世界各地的远程工作者提供帮助。 非常感谢Modality Systems的Tom老板在这个周末小项目中信任Tom的判断! 请随时在Tom关于该主题的博客文章中感谢他们。 ;)

Tom created a project on GitHub called Lync-UISuppression-VideoAutoAnswer that includes a WPF control and Lync wrapper abstraction to make UI Suppressed Lync applications easier. Then we updated my LyncAutoAnswer GitHub project to use Tom and Paul Nerney's new library! The project now includes BOTH a UI Suppressed AND non-UI Suppressed version. Tom and friends also redesigned the UI Suppressed version to be more "kiosky" and brighter so people could walk by and immediately know if I was busy or not.

Tom在GitHub上创建了一个名为Lync-UISuppression-VideoAutoAnswer的项目,该项目包含WPF控件和Lync包装器抽象,以使受UI抑制的Lync应用程序更容易。 然后,我们更新了我的LyncAutoAnswer GitHub项目,以使用Tom和Paul Nerney的新库! 该项目现在同时包含一个UI禁止版本和非UI禁止版本。 汤姆和朋友还重新设计了“ UI抑制”版本,使其更加“ kiosky”且更明亮,以便人们可以路过并立即知道我是否忙。 (

I am happy to announce (or re-announce) the LyncAutoAnswer client at as a collaboration by Tom Morgan from Thought Stuff and Paul Nearney from CodeLync and me.

我很高兴在LyncAutoAnswer.com上宣布(或重新宣布)LyncAutoAnswer客户,Thought StuffTom MorganCodeLync的Paul Nearney以及我的合作。

Here's a few screenshots of the UI Suppressed version that you can download today to setup your own Lync based remote kiosk.


Here I'm away at a conference. Note that not only does the color change but my status message from Lync presence updated as well. The headshot comes directly from Lync and Active Directory.

在这里我要去开会。 请注意,不仅颜色会更改,而且Lync在场状态中的状态消息也会更新。 爆头直接来自Lync和Active Directory。

The general idea is simple. You create a Lync account that is NOT you; it's an account for your cart and the one you will call. Mine is called "Cart #7." I made a Domain Account that does NOT have the ability to login to a desktop. It doesn't have file system or network share access, it can only use Lync. Then I setup my remote machine to auto logon when it boots up. I also disabled it's power management and screensaver as this is a dumb kiosk.

总体思路很简单。 您创建不是您的Lync帐户; 这是您的购物车帐户,您将使用该帐户。 我的被​​称为“ 7号推车”。 我创建了一个无法登录桌面的域帐户。 它没有文件系统或网络共享访问权限,只能使用Lync。 然后,我将远程计算机设置为在启动时自动登录。 我还禁用了它的电源管理和屏幕保护程序,因为这是一个愚蠢的信息亭。

Then you change the Lync Auto Answer settings like this:


<setting name="sipEmailAddress" serializeAs="String">
<value></value> <!-- THIS IS YOU -->
<setting name="LyncAccountDomainUser" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="LyncAccountEmail" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="LyncAccountPassword" serializeAs="String">

And that's it! The kiosk does the rest. You can read more about the UI Suppressed version on Tom's blog post and the non-UI Suppressed version on my site. Also, note that UI Suppressed mode needs a registry key changed, but we include those .reg files for ON and OFF, 32- and 64-bit.

就是这样! 售货亭负责其余的工作。 您可以在Tom的博客文章中了解有关UI禁止版本的更多信息也可以在我的网站上阅读有关非UI禁止版本的更多信息。 另外,请注意,UI抑制模式需要更改注册表项,但是我们包括用于32位和64位ON和OFF的.reg文件。

Again, Big thanks to Tom, Paul, their bosses, and the spirit of open source. We look forward to redesigns, forks and pull requests as well as stories of remote work.

再次感谢汤姆,保罗,他们的老板以及开源精神。 。 我们期待着重新设计,分叉和拉取请求以及远程工作的故事。



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