变化被认为有害吗? -新的Visual Studio外观

本文作者分享了对Visual Studio 11新设计的个人看法,包括其新外观、实际功能以及对Windows应用程序设计的影响。尽管初期反馈中一些用户对颜色和图标变化感到不满,但作者强调新版本在功能和性能上都有所提升,如更快的启动速度、多处理器支持等。此外,作者认为设计趋势倾向于更简洁、专注内容的界面,而不仅仅局限于Metro风格。建议读者亲自尝试并提供反馈。

DISCLAIMER: This is my opinion. I don't work for the Visual Studio Team. If you write an article about this and quote me as "The Principal Program Manager for Something Major" then you are a silly person.

免责声明:这是我的看法。 我不在Visual Studio团队工作。 如果您撰写有关此事的文章,并引用我为“某专业的主要项目经理”,那么您就是一个愚蠢的人。

Metro All Things

The next version of Visual Studio is being worked on and the Beta is coming out soon that we'll all get to download. The Visual Studio design team put a post out today called "Introducing the New Developer Experience" and many of the comments are negative. Some folks are freaking out about the colors and the icons.

正在开发下一版本的Visual Studio,并且即将发布Beta版,我们所有人都可以下载。 Visual Studio设计团队今天发布了一篇名为“介绍新开发者体验”的文章,其中许多评论都是负面的。 有些人吓坏了颜色和图标。

Because the first blog post from Visual Studio was on the new look and feel (and because everyone is Metro-styling everything) the public perception is that no work has been happening except the icons and colors have changed.

因为Visual Studio的第一篇博客文章采用了新的外观(并且每个人都在Metro风格化),所以公众的看法是,除了图标和颜色已更改之外,没有任何工作在进行。

This is my blog, not hosted, run, organized or written by anyone but me. My post, my blog, my opinions. My initial reaction to the redesign was who moved my cheese? Why are we making everything gray? But I've been running this for a few weeks and I have some perspective even though I'm not on the Visual Studio team (I work on the web team).

这是我的博客,除我之外,没有人托管,运行,组织或编写。 我的帖子,我的博客,我的观点。 我对重新设计的最初React是谁移动了我的奶酪? 我们为什么要把所有东西变成灰色? 但是我已经运行了几个星期,即使我不在Visual Studio团队中(我在Web团队中工作),我也有一些看法。

There's basically three issues here as I see it.


  • First, the new look of Visual Studio.

    首先,Visual Studio的新外观。
  • Second, look side, what actual new features are in the new Visual Studio.

    其次,看一看,新的Visual Studio中有哪些实际的新功能

  • Last, what this new look means to Windows applications and app design in general


新面貌(The New Look)

It's dramatic. It's initially gray. There is a light theme and a dark theme. Here's the VS11 next to VS10. It's still Visual Studio, so that's something, but the skin has changed.

太棒了最初是灰色的。 有浅色主题和深色主题。 这是VS10旁边的VS11。 仍然是Visual Studio,就是这样,但是外观已经改变。


The dark theme in Visual Studio 11 looks a lot like my current Text Editor of Choice (and the new hotness everyone is talking about) Sublime Text 2. Here are the two side by side. They are pretty similar. There's only so many ways you can make a minimal UI with a text editor, line numbers, a find dialog and a scrollbar. I actually blogged about simplifying your Visual Studio 2010 a while back. Just turn the toolbars off. You don't need them. In fact, the Web Team (the team I'm on) has a simplified Code View that we've had available since VS 2010.

Visual Studio 11中的黑暗主题看起来很像我目前的“文本选择器”(以及每个人都在谈论的新热点)“ Sublime Text 2” 。 这是两个并排的。 它们非常相似。 使用文本编辑器,行号,查找对话框和滚动条,可以通过最小的方式创建最小的UI。 我实际上写了一篇关于简化您的Visual Studio 2010的博客。 只需关闭工具栏。 您不需要它们。 实际上,Web团队(我所在的团队)拥有一个简化的代码视图,自VS 2010以来我们就可以使用它。

See how Visual Studio looks very different below than it does above? It's customizable so you can get a number of weird looks. I also blogged about how to change your themes and make VS 2010 look like 2008 here. Also, did you know about http://studiostyl.es? It's a growing list of themes for Visual Studio. There's hundreds. I called some out in my Visual Studio Programmer Theme Gallery.

看看下面的Visual Studio与上面的外观有何不同? 它是可自定义的,因此您可以获得许多怪异的外观。 我还在这里写了关于如何更改主题并使VS 2010看起来像2008年的博客。 另外,您是否了解http://studiostyl.es ? 这是Visual Studio主题的不断增加。 有数百个我在Visual Studio程序员主题库中调出了一些内容。

VS11 with Dark Theme next to Sublime Text 2

In VS10, today, you can switch your IDE to Web Development (Code Only) from Tools | Export Settings | Reset and you'll get this dialog.  That will hide all your tools windows, and extra stuff in the Visual Studio you already have. This feature has been there for years because folks asked for it. This is the same list that you are offered the very first time you launch Visual Studio. It's a nice way to "tidy up" Visual Studio today. Of course you can change the colors and generally mess about as you like.

如今,在VS10中,您可以从“工具” |“工具” |“ IDE”切换到“ Web开发(仅代码)”。 导出设置| 重置,您将看到此对话框。 这将隐藏您所有的工具窗口以及Visual Studio中已有的其他内容。 这项功能已经存在多年了,因为人们要求它。 与第一次启动Visual Studio时提供的列表相同。 这是今天“整理” Visual Studio的好方法。 当然,您可以更改颜色,并且通常可以随意调整。

Pick a Code View

Here's VS11 and VS10 next to each other. VS11 shows a preview of images if you hover over it.

这是VS11和VS10彼此相邻的地方。 如果将鼠标悬停在VS11上,它将显示图像的预览。


Personally, I don't like the ALL CAPS much. I'm sure they have heard that feedback from a lot of people. That's just one man's opinion but I'm not too worried about it. I know the Visual Studio design team is collecting everyone's on their blog and I encourage you to comment there so they see it.

就个人而言,我不太喜欢全部大写。 我相信他们已经听到了很多人的反馈。 那只是一个人的意见,但我不太担心。 我知道Visual Studio设计团队会在他们的博客上收集所有人的信息,我鼓励您在此发表评论,以便他们看到

The colorful Visual Studio icons were changed to glyphs. Glyphs are apparently a designer term for icons that are not colorful. You can see a lot of glyphs at http://thenounproject.com and I used a lot in my recent Windows Phone 7 application. We're used to seeing glyphs in Windows already, like in the "tray" by the clock. (Yes I know it's not called The Tray.)

多彩的Visual Studio图标已更改为字形。 字形显然是非彩色图标的设计术语。 您可以在http://thenounproject.com上看到很多标志符号,而我在最近的Windows Phone 7应用程序中使用了很多标志符号。 我们已经习惯于在Windows中看到字形,就像在时钟旁的“托盘”中一样。 (是的,我知道它不叫托盘)。

I'd like a little color in my icons, but I don't think they all need to be full color. Just include a splash so I can tell them apart. For example, here's my copy of Adobe Audition next to Photoshop, both from my same machine. Notice that there's some color in important buttons in Audition and very very minimal color in Photoshop, but mostly grays. There's still room for splashes of color in black and white glyph style icons. The idea is to make the icon get out of the way, but also be "scannable" so that I can remember not only where it is, but if it moves still scan and get to it quickly.

我想要在图标中添加一点颜色,但是我认为它们都不需要是全彩色的。 只需加上一个飞溅,我就可以区分它们。 例如,这是我的Photoshop旁边的Adobe Audition副本,都是我的同一台计算机上的。 请注意,“试镜”中的重要按钮有一些颜色,而在Photoshop中有非常小的颜色,但大多数是灰色。 黑白字形样式图标中仍有用于颜色飞溅的空间。 这个想法是使图标摆脱干扰,而且还可以“扫描”,这样我不仅可以记住它在哪里,而且还可以记住它是否移动仍然可以扫描并快速到达它。

In Photoshop I'm editing color photos and in Audition I'm editing a colorful waveform. In both editors the UI is getting out of the way of the thing I'm editing. I like the idea of my editor being less important than the thing I'm editing.

在Photoshop中,我正在编辑彩色照片,在Audition中,我正在编辑彩色波形。 在这两个编辑器中,UI都妨碍了我正在编辑的事物。 我喜欢编辑器不如我正在编辑的东西重要的想法。

Photoshop and Audition side by side

新的功能 (New Features)

Searching for Features in VS11

There are a pile of non-UI/UX features in Visual Studio 11 that are broad and systemic changes that aren't just changing colors. I’m finding it easier to locate the commands and options I need due to the new search features and toolbar reductions I mentioned above.  I find myself exploring relationships in my code with the new Solution Explorer without having to switch tool windows like I use to. I also find that unlike in the past when the files I needed to focus on kept getting crowded out by lots of open stuff I didn’t need now I keep looking up at my open tabs and seeing only the stuff I care about. It's hard to express this without spending hours inside the IDE. There's bug fixes, speed fixes and memory fixes.

Visual Studio 11中有一堆非UI / UX功能,它们是广泛而系统的更改,而不仅仅是更改颜色。 由于上面提到了新的搜索功能和减少了工具栏,我发现更容易找到所需的命令和选项。 我发现自己可以使用新的解决方案资源管理器探索代码中的关系,而不必像以往那样切换工具窗口。 我还发现,与过去不同,当我需要集中精力处理的文件不断被我不需要的许多开放内容挤到现在时,我一直抬头查看打开的选项卡,只看到自己关心的内容。 如果不在IDE中花费数小时,很难表达这一点。 有错误修复,速度修复和内存修复。

Non-theme-related work that the UX guys are doing cleans up the UI and improve it's functionality without removing features. When you consider only the more commonly used toolbars (Standard, Debug, Text Editor, Work Item Tracking, Test Tools), they've removed 60% of the clutter and globally there's 35% fewer commands in the toolbar in VS11, but all the features are still available. The stuff that has value is up front and easier to find and the obscure stuff I can search for with one hotkey. Don't let talk of icon colors (or lack of) detract from actual thought that's been put into a developer's (in my case, a web developer's) daily workflow.

UX家伙正在做的与主题无关的工作可以清理UI并改善其功能,而无需删除功能。 当您考虑更常用的工具栏(标准,调试,文本编辑器,工作项跟踪,测试工具)时,它们已消除了60%的混乱情况,而VS11中的工具栏总体上减少了35%的命令,但是功能仍然可用。 有价值的东西放在前面,更容易找到,而我可以用一个热键搜索的东西就模糊了。 不要说图标颜色(或缺少图标颜色)会损害开发人员(在我的情况下,是Web开发人员)日常工作流程中的实际想法。

Solution Explorer and Class View are one

My team (the angle brackets folks) has talked about the features and fixes in ASP.NET, IIS and related tech on videos and tutorials up on http://asp.net/vnext and will keep updating that mini-site. All the editors have been updated with features like goto definition in JavaScript, color pictures and vendor prefixes and piles more. All added features, but done in a clean way that gives you useful functionality without adding more windows and widgets.

我的团队(尖括号成员)已经在http://asp.net/vnext上的视频和教程中讨论了ASP.NET,IIS和相关技术的功能和修复,并将继续更新该微型网站。 所有编辑器均已更新,其中包含JavaScript中的goto定义,彩色图片和供应商前缀等功能,并且还有更多功能。 所有添加的功能,但以一种干净的方式完成,为您提供了有用的功能,而无需添加更多的窗口和小部件。

CSS Color Picker

You'll get your hands on the Beta very soon. It's not too late to get or give feedback. All the teams are listening and I'm making sure that your voice (and mine) are going to the right people. To dismiss all the CLR work, the BCL work, the speed and meory footprint work over some icons is premature. Does it work?

您很快就会使用Beta。 得到或给出反馈还为时不晚。 所有团队都在倾听,并且我确保您的声音(和我的声音)传达给合适的人。 要取消所有CLR工作,BCL工作,某些图标上的速度和内存占用量工作还为时过早。 它行得通吗?

这是Metro风格吗? (Is this Metro-style?)

As far as the design, I think that there's a lot more interesting work going on in Windows application design now in everyone's applications. No, not everything is or has to be "Metro-style." It does need to be thoughtfully designed, though. We've seen that in phones and on desktops. We're starting to see applications with design at their heart.

就设计而言,我认为现在每个人的应用程序中Windows应用程序设计中还有许多有趣的工作正在进行。 不,并非所有事物都是或必须是“地铁风格”。 但是,确实需要进行周密的设计。 我们已经在手机和台式机上看到了这一点。 我们开始看到以设计为核心的应用程序。

Zune and iTunes

I'm enjoying seeing what's coming next. There's a lot of interesting conversations around the web right now about what all design thought means for Windows, for Office, and for applications in general. Ars Technica has an interesting blurb that talks about an "elegant fusion of ribbon and Metro."

我很高兴看到接下来会发生什么。 关于Windows,Office和一般应用程序的所有设计思想,现在网络上有很多有趣的对话。 Ars Technica有趣地提到了“功能区和Metro的优雅融合”。

Is Visual Studio a metro-style application now? No. Is Zune or Sublime or iTunes or Photoshop? Of course not. I think the larger more interesting discussion is an increased use of whitespace, of design languages, of "content over chrome," of fewer lines, fewer wasted pixels and clearer spaces, of form meeting function. For now, Visual Studio is Beta, and it will look likely different when it's released. But it is being designed.

Visual Studio现在是Metro风格的应用程序吗? 否。是Zune或Sublime还是iTunes或Photoshop? 当然不是。 我认为,更有趣的讨论是增加了对空白的使用,设计语言的使用,“内容超过Chrome”的使用,更少的行,更少的像素浪费和更清晰的空间,表单会议功能。 目前,Visual Studio是Beta版,发布时看起来可能会有所不同。 但是它正在设计中

The Verge has some screenshots of some early builds of Office 15 and how it might look. I like our they to use color purposefully within the design. It's early to pass judgment on any of these applications, but I think I understand what all these designers are trying to accomplish. They don't (and I don't) want color and bling and flash in the outside application chrome if it doesn't provide information about my content. It's like what Tufte says, make those pixels work for you. Sure, one can blindly "Metro-style all things" but I would rather think of it as a applying design principles like clean lines, appropriate use of whitespace and focus on the the content (in this case, code). This beta is a step in that direction. I'm sure it will improve as feedback comes in.

该边缘具有一些Office 15早期版本及其外观的屏幕截图。 我喜欢我们他们在设计中有目的地使用颜色。 现在就对这些应用程序中的任何一个做出判断还为时过早,但是我想我理解所有这些设计人员正在努力实现的目标。 如果它们不提供有关我的内容的信息,他们(并且我也不希望)在外部应用程序chrome中使用颜色,闪光和闪烁。 就像Tufte所说的,使这些像素为您工作。 当然,可以盲目“ Metro风格化所有事物”,但我宁愿将其视为一种应用设计原则,例如简洁的线条,适当地使用空白并专注于内容(在这种情况下为代码)。 该beta版朝着这个方向迈出了一步。 我相信随着反馈的到来,它会有所改善。

VS和我 (VS and Me)

There's style and there's functionality. So far I've been very happy with the functionality of VS11 and have been writing all my code in it. It opens VS2010 projects without converting and I can round-trip between VS11 and VS10SP1. I can create and target .NET 4.5 apps as well as.NET 2.0 apps. So far VS11 has been faster on my machines than VS10, and since I have more than one processor, I get multi-processor builds automatically.  The editor is fast and the builds are fast.

既有风格又有功能。 到目前为止,我对VS11的功能非常满意,并且一直在其中编写我的所有代码。 它无需转换即可打开VS2010项目,并且可以在VS11和VS10SP1之间往返。 我可以创建和定位.NET 4.5应用程序以及.NET 2.0应用程序。 到目前为止,VS11在我的计算机上比VS10更快,并且由于我拥有多个处理器,所以我会自动获得多处理器版本。 编辑器很快,构建也很快。

Target .NET 2.0 apps

It's far too early to panic. Sure, my cheese has been moved, but I can always change the colors or toolbars. I just want a faster, cleaner, more productive system that focuses on the code.

现在恐慌还为时过早。 当然,我的奶酪已经移动了,但是我可以随时更改颜色或工具栏。 我只希望有一个专注于代码的更快,更清洁,效率更高的系统。

My advice to you? Go follow the updates on the Visual Studio blog. Keep adding your comments, and check out their new Visual Studio posts each day including the one they just posted today about the Solution Explorer hub. But above all, download it on launch day, use it for a while and see what you think.

我对你的建议? 在Visual Studio博客上关注更新。 继续添加您的评论,并每天查看他们在Visual Studio上的新帖子,包括他们今天刚刚发布的有关Solution Explorer中心的帖子。 但最重要的是,在发布当天下载它,使用一段时间,然后看看您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/change-considered-harmful-the-new-visual-studio-look-and-feel





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